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Salticidae: Diagnostic Drawings Library

by Jerzy Proszynski 1999

Scopocira carinata Crane, 1945

No. 1925 British Guyana

See also color photos

1. k
2. by Crane

Source: 1. Galiano M.E. 1982a. New combinations and synonymies in Salticidae (Araneae). Bull. Br.arachnol.Soc. 5 (9): 424, f 4. With Author's and Editor's permission.
2. Crane J. 1945. Spiders of the family Salticidae from British Guiana and Venezuela. Zoologica, N. York, 30 (1, 3): 34, f 1a-e.

Copyright for the page by Jerzy Proszynski, 1999.