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Proszynski's Salticidae (Araneae)
Genera of the World

vol. I - diversity of genera

Chapter 24

informal group of genera

Correlated chapters
Check species diversity in vol. II at Aelurillines A
Check species diversity in vol. II at Aelurillines L-O
Check species diversity in vol. II at Aelurillines P-Z

As a whole, this e-book is © 2024 Jerzy Prószynski and its use and distribution is authorized unded a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International deed (CC BY 4.0). This deed also applies to illustrations within the e-book that are attributed to Jerzy Prószynski, or not attributed. The copyright for the other illustrations contained in this document are retained by the original sources, and permission for their reuse in any form must be obtained from the respective copyright holders.

Symbol of the Aelurillus

Contents of this page and facility for searching
Aelurillus Asianellus Langelurillus Langona Manzuma Mashonarus Microheros Phanuelus Phlegra Proszynskiana Rafalus Stenaelurillus

Exemplary representatives of the group
Plate 623. A-C - Aelurillus "v-insignitus" [ gray form, presumably different species!], D-F - Phlegra bresnieri [NOTE rarely visible membranous ducts attached to the pheromone exuding glands in epigyne], G-J - Aelurillus v-insignitus [black form] (G-H - male & I-J - female).
SOURCE: A-C, F - Proszynski, 1971e. Annales zoologici, 28: : 236, f 8-26, D-F - Logunov 1996. Genus, 7 (3): 562-564, f 4-5, 26, 74-80, G-J - ©Photo J. Lissner. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Group of genera AELURILLINES Prószyński, 2016
Mutual diagnostic characters of genera. Differs from all other groups of genera by coil of embolus hidden in a space between top of tegulum and wall of cymbium, with only tip emerging in front of tegulum. Tegulum in a form of strongly sclerotized, opaque shield, covering entire bulbus. Tibial apophysis short, usually biramous, with one ramus fleshy, but in Langona apophysis is single, accompanied by bunch of stiff bristles. Single apophysis occurs also in Rafalus and Stenaelurillus. Internal structures of epigyne unique but very characteristic for particular genera. Robust, terrestrial forms, chasing or ambushing.

Gen. Aelurillus Simon, 1884
Type species Aelurillus v-insignitus (74 species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Aelurillus
Plate 624. A-C, S-T - Aelurillus v-insignitus [black form], D-F - Aelurillus v-insignitus [?] [gray form], G-J - Aelurillus aeruginosus, K-L, Q-R - Aelurillus politiventris, M-P - Aelurillus kochi.
SOURCE. Proszynski, 1971d. Annales zoologici, 28: : 236, f 8-26. Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool., 2003, 53 (1): 20-22, 30-35, f 8, 13-14, 21, 27, 33, 39-42, 46-49, 53-56 61-62, 65-69, 79-81, 82-83, Q-R - .©Photo Asaf Uzan, S-T - . ©Photo J. Lissner. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
COMMENT: I have identified Aelurillus v-insignitus [?] [gray form] for the first time in 1955, using keys then available, only in 1960-ties I have seen the black form, better fitting descriptions. At that time I was too busy with other problems to do revision of both species, and was unable to continue it since. I summarized my inconclusive data in the paper Prószynski (1971d: Annales Zoologici 28: 236, f. 8-26 - Notes on systematics of Salticidae (Arachnida, Aranei). I-VI.) and gave comparative drawings of both forms, yet during 50 years nobody, to my knowledge, has attempted to clarify identification of these two species, one of the most common in Europe.

Gen. Asianellus Logunov, Heciak, 1996
Type species Asianellus festivus (6 recognizable species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Asianellus.
Plate 625. A-C, F-H - Asianellus festivus ( F-G - male, H - female), D-E - Asianellus potanini.
SOURCE. A- .Logunov, Heciak 1996. Ent. Scand. 27: 106-108, figs 1-5, 8, 10, 17-19, 23-28, 35, 39, B-E -, Proszynski 1984a. Ann. zool.: 379-389, f 15-24, Proszynski 1982. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. hung., 74: 276-277, ff. 2, 4-5, 6, 8, 10-11, F-H - ©Photo J. Lissner.. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Langelurillus Próchniewicz, 1994
Type species Langelurillus primus (21 recognizable species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Langelurillus .
Plate 626. A-B - Langelurillus primus, C - Langelurillus cedarbergensis, D - Langelurillus horrifer, E - Langelurillus sp.
SOURCE. A-B - Prochniewicz 1994. Ann. zool., 45: 28-31, figs 1a-e, 2a-e, C-D - Haddad, C. R. & Wesołowska, W. (2013) 485, f. 57-62, D - Rollard, Wesolowska 2002. Zoosystema. 24 (2): 29-298, figs 11Plate 63X. A-B, E - Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 116. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Langona Simon, 1901
Type species Langona redii (46 species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Langona.
.Plate 627. A-G - Langona redii, H-K, M-N - Langona oreni, L - Langona bhutanica.
SOURCE. Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 51: 82-84, figs 309-314, 322-324. L - Prószyński, J. (1978a), M-N - ©Photo Oren Hasson, 0 - ©Photo B. Knoflach]. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Manzuma Azarkina, 2020
Type species Manzuma nigritibia (7 species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Manzuma
Plate 627. Aelurillus nigritibiis Prószyński, 1987: 1,------ Manzuma nigritibia Azarkina, 2020: 27, f. 131-153
Plate 627. ATTENTION: Minor color pattern differences in Yemeni & Ethiopian specimens - are they conspecific?
Plate 627. Manzuma nigritibia Azarkina, 2020: 27
Plate 627. Manzuma nigritibia Azarkina, 2020: 27, f. 131-153 (mf, T from Rafalus, S of Aelurillus reconditus).
SOURCE:Azarkina, G. N. (2020). Manzuma gen. nov., a new aelurilline genus of jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 611: 1-47. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Gen. Mashonarus Wesolowska, Cumming, 2002
= Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 (Logunov & Azarkina, 2018: 4)
Type species Mashonarus guttatus (3 species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Mashonarus
DIAGNOSIS.Confront to general characteristics of AELURILLINES which have the whole bulbus covered by opaque sclerotized tegulum and a coil of embolus hidden behind anterior part of tegulum, from where only its tip protrudes. Bulbus usually ends posteriorly by sharp pointed triangle, sometimes with narrow "tail". There is often also a small, conical protuberance ("bump") on tegulum. Tibial apophysis is short and robust, sometimes sclerotized and hook like, often accompanied dorsally by fleshy protuberance. Female epigyne, usually in a form of sclerotized flat plate, with indistinct, small copulatory openings, but often with sclerotized "wings" or edges, sclerotized chambers of spermathecae in a form of a pair of compact bodies with convoluted internal chambers, or a chain of irregular chambers. Copulatory ducts are sclerotized, or short and indistinct, even invisible.
More detailed features of the genus include tibial apophysis single, short and gently bent, bulbus narrow. Epigyne different, with simple, oval spermathecae and short straight ducts, both arranged transversally, in the mid-length of epigyne. Body black, with pair of white streak on abdomen, which in the type species is broken into pairs (two or three) of round white dots, there is a pair of white streaks on carapace.
Mashonarus guttatus Wesolowska W,. Cummings 2002. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 12 (4): 167-170, figs 1-19. By courtesy.

Gen. Phanuelus Caleb & Mathai, 2015
Type species Phanuelus gladstone (1 species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Phanuelus
Plate 633. Phanuelus gladstone Caleb & Mathai, in Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015: 7, f. 26-46.
SOURCE. Caleb, J. T. D., Mungkung, S. & Mathai, M. T. (2015). Four new species of jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) with the description of a new genus from South India. Peckhamia 124.1: 1-18. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
COMMENT: Classification uncertain: stout body shape, cephalothorax high, dorsally flat - ending abruptly passing into vertical, concave wall (resembling cephalothorax in Pystira or Coccorchestes), with proportionately short but robust legs, male leg third femur distinctly longer, suggests rather jumping adaptation - would fit Euophryines, while robust palp with convex bulbus, covered entirely with thick, uniform tegument, also lack of visible meandering spermophor strikingly resembles Aelurillus. Epigyne very different from complicated internal structures of Aelurillines, with seemingly simple loops of sclerotized copulatory ducts, could be compared only with Stenaelurillus, but is strikingly different from rather cursorial shape of body in the latter genus.

Gen. Phlegra Simon, 1876
Type species Phlegra fasciata (77 recognizable species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Phlegra .
Plate 631. .A, C, D-F - Phlegra fasciata, B - same, embolus siting on distal haematodocha, P8 - same, epigyne. G-U - Phlegra amitai, .J-N - Phlegra bresnieri Figure - .O-Q - Phlegra yaelae , R-S - Phlegra particeps, T-V -Phlegra kulczynskii, W-X - Phlegra jacksoni. (Attention - external appearance without white stripes is mutual for a number of species).
SOURCE. A, C - Zabka 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 5-187, f 259-264, B - Logunov 1996d. Genus, 7 (3): 544-547, f 1, 2; 562-564, f 4-5, 26, 74-80, D-F - ©Photo J. Lissner, G-I, O-S, W-X - Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 53, 1: 135, f 510-515, 516-518, 536-542 , T-U - Azarkina 2003. Rev. Arachn. 14, (6): 90-95, f. 54-56. 87-90, 101. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Proszynskiana Logunov, 1996
Type species Proszynskiana starobogatovi. (6 recognizable species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Proszynskiana
Plate 632. A-B, 9-10 - Proszynskiana starobogatovi, C - facial color pattern in: 5-6 – P. zonshteini, 7-8 – P. iranica, 9-10 - P. starobogatovi, 11-12 – P. deserticola.
SOURCE. Logunov D. V. 1996e. Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. 10 (5): 175-176, f 1-2, 9-10, 13-14, 39, 47-53. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Rafalus Prószynski, 1999
Type species Rafalus christophori (9 species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Rafalus .
Plate 633. A-B, F -.Rafalus christophori, C - .Rafalus "christophori" [?], D, G - Rafalus insignipalpis,, E - Rafalus sp. from Elat, H - Rafalus desertus - male, I - Rafalus arabicus - female.
SOURCE. A-F - Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.. 53, 1: 135, f 536-542; 165, f. 652-653, G - © Photo by B. Knoflach, H-I - © Photo by Wesolowska, van Harten. UAE, 2010: 3: 51, pl 20-21, f 67-73; 55, pl 22, f 74-75. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Stenaelurillus Simon, 1881
Type species Stenaelurillus nigricaudus (63 recognizable species)
Check species diversity in vol. 2 at Stenaelurillus .
Plate 634. A-C - Stenaelurillus nigricaudus, D-E - Stenaelurillus mirabilis , F-H - Stenaelurillus lesserti, .I - Stenaelurillus sp. from India, J - Stenaelurillus sp, from Ghana, K-N - Stenaelurillus fuscus.
SOURCE. A- Berland, Millot 1941: 12, 2: 313, f 14, B-C - Wesołowska W. 2014. ©Zoosystema 36 (3): 610-612, f 9, D- E - Wesolowska W., A. Russel-Smith. 2000. Trop. Zool., 13 (1): 102, f 281-289,F-H - ©Photo J. Caleb, I - ©Photo Marashetty Seenappa, J - ©Photo T. Szuts, K-L - Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630:  100-102 , f. 40–42, 43. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Stenaelurillus brandbergensis Wesolowska, Cumming, 2002
( syn. Mashonarus brandbergensis)
Type species Mashonarus guttatus (3 recognizable species in Mashonarus )
Plate 628. A-D - Mashonarus guttatus, E-G - Mashonarus brandbergensis.
SOURCE. A-D - Wesolowska W,. Cummings 2002. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 12 (4): 167-170, figs 1-1m, E-G - Wesolowska, 2006 Wesolowska W. 2006b. African Ent., 14 (2): 239-243, f 63-64. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Plate 628. Stenaelurillus brandbergensis: Logunov & Azarkina, 2018: 28, f. 90-104 (mf, T from Mashonarus)..
SOURCE. Logunov, D. V. & Azarkina, G. N. (2018). Redefinition and partial revision of the genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 430: 1-126. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Stenaelurillus termitophagus (Wesolowska, Cumming, 1999)
Type species Microheros Wesolowska, Cumming, 1999
Plate 629. A-B - Microheros termitophagus.
SOURCE. Wesolowska. Cumming 1999. Bull. British arachn. Soc., 11 (5): 204-208, figs 1-21 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
COMMENTS. Palp resembles Stenaelurillus (above), color pattern repeats in various unrelated genera, for instance Phlegra, internal structure of epigyne - no clear similarities found yet.
Plate 629. 47-478 Stenaelurillus termitophagus: Logunov & Azarkina, 2018: 105, f. 4-7, 11, 18-19, 472-487 (mf, T from Microheros).
SOURCE. Logunov, D. V. & Azarkina, G. N. (2018). Redefinition and partial revision of the genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae). European Journal of Taxonomy 430: 1-126. . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.