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Proszynski's Salticidae (Araneae)
Genera of the World

vol. II - species attachments

Chapter 46-a

species attachments

Correlated chapter in vol. I
Species diversity in ASEMONEINES
As a whole, this e-book is © 2024 Jerzy Prószynski and its use and distribution is authorized unded a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International deed (CC BY 4.0). This deed also applies to illustrations within the e-book that are attributed to Jerzy Prószynski, or not attributed. The copyright for the other illustrations contained in this document are retained by the original sources, and permission for their reuse in any form must be obtained from the respective copyright holders.

symbol of the supragroup LYSSOMANOIDA
Contents of this page and facility for searching
Type genus: Asemonea Goleba Hindumanes Macopaeus Pandisus


LYSSOMANINES are defined by arrangement of eyes in four rows and by numerous separate teeth on inner posterior margin of chelicerae. Use of palp structures for identification require additional comparative research, internal structures of epigyne are simply unknown for majority of species. The genera may be provisionally separated by their external appearance. Drawings below are integral part of the definition.
REMARKS. Eyes arrangement in four rows occurs also in genera not related to LYSSOMANIDAE: Athamas and Leptathamas belongs to EUOPHRYINES, placement of Orthrus is unclear. For details of diagnostic characters - see comparison of species within particular genera. For different opinions see Maddison 2015.

Guide for identification of genera by general appearance

Gen. Asemonea Pickard-Cambridge O., 1869
Type species Asemonea tenuipes (22 species)
Compare genera diversity in vol. I at Asemonea
>+ b) c)
Asemonea tenuipes +b) serrata +c) pallida :: Peckham, Peckham, Wheeler 1889: 243, pl. 12, f. 5, 19 + Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas: 3. + ©Photo R.R.Jackson, 2000. +Wesolowska W. 2001b. Genus, 12(4): 581-582, f 11-14 + 582, figs 15-20. By courtesy.
Asemonea amatola +b) cuprea :: Wesołowska & Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 182-184, f 2, 30, 31 +b)Wesołowska, 2009. African zoology 44(1): 126-128, f 1-7 . By courtesy.
b)+ +
Asemonea flava +b) murphyae :: Wesolowska W. 2001b. Genus, 12(4): 578-579, figs 1-4 +b) 579-581, figs 5-10 + Wesołowska & Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 185, f 34. + ©Photo John and Frances Murphy. By courtesy.
Asemonea virgea +b) crinita +c) liberiensis : Wesolowska W., Szuts T. 2003a.64: 59-62, figs 1-7 +b) Wanless1980d. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 (4): 234, ff. 14A-E +c) 227-228, f. 8a-c. By courtesy.
Asemonea cristata +b) fimbriata +c) maculata : Wanless1980d.Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 (4): 242, f. 19A-E +b) 229-230, ff. 10a-f +c) 233-234, f. 13a-e. By courtesy.
b)c) d)+
Asemonea minuta +b) ornatissima +c) picta +d) pinangensis:: Wanless1980d.Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 (4): 228-229, ff. 9a-e +b) 239-240, ff. 17A-D. +c) 243, f. 20A-C. +d) 244, ff. 21a-e. By courtesy.
Asemonea pulchra+b) serrata +c) sichuanensis +d) trispila:: Wesołowska, Edwards 2012. Ann. zool.: 62(4): 734, f 1–4 +b) Wanless1980d.Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 (4): 234, f. 15A-H +c) Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: 505, figs 288 K-L +d) Tang G., Yin C., Peng X. 2006. Acta zootaxonomica sinica, 31: 547-548, f 1-3.. By courtesy.
+ +
Asemonea stella [from Africa]+b) [from Australia] ::Wanless1980d.Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 39 (4): 237, f.16a-f + Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. 2000. Tropical Zool., 13 (1): 16-19 , figs 14-17+ Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. African Invertebrates, 50(1): 21, 14-15.+b) Szuts 2000. Folia entom. hungarica, LXI: 61-63, figs 1-6. By courtesy.
Asemonea tanikawai : Ikeda, 1996. Acta arachn., 45(2):113-117, figs 1-11 + Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas: 3 + ©Photo Akio Tanikawa. By courtesy.
Asemonea clara : Wesołowska, Haddad, 2013: 54 (1): 184-185, f 32-33. By courtesy.

Gen. Goleba Wanless, 1980
Type species Goleba puella (4 species).
Compare genera diversity in vol. I at Goleba.
Goleba puella +b) sp. :Wanless 1980d. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool), 39 (4): 246-249, f. 22A-E; 23A-C; 29 + Wesolowska, Haddad 2009. African Invertebrates, 50(1): 38, f 53-61 + + ©Photo R.R. Jackson, By courtesy.
Goleba jocquei : Szuts T. 2001. Annls Mus. R. Afr. Centr. (Zool.). 285: 111-116, figs 1-7. By courtesy.
Goleba pallens +b) punctata. : Wanless 1980d. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool), 39 (4): 249-250, ff. 24A-H + Saaristo M.I. 2010: 181, 27.37-42 +b) Wanless 1980d. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool), 39 (4): 249-250, ff. 24A-H. By courtesy.
Goleba lyra : Maddison, Zhang J. 2006 . Zootaxa 1255: 30, illustrations 1-7. . By courtesy.

Gen. Hindumanes Logunov, 2004
Type species Hindumanes karnatakaensis (1 species).
Compare genera diversity in vol. I at Hindumanes.
Hindumanes karnatakaensis : Logunov D.V. 2004c. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 13 (3): 73-75, f. 1-3. By courtesy.

Gen. Macopaeus Simon, 1900
Type species Macopaeus spinosus (1 species).
Compare genera diversity in vol. I at Macopaeus.
Macopaeus spinosus :Wanless F.R. 1980a. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.)., 38 (4): 220, ff. 1A-F. By courtesy.

Gen. Pandisus Simon, 1900
Type species Pandisus scalaris(6 species)
Compare genera diversity in vol. I at Pandisus.
Pandisus scalaris +b) decorus +c) indicus:Wanless 1980d. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 39 (4): 219, f. 3 +b) 221-222, f 5a-g +c) Proszynski 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 194, f 24, 27-28 . By courtesy.
Pandisus modestus +b) parvulus +c) sarae: Wanless 1980d. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 39 (4): 222-224, f 6A-D +b) 225, f 7A-E +c) 219-221, f 4a-j . By courtesy.
Lyssomaneae : - characters used by Simon 1901a.