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Proszynski's Salticidae (Araneae)
Genera of the World

vol. II - species attachments

Chapter 64a

species attachments
Version July 1st, 2016

Correlated chapter in vol. I
Genera diversity in HOLOPLATINES

As a whole, this e-book is © 2024 Jerzy Prószynski and its use and distribution is authorized unded a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International deed (CC BY 4.0). This deed also applies to illustrations within the e-book that are attributed to Jerzy Prószynski, or not attributed. The copyright for the other illustrations contained in this document are retained by the original sources, and permission for their reuse in any form must be obtained from the respective copyright holder.

symbol of the supragroup CHRYSILLOIDA
Contents of this page and facility for searching
Type genus: Holoplatys. Ananeon, Chinattus, Habrocestoides , Holoplatys, Mopsolodes, Mopsus, Ocrisiona, Orienticius, Phaulostylus, Phausina, Sandalodes, Urogelides, Uxuma, Zebraplatys.
Informal group of genera HOLOPLATINES
Type genus Holoplatys, type species: Holoplatys planissima.
Mutual diagnostic characters of genera. Recognizable by characteristic anteriorparts in male palpal organ consisting of 1 - sclerotized embolus running transversally and bending twice, 2 - fleshy and broad basis of embolus, 3 - anterior edge of bulbus with translucent strikingly part of a loop of spermatophore, located at the middle of cymbium. The embolus arises transversally from a side of basis and stretch, tightly pressed, until middle of cymbium, then turn abruptly anterior wards (see palps of genera below), it may be hair-like narrow (as in Mopsus mormon, or Ocrisiona leucocomis) or broad (as in Zebraplatys fractivittata). Epigyne consist of simple, sclerotized spermathecae and short membranous ducts (as in Holoplatys planissima), but forming sometimes complicated loops (as in Habrocestoides bengalensis), or compact and extremely sclerotized structure (as in Chinattus szechwanensis). Body appear elongate and flat.
Guide to identification of genera by male palps
Guide to identification of genera by internal structure of epigyne
Guide to identification of genera by external appearance of epigyne
Guide to identification of genera by body shape and color pattern

Gen. Ananeon Richardson, 2013
Type species Ananeon howardensis (1 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Ananeon
Ananeon howardensis M + F? : Richardson 2013. Australia. Zootaxa 3716 (3): 462-463, f 2–10. © 2013 Magnolia Press + ©Photo R. Whyte. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Chinattus Logunov, 1999
Type species Habrocestoides szechwanensis. (22 species)
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Chinattus
DIAGNOSIS. HOLOPLATINES type of palpal organ with basis of embolus covering diagonally bulbus and narrowing anteriorly, anterior part of that basis is plate like, turned medialwards at the anterior edge of bulbus. Embolus short, claw-like, set transversally and bent anteriowards near mid line of bulbus. Posterior edge of epigyne triangular (more or less) with strange small circular structure, considered by Logunov 1999: 142 as modified epigynal pocket, structure of spermatheca and ducts not yet sufficiently understood. Palp and epigyne resembling Habrocestoides.
Chinattus sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 101. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Chinattus szechwanensis : Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool., 44, 8: 94, f 22-27 +b) Reasons for synonymy with H. undulatus Song et al 1999: 512, f 298 G, N. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Chinattus furcatus +b) validus : Xie L., Peng X. 1995. Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 10(2): 59, f. 12-16 +b) .62, f 35-38 +c) 44, 8: 94, f 22-27 + Explanation of reasons for generic transfer -Logunov 1999a.
Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 147.
Chinattus parvulus : Paquin, Duperre 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 194, figs 2160-2162. +b) Richman 1981b. Bull. AMNH., 170 (1): 204, f. 6, 24-28. + Edwards 2002a. Ins. Mundi 16 (1-3): 68, f 1-4.
All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Chinattus undulatus : Song & Chai, 1992: 79, f. 5A-C (original description) + Song, Zhu, Chen 1999. 512, fig. 298G, N. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Captions and comments on Chinattus from another file - to be checked and rewritten
Plate XXX. A-C, N - Chinattus szechwanensis, D - Chinattus sp.:[identification not confirmed by genitalic documentation], E - "Heliophanus"undulatus - in original original publication, G - Chinattus undulatus, N - in subsequent publication addition of male Chinattus szechwanensis [N - attempted - but not accepted synonymy ]. .
SOURCE: A-C - Proszynski 1992a. Annales Zoologici, 44, 8: 94, f 22-27, 015, D -© Photo Maddison (2015). Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 101. G - Song et al 1999: 512, f 298 G, N.All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
ATTENTION: Chinattus wengnanensis: Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 62-65. f. 13;14, 43 Require checking!
Nomenclatorical corrections: Chinattus undulatus separated from Chinattus szechwanensis.
Chinattus undulatus (Song & Chai, 1992) is an unrecognizable species defined by doctored documentation in Song, Zhu & Chen, (1999: 512, f. 298 G, N) showing in fact:
- 1) unidentifiable epigyne of Heliophanus undulatus Song & Chai, 1992 (Fig. G ) collected in Hubei Province
- 2) lateral view of palp of Chinattus szechwanensis (Prószyński, 1992) (Fig. N - in fact a non-acknowledged copy of drawing by Prószyński 1992a: 94, f. 22-27). collected in the outskirts of the Tibet Plateau in Sichuan Province, the distance on map between these localities is more than 1000 km. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chinattus caucasicus Logunov, 1999 . Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 146-147, figs 40-47. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Chinattus emeiensis Peng X., Xie L., 1995a. + Xie L., Peng X., Kim, 1993 - Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 10(2): 58-59, 8-11. , 11 (4): 148 + 59, f. 12-16. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Chinattus sinensis: Prószynski,1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 8: 94, fig. 16-21 + Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bul. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 10(2): 59-58, 17-22 ff.
Chinattus wengnanensis: Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 62-65. f. 13–14, 43. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Chinattus [?] logunovi Wang, Li & Pham, 2023.
Plate XXX. 141- b, c, d. Chinattus logunovi Wang, Li & Pham, 2023: 124, f. 3A-D, 4A-G (Dmf). SOURCE: Wang, C., Li, S. Q. & Pham, D. S. (2023). Thirteen species of jumping spiders from northern Vietnam (Araneae, Salticidae). ZooKeys 1148: 119-165. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
COMMENT. I am not sure this species is congeneric with the type species Chinattus szechwanensis: there is no double bent shape of embolus - broad basis bents (at the level of top of bulbus). However location of accessory gland in more complicated spermatheca - agrees.

From Iran)
from Bhutan)
Chinattus sp [unpublished and unnamed]: Iran + Bhutan (col. Martens). Drawn by Prószynski, 0.

Gen. Habrocestoides Proszynski, 1992
Type species Habrocestoides bengalensis (6 species)
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Habrocestoides
DIAGNOSIS. Basis of embolus gradually narrowing, not broadened plate like, inclined and passing into embolus, continuing inclined course, but not bent claw-like. Like in Chinattus the posterior edge of epigyne triangular (more or less) with strange small circular structure, considered by Logunov 1999: 142 as modified epigynal pocket.
Habrocestoides bengalensis : Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool.,44, 9: 174-176, figs 38-42 + Logunov 1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 147.
Habrocestoides indicus: Prószynski,1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 176, figs 44-47 + Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bul.Brit. Arachn. Soc., 10(2): 59-58, 17-22 ff.
Habrocestoides ?] maureri : Freudenschuss, in press. Seiter Philippines-Samar. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Habrocestoides micans +b) pulchokiensis : Logunov D.V. 1999. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 143-144, figs 22, 23, 28-31 +b)144-145, figs 35-39. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Habrocestoides nitidus : Logunov 1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 144, figs 1, 3-5, 17, 18, 32-34. . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Habrocestoides darjeelingus Logunov, 1999 . Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 142-143, figs 6-9, 24-27. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Habrocestoides tibialis +b) taiwanensis : Zabka 1985. Ann. zool. 39 (11): 430, ff. 442-443 + Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc. 10(2): 1995: 60, f 23-28 + Reasons for generic transfer -Logunov 1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 147 +b) Bao Y., Peng X.J. 2002. Zool. Stud. 41 (4): 404-405, figs 1-5. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Habrocestoides chichila +b) geminus +c) dactyloides: Female apparently Habrocestoides, male mismatched and misclassified - Logunov 2003. Genus, 14 (4): 581-584, figs 1-6. +b) Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: The Spiders of China: 512, figs 298A-B +c) Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bulletin British Arachnological Society, 10(2): 1995: 57-58, 1-7 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
c) +
Habrocestoides wulingensis +b) wulingoides : Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc, 10(2): 62, f 39-43. +b) 63, f 44-47 +c) 44, 8: 94, f 22-27 + Explanation of reasons for generic transfer -Logunov 1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 148.
(from Nepal)
Habrocestoides sp [unpublished and unnamed]: from Nepal (col. Martens). Drawn by Prószynski.

Gen. Holoplatys Simon, 1885
Type species Holoplatys planissima (40 species)
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Holoplatys
> c)d)
Holoplatys planissima +c) mascordi +d) julimarina +b) sp. : Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 200, f 2G, 24A-C, 25A-C, 26A-C, 27A-E + 213, f 2F, 37A-F + 235, f 2T, 56A-C, 57A-D +b) ©Phot: G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys invenusta + bicoloroides: Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 235, ff. 2T, 56A-C, 57A-D + 233, ff. 55A-C .
Holoplatys apressus + bicolor : Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 182, ff. 2D, 8A-C, 9A-C + 213, f 2F, 37A-F + 43: 233, ff. 2S, 53A-D, 54A-C + ©Photo Robert Whyte., 2010. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
+ + +
Holoplatys borali + H. braemarensis + bramptonensis + canberra : Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 238, ff. 58A-C + 216, ff. 38A-C + 189, ff. 15A-C + 187, ff. 13A-C. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys carolinensis [MISPLACED!] + RELATED sp. n [undescribed, same collection] : Berry, Beatty, Prószynski, 1996 J. Arachnology. Vol. 24(3): 236-238, figs 74-83. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Proszynski 2003b. Compare palp in Evarcha flavocincta group of species!
Holoplatys chudalupensis + colemani + complanata + complanatiformis : Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 218, f 2L, 41A-C + 184, ff. 2C, 10A-C, 11A-C + 235, f 2T, 56A-C, 57A-D + 186, ff. 12A-C.
Holoplatys daviesae + H. dejongi + desertina + embolica + grassalis Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 220, ff. 2M, 43A-E + 213, f 2F, 37A-F +219, ff. 42A-C + 224, ff. 2P, 46A-C + 217, ff. 2K, 40A-C. ©Phot:G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys fusca + H. jardinensis + kalgoorlie + kempensis Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 207, ff. 2J, 31A-C, 32A-C, 31A-C, 34A-C. + 187, ff. 14A-C.+ 235, f 2T, 56A-C, 57A-D + 223, ff. 20, 45A-C. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys lhotskyi Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 225, ff. 2Q, 47A-D, 48A-C + 213, f 2F, 37A-F + 235, f 2T, 56A-C, 57A-D. ©Photo M. Stevens. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys meda + minuta + panthera + pedder + pemberton Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 192, ff. 17A-C + 229, ff. 50A-C + 228, ff. 49A-C + 180, ff. 2B, 7A-C + 212, ff. 2I, 35A-C, 36A-C. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys queenslandica + rainbowi + semiplanata Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 191, ff. 16A-C + 213, f 2F, 37A-F + 193, ff. 2E, 18A-C, 19A-C, 20A-C . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Holoplatys strzeleckii + tasmanensis + windjanensis Zabka 1991. Rec. Austr. Mus., 43: 201, ff. 2H, 28A-C, 29A-C+ 206, ff. 30A-C + 198-199, ff. 23A-C. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Kelawakaju Maddison & Ruiz, 2022
Type species Kelawakaju mulu (6 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Kelawakaju
Plate XXX. Kelawakaju mulu Maddison & Ruiz, in Maddison et al., 2022: 85, f. 2, 5, 10, 16-20, 23-28. Malaysia (Borneo) - bark-dwelling. SOURCE: Maddison, W. P., Ruiz, G. R. S., Ng, P. Y. C., Vishnudas, E. H. & Sudhikumar, A. V. (2022). Kelawakaju gen. nov., a new Asian lineage of marpissine jumping spiders (Araneae, Salticidae, Marpissina). ZooKeys 1130: 79-102 All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy. Copyright Wayne P. Maddison et al. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).

COMMENT, According to Maddison et al. 2022 these spiders represent "...bark-dwelling Asian marpissine jumping spiders that represent a dispersal to Eurasia, separate from that of the Marpissa-Mendoza lineage,""...Salticoida: Marpissoida:: Dendryphantini: Subtribe Marpissina".
According to Prószyński: possibly (!) HOLOPLATINES
- while body shape (not so rare in Salticidae!) resembles some Mendoza, genitalic characters are not! Attention: internal structure of epigyne of belonging 6 species, drawn by several artists - hardly comparable.

Gen. Mopsolodes Zabka, 1991
Type species Mopsolodes australensis (2 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at "Mopsolodes
Mopsolodes australensis Zabka, 1991b. Mem. Queens. Mus. 30: 623, f 1A-E, 2A-B. ©Phot: R. Whyte. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Mopsolodes furculosus Gardzinska J. 2012. Genus Vol. 23(1): 12-14, f 1-13. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Mopsus Karsch, 1878
Type species Mopsus mormon (1 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Mopsus
Mopsus mormon Type species Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas ..: 167.Holotype, # 2613 Mus. Berlin. .Davies, Zabka 1989. Mem. Queens. Mus.: 250, 251, t 51. ©Phot: R. Whyte. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Ocrisiona Simon, 1901
Type species Ocrisiona leucocomis (13 species)
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Ocrisiona
Ocrisiona leucocomis: Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queens. Mus.,27(2): 263, t 62. ©Phot: G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Ocrisiona eucalypti + koahi + melancholica + melanopyga + parmeliae: Zabka 1990a. Rec. Austral. Mus. 42: 41-41, f 10a-c + 40-41, f 9a-c +37-40, f 7a-e, 8a-c +36-37, f 6a-e.. ©Phot: G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Ocrisiona victoriae + O. yakatunyae : Zabka 1990a. Rec. Austral. Mus. 42: 35-36, f 5a-c + 43, f 11a-c. ©Phot: G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
b)c)d) e)
Ocrisiona aerata +b) cinerea +c) liturata +d) parallelestriata +d) frenata: Koch L.1879 : 1117 t 97, f 6 + 1112, t 97, f 3 +1103, t 96, f 6 + 1121, t 91, f 8 +e) Simon E. 1901a: 595, f 730 (= M). All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Orienticius Prószyński, 2016
Type species Orienticius vulpes (2 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Orienticius
Early synonyms: Attus vulpes Grube, 1861: 23 (D),
Pseudicius orientalis Kulczynski, 1895d: 59, pl. 2, f. 12-14 (Dmf), Euophrys undulatovittata Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 339, pl. 14, f. 376 (Dm), Euophrys breviaculeis Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 340, pl. 14, f. 387 (Dm),
Breda lambda-signata Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 345, pl. 9, f. 136, pl. 13, f. 352 (Dmf).
Pseudicius vulpes: Prószyński, 1971: 220, f. 30-36 (Tm from Attus=Salticus, where "nicht zu deuten!" per Roewer, Sf).
Folowed by 40 citations of the above combination.
ETYMOLOGY. Name combines words Pseudicius and orientalis, grammar gender assumed masculine.
Diagnosis. Differs from Pseudicius by absence of the row of stridulatory bristles on protuberances below eyes lateral, lack of modification of tibia I, legs I not particularly enlarged. Structure of embolus excludes it from the genus Icius, with basis of embolus turning medial-wards, embolus bent, originally directed medially but shortly turned anteriorwards - reminding distantly that structure in Chinattus Logunov, 1999. Epigyne transversally oval, with a pair of medium size grooves, separated by narrow septum. Narrow pockets translucent under posterior edge of epigyne. Spermathecae set transversally, ducts narrow but not membranous, joining spermatheca in the middle of its length, next running straight anteriorly, towards small, round copulatory openings.
Resembles several HOLOPLATINES from Sri Lanka and Australia.
Remark. Classified by majority of authors, following Kulczyński's 1895 description, as Pseudicius, absence of key features of Pseudicius was confirmed recently by G.N. Azarkina - personal communication.

DISTRIBUTION. Asiatic Russia: Far East and Baikal area, China, Korea, Japan.
COMPOSITION. Orienticius chinensis (Logunov, 1995) comb. n., O. vulpes (Grube 1861) comb. n.

Orienticius vulpes: Proszynski J. 1971d. Annales zoologici, 28: 220, f 30-32 + ©Photo Ono, Ikeda, Kono . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy
Orienticius chinensis Logunov 1995a. (comb. n.) Zoosystematica Rossica, 3, 2: 242, f 28, 29, 31. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Phaulostylus Simon, 1902
Type species Phaulostylus furcifer (4 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Phaulostylus
Phaulostylus furcifer + P. grammicus Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 105 + . Simon E. 1903a. Histoire Naturelle des Araignees: 726, f 872 (= C-D).

Gen. Phausina Simon, 1902
Type species Phausina flavofrenata (4 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Phausina
Phausina flavofrenata : Type species Proszynski J. 1987. Sri Lanka. Atlas ...: 75.All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Sandalodes Keyserling, 1883
Type species Sandalodes bipenicillatus (9 species)
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Sandalodes
Sandalodes bipenicillatus : Davies, Zabka 1989. Mem. Queens. Mus.:27(2): 252, t 52 + ©Phot G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Sandalodes joannae +b) superbus : Zabka M. 2000. Invert. Tax., 14: 702-703, tabs 12-13 +b) 702-703, tabs 12-13 + ©Phot G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Sandalodes scopifer: Type Species Davies, Zabka 1989. Mem. Queens. Mus.:27(2): 252, t 52 + Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas ...: 160+ ©Phot G. Anderson. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Sandalodes albovittatus + celebensis + minahassae : Keyserling 1883: 1451, t 122, f 6 + Merian, 1911: 311, plate 9, fig. 17 + 312, plate 9, fig. 16.
Gen. Urogelides Zabka, 2009
Type species Urogelides daviesae (1 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Urogelides
Urogelides daviesae: Queensland. ©Photo M. Stevens. Zabka, 2009. Inse. Syst. & Evolution 40: f 17-20. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.

Gen. Uxuma Simon, 1902
Type species Uxuma impudica (1 species).
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Uxuma
Uxuma impudica [Gabon : Szuts 2005[2007]. Opusc. zool, 36: 94, f 38-42 ]. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Gen. Zebraplatys Zabka, 1992
Type species Zebraplatys fractivittata (5 species)
Check similarities between genera in vol. I at Zebraplatys
Zebraplatys fractivittata Type species Zabka M. 1992c. Rec. W Austral. Mus. 15 (4): 678, f 1-9.. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Zebraplatys harveyi + keyserlingi Zabka 1992c. Rec. W Austral. Mus. 15 (4): 682, f 13-18 +683, f 19-22 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.
Zebraplatys quinquecingulata + Zebraplatys [?] bulbus: Zabka M. 1992c. Rec. W Austral. Mus. 15 (4): 678-681, f 10-12 + Peng, Tso, Li 2002. Zoological Studies 41 (1): 6-7, f 26-29. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy.