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Proszynski's Salticidae (Araneae)
Genera of the World
vol. II - species attachments
Chapter 73
- species attachments
As a whole, this e-book is © 2024 Jerzy Prószynski and its use and distribution is authorized unded
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copyright for the other illustrations contained in this document are retained by the original sources,
symbol of the supragroup HYLLOIDA |
Contents of this page and facility for searching
Type genus: Pellenes. Ancepitilobus Dexippus - Maddisonia - Pellenattus - evolution "Pellenita" - P_diagonalis - P-ostrinus - , Pellenes-subgenera: ((Pellenes) ) , (Pellap) , ((Pelmirus)) , ( (Pelmultus)) , (Pelpaucus) - pending classification
For Introduction and examples of diagnostic charaters -see Pellens - vol. I
Plate XXX. 797. Ancepitilobus howensis: A-D - male, holotype, E-F - female, paratype. SOURCE. Richardson, 2016. Zootaxa 4114 (5): 507, f. 1-15. © Magnolia Press. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy .
COMMENT. Classification of this genus to PELLENINES is a long shot, based on appearance of palpal bulbus with a distinct sperm reservoir along contour of bulbus, without superficial loop, characteristic for higher group HOLOPLATINES, and wide and expanding anterior wards basis of embolus, embolus developed at its top, parallel to sclerotized apophysis. Spermathecae simple, but its structure could be compared with simplifies structure in some Pellenes. |
Capeyorkia vulpecula : Richardson, 2016. Zotaxa 4114 (5): 521, 523, f. 67–76. Holotype: M, Somerset, Cape York, Queensland. © Magnolia Press. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy
Comment. Capeyorkia Richardson, 2016 is listed by Szuts et al. 2020 as belonging to: Subfamily Salticinae Blackwall, 1841
Clade Salticoida : Astioida Maddison, Bodner & Needham, 2008,
Tribe Viciriini Simon, 1901. I do not trust the listed XXI century authors,. As spermatheca of Capeyorkia resembles that of Ancepitylobus (I have dealt with just yester day) I place it tentatively into Pellenines, without being convinced it is right.
Gen. Dexippus Thorell, 1891
Type species Dexippus kleini (4 species)
Compare genera in vol. I at Dexippus
DIAGNOSIS. Resembles PELLENINES by bell shaped, broad pocket centrally on epigyne, possibly also by broad embolus of unknown structure. Embolus arises anterolaterally or laterally, runs transversally, parallel to anterior edge of bulbus, its tip is characteristically bent anteriorwards. Epigyne, know in one species only, has bell shaped, broad pocket centrally, with posterior small opening posteromedially. Ducts are short, run obliquely to broad, swollen chamber of unknown function, with small outgrowths being spermathecae, or their terminal parts, anteriorly. Drawings below constitute integral part of the genus definition.
kleini + taiwanensis : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ..: 33 + Peng X, Li S. 2002c. Zool. Studies 41 (3): 339-340,
figs 5-8. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
topali : Proszynski 1992b. Ann. zool. 44, 9: 170-171, f
12-19. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Gen. Maddisonia Żabka, 2014
Type species Maddisonia richardsoni. (3 species)
Compare genera in vol. I at Maddisonia
COMMENT. Placement of Maddisonia in Pellenines is tentatie long shot - based on structure of "embolus" a massive, robust apophysis of the "bulbuos" and also appearance of the bulbous sperm reservoir,fresembling distantly Pellenes, and a thin embolus proper branching of from it, wisible on some drawings and photographs. Pending further reseearcarch. REMARK. Palpal organ: shape of bulbus and embolus comparable with Paramaevia.
Plate XXX. 815. A, D, G - Maddisonia richardsoni, B, E - Maddisonia berbekai, C, F, H - Maddisonia whytei.
SOURCE. Zabka, 2014. ©Records of the Australian Museum, 66(4): 218, f 1A-E, 3A-E, 4A-F. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used by their courtesy . |
Overview Pellenattus peninsularis [type species] and four other species SOURCE:from paper by Azevedo, Hedin & Maddison, 2024: 12, reprinted here from Metzner, 2019.
. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Species of Pellenes transferred (some as synonyms) to Pellenattus: limatus +b) shoshonensis +c) apacheus +d) crandalli Lowrie, Gertsch, 1955. Am. Mus. Nov. 1736: 25, f. 17-18,
29 + 23,
f 23-24.
+ Gertsch 1934: 20, figs 15-16. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
Species of Pellenes transferred (some as synonyms) to Pellenattus: washonus +b) wrighti +c) perexcultus + d) longimanus. SOURCE. /Peckhams 1903.14 (1): 235, T. 27, F. 1 + Lowrie, Gertsch, 1955. Am. Mus.
Nov. 1736: 28, f.13-14 +28, f. 13-14 +c) Clark,
Benoit, 1977: 220: 100, f. 42-43 +d) Kaston B. J. 1948: 70: 462, t 91,
f 1695-97. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.. |
Gen. Pellenes Simon, 1876 s. lato.
Type species Pellenes tripunctatus (68 species)
Compare genera in vol. I at Pellenes
REMARKS. Large genus, containing at present 68 species (WSC data), divided into 6 subgenera (which are not recognized by the WSC, which list them all as "Pellenes").
1 - Pellenes (Pellenes s.s.) tripunctatus
2 - Pellenes (Pelmirus) dilutus + sytchevskayae
3 - Pellenes (Pelmultus) nigrociliatus
- Pellenes (Pelpaucus) ostrinus, 5 - Pellenes (Pellevii) levii subgen. n.
6 - Pellenes (Pellap) lapponicus subgen. n. |
Subgenus typicus Pellenes
(Pellenes) Simon, 1876 (4 species)
Type species of the genus and of this subgenus: Pellenes (Pellenes ) tripunctatus.
Compare genera in vol. I at Pellenes-Pel
DIAGNOSIS. Embolus hidden inside stumpy, fleshy sheath set transversally in front of bulbus, emerges anteriorly over flattened but partially folded anterior plate of the sheath. Tibial apophysis tightly pressed to depression in the wall of cymbium, limited posteriorly by either huge swelling of wall, or small protuberances. Epigyne with pocket narrowed to a thin edge, located well ahead, followed by prominent ridge bisecting epigyne and separating grooves and sclerotized lips of copulatory openings at their bottom. Color pattern: dark abdomen bisected by thin white line, continuous or broken into small dots, sometimes crossed posteriorly by dotted line. Color pattern of face has diagnostic significance.
Drawings below constitute integral part of the genus definition.
Pellenes(Pellenes) tripunctatus : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 103 + ©Photo J. Lissner. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
seriatus [compared with tripunctatus] :Logunov,
Marusik 1994. Arthr. Sel., 5 (1/2): 106, f. 4A-E
+ ©Photo
A. Noordam. + A. Senglet.
All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
sibiricus : Logunov, Marusik 1994. Arthr. Sel., 5 (1/2): 108, f. 6A-C, 7A-B, 8A-D. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
[laggani - syn?] +b) ignifrons : Peckhams 1909: 532, 560 + Levi, Levi 1951. Zoologica 36(4): 232, f 47, 49 +b) Proszynski 1971d. Annales zoologici: 214-218, ff. 20-27 +1979: 314, f 228 + Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999: 105, f 18, 19, 23.. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes lagrecai :Cantarella, Alicata, 2002. Boll. Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, 35, 361: 577-579, figs 8-11. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.. |
Subgenus Pellenes
(Pelmirus) Logunov, Marusik, Rakov, 1999
Representative species: Pellenes (Pelmirus) hedjazensis (5
Compare genera in vol. I at Pelmirus
Pellenes (Pelmirus)
hedjazensis +b) negevensis: Proszynski1993. F. Saudi
Ar. 13: 44-46, ff. 32-36
+ Wesolowska,
van Harten. UAE, 2010: 3: 47, pl 17, f 52-56 +b) Proszynski
J. 2000. Arthr. Sel., 8(4): 257, figs 96-98. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
(Pelmirus) dilutus + sytchevskayae :
Logunov 1995a: 238-240, figs 8-11 + 237-238, f 1-4 + Logunov, Marusik, Rakov
1999 33: 110-112,+ figs 25, 53-59 + Proszynski 2003b: 176, f. 734-735. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
(Pelmirus) pulcher : Logunov
1995a: 238-240, figs 5-7. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
Subgenus Pellenes (Pelmultus) nigrociliatus
Logunov, Marusik, Rakov, 1999
Representative species: Pellenes ( Pelmultus) nigrociliatus.
Check species diversity in vol. II at Pelmultus
Compare genera in vol. I at Pelmultus
DIAGNOSIS. Embolus hidden inside stumpy sheath, its tip, of diagnostic importance, is forked with thin, twisted plate emerging between terminal rami; these details are visible only under strong microscopic magnification (x 200). Bulbus almost round, tibial apophysis moderately thin, reaches half length of bulbus level, articulates with depression in the lateral wall of cymbium, the latter often with indistinct posterior swelling. In females prominent medial pocket is usually located in anterior half of epigyne, well ahead of a pair of prominent sclerotized groves, it is followed by a prominent medial groove, running towards posterior end of epigyne. Copulatory openings, often with prominent, sclerotized lips at the bottom of sclerotized grooves, are followed by a tight and compact knot of strongly sclerotized ducts and spermathecae, whose course is difficult to trace. Color pattern is characteristic: thin medial line running along posterior half of dark abdomen, followed laterally by two pairs of oblique white lines, dark carapace has often a pair of large spots of white setae, sometimes fused into single transverse area.
(Pelmultus) nigrociliatus :
Proszynski. Ann. zool., 2003a, 53 (1): 116-117, figs 460, 471-472, 729-733 + ©Photo
J. Lissner + characteristic behavior ©Photo H. Bellman. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes sp
[Australia-294]= P.
nigrociliatus !! +b) sp [Hort] : ©Photo
R. Whyte +F. & J. Hort [W Australia]. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
epularis +b) siculus : Proszynski 2003a.
Ann. zool.: 112, f 484-486, 489-491+b) Alicata P., Cantarella T. 2000. Mem. Soc. entomol. ital. 78 (2): 492-496, f 7-12 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
geniculatus : Proszynski J. 2003a. Ann. zool.: 119-120, f 463-488, 492-494, 498-500. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
geniculatus : Wesolowska, van Harten. UAE, 2010: 3: 43, pl 13-16, f 44-51+ Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 95-97, f 108-109. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
bitaeniata :
Keyserling 1882: 1405, t 119, f 2 + Zabka 2006 Annales zoologici, 56(3): 567-573,
f 1-14 (photos in pairs male + female). All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus) [comparison of palps of 3 males: epularis+geniculatus+nigrociliatus, and epigyne of 4 females: epularis+geniculatus+maderianus+nigrociliatus] :
Proszynski 2008. Online. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
hadaensis : : Proszynski J.
1993. F. Saudi Ar. Basel, 13: 43-44, ff. 28-31 +44-46, ff. 32-36
[embolar region atypical, placement uncertain].
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
arciger :Proszynski 2003b. Annales zoologici 53, 1: 120, figs 495-497 + ©photo H. Metzner. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmirus)
allegrii : Proszynski 1984c:
100 [Urdukas (Karakorum) m 4000; VI. 1929. Coll. Caporiacco. Mus.Florence.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
allegrii : Logunov, Marusik,Rakov 1999, 33: 113-117, figs 60-70, 80-82, 89, 90,92 - from Kazakhstan and Kyrghyzstan, suposed to by conspecific.
+ |
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
gobiensis : Wesolowska 1981b. Ann. zool., 36: 152-153, ff. 70-71+ Logunov 1992b. Arthr. Sel., 1 (2): 60-61, f 5a-h.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
amazonka + badkhyzicus + borisi + pamiricus :
Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999, 33: 118-119, figs 93-97, 159 + 119-120, figs 91,
98-103 + 120-121, figs 24, 104-106 + 136-138, figs 91, 180-188 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes [?] (Pelmultus) stepposus : Logunov D.V. 1991a. Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, 70 (2): 51-54, f 2: 1-7. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus) brevis : Proszynski J. 1979. Ann. zool., 34: 299-369, figs. 236-238 + Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 124-126, 244, t 90a-k + Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999. 33: 143-144, figs 77-79, 87, 88, 160-162, 192, 206, 207, 209
+ ©Photo J. Lissner + A. Senglet. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmirus)
pseudobrevis : Logunov, Marusik, Rakov, 199933:
138-141, figs 159, 163-165, 189-191, 208, 210-213. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
<> |
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
tocharistanus : Andreeva.
1976: 86-87, ff. 106-109 + Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999. 33: 141-143,
figs 71-73, 83, 84, 159, 166-171, 197-205. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
maderianus : Proszynski, Internet F&M - from Madeira, Mus. Basel.
+Proszynski 2003a: 53,1: 112-114, figs 459 + Logunov, Marusik, Rakov
1999b: 33: 122, figs 91, 111-130 (Holotype). All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
moreana: Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 129-130, 249, table
95a-g + ©Photo A. Senglet. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
iforhasorum +marionis + minimus: Berland, Millot 1941: 12, 2: 309 f 11 +Logunov. 2004d. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 13 (3), 89, f. 7 + Logunov 2000 9 (4): 282-283, figs 371-373 + Proszynski J. 1987: 75. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus) purcelli + dahli : Proszynski 1984: 103-104 (Type) + Lessert R. 1915a. Rev. suisse zool., 23: tab. 3, figs 81-83.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
levaillanti +b) ravoisiei +c) insignis
+d) karakumensi: Lucas, 1846 : 177, t 8, f 3 +b) 157, t 8, f 4 +c) . Butt A., Beg M. A. 2000.
Pakist. J. Zool. 32 (1):77, f 3A-C + Logunov,
Marusik, Rakov 1999, 33: 131-133, f 91,
154-158. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus) modicus +b) univittatus: Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. 2000. Trop. Zool., 13 (1): 81-82 , figs 215-216 + Haddad,
2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 97-99, f 110-111, 128-132 +b) Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 44. By
(Pelmultus) striolatus : Wesolowska,
van Harten A. 2002. Fauna of Arabia 19: 380-383, figs 38-45.
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
tharinae : Wesolowska 1999a. Arn. Zimb., 10(15): 165, figs 57-59. + Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent., 14 (2): 246-250, f 93-101 + Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 99-101, f 112-113. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
vanharteni + Unmatched female +cingulatus :
Wesolowska 1998. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal, 50 (291): 129, figs 22-29
. Wesolowska
, Russel-Smith. 2000. Tropical Zoology, 13 (1): 77-79, figs 205-209. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
b) |
Pellenes (Pelmultus)
denisi +b) albomaculatus: Wesolowska
1981b. Ann. zool., 36: 151, figs 68-69 + Song D., Zhu M.,
Chen J. 1999: 537, figs 306F-G, 327Q.
All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
(Pelmultus) [?] sp [Hawaii] +b) lucidus +c)
canosus +d) beani :
Proszynski 2002. Arthr. Sel. 10 (3): 237-239, f 75-76 +b) Logunov,
Zamanpoore 2005.Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc., 13 (6): 224-225, f 18-21 +c) Logunov,
Marusik, Rakov, 1999: 33: 144-145, figs 107-110 +d) Peckhams 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts. Lett., 14 (1): 236, t 27, f 2. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenattus levii +b) logunovi ::
Lowrie, Gertsch, 1955. Am. Mus. Nov. 1736: 25, f. 17-18, 29 + 24, f. 21-22
+ 27, f. 30, 32 +b)Marusik,
Hippa,Kopponen 1996. Acta zool. fenn., 201: 28-30, 37, figs 75-80. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.. .
Subgenus Pellenes (Pelpaucus) Logunov, Marusik, Rakov, 1999
Representative species: Pellenes ( Pelpaucus) ostrinus
Check species diversity in vol. II at PelpaucusCompare genera in vol. I at Pelpaucus
DIAGNOSIS. Epigyne with broad oval depression and rudimentary pocket anteriorly and ducts in a form of compact, integrated body, with internal convoluted chambers. Embolus hidden inside sheath stretching in front of bulbus, straight or diagonal. Posterior retrolateral edge of cymbium drawn into characteristic tail.
Pellenes (Pelpaucus)
limbatus : Andreeva 1976: 84-85, figs 99-100. Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999: 33: 105, f. 10, 15, 17 + Prószyński 1982 Ann. hist. nat. Mus. hung., 74: 285-287, ff. 37-40. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelpaucus)
ostrinus + (=?) diagonalis: Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 53 (1): 117-119, f 461-462, 476-482 + fig 483.
+ Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 126-127, 245, table 91a-i. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelpaucus)
diagonalis Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 126-127, 245, table 91a-i. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
+ |
Pellenes (Pelpaucus)
ostrinus (?) :
Israel: Judean foothils. ©Photo Amir Weinstain + Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.,
53 (1): 113, f 462. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
Pellenes (Pelpaucus)
turkmenicus :
Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999, :33: 106-107,
figs 25, 40-49 .
Pellenes (Pelpaucus)
albopilosus + bonus: Proszynski 1979: 307, f.87-88 + Logunov, Marusik, Rakov 1999, 33: 102, f 24,
26-35 +103-105, figs 25, 36-39 . All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.. |
Subgenus Pellenes (Pellap) Prószynski, 2016
Representative species Pellenes lapponicus (Sundevall, 1833)
Compare genera in vol. I at (Pellap)
Pellenes lapponicus (Sundevall, 1833)
Pellenes lapponicus Prószynski, 2016: 17, f. 5E-G (mf).
Pellenes lapponicus Prószynski, 2017b: 46, f. 20E-F (mf).
SOURCE. Prószyński, J. (2017b). Pragmatic classification of the world's Salticidae (Araneae). Ecologica Montenegrina 12: 1-133.
COMMENT. Following example of Logunov and Marusik 2000 (both expert of the Editorial Board of the WSC) I have delimited subgenus Pellap - very much deserving that separation. However, it appears that WSC does not recognize separations of subgenera, and disregarded that operation in it records. However, separation of Pellap deservess further considerations. |
+ + |
Pellenes (Pellap)
lapponicus: Paquin,
Duperre 2006. Zootaxa 1133: 21-23, f 41-46. Logunov, Marusik
1999c. Arthr. Sel. 8(4): 269, f 22-23. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
COMMENT. Dissected hairlike embolus (figs 22-23) inside broad, sclerotized cover - it is exceptiionally important discovery, throwing light on these structures in ALL Salticidae.
Remarks. Splitting the genus Pellenes Simon, 1876 into four subgenera: nominal Pellenes, Pelmirus, Pelmultus and Pelpaucus, differing by such characters as shape of palpal organ, especially by embolus structure, and by epigyne, was done by Logunov and Marusik 2000, which left outside holarctic species Pellenes lapponicus (Sundevall, 1833). Since that species has some strikingly outstanding structures, it seems useful to create a separate subgenus - Pellap for it, to keep records straight. Among peculiar structures of that subgenus, special attention deserves robust and thick embolus, being in fact composite structure, consisting of external sclerotized sheath and internal embolus proper, hair like (but apparently strong and presumably elastic), discovered by Logunov, Marusik 1999 (Figure 126). That structure coincides well with emboli in other subgenera of Pellenes, but may have much broader significance - in many salticidae "embolus" appears thick, semitransparent, with indistinct thin dark streak, sometimes protruding from the tip of "embolus". Therefore I assume, provisionally, that such "emboli" have composite structure of external sheath. with split from it internal, hair like, embolus proper.
The placement of this species is rather special and deserves, perhaps, separate genus status. Palpus is not similar to remaining Pellenes, epigyne could be compared with such species as Pellnes ostrinus (Simon, 1868), P. diagnonalis (Simon, 1868) and P. turkmenicus Logunov, Marusik & Rakov, 1999, and with the very speciose genus Habronattus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901, which unfortunately is only superficially known.
+ |
inexcultus + luculentus :
Clark, Benoit, 1977. Annls Mus. royal. afriq. centr. (Zool.-Ser. 8), 220: 98,
ff. 41a-d + Wesolowska, van Harten. 2007 23: 240-242, f 145-148.. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
bulawayoensis :Wesolowska
W. 1999a. Arnoldia Zim., 10(15): 163, figs 52-56 + Haddad, Wesołowska
2011 © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 93-95, f 106-107, 116-122 + 2009: 50: 68, photo
221-222. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
+ |
rufoclypeatus +b) corticolens: :
Peckhams 1903.14 (1): 235, T. 27, F. 1 +b) .Chamberlin
1924a. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 12: 692, fig. 138. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy..
The original descriptions by Simon state that A. diagonalis has abdomen "black" (above top}, while abdomen of A. ostrinus is "red" (bottom). I heard that this is age related change of color. If so why no arachnologist vacationing in the Mediterranean has not kept "red" specimen alive for a few weeks for photographing that color change?
Figs 292. A-G - Pellenes diagonalis, E-J - Pellenes ostrinus, K - abstracts of original descriptions of Pellenes diagonalis and Pellenes ostrinus (the only tangible characters are color of abdomen of male: "noir" versus "rouge", and length of abdomen: 5,5 mm. versus 4,5 mm), L - literature quotations until 1939.
SOURCE: A- Metzner a 1999. Andrias 14: 121, 240, table 86a-k, B-C - Proszynski 1984a. Atlas rysunków diagnostycznych mniej znanych Salticidae (Araneae). Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Rolniczo-Pedagogiczne, Siedlce: 102, D-L - Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 53 (1): 117-119, f 461-462, 476-482, J - ©Photo A. Weinstein, K - Simon, E. (1868b). Monographie des espèces européennes de la famille ... Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (4) 8: 46, 52, Bonnet P. (1958) Bibliographia Araneorum, (4me partie: N-S 3482, 346. All ©copyrights are retained by the original authors and copyright holders, used here by their courtesy.
COMMENT: The status of species Pellenes diagonalis, E-L - Pellenes ostrinus remains uncertain, with the only tangible characters in the original descriptions by Simon (1868) are color pattern of abdomen of male: "noir" versus "rouge" (see illustrations H and J, above). The only diagnostic drawings were published by Prószyński 1984, 1995-2016, 2003, 2017 and Metzner 1999: 121, f. 86a-k and 128, f. 91a-i. none of them showing type species. Editors of WSC twice changed alignment by Prószyński following undocumented opinions of Cantarella & Alicata (2002) and Schäfer & Breitling (2018) - these are valuable but do not solve the problem. The arguments used by Simon are weakened by opinions that red coloration of Pellenes ostrinus is due to immature state of studied specimens (illustrations H and J - but the latter has adult palps developed). I propose to delay decision on status of these names until better documentation of palps and spermathecae will be available and, possibly, series of photos of pre- and post-ecdysis of red species to see whether that coloration is really temporary.
Addition - evolution of embolar division of palps and epigyne in "Pellenita" [= Harmochrines]
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SOURCE: Azevedo, G. H. F., Hedin, M. & Maddison, W. P. (2024). Phylogeny and biogeography of harmochirine jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 197(108109): 1-1
Addition 2 - evolution in time and geographical spreading of evolution of embolar division of palps and epigyne in "Pellenita" [= Harmochrines]
SOURCE: Azevedo, G. H. F., Hedin, M. & Maddison, W. P. (2024). Phylogeny and biogeography of harmochirine jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 197(108109): 1-1 |