APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy

MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini Aelurillina Asemoneinae Amycini Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini Ballini Baviini Bredini Chrysillini Cocalodini Dendryphantina Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3 Eupoinae Freyina Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini Hisponinae Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina Lapsiini Leptorchestini Lyssomaninae Marpissina Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini Neonini Onomastinae Plexippina Salticini Sarindini Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini Sitticini Spartaeina Synagelina Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis

Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.

Jerzy Prószyński
Version July 1st, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the main chapter of the monograph

Index. Type genus Amycus.
AmycusAtelurius Atomosphyrus Bredana Cheliceroides Cylistella Cyllodania Druzia Encolpius Eustiromastix Fluda Frespera Gypogyna Fuentes Hypaeus Macutula Synemosyna OTHER SPECIES OF "Synemosyna" Tanybelus Thiodina Titanattus Toloella
Urupuyu SUBGROUP: SIMPRULLES: Agelista Arachnomura Corcovetella Hyetussa Parafluda Sarinda Simprulla Zuniga


Note on Amycinae and Amycoida. Maddison and Hedin (2003) postulated existence of a higher clade Amycoida, of imprecise rank, roughly corresponding to infrafamily, based on molecular research. Amycoida unite a number of small genera distributed mainly in South America, a continent of their origin and radiation, with one enormous, speciose genus Sitticus Simon, 1901 developed mainly in the Palaearctic region. Authors did not precise morphological characters delimiting Amycoida from other clades of similar rank, accepting taxonomic division used by Galiano (numerous papers), derived from old system of Simon (1901-1903). I came to the conclusion that the concept of Amycoida is generally compatible with diversity of palps and epigyne of the genera concerned. While Amycinae should remain the type subfamily of Amycoida, as proposed by Maddison and Hedin (op. cit.), the properties of the clade is better illustrated by the group of genera SITTICINES, which I propose to retain as an informal model, containing the genus Sitticus Simon, 1901 and its smaller relatives, like Jollas Simon, 1901 and Toloella Chickering, 1946. Having over 70 species developed separately on different continents, SITTICINES deserve separate status, comparable to subfamily. Except for Sitticinae, placement of part genera of Amycoida is uncertain, due to insufficient knowledge of their palps and epigyne - I propose to list such genera in the temporary group "Amycoida Varia", pending further research. Genus Thiodina Simon, 1900, and similar, cannot be included into Amycoida, due to different type of their palps. Genus Yllenus Simon, 1868, formerly included into Sitticinae, is classified into family of its own, genera Chalcoscirtus Bertkau, 1880 and, tentatively, Neon Simon, 1876, are hereby classified into large, independent group of genera EUOPHRYINES.

Definition of AMYCINES. Group of South American genera of Salticidae, characterized by mutual similarities in palps especially "S" shaped loop of spermophor, translucent in the center of bulbus (not always marked on drawings), resembling that in SITTICINES. Internal structures of epigyne have copulatory ducts twisted into coils, frequently even multicoiled spirals, around spermathecae, the latter often elongate and with swellings on both ends. External appearance variable, several genera are ant-like. Pending further taxonomic studies.

Guide to identification of genera of Amycinae

................................................................................................................................................. + Thiodina nicoleti

Gen. Agelista Simon, 1900 (1 species)

Type species Agelista andina.

Agelista andina + sp. : Galiano 1963b.Physis, 23 (66): 283-285, t. 3, f 4-6
+ © Photo Machado & Gasnier - INPA023: Campus-UFAM-AM. By courtesy.

Gen. Amycus Koch C.L., 1846 (7 species)

Type species Amycus igneus [sp. inquirenda]. Reference species Amycus flavicomis Simon, 1900.
DIAGNOSIS. Bulbus round with loop of spermophor at the margin, anterolaterally, encircled tightly by hair-thin embolus. Retrolateral posterior angle of cymbium expanded and with bunch of short,setae. Tibial apophysis short, fit into small depression on cymbium, palpal tibia near rectangular, 2-3 times narrower than cymbium. Patella with small apophysis. Epigyne with pockets anterior, widely spaced. Copulatory ducts make flattened spiral in posterior epigyne, spermathecae small, medial. That structure is not clearly seen on existing drawings. Carapace high, short, near cubic, Abdomen low, short, pointed posteriorly. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Amycus sp. : Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 1-136. By courtesy.
Amycus flavicomis: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 292-293, t 7, f 8-10 + ©Photo Gasnier. By courtesy. [Differs from Sitticus by presence of patellar apophysis].
Amycus ectypus +b) equulus +c) lycosiformis +d) spectabilis: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 290, t. 6, ff. 1-4 +b) 291-292, t. 6, ff. 5-7 +c) Galiano 1968a. Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., Entom., 2 (3): 277-279, ff. 1-7 +d) 282-283, ff. 9-13. By courtesy.
Amycus pertyi +b) rufifrons: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 293, t. 7; ff. 5-7 +b) 295, t. 7, ff. 1-4. By courtesy.

Gen. Arachnomura Mello-Leitao, 1917 ( 2 species)

Type species Arachnomura hieroglyphica.
DIAGNOSIS. Bulbus round, loop of spermophor antero-lateral, embolus encircles bulbus tightly. Cymbium broadened, with postero-lateral edge drawn, touching tibial apophysis. Tibia triangular. Epigyne with a pair of large, oval grooves. Copulatory ducts make several elongate coil parallel to body axis, producing thin sclerotized, lateral ducts, running to small, globular spermathecae anteriorly. Body average looking, strikingly different from Amycus and Asaracus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Arachnomura sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 37. By courtesy.
Arachnomura hieroglyphica + adfectuosa : Galiano 1977a. J. Arachnology 3: 143, ff. 7-10, 18-19 + © Photo C.J. Grismado.

Gen. Asaracus C. L. Koch, 1846 (4 species)

Type species Asaracus megacephalus.
DIAGNOSIS. Bulbus round, encircled tightly, three times by broader embolus with lighter, fleshy component. Carapace high, thorax genly sloping, abdomen longer, low and narrow. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Asaracus sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 120. By courtesy.
Asaracus megacephalus : - Proszynski 1984c: 164 (Holotype, Mus. Berlin No. 1687) + © Photo Gasnier & Azevedo + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 23, f. 4A-J. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy. By courtesy.
Asaracus rufociliatus +b) semifimbriatus +c) venezuelicus: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 299, t. 8; f 13-14 +b) 299-301, t. 9, f 1-4 + © Photo Gasnier & Machado +c) Ruiz, Brescovit 2005b. Revta bras. Zool. 22: 753-760, f 1-2. By courtesy

Gen. Atelurius Simon, 1901 ( 1 species)

Type species Atelurius segmentatus.
DIAGNOSIS. Bulbus round, embolus arises very broad, gradually narrowing, encircles bulbus one and half times. Body average looking, strikingly different from Amycus and Asaracus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Atelurius segmentatus : Galiano M.E. 1988a. J. Arachnology, 15: 290, figs16-17. By courtesy.

Gen. Atomosphyrus Simon,1902 ( 2 species)

Type species Atomosphyrus tristiculus
DIAGNOSIS. Bulbus round, encircled tightly by embolus. Spermathecae anterior, small and oval, atop of narrow and long, lateral ducts [remaining details of drawing illegible]. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Atomosphyrus tristiculus + breyeri: Galiano M. E. 1966a. Physis 26 (72): 282-284, ff. 9-16, 19, 20 + 280-281, f. 1-8 +b) Richardson, 2010. Zootaxa 2418: 1-49. By courtesy.

Gen. Bredana Gertsch, 1936 (1 species)

Type species Bredana complicata.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Bredana complicata Gertsch W. J. 1936. Americ. Mus. Novitates, 852: 21, f 33-35. By courtesy.

Gen. Cheliceroides Zabka, 1985 (1 species)

Type species Cheliceroides longipalpis.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cheliceroides longipalpis : Zabka M. 1985. Ann. zool.ogici, 39, 11: 210, f 76-80 + Peng, Xie 1993: 81, f 5-10 . By courtesy.

Gen. Corcovetella Galiano, 1975 (1 species)

Type species Corcovetella aemulatrix .
Placed here because of internal structure of epigyne, with ducts twisted around narrower part of spermathecae. Palps so deeply modified that cannot, at present, be used for placement of the genus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Corcovetella aemulatrix : Galiano M.E. 1975a. Physis C. 34 (88): 34, f. 1-12 + ©Photo Gasnier & Azevedo. By courtesy.
COMPARE SIMILARITIES IN Sarinda armata: : Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1 (4): 270, 273, t 4, f 6; t 5, f 7; t 7, f 6-7.

Gen.Cylistella Simon, 1901 (4 species)

Type species Cylistella cuprea.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cylistella 2 sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 44-45. By courtesy.
Cylistella cuprea: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 340-341, t.16 ff. 18-20+© Photo Gasnier & Azevedo. By courtesy.
Cylistella scarabaeoides +b) fulva +c) castanea : Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 396 f. 350-356
+b) 394 f. 348-349 +c) Petrunkevitch, 1925a: 203, f. 122, 122a. By courtesy.
Cylistella adjacens: O. P.-Cambridge 1896: 162 T. 20 F. 4 + F. P.-Cambridge 1901: 295, t. 28, f. 15. By courtesy.

Gen. Cyllodania Simon,1902 ( 2 species)

Type species Cyllodania bicruciata .
DIAGNOSIS. Embolus broad, with fleshy component, arises from broader basis, encircles entirely bulbus. Epigyne with large oval depression delimited incompletely by extending rims of copulatory openings, the latter extend transversally in posterior part of epigyne and lead to broad, transverse copulatory ducts, these pass through a few half-coils, narrowing abruptly and pass to duct shaped, narrow, slightly broadening spermatheca, running along axis and terminated by small, oval chamber in anterior part of epigyne. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cyllodania sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 35. By courtesy.
Cyllodania bicruciata :Galiano 1977a. J. Arachn. 3: 138, f 11-12, 20-22, 27-28. By courtesy.
Cyllodania minuta :Galiano 1977c. Rev. per. Ent.: 20 (1): 77, f. 7-10, 13-17. By courtesy.

Gen. Druzia Ruiz & Brescovit, 2013 (1 species)

Type species Druzia flavostriata.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Druzia flavostriata: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 314-315, t. 12, ff. 5-7 + Edwards, Rinald, Ruiz 2005. Biota Neotropica 5(2): 22, f 17-18, 50 + Ruiz, Brescovit 2013. Zootaxa 3664 (4): 401–433, f 17, 95-100,104 . By courtesy.

Gen. Encolpius Simon, 1900 (3 species)

Type species Encolpius albobarbatus.
DIAGNOSIS. Bulbus encircled by embolus arising from broader basis, abruptly narrowing to hair thin. Cymbium laterally expanded. Epigyne with copulatory openings in anterior part, ducts originally broad, encircling epigyne laterally, gradually narrowing, at the posterior rim of epigyne turning back and runs anterior wards, "S" like, then double back laterally along almost whole length of epigyne (course of these complicated coils is not sufficiently clear on drawings) and pass into medially located small spermathecae. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Encolpius sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 49. By courtesy.
Encolpius albobarbatus +b) guaraniticus: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 348, t 19, f 6-10 + Galiano 1968a. Rev. Mus. Argen. Entom.2 (3): 313, f 48-58. By courtesy.
Encolpius fimbriatus: Crane J. 1943. Zoologica, N. York, 28 (3,16): 135 f. 3J-N.. By courtesy.

Gen. Eustiromastix Simon, 1902 ( 12 species)

Type species Eustiromastix obscurus.
DIAGNOSE. Palpal organ comparable with that in Encolpius. Epigyne in the type species with copulatory openings lateral in posterior part of epigyne, ducts broad, running laterally to the anterior end of epigyne , doubling there mack medially, gradually narrowing, at the posterior end double again into a few half-coils and join medially located spermathecae. Other species of the genus present variation of described structures. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Eustiromastix obscurus : Galiano M. E. 1979e. J. Arachnol., 7: 172, ff. 1-3, 24 + Peckhams 1893. Proc. Zool.Soc. Lond., 1893: 695, table 61, figs 3-c. By courtesy.
Eustiromastix bahiensis : Galiano M. E. 1979e. J. Arachnol., 7: 180, f. 4-6, 20-22 + © Photo Machado & Gasnier . By courtesy.
Eustiromastix guianae : Courtial et al., 2014: ZooKeys 420: 13-18, f. 13, f. 1A-B, 2A-D, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-B. Open access.
Eustiromastix efferatus +falcatus : Bauab Vianna, Soares 1978: 360, f. 7-12 + Galiano 1981c. Bull. Amer. Mus. Natur. Hist., 170: 216-218, 7 ff. 216, f. 1-3. By courtesy.
Eustiromastix intermedius +b) keyserlingi : Galiano M. E. 1979e. J. Arachnol., 7: 183, f. 18-19 + [178+176] f. 25 + 172, ff. 1-3, 24. By courtesy.
Eustiromastix macropalpus + : Galiano M. E. 1979e. J. Arachnol., 7: 179-180, f. 9-11, 23+ Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 33, f. 10A-J [conspecific?]. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Eustiromastix major +moraballi : Galiano M.E. 1963b. t. 18, ff. 10-12 + Galiano M. E. 1979e. J. Arachnol., 7: 179, ff. 16, 17 + © Photo Gasnier & Machado. By courtesy.
Eustiromastix nativo + vincenti : Santos A.J., Romero G.Q. 2004. J. Arachn., 32: 188-190, f 1-4 + Galiano M. E. ,
1979e. J. Arachn. 7: 176+179, ff. 7, 8, 14, 15 . By courtesy.
Eustiromastix frontalis : Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 33, f. 10K-M. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Eustiromastix sp [Amazon] : © Photo Gasnier & Machado. By courtesy.

Gen. Fluda Peckham & Peckham, 1892 (12 species)

Type species Fluda narcissa.
REMARKS. The genus consists of two groups of species differing by the structure of epigyne, their congeneric status deserves revision. . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Fluda sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 43. By courtesy.
Fluda narcissa +b) ruficeps +c) goianiae : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 587, t. 2, f. 9-12 + 595, 597, t. 2, ff.1-8, t. 5, f. 9. ALL REMAINING SPECIES SEEM TO BE NOT CONGENERIC, BECAUSE OF INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF EPIGYNE.
Fluda opica : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 587, t. 2, f. 9-12 + 590-591, t. 1, ff. 13-14,t. 4, f. 5
+ ©Photo Gasnier & Machado. By courtesy.
Fluda angulosa +b) elata : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 577-579, t. 5, f. 3, t. 6, f. 6. + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66):
354-355, t. 19, ff. 18-20 +b) Galiano 1986: Physis C. 44 (107): 134, f. 6-8. By courtesy.
Fluda araguae + : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 579, t. 3, ff. 4-7, t. 5, f. 5, t. 6, f. 5. By courtesy.
Fluda inpae : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 583, t.1, ff. 3-8, t. 4, ff. 1-4, t. 5, f. 2, t. 6, f. 1. . By courtesy.
Fluda nigritarsis + : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 354-355, t. 19, ff. 11-13. Galiano 1971a. Physis,
30 (81): 589-590, t 2, f 16, t 5, f 4, t 6, f 7. By courtesy.
Fluda usta +b) perdita + : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 587, t. 2, f. 9-12 + 590-591, t. 1, ff. 13-14,t. 4, f. 5
Edwards (note) +b) 591-593, t. 2, f. 14, t. 5, f 1. By courtesy.
Fluda princeps : Galiano 1971a. Physis, 30 (81): 593-595, t. 1, f. 1-2, t. 3, f. 1-3, t. 5, f. 6, t. 6, f. 3. By courtesy.

Gen. Fuentes Peckham & Peckham, 1894 (2 species)

Type species Fuentes pertinax.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Fuentes pertinax + yucatan: Ruiz, Brescovit 2007b. Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, 13: 144-146, f 1-6 + 146, f 7-10. By courtesy.

Gen. Frespera Braul, Lise, 2002 (2 species)

Type species Frespera carinata.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Frespera carinata+ meridionalis: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 465-466, t 42, f 1-3 + Braul, Lise, 2002.
Biociencias, v. 10, n. 2: 107-109, figs 44-50 + 109-110, figs 51-55 . By courtesy.

Gen. Gypogyna Simon,1900 ( 1 species)

Type species Gypogyna forceps.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Gypogyna sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 39. By courtesy.
Gypogyna forceps : Galiano 1958 20, f. 3A-C. . By courtesy.

Gen. Hyetussa Simon, 1902 (6 species)

Type species Hyetussa simoni.
DIAGNOSE. Epigyne with a pair of large, membranous white windows, internally with beautiful spiral of narrow copulatory ducts, spermathecae are small, oval chambers in front of spiral, in the anterior part of epigyne. Embolus broad, encircles bulbus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Hyetussa simoni + mesopotamica: Galiano 1976b. Physis C., 35(90): 64, figs 8-13 + 233-237, f 18-20, 27-30, 39, 45-50.
Hyetussa andalgalaensis :Galiano 1976b. Physis C., 35(90): 231, f. 21-24, 31-32, 36, 51 + ©Photo C.J.Grismado. By courtesy.
Hyetussa aguilari +b) cribrata: Galiano 1978a. Rev. Ent. 21 (1): 29, f. 8-14 +b) 2, t 2I, f. 6-10 + Galiano 1976b. 35 (91): 233, f 40-42.
Hyetussa secta : Galiano M. E. 1976b. Physis C., 35 (91): 239-241, ff. 25-26, 33-34. By courtesy.

Gen. Hypaeus Simon, 1900 ( 20 species)

Type species Hypaeus porcatus.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
REMARKS. Placement doubtfull due to cheliceral dentition, containing rows of teeth on two separate edges of chelicerae.

Hypaeus sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 75. By courtesy.
Hypaeus porcatus + mystacalis + : Galiano M. E. 1968a. Rev. Mus. Arg. Cienc. Nat. Ent. 2 (3): 328-330, f 80-85 + 326, f 76-79. By courtesy.
Hypaeus miles : Galiano M. E. 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 372-373, t. 23, ff. 16-19. © Photo Gasnier & Azevedo (Amazonas: Coari: Rio Urucu). By courtesy.
Hypaeus annulifer + concinnus + cucullatus + estebanensis: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 365, t. 22, ff. 1-3 + 365-367, t. 22 + 367, tab. 22, ff. 4-6 + 368, t. 22, ff. 9-12. By courtesy.
Hypaeus benignus + flavipes + frontosus : Galiano M. E. 1968a. . Rev. Mus. Argen. Entomologia, 2 (3): 271, 318-321, ff. 70-75
Hill, Edwards 2013: 107.1: 22, f 20.4. © Photo A. Anker + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 368-369, t. 23, ff. 1-3 + 369-370, t. 23, ff. 8-11. By courtesy.
Hypaeus flemingi + ignicomis + : Crane 1943. Zoologica: 132 f. 3 A-E + Galiano 1968a. Rev. Mus. Arg. Entomologia, 2 (3): 322, ff. 86-88 + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 370, t. 23, ff. 4-7 . By courtesy.
Hypaeus luridomaculatus + nigrocomosus+ quadrinotatus + triplagiatus : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 372, t. 23, ff. 12-15
+ 373-374, t. 24,ff. 4-6 +374, t. 24, ff. 7-10 +375, 377, t. 22, ff. 7- 8. . . © Photo Gasnier & Azevedo (Amazonas: Coari: Rio Urucu). By courtesy.
Hypaeus triplagiatus : © Photo Gasnier & Azevedo (Amazonas: Coari: Rio Urucu). By courtesy.
Hypaeus taczanowskii +b) venezuelanus +c) duodentatus : Galiano 1968a. Rev. Mus. Argent. Entom. 2 (3): 271, 330, ff. 64-69
+326, ff. 76-79 + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 375-377, t. 24, ff. 1-3 +c) Crane 1943. Zoologica, N. York, 30 (1, 3): 134 f. 3 F-I..

Gen. Macutula Ruiz, 2011 (3 species)

Type species Macutula aracoiaba.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Macutula aracoiaba: Ruiz, 2011. Brazil. ©Zootaxa 2785: 56-58, f 1-22. By courtesy.
Macutula caruaru +b) santana: Ruiz, 2011. Brazil. ©Zootaxa 2785:59-60, f 25-28 +b) 58, f 23-24. By courtesy.

Gen. Parafluda Chickering, 1946 (1 species)

Type species Parafluda banksi.
DIAGNOSE. Comparable with Hyetussa. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Parafluda banksi: Chickering 1946. 97: 456-459, f 419-424 + Galiano M.E. 1971b. 33 (1-4): 65-68, f 1-10.By courtesy.

Gen. Sarinda Peckham, Peckham, 1892 (14 species)

Type species Sarinda nigra.
DIAGNOSE. Palps unusually modified, with squat cymbium sitting tightly on broad but gradually narrowing tibia of various length. Bulbus encircled by different number of coils of embolus, from several and thin, single but arising from a very broad basis. Internal structures of epigyne variable. Copulatory ducts may have a form of double spiral, coiled around spermathecal duct, the internal spiral may consists of minute coils tightly attached to spermathecal duct (Sarinda silvatica), it seems from enclosed drawings that in some species the internal coil may be changed into internal convoluted duct inside broader sclerotized structure (Sarinda capibarae). Spermatheca may consist of two globular, sclerotized chambers connected by sclerotized duct of various length, in some species the duct can be very long and thin, and the first chamber may be not developed (see comparison below). Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Sarinda sp. + cf. nigra : Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 47-48. By courtesy.
Sarinda nigra + silvatica: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Mus. Argent. Ent.1 (4): 296-302, t. 7, f 1-3 +b) : 307, pl 1, f 11-14, pl 3, f 3, pl 4,f 2, pl. 5, f 5 .
Sarinda armata +b) pretiosa : Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1 (4): 270, 273, t 4, f 6; t 5, f 7; t 7, f 6-7 +b) 305, t 4, f 4..
COMPARE SIMILARITIES IN Corcovetella aemulatrix : Galiano M.E. 1975a. Physis C. 34 (88): 34, f. 1-12 + ©Photo Gasnier & Azevedo. By courtesy.
Sarinda capibarae: Galiano 1967a. Physis 27 (74): 33-35, f 14-24
Sarinda chacoensis : Galiano M. E. 1996c. Miscellania Zoologica 19.2: 111-114, f 26-28. By courtesy
Sarinda cutleri: Galiano 1969a. Physis, 28 (77): 247, f 1-11 .
Sarinda longula +b) imitans: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1 (4): 290-292, t 3, f 9, t 5, f 2 +b) 287, t 3, f 5, t 4, f 8, t 5, f 3
+ Galiano 1967a. Physis 27 (74): 27-29, f. 8-13.: 307, pl 1, f 11-14, pl 3, f 3.
Sarinda hentzi: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1(4): 270, 282, t 2, f 10-15; t 3, f 6; t 4, f 9; t 5, f 9; t 6, f 6; t7, f 8-9. By courtesy.
Sarinda marcosi: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1(4):292, t.2, f 1-7; t.3, f. 4; t.4. f. 3; t.5, f. 6; t.6, f. 3; t. 8, f 1, 4 . By courtesy.
Sarinda ruficeps: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1(4): 306, t 1, f 19-21, t 3, f 7, t 4, f 7, t 5, f 4. By courtesy.
Sarinda cayennensis: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1(4): 270, 279-280, t 3, f 8; t 4, f 10; t 5, f 8. By courtesy.
Sarinda panamae: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Ent.1(4): 302, t. 2, f. 22-26, t. 3, f. 10, t. 4, f. 5, t. 6, f. 2, t. 7, f. 2-3. By courtesy.
Sarinda - comparison of structures: Galiano 1965a. Rev. Mus. Argent. Ent.1 (4): 267-312.

Gen. Simprulla Simon, 1901 (2 species)

Type species Simprulla nigricolor.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Simprulla nigricolor: Galiano 1964b. Physis, 24 (68): 420-422, f 1-7 + 1963b: 23 (66): 450-451, t 37, f 8-9.. By courtesy
Simprulla argentina: Galiano 1964b. Physis, 24 (68): 420-422, f 1-7 + 1963b: 23 (66): 386; t. 26, ff. 15-19. By courtesy.

Gen. Synemosyna Hentz, 1846 (17 species)

Type species Synemosyna formica.
REMARKS. Documentation available shows variety of structures occurring in other genera of this group, which apparently deserves taxonomic revision. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Synemosyna sp. : Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 41-42. By courtesy.

TYPE SPECIES Synemosyna formica: Galiano M. E. 1966b. Rev. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat. Entomol. 1 (6): 343, 357, f 1-4, 36-37, 50-51, 62. By courtesy. See MYRMARACHNINES,

pending revision!

Synemosyna americana +b) decipiens +c) ankeli: Galiano 1966b. Rev. Entomol. 1 (6): 1 (6): 345-348, f 5-7, 33-35
+b) 355-356, f 25-26, 55, 57 +c) Cutler, Muller 1991. Stud. Neotr. Fauna Envir. 26, 3: 172, f 1-8. By courtesy.
Synemosyna aurantiaca +b) bicolor : Galiano 1966b. Rev. Entomol. 1 (6): 1343, 357, f 1-4, 36-37 +b) 353-354, f 63 . By courtesy.
Synemosyna invemar +b) maddisoni +c) ubicki +d) nicaraguaensis : Cutler, Muller 1991. Stud. Neotr. Fauna Envir. 26, 3: 174, f 9-12 +b) Cutler 1988. Stud. Neotr. Fauna Envir., 23: 199, f 1-2, 5-6 +c) 197-202, f 3-4, 7-10 +d) Cutler B. 1993. Rev. Nicarag. Ent. 24: 1-4, f 1-2.. By courtesy.
Synemosyna lauretta +b) myrmeciaeformis +c) paraensis : Galiano 1966b. Rev. Entomol. 1 (6): 362, f 42-43, 47, 58 +b) 367-370, f 18-20, 38-39 +d) Galiano 1967a. Physis 27 (74): 38-39, f 25-28. By courtesy.
Synemosyna petrunkevitchi +b) lucasi: Galiano 1966b. Rev. Entomol. 1 (6): 370-371, f 15, 17, 40-41 +b) 343, 357, f 1-4, 36-37 + Galiano 1967a. Physis 27 (74): 35-37, f 29-32 . By courtesy.
Synemosyna scutata +b) smithi: Galiano 1966b. Rev. Entomol. 1 (6): 371, f 59 +c) 372-376, f 27-32, 54, 56. By courtesy.

Gen. Tanybelus Simon, 1902 (1 species)

Type species Tanybelus aeneiceps.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Tanybelus aeneiceps: Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 451-452, t.37, f 12-14. By courtesy.

Gen. Thiodina Simon, 1900 (3 species)

Type species Thiodina nicoleti
Thiodina nicoleti was recently revised by Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015 (Zootaxa 4012 (1): 181–190), who redefined the species and produced drawings of its palpal organ, which seem to place genus within group HYLLINES, characterized by embolus originating from posterior lateral end of bulbus, entirely different from COLONINES, as proposed in the present work. Female of Thiodina nicoleti remains unknown, so we cannot use its structure of spermathecae and ducts in classification. However, bulbous sensory setae ventrally on tibia I and on faces of chelicerae, according to Bustamante et al., 2015 diagnostic for the species, were not tested for occurrence in other genera, so are not sufficient character for classification of genera. Bustamante mentions as possible relative genus Hyetussa (AMYCINES), which has beautiful spiral of copulatory ducts in epigyne, its embolus has similar origin but is much longer, twisted around bulbus. With insufficient data on palps and internal structures of epigyne we will have to wait until further studies, promised by these authors.

Thiodina nicoleti + neotype : Original by Nicolet - Richardson, 2010. Zootaxa 2418: 42, f 117-118 +b) Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015. Zootaxa 4012 (1): 181–190, f 1-30. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Titanattus Peckham, Peckham, 1885 (6 species

Type species Titanattus saevus.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
REMARKS. Placement doubtfull due to cheliceral dentition, containing rows of teeth on two separate edges of chelicerae.

Titanattus sp. : Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 38. By courtesy.
Titanattus saevus + pegaseus : F. P.-Cambridge 1900. 191, t 15, f 1.
+ Simon E. 1901a: 419, figs L-M (= 464-478) + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23(66): 460, t 37, f 16-17 [PLACEMENT?]. By courtesy.
Titanattus cretatus + paganus + notabilis : Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 383, f 337-340 + 385 f 341-342. + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23(66): 32, t 1, f 11; t 2, f 1-3. By courtesy.
Titanattus pallidus Edwards, Rinaldi, Ruiz 2005. Biota Neotr. 5(2): 20, f 1-3, 44-46.1-31. By courtesy.

Gen. Toloella Chickering, 1946 ( 1 species)

Type species Toloella eximia.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
REMARKS. Placement doubtfull due to cheliceral dentition, containing rows of teeth on two separate edges of chelicerae.

Toloella eximia : Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 107, f 98-103.[PLACEMENT?] .

Gen. Ugandinella Wesolowska, 2006 ( 1 species)

Type species Ugandinella formicula.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Ugandinella formicula : Wesolowska 2006. Ann. Zool. 56(2): 435-439, f 1-17. [PLACEMENT? - internal structure of epigyne and shape of caarapace resembling Kima, palp disagree - decisively AMYCINES - transfer tentative]. By courtesy.

Gen. Urupuyu Ruiz & Maddison, 2015 (3 species)

Type species Urupuyu antisana Ruiz & Maddison, 2015.

Urupuyu antisana Ruiz & Maddison, 2015: Zootaxa 4040(3): 255, f. 1-3, 6-26. . © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Urupuyu edwardsi Ruiz & Maddison, 2015: Zootaxa 4040(3): 258, f. 4-5, 27-31. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
+Urupuyu occidentale Ruiz & Maddison, 2015: Zootaxa 4040(3): 260, f. 32-34

Gen. Zuniga Peckham, Peckham, 1892 (2 species)

Type species Zuniga laeta.
REMARKS. Documentation available shows structures occurring in other genera of this group, which apparently deserves taxonomic revision. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Zuniga laeta:: Galiano M.E. 1987c. J. Arach. 15: 296, f 2-3, 27-32. By courtesy.
Zuniga magna:: Galiano M.E. 1964c. Acta zool. Lilloana 20: 75, t 1, f 8-15; t 2, f 7, 20, 21; t 3, f 22, 23. By courtesy.

Other views
see Ruiz G.R.S., Maddison W.P. 2015. Zootaxa 4040(3)

Loop of spermophor in Amycoida: Ruiz G.R.S., Maddison W.P. 2015. Zootaxa 4040(3): 270, f 49-52. By courtesy. COMMENT. Spermophor in Salticidae is usually twisted into loops in different levels, difference lies in appearance: which part of the spermophor is visible without making cleared preparation.