Gen. Akela Peckham & Peckham, 1896 (2
Type species Akela charlottae.
Present classification pending revision. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Akela sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 121. By courtesy.
charlottae :
Galiano 1989b: 8 (2): 49, f 1-4 + Chickering 1946: 188, f. 160-162 + Edwards, 2015: 17, f. 1A-I. Zootaxa 4036 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
ruricola +b) sp :
Galiano M.E. 1998b. Physis, sec. C, 55 (128-129): 1-4, figs 1-8 + Edwards, 2015: 17, f. 1A-I. Zootaxa 4036 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press. By courtesy + b) ©Photo Simó & Rodríguez - Uruguay. By courtesy.
Gen. Apricia Richardson, 2016
Type species Ocrisiona jovialis [MISPLACED comb. "Breda", "Ocrisiona"]
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Apricia jovialis ["Ocrisiona", "Breda"] :
TRUE Apricia jovialis: Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queens. Mus.
27(2): 263, t 62 + ©Phot: R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Nomenclatorical note: species misplaced by Simon 1909b: 198
into S American genus Breda, later transfered into wrong Australian
genus Ocrisiona.
Apricia jovialis [CONSPECIFIC? sp. n.?] : Apricia jovialis Richardson, 2016: Zootaxa 4114 (5): 508, f. 17-30. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Apricia longipalpis : Richardson, 2016. Zotaxa 4114 (5): 518-521, f. 50–66. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
bracteata [CONGENERIC?] : Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989.
Mem. Queensland Mus., 27 (2): 256, 258, t. 57 +b): Richardson, 2016. Zotaxa 4114 (5): 518-529, f 32-49. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. Bavia Simon,
1877 (16 species) apparently composite genus containing unrelated species
Type species Bavia aericeps.
NOTE. Diversified genus, recognizable by similar body shape: elongate, narrow, with robust and long legs I and pointed abdomen. However palps and epigyne so diverse that reclassification some species to other genera seems unavoidable. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
aericeps + elegans :
Type species Bavia Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1997. J. Arachn. 25 (2): 117-118,
31-34, 45. ©Phot H.K. Tang.By courtesy.
sexpunctata (Doleschall,
1859).B & B & Proszynski 1997. J. Arachnol.
25 (2): 118-119, figs 35-38, 46 + Singapore.
©Phot Marcus Ng.
fedor + sonsorol Berry,
Beatty, Prószynski,
1997 J. Arachnol. 25 (2): figs 39-42, 47 + 120-121, figs 43, 44, 48,.
suhartoi Prószynski,
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012b.Kalimantan, Kaharian. Arthr selecta. 22(2): 115-117, f 18-20. By courtesy
Bavia kahariana Prószynski,
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012b. Kalimantan, Kaharian. Arthr selecta. 22(2): 115-117, f 1-9. By courtesy
annamita + Bavia thorelli:
Simon, 1903 Zabka M. 1988b. Ann. zool., 41 (14): 438-440, ff. 46-51 +440-441,
ff. 52-55.
Bavia capistrata
Zabka M. 1988b. Ann. zool., 41 (14): 435-436, ff. 37-39 + Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016: ZooKeys 630: 51-54, f. 5–6, 43. By courtesy..
Bavia exilis
Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 54-56 , f. 7–8, 43. By courtesy.
Bavia intermedia
Zabka in: Prószynski 2009: Arhropoda selecta 18(3-4): f 7-9.
Bavia planiceps: Prószynski 2009b. Arhropoda selecta 18(3-4): f 10-11.
modesta + B. valida + B. albolineata + B. sinoamerica:
+ Peckham, Peckham, 1885: 39 T. 1 F. 9 + Lei H., Peng X., 2011 Acta
zootax. sin. 3: 218-220, f 1-4. .
Gen. Bristowia Reimoser,
1934 (2 species)
Alternative classification - DIOLENINAE.
Type species Bristowia heterospinosa .
DIAGNOSIS. With palp and epigyne typical for this group of species, Bristowia can be best recognized by habitus, especially by enormously long leg I, with dense fringe of dark setae ventrally on tibia I. Note elongation of coxa I and trochanter I, analogous to DIOLENINES. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
heterospinosa + Bristowia sp.
Proszynski 1984c:14 + © Photo H.K. Tang (Singapore).
+ © Photo J. Caleb (India). By courtesy.
Bristowia afra: Szüts, 2004. Folia ent. Hungarica 65: 30, f. 1-4, 8-10, 12-13, 16-17. By courtesy.
Gen. Carrhotus Thorell,
1891 (18 species)
Type species Carrhotus viduus.
REMARK. With some diversity of palps and epigyne this genus can be easiest recognized by habitus appearance. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
xanthogramma :
Zabka 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 43, figs 70-76 + Czech Rep. ©Phot J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Carrhotus viduus + C. sannio: Zabka 1997. F. Pol.19: 43, figs 70-76 (type species) +
Proszynski 1984c: 16 (Burma - coll. Oates) + . ©Phot
H.K. Tang (Singapore). By courtesy.
Carrhotus viridiaureus (from Brazil or SE Asia - labels mixed up?)+b) compare Siler semiglaucus : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 345-347, t. 15, ff. 11-14 [But see: Maddison 2015: 249, also similar palp in Siler
semiglaucus :]: + b) Proszynski 1985a. Ann. zool.: 75-76, f 24-26.
By courtesy.
albolineatus +b) coronatus +c) barbatus: Prószynski 2009b. Arthr. sel. 18(3-4): f 12 + Zabka M. 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 207, f 60-62 , m. 4. + Prószynski 2009b. Arhr. sel. 18(3-4): f 13-18. By courtesy.
Carrhotus bellus + fabrei [male only, female = Mogrus?] : Wanless, 1983. Ann. Mus. Roy. Afriq. Centr., 241: 61-63, ff. 21a-g (erroneous caption) + Andreeva, Kononenko, Proszynski 1981. Ann. zool.,36: 103, f 39-40 .
catagraphus + erus + kamjeensis: Jastrzebski, 1999
Senck. biol., 79 (1): 7, figs 22-24. + 4-5, figs 12-15 + 5-6, figs 16-18. By courtesy.
+ |
harringtoni + malayanus: Prószynski, 1992 Ann. zool., 44, 8: 90-91,
fig. 4-6 + 167, figs 1-5. . By courtesy.
+ |
operosus + samchiensis: Jastrzebski,
1999 Senck. biol., 79 (1): 7-8, figs 25-27+ 6-7, f 19-21. By courtesy
sufflavus +b) s-bulbosus [MISPLACED]: Jastrzębski, 2009. Nepal. Genus 20: 533-537, f 1-2. +535, f 3-4,
photo 6 +b) 533-537, f 1-2, photo 5. By courtesy.
sundaicus + tristis:
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010. Arthr. sel., 19(3): 157-159, f 21-24, 26-28
+ Proszynski J. 1992b. 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 168-169, figs 9-11.
By courtesy.
Carrhotus kevinlii: Cao, Li & Zabka, 2016. 2016. ZooKeys 630: 56-59 , f. 9–10, 43. By courtesy. By courtesy.
+ |
Carrhotus sarahcrewsaeCao, Li & Zabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 59-62 , f. 11–12, 43. By courtesy.
Gen. Chrysilla Thorell,
1887(4 species)
Type species Chrysilla lauta Thorell, 1887 .
NOTE. With only four recognizable species, having in addition similar palps and epigyne, Chrysilla may be best recognized by bright, shinning coloration. In difference, forms with white spots on darker background are classified in the genus Phintella, independently from similarities in palps and epigyne. Often photographed by macrophotographers, the correlation of coloration with genital characters is not certain, hence identification of living specimens without revision of type specimens is tentative.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
lauta: Type species Proszynski J. 1983c. Acta arach., XXXI, (2): 44, f. 4-6. © Photo H. Tang + Marcus Ng. By courtesy.
Chrysilla deelemani: Prószynski,
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010 (compared with Chrysilla lauta). Arthr. sel.,
19(3): 159-160, f 31-35.
Chrysilla acerosa: Wang L., Zhang Z. 2012. Zootaxa 3243: 65–68 , f 1-19. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Chrysilla volupe : Zabka 1988b. Sri Lanka Ann. zool., 41 (14): 465-466, f 122-125 + : Caleb Mathai, 2014. ©JEZS: 2(5): 64, 15-23 as Phintella volupe]. By courtesy.
Gen. Clynotis Simon,
1901 (5 species)
composite genus pending reclassification
Type species Clynotis severus.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Clynotis severus: Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 27 (2): 257, t. 56. + Zabka M. 1987a. Ann. zool., 40, 10: 444, ff. 14-21 + ©Phot R. Whyte + Richardson, 2016. Zotaxa 4114 (5): 523, f. 77–86. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Clynotis albobarbatus: Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989, 27 (2): 260, t. 59 + Koch L. 1879: 1138, pl 99, f 2, 3. + ©Phot: Robert Whyte. By courtesy. Remark. Apparently not congeneric!
saxatilis + C. semiater: Bryant 1935, Rec Canter. Mus.
4: 88, pl 12, f 26 + Zabka M. 1987a. Ann. zool., 40, 10: 441, ff. 8-10 + Koch L. 1879: 1133, pl 98, f 6. . By courtesy.
+ |
Clynotis semiferrugineus: Zabka M. 1987a. Ann. zool. 40, 10: 442-444, ff. 11-13
+ Koch L. 1879: 1135, pl 99, f 1. By courtesy.
Epidelaxia Simon, 1902(1 species)
Type species Epidelaxia albostellata .
Present classification pending revision. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Epidelaxia albostellata +b) E. sp [Sri Lanka] in: Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 22 (Type, Colombo, "20475") +b) Sri Lanka,
coll. Deeleman. Drawn by J. Prószynski. By courtesy.
Gen. Epocilla Thorell, 1887(8 species)
Type species Epocilla praetextata.
NOTE. Habitus appearance, and especially facial coloration may be important in identification. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Epocilla sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 94. By courtesy.
praetextata : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 39 (Java, van Hasselt, "1648") + Jastrzebski P. 2007.
Acta Arachn., 56 (1): 16-19, f 5-13, 16-19. By courtesy.
Epocilla aurantiaca (Simon,
1885)Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 38 (specimens "16293 Coll.
Simon. MNHN-Paris)
blairei Zabka, 1985 Zabka 1985. Ann.zool.,
39, 11: 217, ff. 127-131. + Specime misidentified as E.
by Simon, (specimen "22475 Coll. Simon. MNHN-Paris"). In: Proszynski
1984c: 155 By courtesy
Epocilla calcarata Zabka 1985. Annales zoologici, 39, 11: 217, ff. 132-148. © Photo
H.K. Tang. By courtesy.
Epocilla chimakothiensis Jastrzebski 2007a. Acta Arachnologica, 56 (1): 15-16, f 1-4, 14-15. By courtesy.
picturata +b) kalapani: Proszynski
1984c: 39 (from Swatow, China) +b) Tikader B. K. 1977a: 72: 200, figs 23A-B.
Epocilla xylina Simon,
1906 - "18922. Bas. pl. de l'Himalaya /type/. Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 40.
Gen. Flacillula Strand, 1932 (3
Type species Flacillula lubrica .
Present classification pending revision. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Flacillula lubrica + minuta + nitens Type species Ceylon "20542", Simon coll: Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ... 77+ Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1997. J. Arachnology. Vol. 25(2): f 69-70 + 125-126, f 66-68, 71-74. By courtesy.
> |
Flacillula albofrenata + incognita: Zabka, in litt. Java: Buitenzorg [Bogor] "aus Farnkraut detritus" leg. K. Kraepelin, 7. III. 1904 + Zabka 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 225-226, ff. 197-198.. By courtesy.
Gen. Freya Koch
C.L., 1850 (27species)
Type species Freya decorata
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Freya decorata : Galiano 2001. J. Arachnol. 29: 24, f. 1-3, 12-13, 19-20, 27, 33, 36, 44, 49 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 36, f. 12A-K. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Freya regia :Galiano 2001. J. Arachnol. 29: 24, f. 1-3, 12-13, 19-20, 27, 33, 36, 44, 49 + 28, f. 17-18, 30-32, 42-43, 46, 52 + 28, f. 17-18, 30-32, 42-43, 46, 52. By courtesy.
Freya atures Galiano, 2001 J. Arachnology: 29: 21-26, f 6, 10, 21, 25-26, 34, 39, 54-55. By courtesy
Freya chapare Galiano, 2001 J. Arachnology 29: 37, f 4, 11, 22, 35, 40, 47, 53. + Freya chionopogon Simon, 1902
.: Galiano M.E. 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 356-357, t. 20, ff. 1-4.
petrunkevitchi + F. demarcata + F. rubiginosa Chickering 1946. .Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 185 f. 157-159 +
Chamberlin, Ivie, 1936
Chickering 1946. .Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 177, f. 151-153 + Galiano M. E. 2001 J. Arachnology , 29, f. 38, 45, 50 .
Freya dureti Galiano,
2001 J. Arachnology , 34, illustrations 7-8, 23, 28-29, 41, 48, 51
nigrotaeniata + F. perelegans + F. rufohirta : J. Arachnol. 29: 31, f 5, 9, 24, 37, 56-57. +
Galiano M.E. 1963b. Physis, Buenos Aires, 23 (66): 359, t. 20, ff. 8-9 + 349, pl. XVIII, f. 14-15
decorata +b) regia:Type species Galiano 2001. J. Arachnol. 29: 24, f. 1-3, 12-13, 19-20, 27, 33, 36, 44, 49
+ 28, f. 17-18, 30-32, 42-43, 46,
52. By courtesy.
Freya albosignata + F. bicavata + F. bifida ) Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoologia, : 228, 235, table 19, figs 16
+228, 235, table 19, figs 15224, 233, t. 19, f. 7.
emarginata + grisea
Biol. Centr.-Amer., Zool.: 225, 234, t. 19, f. 11
+ 226, 235, table 19, figs 13 +224, 233, table 19, figs 6.
fannae + F. justina + Freya arraijanica :
Peckhams 1896: tab. VI, Fig. 6 + P.-Cambridge F., 1901 Biol. Centr.-Amer.,
Zool.:240, t 20, f 22 + Banks, 1929: Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 182 f. 154-156
Chickering, 1946 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 170, f. 145-148
Freya maculatipes Biol. Centr.-Amer., Zool.: 224, 230, table 17, figs 14. + 225, 234, table 19,
figs 12
+ Galiano 2001. J. Arachnology: 34, f. 14-16. ©Phot T. Shahan. By courtesy.
minuta +b) prominens +c) rustica: Pickard-Cambridge
F., 1901 Biol. Centr.-Amer., Zool.: 224, 227, 231, t. 19, f. 1, 2. + Biol. Centr.-Amer.,
Zool.: 224, 227, 231, pl 19, f 8a-d, 9.
Gen. Frigga Koch
C.L., 1851 (9 species)
Type species Frigga coronigera .
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
Frigga coronigera
: Galiano 1981f. Rev.Soc. Ent. Argentina 39 (3-4): 283, f. 1-2. + 1979a.. Acta Zool.Lil. 33 (2): 119, f. 11, 21-22, 34, 49. Brasil: Amazonas: Manaus, Copas, Igapó, Anavilhanas.©Phot Gasnier & Azevedo + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 39, f. 13A-G. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
crocuta :
Davies, Zabka 1989. Mem. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 27 (2): 246, 249, t. 50..
+ Galiano 1979 Acta zool. Lillo.,
35: 691-694, f. 1-7, + 28, f. 17-18,
30-32, 42-43, 46, 52. + from N Caledonia.
©Phot B. Patoleta. By courtesy.
finitima + flava ; Galiano, 1979a. Acta Zool.Lilloana 33 (2): 122-124, f. 46-48 + 33 (2): 133-134,
f. 26, 28.
Frigga kessleri Galiano
1979a. Acta Zool.Lilloana 33 (2): 125, f. 25, 35 + ©Phot Gasnier & Azevedo.
opulenta +b) rufa Galiano,
1979. Acta Zool.Lilloana 33 (2): 122-124, f. 46-48
+ Galiano M.E. 1982a.. Bull. Br. arachnol.Soc. 5 (9): 424,
f. 5-6.
Frigga pratensis Galiano M.E. 1979a. Acta Zool.Lilloana 33 (2): 132-133, f. 7, 19, 27, 29, 39-40 + 128-132, f. 9-10, 24, 32, 41-42 +.F. P.-Cambridge 1901. Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoologia, 1901: 232, pl. 19, f. 4-5.
Frigga quintensis Galiano M.E. 1979a. Acta Zool.Lilloana 33 (2): 128-132, f. 9-10, 24, 32, 41-42 +.F. P.-Cambridge 1901. Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoologia, 1901: 232, pl. 19, f. 4-5.
Gen. Habrocestum Simon,
1876 (38 species)
Type species Habrocestum pullatum
DIAGNOSIS. Two chambered spermatheca, with short, membranous ducts, are particularly useful recognition character. Palps are rather uniform in majority of species. Many species have white spots on abdomen, often a pair of round spots, also some white markings on carapace. Body high, short. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.
pullatum +b) simoni: Proszynski 1987. Atlas: 35-36 "11.121
Pyrenees" coll. Simon, Mus. Paris.
algericum +b) arabicum +c) bovei: Proszynski
1987. Atlas ...: 29-30.
+ Prószynski, 1989. Fauna of Saudi Arabia. 33-34, ff. 3-4. . +
Lucas 1846: 179, t 9, f 7. By courtesy.
egaeum Metzner,
1999. Andrias 14: 63-64, 182, table 28a-m, f 30 = "Habrocestum cf. graecum" Proszynski
1987. Atlas ...: 31-33. C©Phot J. Lissner - M+F 6768 Greece: Telendos. By
Type specimen - Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 30-31 (male only) + Metzner H. 1999
. Andrias 14: 60-61, 179, table 25a-i, map 27. + M 5737 Greece:
Lefkas. C©Phot J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Habrocestum hongkongiensis +b) ibericumPrószynski,
1992a. Annales zoologici, 44, 8: 96, figs 28-32.
Type specimen Proszynski 1987: fig. 30."13.379 Cartagena".
By courtesy.
Habrocestum latifasciatum : Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003a: 65-66, figs 244-251 + Proszynski 1987.
Atlas ...: 30, 32-34.
+ Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 61-62, 180, table 26a-i, map 28 [ID female
uncertain] + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 34, f. 1-3, 7-9. By courtesy.
+ |
papilionaceum Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 54; Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 59 (female identification uncertain)
+ female - according to Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 181, table 27d-e. By courtesy.
laurae +b) lepidum +c) ornaticeps.
Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 36 + 29-30 +32. "807 ... Maroc" - coll. Simon, Mus. Paris. By courtesy.
+ |