APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy

MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini Aelurillina Asemoneinae Amycini Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini Ballini Baviini Bredini Chrysillini Cocalodini Dendryphantina Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3 Eupoinae Freyina Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini Hisponinae Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina Lapsiini Leptorchestini Lyssomaninae Marpissina Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini Neonini Onomastinae Plexippina Salticini Sarindini Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini Sitticini Spartaeina Synagelina Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis

Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.

Jerzy Prószyński
Genera with palps and epigyne intermediate between EUOPHRYINES and DENDRYPHANTINES
Version August 15th, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph

Type genus XXX .Interactive index of genera.
Agorius Ashtabula Bagheera Bryantella Capeta Cerionesta Chirothecia Coccorchestes Consingis Gambaquezonia Gastromicans Itata Macaroeris Massagris "Massagris" schisma Mikrus Peckhamia Semorina Synagelides

DEFINITION. Provisionally delimited group of genera with palps, spermathecae and ducts intermediate between EUOPHRYINES and DENDRYPHANTINES [hence name EUO-DEN-INES] and consists of species resembling DENDRYPHANTINES - with ducts running along the whole length of epigyne, from anterior openings to posterior coils of spermathecae and with coil of embolus atop membranous haematodocha and spermophor gently waving or straight. Details of these structures are often insufficiently documented, unclear or, presumably highly evolved, departing from simple general diagram, it contains also some genera of uncertain placement, pending further considerations.

Gen. Agorius Thorell, 1877 (11 species)

Type species Agorius gracilipes.
REMARKS: composite genus having similar external appearance, but differing by male palps and internal structure of epigyne,
contains several groups of species , presumably unrelated. Some seem to be intermediate to Synagelides.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Agorius gracilipes : Proszynski 1968b. Ann. zool., 26: 221-225, ff. 10-12.
Agorius differs from Synagelides by elongated, constricted abdomen and by internal structure of epigyne.
Agorius lindu : Prószynski INTERNET + 2008b. Adv. Arachn.... Inst. Zool., bulg. Acad. Sci. Monogr. 12: 321-322, f 7, 8, 29,
30, 41, 54, 59
Agorius borneensis +b) cinctus : Edmunds, Prószynski. 2001. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc. 12 (3): 139-140. f 1-8 +b)Prószynski
2008b: 314-315, illustrations 53. By courtesy.
Agorius constrictus : Proszynski 2008b + Internet Penins. Malaya + ©Photo H.K. Tang (diversity). Accesion 2009. By courtesy.
Agorius formicinus +b) kerinci : Proszynski 2008b + Internet + . By courtesy.
Agorius saaristoi +b) semirufus +c) sp. unidentified: Prószyński, 2008b: 12: 322, Figs. 5, 20, 34, 44 +b) 322-323, f 6, 28, 40 +c) 10, 52, 56.
Agorius tortilis: Agorius tortilis Cao, Li & Zabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 46-51, f. 3–4, 43. By courtesy.
Agorius baloghi : Szuts T. 2003. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 49: 61-69, figs 8-11.+ ©Photo C P. Koomen. By courtesy.

Gen. Ashtabula Peckham & Peckham, 1894 (9 species)

Type species Ashtabula zonura
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Ashtabula zonura + dentichelis + dentata : Peckhams 1894. Occ. Pap. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc., 2(2): 140, t 14, f 4
+ Maddison 1996: 154 (4): 336, fig. 102 + Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 248-251, figs 206-211 + Galiano
1963b: 325, t. 14, ff. 17-18 +301, t. 10, ff. 1-4.. By courtesy.
Ashtabula bicristata +b) dentata: Galiano 1972b. Revista Mus. argent. Entomol. 4 (1): 39-41, ff. 67-69, 78 +b) Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 248-251, figs 206-211 . By courtesy.
Ashtabula furcillata + glauca: Crane J. 1949. Zoologica, 34 (2, 7): 39 f. 4a-g + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 301-302, t. 8, ff. 9-12 By courtesy.
Ashtabula sexguttata + montana : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 302-303, t. 9; ff. 5-7 + Braul, Rocha-Silveira, Lise 1997. Biociencias, 5 (2): 141-150, figs 2-4. + Chickering 1946. 97: 251-253, figs 212-213. By courtesy.

Gen. Bagheera Peckham, Peckham, 1896 (4 species)

Type species Bagheera kiplingi .
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Bagheera kiplingi : Maddison 1996.Bull.Mus.Comp. Zool. 154(4): 233, 335, 337, f 71, 80-83. ©Photo by Eric Olson. By courtesy.
Bagheera prosper +b) bicavata +c) nigropicta: Maddison 1996. Bull.Mus.Comp. Zool. 154(4): 232, 233, 232, 233, 337,
figs 84-85, 99 + F.P.-Cambridge 1901: 265, table 23, figs 14 +b) 265, 270, table 24, figs 19 +c) 269, table 24, figs 16. By courtesy.

Gen. Bryantella Chickering, 1946 (3 species)

Type species Bryantella speciosa.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Bryantella speciosa +b) tropica : Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 335 figs 292-297 +b)
Maddison 1996.Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 154 (4): 238, fig. 62. By courtesy.
Bryantella smaragdus : Crane J. 1945. Zoologica, 30 (1, 3): 40, figs 5a-d +b) Scioscia 1995. Physis C, 50 (118-119):
37-40, figs 1-12.: ff. 1-12: ff. 1-12. By courtesy.

Gen. Capeta Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005 (2 species)

Type species Capeta tridens.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Capeta tridens +b) cachimbo : Ruiz , Brescovit. 2005a. Revta bras. Zool. 22: 692, f 21-24 +b) Ruiz, Brescovit 2006a.
Revta bras. Zool. 23(2): 353-354, f 9-12. By courtesy.

Gen. Cerionesta Simon, 1901 (1 species)

Type species Cerionesta luteola.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cerionesta luteola : Galiano, Physis C. 1976, 35(90) : 59-61, f 1-7 + Peckhams 1893: 700, f 8-e. By courtesy.

Gen. Chirothecia Taczanowski, 1878 (9 species)

Type species Chirothecia clavimana.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Chirothecia clavimana : Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1): 5-12, ff 23-26. By courtesy.
Chirothecia wrzesniowskii +b) crassipes : Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1): 5-12,
ff 13-16 +b) 18-21, ff. 6-7. By courtesy.
Chirothecia daguerrei : Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1):21-25, ff. 40-42. By courtesy.
Chirothecia euchira : Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1): 25-28, ff. 11-15, 20, 22, 32-33, 44, 53.
Chirothecia minima +b) uncata +c) rosea: Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1): 29-31, ff. 61-64
+b) 34-35, ff. 56-60 +c) F. P.-Cambridge 1901: 294, pl. 28, f. 10-11. By courtesy.
Chirothecia semiornata : Galiano 1972b. Rev. Mus. argent. Cien. natur. Entomol., 4 (1): 32-34, ff. 55, 65-66, 76-77. By courtesy.

Gen. Coccorchestes Thorell, 1881 (39 species)

Type species Coccorchestes rufipes.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Coccorchestes rufipes : Proszynski 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 156-160, ff. 1-14. By courtesy.
Coccorchestes ferreus : Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queensland Mus., 27 (2): 229, 230, t. 33 + ©Photo G. Anderson.
Coccorchestes blendae +b) buszkoae: Proszynski 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 160-162, ff. 15-16 +b) 162-164, ff. 17-19 . By courtesy.
b) +
Coccorchestes gambeyi[?] + jahilnickii : Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 73 [Neither Coccorchestes, nor a Pachyballus?]
+b) Proszynski 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 166-169, ff. 24-27 +Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 26(1-3): 72, f. 43.
Coccorchestes aiyura : Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 26(1-3): 74, f. 17-18 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 372-378, 824-825. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy..
Coccorchestes biroi +b) clavifemur : Balogh P. ©Zhang J.,
Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 829. © Magnolia Press +c) 85, f. 21, 22 +d) 26(1-3): 69, f. 59-60. By courtesy.
Coccorchestes gressitti +b) karimui +c) ildikoae : Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 26(1-3): 80,
f 25-26, 86, 92 +c) 78, f. 31-32, 55+b) 74, f. 13-14 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 828 +d) f 826-827.
© Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Coccorchestes quinquespinosus b) sirunki c) szentivanyi: Balogh P. 1980a.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 26(1-3): 69, f. 3-4, 62-64 +e) 74, ff. 15-16.. By courtesy.
Coccorchestes taeniatus +b) verticillatus +c) vicinus +d) waris +e) biak + f) fenicheli: Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci.
Hung., 26(1-3): 78, ff. 33-34, 93. +b) 78, f. 29-30, 65 +c) 69, 72, ff. 11-12 +d) 80, f. 27-28, 89 +e) 85, f. 53 +f) 01/1198_b8-56.
Coccorchestes fluviatilis +b) giluwe c) hamatus d) hastatus : Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 26(1-3): 85, f. 57
+b) 85, f. 41 +c) 87, f. 51 +d) 82, f. 39 .By courtesy.
Coccorchestes huon +b) ifar +c) inermis +d) jimmi +e) kaindi : Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 26(1-3): 87, f.
42. +c) 87, f. 45 +d) 87, f. 46. By courtesy.
Coccorchestes missim +b) otto +c) piora +d) suspectus +e) tapini: Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 26(1-3): 82,
f. 38 82, f. 35. +b) 88, f. 47 +c) 87, f. 48 +d) 82, f. 35 +e) 85, f. 58. By courtesy.
Coccorchestes triplex +b) vanapa +c) vogelkop +d) staregai : Balogh P. 1980a. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung., 26(1-3): 82, f. 37 +b) 80, f. 36 +c) 85, f. 54. +d) Proszynski 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 156-160, ff. 1-14. By courtesy.

Gen. Consingis Simon, 1900 (1 species)

Type species Consingis semicana.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Consingis semicana :Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 331, t. 16, ff. 3, 4. + 1974a. Physis C., 33 (86): 2-5, f 24, 25. By courtesy.

Gen. Gambaquezonia Barrion, Litsinger, 1995 (3 species)

Type species Gambaquezonia itimana.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Gambaquezonia itimana + cf itimana: : Barrion, Litsinger 1995: 95-96, figs 49a-e +b) Proszynski 2003b - internal structure
of epigyne, type specimen + c) Edwards. J. Arachnol. 37: 103-105, f 1-10. By courtesy.
Gambaquezonia curioi: Freudenschuss, Grabolle, Krehenwinkel, 2016 Arachnology 17(1): 25-27, figs 1-8 &. ©Photo M. Freudenschuss (PHILIPPINES: Panay). By courtesy.

Gen. Gastromicans Mello-Leitão, 1917 (5 species)

Type species Gastromicans albopilosa.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Gastromicans sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 75. By courtesy.
Gastromicans albopilosa +b) levispina [DENDRYPHANTINAE?]+c) sp :Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 306-307, t 12,
f 1-2 +b) Maddison W.P. 1996. Bull.Mus. Comp. Zool., 154 (4): 232, 237, 335, f. 73, 93-95, 101 ©Magnolia Press
+c) ©Photo Gasnier & Machado. By courtesy.
Gastromicans hondurensis +b) lisei +c) noxiosus + d) vigens : F. P.-Cambridge 1901. 272, t. 25, f. 8 +b) Bauab Vianna,
Soares 1982. 26 (1): 87, f. 1-7 +c) Galiano 1963. 23 (66): 342-343, t. 18 ff, 1-4. +d) Peckhams 1901b. 13 (1): 317, tab. 27, fig. 3. 13. By courtesy.

Gen. Itata Peckham, Peckham, 1894 (3 species)

Type species Itata vadia.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Itata sp+ b) vadia +c) tipuloides : Peckhams 1894.Occ. Pap. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc., 2 (2): 115, t 11, f 5 +b) (66): 378-379, t. 25, ff. 1-3 + ©Photo Gasnier & Azevedo [Brazil: Amazonas]. By courtesy.
Itata completa : Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 54 f. 33-35 + Hill, Edwards 2013. Peckhamia 107.1: 40, f 45 - © Photo A. Anker. By courtesy.

Gen. Macaroeris Wunderlich, 1992 (8 species)

Type species Macaroeris nidicolens.
REMARKS. A puzzling genus with male palp resembling Euophryinae and epigyne characteristic for Dendyphantinae. Similar mixture of characters occurs in unrelated Omoedus niger.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Macaroeris nidicolens : Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003: 86-87, figs 330-337. © Photo A. Senglet + J. Lissner + B. Knoflach.
Macaroeris catus : Kulczynski 1899. 36: 445, t. 9, f. 136-138, 142-143, 147 + Wunderlich J. 1991. Beitrage zur Araneologie
. 1: 516, figs 830-833 + . © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Macaroeris diligens : Kulczynski 1899. 36: 517 figs 838-840, 841 + Wunderlich J. 1991. Beitrage zur Araneologie
. 1: 517 figs 838-840, 841 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Macaroeris asiaticus [placement?] + desertensis + litoralis: Logunov , Rakov 1998. Arthr. Sel., 7(2): 124-125, figs 12-14
+ Wunderlich J. 1991. Beitrage zur Araneologie 1: 516-517, figs 834-837 + 517. f 842-844 . By courtesy.
Macaroeris flavicomis + moebi : Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 42-43, 163, table 9a-e + © Photo G. Loos + Wunderlich J. 1991.
Beitr. Aran. 1: 519, figs 845-847 + 517. f 842-844 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Gen. Massagris Simon, 1900 (7 species)

Type species Massagris constricta.
Prlacement provisional, composition uncertain. Diagnostic illustrations below are integral part of the definition.

Massagris sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 26-27. By courtesy.
Massagris constricta +b) natalensis +c) contortuplicata : Simon 190a. 451, 452 +b) Wesolowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Inver. 50(1):
53,f 93-98, 218 +c) 208-210, f 89, 103–106. By courtesy.
Massagris honesta +b) mirifica: Wesołowska & Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 210-212, f 19, 90, 91, 107–113 +b) Wesolowska 1993c. Genus, 4 (2): 137, figs 1-8.. By courtesy.
Massagris mohale: Wesolowska W., Haddad C.R., 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 250-253, f 69, 70, 74–81.. By courtesy. schisma
Massagris separata +b) [misplaced?]: Wesolowska 1993c. Genus, 4 (2): 137-138, figs 9-14 +b) Maddison, Zhang J.
2006 . Zootaxa 1255: 32, illustrations 8-10, ©Magnolia Press [Note embolus similarity to Pochyta poissonii!]. By courtesy.

Gen. Mikrus Wesołowska, 2001 (1 species)

Type species Mikrus ugandensis.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Mikrus ugandensis : Wesolowska W. 2001c. Genus, Wroclaw, 12(4): 585-588, figs 1-7. By courtesy.

Gen. Peckhamia Simon, 1901 (6 species)
placement uncertain due to poor genitalic documentation, forked tibial apophysis of the type species
(with absence of other details of palp and epigyne) suggest placement rather in COLONINES,
other species are most probably EUODENINES

Type species Peckhamia scorpionia.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Peckhamia sp. : Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 68. By courtesy.
Peckhamia scorpionia +b) picata : Peckhams 1909. 16 (1): 370, t 50, 51, f 3. + Paquin, Duperre. 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 197, f 2205-2208 + Kaston B. J. 1948. 70: 452, t 88, f 1628-1630. By courtesy.
Peckhamia americana +b) argentinensis +c) seminola : Peckhams 1909. 16 (1): 368, t 50, f 4; t 51, f 1 + ©Photo D. Hill +b) Galiano M.E. 1986. Physis C. 44 (107): 137-139; f 22-28 +c) Gertsch 1936. Am. Mus. Novit. 852: 18, f 36-37. By courtesy.
Peckhamia prescotti +b) sp [Cuba] +c) variegata : Chickering 1946. 97: 415-418, f 373-375 + Kraus O. 1955b. 493: 58, t 10, f 166-168 + painting Kuniko Arakawa +b) sp ©Photo F.C. Riquelme[Cuba] +c) F. P.-Cambridge 1900. 176, t 12 f 7-8. By courtesy.

Gen. Semorina Simon, 1901 (4 species)

Type species Semorina seminuda.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition..

Semorina seminuda +b) iris Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 445-447, t 37, f 6-7 +b) 445, t 34, f 3. By courtesy.
Semorina brachychelyne +b) megachelyne Crane 1949. Zoologica, 34 (2, 7): 35, f 2a-g +b) 35, f 2a-g. By courtesy.

Gen. Synagelides Strand, 1906 (36 species)

Type species Synagelides agoriformis.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Synagelides agoriformis [Japan] +b) Primore : Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987. Ann. zool. 41, 2: 133-138, f 268-279)
+b) Proszynski 1979. Ann. zool. 34: 318, f 307- 315 (Russia: Far East - Primore). By courtesy.
Synagelides zhilcovae +b) annae :Proszynski 1979. Ann. zool. 34: 319, f 3316-317 + Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009: 588, f 345-346
+b) Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987. Ann. zool. 41, 2: 138, f 280-288. By courtesy.
Synagelides nishikawai: Bohdanowicz A. 1979. Acta Arachnologica, 25, 2: 59-60, f 18-25. By courtesy.
Synagelides palpalis: Zabka 1985. Ann. zool. 39, 11: 447-448, f 573-580 .By courtesy.
Synagelides sp[-ind-1] : Proszynski J. 1992b. Annales zoologici, 44, 9: 206-207, f 175-178 + 206, f 179-181. By courtesy.

Synagelides brahmaputra Caleb et al. 2018: Acta arachnologica 67(1): 9-12, f. 12-24. By courtesy. http://localhost/img_data/25/25954.jpg
Synagelides palpaloides +b) darjeelingus : Peng X., Tso I., Li S. 2002 Zool. Studies 41 (1): 3-4, f 9-12
+ Logunov, Hereward 2006: 13 (8): 289-290, f 41-45 +b) 282-283, f 7-11 [female misidentified!]. By courtesy.
Synagelides bagmaticus +b) doisuthep : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93: 68-69, f 5-9 + Logunov,
Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 287-288, f 33, 37-40 +b) 281-282, f 1-6. By courtesy.
Synagelides cavaleriei : Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987. Ann. zool. 41, 2: 138, f 268-275) + Bohdanowicz 1987.
Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93: 66, f 1-4 . By courtesy.
+ b)b)
Synagelides oleksiaki and its supposed synonym +b) gorapanicus : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg,
93: 65-86 + Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 287.. By courtesy.
Synagelides gosainkundicus +b) Primore : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93 .: 78-79, f 45-46
+ Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull Brit. arachn. Soc. 13(8): 284-285, f 19. By courtesy.
Synagelides nepalensis +b) birmanicus : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93 .: 76-78, f 35-44
+b) 84-86, f 66-72 . By courtesy.
Synagelides martensi and its supposed (by Logunov, Hereward 2006) synonyms: +b) jiricus +c) himalaicus +d) dhaulagiricus +e) thodungus +f) wyszynskii: ALL in papers: Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93: 65-86 + Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 287. By courtesy.
Synagelides tukchensis : : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93:81-82, f 57-59 + Logunov, Hereward 2006.
Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 291, f 34. By courtesy.
Synagelides ullerensis b) lehtineni : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93: 82-83, f 60-61
+ Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 291, f 31 +b) 287, f 25-27. By courtesy.
Synagelides walesai : Bohdanowicz 1987. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 93: 72-75, f 23-29
+ Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 291, f 18, 36 . b)By courtesy.
Synagelides wuermlii +b) gambosa +c) hubeiensis +d) zebrus : Bohdanowicz A. 1978. Ent. bas., Basel: 23, f. 1-5
+b) Peng X., Xie L., Xiao X. 1993. 44: 225-226, f 801-807 +c) Peng X., Tang G., Li S., 2008.© A. zootaxon. sin. 33(2):
251-252, f 15-19 +d) 252-254, f 20-22. By courtesy.
Synagelides kosi +b) kualaensis: Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 285-286, 21-24, 32.
+b) 286, f 28-30 Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8): 287 . By courtesy.
Synagelides sumatranus +b) zonatus +c) longus +d) tianmu: Logunov, Hereward 2006. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13 (8):
290-291, f 46-52 +b) Peng X., Tang G., Li S., 2008.© Acta zootaxon. sin. 33(2): 254-255, f 23-25 +c) Song, Zhu, Chen 1999:
561, f 319 H +d) 561, f 320D-E, 329Q. By courtesy.