APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy

MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini Aelurillina Asemoneinae Amycini Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini Ballini Baviini Bredini Chrysillini Cocalodini Dendryphantina Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3 Eupoinae Freyina Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini Hisponinae Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina Lapsiini Leptorchestini Lyssomaninae Marpissina Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini Neonini Onomastinae Plexippina Salticini Sarindini Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini Sitticini Spartaeina Synagelina Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis

Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.

Jerzy Prószyński
Version July 1st, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph

Index. Type genus Evarcha.
Baryphas , Evarcha , Evarcha (albaria group) , Evarcha (falcata group) , Evarcha (flavocincta group) , Evarcha (patagiata group) , Evarcha (praeclara group) , Evarcha (pending classification), Ghumattus , Hasarinella, Nigorella, Pancorius, Pharacocerus , Polemus , Pseudamycus
(132 species)


EVARCHINES. Group delimited provisionally by vague similarities in external appearance, not exactly conforming with diversified genital organ structure, particularly in groups of Evarcha. Pending further research, the users identifying genera of EVARCHINES are advised to scan ALL assembled pictures. Epigyne often with large central membranous "window", have distinct pair of sclerotized pockets (however, absent in a few species) usually beneath (dorsally to) epigyne and transluce trough tegument, rarely superficial, located posteriorly, usually on sides of epigynal plate. Copulatory ducts diverse, usually light sclerotized, often make simple loop, rarely long and entangled. Spermathecae elongate, usually bent or making a few loops, rarely partitioned into internal chambers. Bulbus usually oval, sometimes with posterior extension, rarely round. Embolus arises laterally or anteriorly, exceptionally encircling bulbus, but sometimes short.
REMARKS. Some males resemble HYLLINAE, but that is not supported by their females. It seems that usage of the Key could be easier by splitting genera into more uniform groups of species, some of which should be moved into other groups of genera.

Diversity of genera - male palps

Diversity of genera - internal structure of epigyne

Diversity of genera - appearance of epigyne

Diversity of genera - color pattern

Gen. Baryphas Simon, 1902 ( 6 species)

Type species Baryphas ahenus.
TRANSFER of male TO HYLLINAE? female resembles Evarcha? Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Baryphas ahenus: Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 5 + Haddad, Wesolowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 53-54, f 1-2 + Azarkina, Foord 3686(2): 166, f. 2-17 +Wesolowska, Cumming 2008. Ann. zool. 58: 169, f 2-8 . By courtesy.
Baryphas jullieni: Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 6 (Simon's specimen) . + Wesołowska, Edwards 2012. Ann. zool.: 62(4): 737-738,
f 12–16, 114. By courtesy.
++ +
Baryphas albicinctus + micheli + scintillans: Wesołowska, Russel-Smith Ann. zool. 61(3): 561-563, f 30-32 + Berland, Millot
1941. 12, 2: 313, ff. 15, 16. + [MISIDENTIFIED?] 315, figs 17a-c + 316 f. 18. By courtesy.
Baryphas sp [Wes]: Wesołowska, Russel-Smith Ann. zool. 61(3): 563, f 33-34. By courtesy.
Polemus chrysochirus +b) galeatus [= Baryphas - syn. n.] TO BE MERGED WITH BARYPHAS? : Proszynski J. 1987: 80 + Szuts T. 2005 Opusc. zool., 36: 90-92, f 22-25. + Szuts T. 2005 [2007]. Opusc. zool., 36: 92, f 26-30. By courtesy.

Gen. Evarcha Simon, 1902 (90 species)

Type species Evarcha falcata.
Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Key to groups of species

(Gen. Evarcha Simon, 1902 s. s.Gen. Evarcha s.s. falcata group)Evarcha falcata : Proszynski 1991: ff. 1341.1-4  

(Gen. Evacin Prószyński, 2017Cen. Evacincta Prószyński, 2017 - flavocincta group)Evarcha flavocincta : Zabka 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 224, f. 187-192 + Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009: 576, f 183-185.
(Gen. Evalba Prószyński, 2017 -albaria group)Evarcha albaria : Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987: 53-55, ff. 27-34 .
(Gen. Evaneg Prószyński, 2017 - praeclara group)Evarcha praeclara : Proszynski 2003. Ann. zool.: 62-63, figs 205, 207, 211-214, 216
(Gen. Evawes Prószyński, 2017 - patagiata group)Evarcha patagiata : Proszynski. Ann. zool., 2003: 59-61, figs 200, 224-226, 229-230. By courtesy.

group of species Evarcha (albaria group)(5 species)
Evalba Prószyński, 2017 gen. n.,

(albaria group) Evarcha albaria +b) fasciata : Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987: 53-55, ff. 27-34 +© Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009: 576, pl 46-6 +b) .Peng X., Xie L., Xiao X. 1993. 44: 69-70, ff. 196-198 + Ikeda, Saito 1997. 46, 2: 125-131, figs 1-14.
Evarcha coreana + hunanensis: Song et al., 1999: 510, figs 293L-M, 294E + 510, figs 294M-N. By courtesy.
Evarcha orientalis + wulingensis: Song et al., 1999: 510, figs 294 O-P, 295A-B +511, figs 296J. By courtesy.
Evarcha paralbaria : Peng, Xie, Xiao 1993: 71-73, ff. 203-210. By courtesy.
Evarcha selenaria : Suguro & Yahata, 2013. A. arachn. 61(1): 1-4, f 1-9 (Ryukyu Isls.). By courtesy.

group of species Evarcha (falcata group)(5 species)
Gen. Evarcha Simon, 1902 s. s.

((falcata group))Evarcha falcata : Proszynski 1991: ff. 1341.1-4 + Zabka 1997. F Polski: 5-187, figs 113-118. ©Photo Ed Nieuwenhuys, 1999 + J. Lissner + Arachnol. Gesells. By courtesy.
Evarcha hoyi : Paquin, Duperre 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 194, figs 2166-2168 + Marusik, Logunov 1997. Arthr. Sel..
6 (3/4): 99-101, figs 3, 9-11, 18, 21, 22 + ©Photo G. B. Edwards, 2001. . By courtesy.
Evarcha proszynskii :Marusik, Logunov 1997.Arthr. Sel., 6 (3/4): 101-104, figs. 1, 2, 6-8, 14, 19, 20
+ ©Photo T. Shahan(Oregon)+O. Berlov (Siberia). By courtesy.
Evarcha laetabunda : Proszynski 1982: 280, f. 23-27 + Logunov 1992b: 55-56, ff. 2c-d, 3c-d + © Arachnol. Gesells., 2012.
Evarcha michailovi : Logunov 1992b. Arthropoda Selecta, : 34, f 2a-b, 3a-b. By courtesy. +
Evarcha arcuata : Zabka M. 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 49, f. 99-106. + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Evarcha aegyptiaca (species identification uncertain) : Proszynski 1984c: 93 + Denis, 1947a: 78, pl. 5, f. 14-16.

Evarcha (flavocincta group) Prószynski, 2004 (22 species)
Gen. Evacincta Prószyński, 2017

(flavocincta group)Evarcha flavocincta : Zabka 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 224, f. 187-192 + Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009
Salt. Japan: 576, f 183-185 + ©Photo J. Koh 1989: 105 + © Photo H.K. Tang. By courtesy.

Evarcha acuta + alba : Proszynski 1984c:129 + Wanless F.R. 1983a. 241: 56-59, ff. 19a-f + [misplaced]: Saaristo 2010: 190,
f. 27.80-83 + Lessert R. 1925b. Rev. suisse zool., 32 (21): 354-357, figs 16A-. By courtesy.

Evarcha bulbosa +b) bulbosa-cf +c) cancellata : Zabka 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 222, ff. 173-175 +b) 1985: 224, figs 193-196
+c) Proszynski J. 1984c: 51 + ©Photo M. Freudenschuss. By courtesy.
Evarcha reiskindi + vitosa: Proszynski in Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1996. J. Arachn. 24(3): 234-236, figs 70-73 + Prochniewicz M. 1989. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 65, 2: 210-211, 224, ff. 52-55. By courtesy.
Evarcha kochi + pulchella + optabilis: Zabka 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 224, f. 193-196. + Prószyński, Deeleman-Reinhold,
2010. Arthr. sel. 19(3): 166, f 62-69 + Proszynski 1984c: 49 + Proszynski 1987: 26 (Type No. 1166 from Szechwan). By courtesy.
Evarcha infrastriata + infrastriata-cf: Zabka M. 1993. 7: 292, t. 13, 14 + © PhotoR. Whyte. By courtesy.
Evarcha pococki: Zabka 1985. Annales zoologici, 39, 11: 223-224, ff. 180-186 + 222, ff. 173-175 + 224, figs 193-196
+ Proszynski 1984c: 50 (testing Wanles' drawing equipment) . By courtesy.
Evarcha pseudopococki +b) nigrifrons: Song et al., 1999: 511, figs 296E-F +b) Prószyński 2009b. Arthr.sel. 18(3-4): f 35 (type). By courtesy.
Evarcha acuta : Proszynski 1984c: 129 + Wanless 1983a. 241: 56-59, ff. 19a-f + Saaristo 2010: 190, f. 27. By courtesy.
Evarcha flagellaris + karas : Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 63-65, f 12, 33-35 +
Wesolowska 2011. Genus, 22(2): 314-315, f 18-19. By courtesy.
Evarcha kirghisica : Rakov S.Y. 1997. Arthr. Sel. 6 (1/2):figs 10-13.. By courtesy.
Evarcha striolata : Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert., 50(1): 35, f 47-49 + 2013: 54 (1): 197-198, f 10, 17, 65, 66.

Evarcha (patagiata group) (22 species)

(patagiata group)Evarcha patagiata : Proszynski. 1984c: 52 (type specimen?) + Proszynski. Ann. zool., 2003: 59-61,
figs 200, 224-226, 229-230. By courtesy.
Evarcha jucunda : Proszynski. Ann. zool., 2003: 64, figs 227-228, 234-235 + ©Photo H. Metzner. By courtesy.
Evarcha elegans : Wesolowska, Russel-Smith, 2000. Trop. Zool., 13 (1): 26-28, figs 37-44 + Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008
J. Afrotr. Zool., 4: 14, 52-53 + Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert., 50(1): 30, 32-33. By courtesy.
Evarcha ignea : Wesołowska, Cumming 2008. Ann. zool. 58: 175-176, f 22-23 + Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert.,
50(1): 30, f 34-37.
b)c) +
Evarcha arabica +b) picta +c) carbonaria +d) bihastata : Wesolowska, van Harten, 2007. F. Arabia, 23: 9-11,f 17-26
+b) 15-16, f 35-41 +c0 Wesołowska 2012b. Genus. 23(2): 204-205, f 12-13 (syntype) + Lessert, 1927: 450, f 27 .
Evarcha bakorensis +b) chubbi:: Rollard Ch., Wesolowska W. 2002. Zoosystema. 24 (2): 288-288, figs 4A-D
+ Wesolowska, Russel-Smith 2011.Ann. zool. 61(3): 568-570, f 52-56, 222 +b) Proszynski J. 1984c: 48 + Lessert 1925a. Rev. suisse zool., 31 (13): 498-500, figs 79-80. By courtesy.
Evarcha culicivora : Wesolowska, Jackson 2003. Ann. Zool., 53 (2): 335-338, figs 1-20 + © photo Jackson, 2004. By courtesy.
Evarcha awashi +b) pinguis: Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008. J. Afrotr. Zool. 4: 10-12, 43-48 +b) 16-17, f 59-61. By courtesy.
Evarcha prosimilis : Wesolowska, Russell-Smith, 2000. Tr. Zool., 13 (1): 28, figs 45-48 (E. similis - preoccupied)
+ Wesołowska, Cumming, 2008. Ann. zool. 58: 179, f 33-37 + Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr.
52(1): 66, f 37-38. By courtesy.
Evarcha madagascariensis +b) zimbabwensis : Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool., 44, 8: 92, figs 13-15 +b) Wesolowska W., A. Russel-Smith, 2000. Tr. Zool., 13 (1): 22-23, figs 25-28. By courtesy.
Evarcha mongolica : Danilov, Logunov 1994: 30, figs 2a-b + Song et al., 1999: 511, figs 295 F-G, O-P. By courtesy.
Evarcha longula : Davies Todd, Zabka 1989. 27 (2): 250, pl 54 (Trite longula) + ©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Evarcha sp [N Strad] : Australia. ©Photo Whyte.. By courtesy.
Evarcha denticulata :Wesołowska et Haddad, 2013: 24(3-4): 469-471, f 24-25, 50-51. By courtesy.
Evarcha maculata : Rollard Ch., Wesolowska W. 2002. Zoosystema. 24 (2): 290-292, figs 6A-F. By courtesy.
Evarcha mirabilis+ b) bicuspidata: Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert., 50(1): 32-33, f 38-41+b) Peng X., Li S. 2003a. Raffles Bull. Zool. 51: 22, f 1A-D. By courtesy.

Evarcha (praeclara group) (12 species)
Gen. Evaneg Prószyński, 2017 Simon, 1902

(praeclara group)Evarcha praeclara : Proszynski 2003. Ann. zool.: 62-63, figs 205, 207, 211-214, 216 + Yemen.
©Photo B. Knoflach, 2002. By courtesy.
Evarcha negevensis : Proszynski 2000. Arthr. Sel. 8(4): 240-242, figs 37-44 + ©Photo A. Weinstein.. By courtesy.
Evarcha nenilini + darinurica : Rakov S.Y. 1997. Arthr. Sel. 6 (1/2): 110-111, figs 18-21 + Logunov 2001b Arthr. Sel., 10 (1):
59-60, figs. 31-32 + Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool..: 175, figs 721-722.
Evarcha nepos : Proszynski 2003: Ann. zool., 58-59, figs 201, 217-219, 222-223.. By courtesy.
Evarcha nigricans + pileckii + praeclara-aff + armeniaca: Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici: 64, figs 236-237 + 2000. Arthr.
Sel. 8(4): 243-242, figs 45-47+ Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ..: 104 + Logunov 1998c. Arthr. Sel. 7(4): 301-303,figs 1-4. By courtesy.
Evarcha eriki : Wunderlich J. 1987. Triops Verlag: 277-278, f 695-698 + ©Photo J. Lissner - Tenerife 500 m. By courtesy.
Evarcha seyun : Wesolowska W., van Harten A. 2007. F. Arab., 23: 207-209, f 50-55 +2010: UAE 3: 32, pl 5-6, f 12-16.

Evarcha (pending classification) (12 species)

Evarcha (pending classification)

(pending classification)Evarcha acuta[Wesolowska] : Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent., 14 (2): 230-231, f 23-25. By courtesy.
Evarcha annae : Proszynski 1987a: 39 + Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert. 50(1): 28, f 29-31. + Peckham, Peckham 1903:
238, T. 27, F. 4. By courtesy.
Evarcha aposto : Wesolowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008 J. Afrotr. Zool., 4: 10, 36-42 + Wesołowska, Edwards 2012. Ann. zool.: 62(4): 744-745, f 41–43, 123, 216. By courtesy.
Evarcha brinki : Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr.52(1): 61-62, f 11, 28-32. By courtesy.
Evarcha certa Rollard Ch., Wesolowska W. 2002. Zoosystema. 24 (2): 290, figs 5A-C + Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008.
J. Afrotr. Zool., 4: 12-13, 49-51. By courtesy.

Evarcha chappuisi + gausapata : + Lessert R. 1925a. 31 (13): 501-503, figs 81-84 + Proszynski J. 1984c: 48. By courtesy.
b) <
Evarcha crinita +b) digitata : Logunov, Zamanpoore 2005. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13(6): 218-219, f 24-25
Peng X.[ian-jin], Li S.[hu]-Q.[iang] 2002e. A. zootax. Sin. 27, 3: 470, figs 1A-D. By courtesy.
Evarcha grandis +b) russellsmithi +c) idanrensis : Wesolowska W., A. Russel-Smith 2011. Ann. zool. 61(3): 570-571, f 57-58 +b) 571, f 59-61 +c) Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008. J. Afrotr. Zool., 4: 18, f 66-71, photo 211 . By courtesy.
Evarcha hirticeps: Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: 510, figs 294K-L.+Song & Chai,1992: 80, f. 7A-C. By courtesy.
Evarcha improcera : Wesolowska W., van Harten A. 2007. F. Arabia, 23: 202-203, f 32-34. By courtesy.
Evarcha petrae : Proszynski J. 1992a. Ann. zool., 44, 8: 93, fig. 8-12. By courtesy.
Evarcha sichuanensis : Song et al., 1999: 511, figs 295H, 296G-H. By courtesy.
Evarcha squamulata +b) obscura +c) theisi : Szuts T. 2005 [2007]. Opusc. zool., 36: 92-93, f 31-33 +b) Caporiacco L. di. 1947c.
Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nat. hung. 40: 245, t. 2, f. 74 +c)
Lucas H. 1846: 148, t 7, f 10. By courtesy.
Evarcha vittula: Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 66-69, f 39, 48-50. By courtesy.
Evarcha wenxianensis [=Yaginumaella?] : Tang, Yang 1995. J. Lanzhou Univ. (nat. Sci.) 31: 110-112.. By courtesy.
Evarcha sp :].Java: Jakarta +Borneo Is. Tenggarang.. ©Photo D. Petot. By courtesy.
Evarcha [?] sp : Sabah: Sukau, Bukit Tamanggong 899. Photo © P. Koomen + Petot. By courtesy.

Gen. Ghumattus Prószynski, 1992 (1 species)

Type species Ghumattus primus.
Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Ghumattus primus : Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 173, figs 33-37, 43. By courtesy.

Gen. Hasarinella Wesolowska 2012 (2 species)

Type species Hasarinella berlandi
Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Hasarinella berlandi +b) distincta : Wesolowska 2012b. Genus. 23(2): 206-208, f 14-18 +b) Haddad & Wesołowska, 2013:
24(3-4): 475-477, 34-38, 55-56. By courtesy. [PLACEMENT?].

Gen. Nigorella Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008 (4 species)

Type species Nigorella syrphus
Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Nigorella aethiopica : Wesolowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008. J. Afrotr. Zool. 4: 36-37, 130-143
+ Wesolowska 2009d: 59(4): 519, f 9-15, 30, 32.. By courtesy.
Nigorella albimana : Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ....: 71 (plebeja+albimana + fem. 2 sp. by Clark) + Wesołowska, Haddad 2009
.Afr. Invert., 50(1): 66, photo 220. By courtesy.
Nigorella hirsuta + manica: Wesołowska 2009: Ann. zool. 59(4): 521-523, f 31, 33 + 523-524, f 26-29. By courtesy.

Gen. Pancorius Simon, 1902 (23 species)

Type species Pancorius dentichelis.
Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Pancorius dentichelis + crassipes: Proszynski 1984c. Atlas... : 98 ["20485 Panc.[orius] dentichelis ES. Padang/W" Sumatra]
+ Proszynski 1973b. Ann. zool. 30: 107-110, f 25-32. + © Ono, Ikeda, Kono. 2009: 568, pl 5. By courtesy.
Pancorius daitaricus + darjeelingianus: Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 189-190, f 99, 101-105
+b) 191, f 106-108. By courtesy.
Pancorius submontanus +b) tagorei: Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 191, f 113-124 +b) 193, f 125-128. By courtesy.
Pancorius thorelli +b) petoti: Proszynski 1984c. Atlas... : 66 + ©Photo by Murphy F. and J., 2000 +b) Prósz., Deel.-Rein., 2013. Sarawak.©Arthr. selecta. 22(2): 139, f 109-111 + ©Photo. Didier Petot. By courtesy.
Pancorius changricus +b) kaskiae +c) wangdicus : Zabka M. 1990c. Senck. biol., 70 (1/3): 164-166, f 7-12
+b) 167-168, f 13-15 +c) 168-169, f 16-18. By courtesy.
Pancorius magniformis +b) minutus +c) dabanis: Zabka M. 1990c.Senck. biol., 70 (1/3): 162-164, f 1-6 +b) 168-169, f 19-21
+c) Zabka M. 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 422, f 385-386. By courtesy.
Pancorius magnus : Zabka M. 1985. Ann. zool., 39, 11: 422, f 387-400 + Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9:
191, f 109-112. + Jastrzębski 2011. Genus, 22(1): 186-188, f 9, 20 + ©Photo Hirzi Hussain. By courtesy.
Pancorius armatus +b) cadus +c) borneensis : Jastrzębski 2011. Genus, 22(1): 183-184, f 13-14 +b) 184-186, f 5-8, 15-17
+c) Simon E. 1903a. 716, f 853-854 (=A-B). By courtesy.
Pancorius urnus +b) cheni +c) golufengensis +d) kohi : Jastrzębski, 2011. Genus, 22(1): 188-189, f 10-11, 18-19
+b) Peng X., Tang G., Li S., 2008.© Acta zootaxon. sin. 33(2): 249-250, f 5-8 +c) Peng X., Yin C., Yan H.,
Kim Joo-Pil 1998 Korean Arachn. 14 (2): 37-38, f 4-6 +d) Zhang J., Song D., Li S., 2003. Raffles Bull. Zool.
2003: 51 (2): 193-194, f 6a-c. By courtesy.
Pancorius taiwanensis +b) hongkong +c) hainanensis : Bao Y.H., Peng X.J. 2002. Zool. Stud. 41 (4): 407-407, f 15-18.
+b) Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: 536, f 306C-D, 327P +c) Song D., Chai I., 1991. 1999: 536, f 305W. By courtesy.
Pancorius latus Cao, Li & Zabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 85-87, f. 30–31, 43. By courtesy.
Pancorius crinitus Logunov & Jäger, 2015. Russian Entomological Journal 24(4): 357, f. 40-44. By courtesy.

Gen. Pharacocerus Simon, 1902 (5 species)

Type species Pharacocerus sessor. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Pharacocerus sessor +b) ephippiatus +c) fagei +d) fagei soudanensis +e) fagei verdieri : a+b) Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 105 +c) Berland, Millot 1941. 12, 2: 359, f 61A +d) 361 f. 62. +d) 361, f. 62 +e) 361, f 61C.

Gen. Polemus Simon, 1903 (2 species)

Type species Polemus longipalpis.

Gen. Pseudamycus Simon, 1885 (6 species)

Type species Pseudamycus albomaculatus
Drawings below are integral part of definition.

Pseudamycus flavopubescens +b) albomaculatus : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 115 +b) Atlas ...: 114 +.Zabka 1985. Annales zool. 39 (11): 440, f 511-512 + ©Photo Murphy F. and J. 2000. By courtesy.
Pseudamycus bhutanis +b) hasselti +c) canescens: Zabka M. 1990c. Senckenbergiana. biol. 70 (1/3): 178, f 38-40 +b) Zabka 1985. Annales zoologici, 39 (11): 439-440, f 508-510 +c) .Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 115. By courtesy.
Pseudamycus himalaicus: Tikader B. K. 1967. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Bangalore, 66: 118-119, f 2a-b.. By courtesy.