APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy
MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini Aelurillina Asemoneinae Amycini Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini Ballini Baviini Bredini Chrysillini Cocalodini Dendryphantina Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3 Eupoinae Freyina Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini Hisponinae Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina Lapsiini Leptorchestini Lyssomaninae Marpissina Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini Neonini Onomastinae Plexippina Salticini Sarindini Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini Sitticini Spartaeina Synagelina Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis

Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.

Jerzy Prószyński
Version July 1st, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph

Interactive index of genera. Type genus Icius.
Anarrhotus, Artabrus, Avarua, Burmattus, Cavillator, Corambis, Cosmophasis_not-type-related, Dasycyptus, Diplocanthopoda, Echinussa, Hakka, Helicius, Huntiglennia, Icius, Idastrandia, Jajpurattus, Marchena, Matagaia, ,Pilia, Pungalina,Schenkelia, Stagetillus, Trite, Xuriella.
(126 species)


DIAGNOSIS. ICIINES (type genus Icius Simon, 1876, type species Icius hamatus (Koch C.L., 1846) are delimited tentatively for genera resembling CHRYSILLINAE, but differing by basis of embolus developed on prolateral side bulbus anteriorly (as seen in Icius hamatus, below), not superimposed on surface of bulbus. Embolus usually short, parallel to anterior, rounded end of bulbus. Semi arching top of spermophor visible either atop bulbus, or somewhere posteriorly on its retro-lateral margin. Group contains variety of forms, resembling the above described structure, or departing partially from it. Spermathecae located in posterior part of epigyne, usually transversally oval, or globular. Ducts run straight from anterior copulatory openings, if openings more posterior then ducts make bent near anterior edge of epigyne (as in Hakka). Placement and delimitation of this group require further considerations. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Icius (s. str.) hamatus + Salticus scenicus : Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski. 1984. Ann. zool., 3, 13: 350, f. 1-5 + ©Photo M. Antoine Senglet.Paquin P., Duperre N. 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 200, f 2242-2244. By courtesy.

Guide to identification of genera by male palps

Guide to identification of genera by internal structure of epigyne

Guide to identification of genera by body shape and color pattern

Gen. Anarrhotus Simon, 1902 (2 species)

Type species Anarrhotus fossulatus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Anarrhotus fossulatus + Anarrhotus sp Sabah: Proszynski 1984a. Ann. zool., 37, 16: 401, figs 3-4.
©Phot P. Koomen. By courtesy.

Gen. Artabrus Simon, 1902 (3 species)

Type species Artabrus erythrocephalus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Artabrus erythrocephalus : Proszynski 1987.Atlas ..., 2-3 + Prószynski, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010. Arthr. sel.,
19(3): 156, 1-12+© Murphy F. and J. 2000. Malaysian Nat. Soc., 1-624. By courtesy.

Gen. Avarua Marples, 1955 - see Trite - comb. n.

Gen. Burmattus Prószynski, 1992 (6 species)

Type species Burmattus pococki. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Burmattus pococki: Type species Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ..: 153 + Zabka 1985: 434-439, ff. 473-480. + Japan
©Photo A.Tanikawa, 2003. By courtesy.
Burmattus albopunctatus +b) sinicus +c) pachytibialis : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ..: 153 + Proszynski J. 1992a. Ann. zool.
44, 8: 89-90, f. 1-3+ Prószynski, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010. Arthr. sel., 19(3): 156-157, f 13-16, 19-20. By courtesy.
Burmattus gerensis +b) nitidus : Hu, J. L. 2001: 399, f. 253.1-3 + 392, f. 248.1-3 + 392, f. 248.1-3 . By courtesy. Remark: placement of B. grensis uncertain, white area oncarapace resembles Pellenes, epigyne comparable with Burmattus pachytibialis.

Gen. Cavillator Wesolowska, 1999 (1 species)

Type species Cavillator longipes . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cavillator longipes Wesolowska W. 1999a. Arnoldia Zimbabwe, 10(15): 147, f 1-4 (type species). By courtesy.

Gen. Corambis Simon, 1901 (2 species)

Type species Corambis insignipes (Simon, 1880). Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Corambis insignipes Type species: Zabka 1988b. Ann. zool.41 (14): 443, f. 59-61. Szuts T. 2002b. Fol. ent.. hung.,
LXIII: 26-29, figs 1-4, 6-9, 11-18. By courtesy.
Corambis foeldvarii Szüts, 2002Szuts T. 2002b. Fol. ent.. hung.,, LXIII: 29, figs 5, 10, 19-21.By courtesy.

Gen.Cosmophasis Simon, 1901(13 species on this page )
ATTENTION: Cosmophasis is a popular genus in Eastern Hemisphere tropics, recognizable in the field by irridescent light reflecting body
(due to transparent scale coverage) and bright color patter. However, there are several groups of species differing strikingly by shape of
palps and spermathecae. Drawings suggesting splitting Cosmophasis into different genera and eventual reclassificatio are shown below.

Type species Cosmophasis thalassina. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cosmophasis bitaeniata group. True type of Cosmophasis thalassina - see group HYLLINES
Cosmophasis[bitaeniatus group!]
MISSIDENTIFIED Cosmophasis thalassina : Prószyński 1984c: 23. "20617 Cosmophasis
thalassina C.K. Java: Mt. Tenggu" Det. ex Simon's collection.
Cosmophasis micarioides group. Cosmophasis micarioides type
Cosmophasis tristriatus group - C. tristriatus (male) + C. baehrae (female)
Cosmophasis rakata. Cosmophasis rakata group.

Gen. Cosmophasis (micarioides group) (7 species)

Representative species Cosmophasis baehrae . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cosmophasis (micarioides) micarioides: Żabka, Waldock 2012. Male + female ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 130-131, f 39–48, 62. + ©Photo R. Whyte + J. Gardzinska. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (micarioides) olorina: Proszynski 1984c: 22 [Telamonia olorina 20435 Kandy - Simon's coll. MNHN-Paris].
Cosmophasis (micarioides) laticlavia: Proszynski 1984c: 21 (Padang) + © Photo J. Gardzińska (Sungei Bulu, IX 1878). By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (micarioides?) xiaolonghaensis: Cao, Li & Zabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 71-20 , f. 19–20, 43. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (micarioides) undulata: . By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (micarioides) colemani +b) courti: Żabka, Waldock 2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 132, f 49, 62D + 132, f 52–53
. + ©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (micarioides) darwini +b) trobriand : Żabka, Waldock 2012. ©Ann.zool.: 62(1): 133, f 54, 62D
+b) 133-134, f 55–56,62D. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (micarioides) humphreysi : Żabka, Waldock 2012. ©Ann.zool.: 132, f 50–51, 62B . By courtesy.

Gen. Cosmophasis (rakata group) (1 species)

Reprentative species Cosmophasis rakata . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cosmophasis (rakata ) rakata : Żabka, Waldock 2012. ©Ann.zool.: 62(1): 134-135, f 57–59, 62D. By courtesy.

Gen. Cosmophasis (tristriatus group) (5 species)

Reprentative species "Cosmophasis" tristriatus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Cosmophasis tristriatus Zabka, Waldock 2012.Ann. zool.: 62(1): ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 128, f 30–31, 61F ( HOLOTYPE)
+ Berry, Beatty, Proszynski. 1997. J. Arachnol. 25(2): 124-125, figs 61-65. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis arborea Berry, Beatty, Prószyński 1997. J. Arachn. 25(2):109-136, f 49-57. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis baehrae Żabka, Waldock 2012. Female PARATYPES ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 128-129, f 32–35, 62A
+ ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis ombria Proszynski 1984c: 25-26. "2737. Cosmophasis viridifasciata Dol. Amboina /Nim. gen./" Coll.Simon," +b) Maevia ombria Thorell, m, typus, Kandari (Celebes), 1874, O. Beccari.Mus. Civ. Storia Nat., Genova. C ©Phot J. Gardzinska.
Cosmophasis obscura : Żabka, Waldock 2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 120, f 5–6, 61B +b) ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte.
Cosmophasis triopina Barrion A.T., Litsinger J.A. 1995: 73, f. 34a-g. By courtesy.

Gen. Dasycyptus Simon, 1902 (2 species)

Type species Dasycyptus dimus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Dasycyptus dimus + D. dubius: Holotype Proszynski 1987: Atlas ...: 20 + Proszynski 2003a . Ann. zool.,39-42,
figs 113-114,21 + Berland, Millot 1941. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur.: 359, figs. 59, 60.

Gen. Diplocanthopoda Abraham, 1925 (2 species)

Type species Diplocanthopoda marina Abraham, 1925.
REMARK. "..D. marina ... Found on sea shore in the intertidal zone. When the tide comes in, the spider retreats to a small hole in the rock and seals the entrance with silk. ... When resting, these spiders can resemble small crabs occupying the same habitat. (Murphy & Murphy 2000: 355.)"
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

+b) +c)
Diplocanthopoda hatamensis +b, c) marina Zabka 1988b. Annales zoologici, 41 (14): 448-450, ff. 74-79 +b) Proszynski J. 1984c: 35 +c) Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 105. By courtesy.

Gen. Echinussa Simon, 1901 (3 species)

Type species Echinussa vibrabunda. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

+b) +c)
Echinussa vibrabunda + b) imerinensis +c) praedatoria : a +b) Proszynski 1987: 20 +c) Peckham G.W., Peckham E.G. 1885a. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc. 1885: 23-42, pl. I. 6. By courtesy.

Gen. Hakka Berry & Prószynski, 2001 (3 species)

Type species Hakka himeshimensis Berry & Prószynski 2001
DIAGNOSIS. Anterior edge of palpal oran broad, with embolus gently double bent, separated from antero-retrolateral protuberance by deep, semicircular depression, resembling somewhat palp in Rudakius. Posterior half of bulbus slightly narrowing. Epigyne with central, oval depression, with a medial pair of copulatory opening, there is a posterior pair of translucent pockets. Spermathecae elongate oval, set transversally, with thin copulatory ducts running anterior wards, at the anterior edge of epigyne turning sharply back and running towards copulatory openings. The armature of scent opening in a form of prominent duct, chimney like. All these structures, palp and epigyne, are somewhat reminiscent of PSEUDICIINES, but there is no typical subocular row of stridulatory spines on tubercles, and no modification of tibia I. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Hakka himeshimensis Hawaiian + USA specimens - Proszynski in: Berry, Prószynski 2001. J. Arachn. 2001, vol. 29(2):
201-204, figs 1-7. + Marblehead, Essex Co., MA, USA. ©Photo R. Kaldari. By courtesy.
Hakka marshi + yadongensis [?] Peckhams 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Aris. Lot., 14 (1): 189, t 20, f 4-4a.
+ Wesolowska W. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 230, f 862-865.+ Hu, J. L. 2001: 399, f 247.1-7. By courtesy.

Gen. Helicius Prószynski, 1976 (4 species)

Type species Helicius cylindratus.
DIAGNOSIS. Epigyne with pockets developed in posterior part, but distant from the edge. Ducts and spermatheca arranged linear, parallel to body axis. Copulatory ducts runs from anterior openings gently bent, armature of scent opening prominent, developed transversally. Bulbus broad, short embolus arises anteriorly. Tibial apophysis trapezium shaped, broadened anteriorly. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Helicius cylindratus +b) hilaryi: Proszynski J. 1973b. [Type specimen in Dahl's permanent slide]. Ann. zool., 30: 125, figs 72-73 + Yaginuma, Spiders of Japan,1986: 240, pl 64-3, f 133.4 +b) Żabka, 1981b. Ent. Basil. 6: 39-40, figs 73-76.
Helicius yaginumai : Proszynski 1976: 186 , figs 373-382+b) ©Ono, Ikeda, Kono. 2009: 568, pl 44-8-9 + 94-96. By courtesy.
Helicius chikunii: Logunov, Marusik, 1999b. Acta Arachn. 48 (1): 25-27, f 5,10-13 +Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009: 568, f 91-93.
Two version of THE SAME ORIGINAL PUBLICATION purporting to describe Helicius kimjoopili, differing by diagnostic drawings of two different species, that on plate a) being apparently Plexippoides regius, that on b) belongs presumably to the genus Nandicius, certainly not Helicius(!): a) one version of the paper Kim 1995. Korean Arachn. 11(2): 1-5, f 1-4 + b) another version "of the same paper + c) mislead by the above, synonymy "Pseudicius kimjoopili" (syn. Helicius k.) MISIDENTIFIED and MISMATCHED: Suguro, Yahata: Act. Arachn. 67(2): 87-97, f 2-9. Data received by courtesy of Mr. Suguro.

Gen. Huntiglennia Zabka, Gray, 2004 (1 species)

Type species Huntiglennia williamsi Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Huntiglennia williamsi Zabka, Gray 2004. Annales zoologici. 54(3): 587-590, f 1-14. By courtesy.

Gen. Icius Simon, 1876 (26 species)

Type species Icius hamatus .
DIAGNOSIS. Spermathecae irregular, elongate oval, arranged transversally, with copulatory ducts relatively broad, running straight towards anterior openings. Bulbus elongate, narrowing anteriorly, with short embolus arising parallel to tip of bulbus. Tibial apophysis short, sharp pointed, in some species forked. Color pattern characteristic. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
REMARKS. "Waste bucket" genus with 131 species listed during history of research, of which some 20 seem to be interrelated and are recognizable.

Icius (s. str.) hamatus (Koch C.L., 1846) Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski. 1984. Ann. zool., 3, 13: 350, f. 1-5. By courtesy. ©Photo M. Antoine Senglet. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) subinermis Simon, 1937. 1-Proszynski J. 1976: f 396-402, map 98. By courtesy 2-Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 122-122, ff. 48-58. 3-©Photo M. Antoine Senglet. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) boryi (Lucas, 1846) Algeria. Proszynski 1987: 48-49 (F - not the type) Salticus boryi Lucas 1846: 157, t 7, f 3.
Salticus angustatus+ Icius erraticus+ Icius guyoni Lucas 1846: 167, t 8, f 6 + 149, f 5 + 156, t 7, f 6..
Icius (s. str.) congener Simon, 1871 S France - coll.Simon, in MNHN-Paris. Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 47. .Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 120-122, ff. 37-45 \ 20 (1/3): 120-122, ff. 37-45
Icius(?) alboterminus [Phintella? a. syn. n.]: Caleb, 2014a: 9 (2): 605-608 f 1-12 (Chennai). By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) crassipes (Simon, 1868) Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 47.Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 123-122, ff. 46, 59-61 + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 45, 52-52 (male = hamatus?). . By courtesy.
Icius insolidus Wesołowska, 1999 Genus, 10(2): 299, figs 158-161 +Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent., 14 (2): 234-237, f 43-52 + Haddad, Wesolowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 75-76, f 45-46, 55-56. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) insolitus Alicata, Cantarella, 1993 Animalia, 20 (1/3): 127, ff. 47, 62-68 + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 47, f. 53-62. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) simoni Alicata, Cantarella, 1993. Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 127-130, ff. 69-76. By courtesy.
Icius nigricaudus Wesolowska, Haddad 2009. Maputaland, S. Africa. Afr. Inv., 50(1): 51, 87-92. By courtesy.
Icius fagei +b ) pulchellus : Wesolowska 2012b. Genus . 23(2): 208-209, f 19-26 +b) Haddad, Wesolowska 2011.
© Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 76-78, f 47, 57-62. By courtesy.
Icius cervinus + Icius dendryphantoides Simon, 1878. Ukraine: Left Bank. Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 69 + 46.
Icius minimus Wesolowska,Tomasiewicz, 2008.J. Afrotrop. Zool., 4: 19-20, f 72-81 [female dorsal pattern - Pellenes?]. By courtesy.
Icius ocellatus + I. ildefonsus Pavesi, 1883. Type specimen Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 56. + Chamberlin R. V. 1924a. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 12: 679, f. 119.
Icius olokomei : Ann. zool. 61(3): 577, f 80-81[-82], 227. By Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. By courtesy.
Icius peculiaris Wesolowska,Tomasiewicz, 2008. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, 4: 19-20, f 82-86. By courtesy.
Icius steeleae Logunov, 2004d. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 13 (3), 86-87, f. 3-6. By courtesy
+ Wesolowska 2011b. Uganda: Lake Victoria. J. Arachnol. 39: 485, f 14-20, 34. By courtesy.
Icius mbitaensis Wesolowska, 2011b. Kenya: Lake Victoria. J. Arachnol. 39: 483-484, f 7-13, 33 . By courtesy
Icius bamboo [placement uncertain] Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 80-83, f. 26&#8211;27, 43. By courtesy.<

Gen. Idastrandia Strand, 1929 (1 species)

Type species Idastrandia orientalis. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Idastrandia sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 75. By courtesy. Note: documentation how identified - needed!
Idastrandia orientalis: Proszynski 1983b. Folia ent. hung., XLIV, 2: 284-287, f 7-10
+ Szombathy, K. 1915c. Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. nat. Hung., 13: 474-475, f. 5. By courtesy.

Gen. Jajpurattus Proszynski, 1992 (1 species)

Type species Jajpurattus incertus.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
REMARKS. Placement uncertain, due to poor state of preservation of the holotype, palp expanded due to decaying.

Jajpurattus incertus: Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool. 44, 9: 182, f 67-71. By courtesy.

Gen. Matagaia Ruiz, Brescovit & Freitas, 2007 (1 species)

Type species Matagaia chromatopus . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Matagaia chromatopus Ruiz, Brescovit, Freitas 2007 Rev. brasil. Zool. 24: 772, f 1-9. By courtesy.

Gen. Padillothorax Simon, 1885 (2 species)
(reinstated by Prószyński

Padilothorax semiostrinus [comb. reinstated, Prószyński 2018b: 174] : Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 104-105. By courtesy..

Gen. Padillothorus Prószyński, 2018 (1 species)

Padillothorus elegans [combination new by Prószyński 2018b: 174]: Proszynski 1984c: 95. By courtesy. [REMARK. Species unrelated to type species of Stagetilus, of unknown relationship, pending revision].

Gen. Pilia Simon, 1902 (2 species)

Type species Pilia saltabunda . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Pilia saltabunda +b) escheri: Proszynski 1987: Atlas ..: 77+b) Proszynski J. 1983b. Folia ent. hung., 44, 2: 287, f. 13-15
[Cotype in Coll. Reimoser NHMus. Wien] + ©Phot M. Freudenschuss.

Gen. Pungalina Richardson, 2013 (7 species)

Type species Pungalina weiri. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Pungalina weiri : Richardson 2013. Zootaxa 3716 (3): 472-473, f 10, 39-46. © 2013 + 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 531, f. 110-116. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Pungalina albobarbata: Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989, 27 (2): 260, t. 59+ Koch L. 1879: 1138, pl 99, f 2, 3. + Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 539, f. 150-165. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Pungalina waldockae: Richardson, 2016: : Zotaxa 4114 (5): 536, f. 134-148. © Magnolia Press.. By courtesy.
Pungalina plurilineata: Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 543-546, f. 167-181. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Pungalina semiatra: Zabka M. 1987a. Ann. zool., 40, 10: 441, ff. 8-10 +Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 546, f. 182-197. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Pungalina plurilineata: Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 543-546, f. 167-181. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Pungalina semiferruginea: Zabka M. 1987a. Ann. zool. 40, 10: 442-444, ff. 11-13 + Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 533, f. 117-132. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Diversity of palps and epigyne in Pungalina spp. Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 530-549, f. 110-149. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Schenkelia Lessert, 1927 (5 species)

Type species Schenkelia modesta. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Schenkelia modesta: Proszynski J. 1968b. Ann. zool. 26: 217-221, f 1-9 + Wesolowska W., A. Russel-Smith. 2000. Tropical Zoology, 13 (1): 94-95, f 256-260 + Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. African Invertebrates, 50(1): 80-81, f 170-175 + Wesolowska, Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 96, f 99. By courtesy.

b) c)d)
Schenkelia benoiti + gertschi + lesserti + ibadanensis Wanless, Clark,1975 Revue Zool. afr. 89 (2): 286-287,f 20-22 +b) Berland, Millot, 1941 Ber., Mill, 194: 12, 2: 395, f 83c +c) 393, f 87-88 +d) Wes.,Russel-Smith, 2011: Ann. zool. 61(3): 590, f 146-150, 235. By courtesy.

Gen. Stagetillus Simon, 1885 (2 species)

Type Stagetillus opaciceps Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
ATTENTION: World Catalog of Spiders ver. 2015 remark at genus Stagetilus: "considered a senior synonym of Padillothorax Simon, 1901 by Prószyński, 1987: 104 (by transfer of type species)", and subsequent list of species of Stagetilus, misrepresent my views: transfer of Padillothorax semiostrinus to Stagetillus concerns only that single species (of which I am uncertain now!) but not Padillothorax elegans (which still waits for correct placement) and taprobanicus. I AM STRONGLY OPOSED TO WHOLE SALE TRANSFER OF ALL SPECIES OF A GENUS ONLY BECAUSE IS INCIDENTALLY NAMED WITH THE SAME GENERIC NAME AS TYPE SPECIES.

Stagetillus opaciceps: Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 103 + ©Phot Murphy F. and J., 2000.By courtesy.

Gen. Trite Simon, 1885 (13 species)

Type species Trite pennata. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Trite pennata +b) ponapensis : Zabka M. 1988b. Annales zoologici, 41 (14): 471, f 137-141. +b) Berry, Beatty, Prószynski 1997 J. Arachnology. 25(2): 132-134, f 96, 97 By courtesy.
Avarua[Trite?] satchelli Marples 1955b: f. 1 + Proszynski 2003b. Rarotonga - immature det. J. A. Beatty. By courtesy. By courtesy.
Trite gracilipalpis +b) lineata :b Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1997. J. Arachn. 25(2): 132, f 101-104 +b) f 98-100. + Patoleta, 2014. Zootaxa 3827 (3): 359-360, f 1–4, 6–10, 21. © 2014 Magnolia Press ©Photo B.Patoleta (TYPE. MNHN-Paris). By courtesy.
Trite caledoniensis +b) guilberti +c) simoni : Patoleta, 2014. Zootaxa 3827 (3): 361-362, f 12–13, 23 +b) 363, f 14–18, 24 +c) 364-365, f 19–20, 24. © 2014 Magnolia Press. By courtesy. By courtesy.
Trite planiceps +b) rapaensis +c) ignipilosa [congeneric? - ALL 3]: Zabka 1988b. Annales zoologici, 41 (14): 473, f 142-144 +b) Berry, Beatty,Proszynski 1997. J. Arachn. 25(2): 132, f 91-93 +c) 132, f 94-95 + ©Photo B. Patoleta. By courtesy.
Trite albopilosa +b) auricoma : Keyserling, 1883b: 1426, pl 120, f 6 +b) Zabka M. 1988b. Ann. zool. 41 (14): 474, f 145-150 + ©Photo Bryce McQuillan. By courtesy.
Trite concinna : Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 533, f. 215-228. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy. By courtesy.
Trite grayi Richardson, 2016: Zotaxa 4114 (5): 556, f. 230-243. &copy; Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Trite herbigrada +b) mustillina: Simon E. 1903a 827, f 973-980 (=G-H) +b) Bryant, 1935: 91, pl 10,
f 1, 5, pl 12, f 24. By courtesy.

Gen. Xuriella Wesolowska, Russell-Smith, 2000 (2 species)

Type species Xuriella prima Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Xuriella prima +b) marmorea Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. 2000. a) Wesolowska & Russell-Smith, 2000 - Wesolowska & Cumming, Annales Zoologici, 2008: 58: 224, f. 196-204 +b) Wesolowska W., van Harten 2007. 23: 262-265, f 207-212, phots 31-32. By courtesy.

Position and characters of the genus Icius in Simon 1901-1903