SALTICIDAE OF THE WORLD - 0-INDEX of Genera - 01-FOREWORD & KEY to groups of genera! - 02-Comparison - HISTORICAL classification of Aelurilleae - 03-AEURILLINES - 04-AMYCINES- 05-AMYCOIDA VARIA - 06-ASTIAINES - BALLINES - 07-BELIPPINES - 08-CHRYSILLINES - 09-COCALODINES - 10-COLONINES[=Thiodinines] - 11-DENDRYPHANTINES - 12-DIOLENINES -
APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy
MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini
Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini
Bredini Chrysillini
Cocalodini Dendryphantina
Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3
Eupoinae Freyina
Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini
Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina
Lapsiini Leptorchestini
Lyssomaninae Marpissina
Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini
Onomastinae Plexippina
Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini
Spartaeina Synagelina
Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini
Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis
Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.
Jerzy Prószyński
Version July 1st, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph
This chapter contains following genera - see page indicated. Type genus: Ligonipes .
index of genera Damoetas
, Judalana, Ligonipes
, Rhombonotus,
(18 species). Name formation: Ligonipes- Ligonipeines
REMARKS. Simon's (1901:
487-493) original concept of a group of genera LIGONIPEDEAE, was based on tibia I flattened
and enormously expanded, almost circular, further expanded by thick
and short spines and dense fringe of setae, covered by light reflecting scales (couplet 21). That character appears in three genera, out of five provisionally classified there. Additional mutual characters are: presence of "pluridentati" type of cheliceral dentition making a compact group (or arising from mutual basis), sitting on expanded rim of chelicerae,
narrow sternum, increased space between coxae II and III. Parallel couplet 20 separated ant
mimicking group Myrmarachneae, just by difference in shape of tibia I. Simon's
groups of genera were synthesized by Petrunkevich 1928 into subfamilies,
who, for unknown reasons, has merged Myrmarachninae with Ligonipedeae into
subfamily Myrmarachninae. That was followed by
subsequent authors, Davies & Zabka 1989: 200 considered them "natural group" -
their paper, however, stands out in the world literature by providing excellent drawings
(repeated in the present paper) to all genera, for both sexes.
I return hereby to the original Simon's idea of a Ligonipedeae as a informal group of genera independent from
Myrmarachninae. Relationships of genera of LIGONIPEINES,
are uncertain.
Type genus: Ligonipes, representative species - Ligonipes lacertosus.
DIAGNOSIS. LIGONIPEINES are recognizable by general ant-likeness, with tibia I strikingly flattened and broadly expanded, intensively black (however, not developed in Damoetas), cheliceral teeth saw-like (multicusp on common sclerotized basis) on expanded lobe of cheliceral retrolateral edge, male chelicerae short. Resembles MYRMARACHNINES by appearance of epigyne and pipes-like spermathecae, stretching parallel along axial diameter of epigyne,
small anterior dilatation. Copulatory ducts membranous, joining "pipes" posteriorly,
visible on cleared and stained epigyne preparation.
Palps with
bulbus oval, encircled by embolus, usually twice, with spermophor along
margin of bulbus, with additional, small loop. For details
see drawings (below).
DESCRIPTION. Females. Epigyne
externally whitish, has tegument medium sclerotized, with a pair of membranous "windows",
oval or round, with minute single posterior "pocket".
Spermathecae resembles those in MYRMARACHNINES, consist of a pair of sclerotized "pipes",
connected with membranous copulatory ducts near the posterior end of epigyne
and running anterior wards along axial diameter, parallel and almost straight.
Anterior terminal part
of spermathecae indistinctly dilated. The copulatory ducts are irregular tubes of soft transparent membrane, making complicated coils, dorsally to white membrane of "windows", intertwined between soft tissues. Copulatory ducts visible best after
clearing of soft tissues and staining.
Males. Bulbus oval, encircled
by single, loose loop of embolus. An exceptional coil of embolus and shape of bulbus were discovered by Mr. R. Whyte (personal communication) in undescribed yet species (see photographs below), I suppose that it is an intermediate form between EUOPHRYINES, LIGONIPEINES and MYRMARACHNINES, suggesting affinities between these groups of genera and influencing their classification.
Ligonipein-cf sp [P1110782]: Whyte, ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte. By courtesy. |
Tibial apophysis of medium length.
Chelicerae are remarkably shorter than in MYRMARACHNINES,
their inner posterior teeth form compact group on ventral lobe of chelicerae. Drawings below are integral part of the definition.
COMPOSITION. Genera: Damoetas Peckham & Peckham,1886; Judalana Rix,
1999; Ligonipes Karsch, 1878; Rhombonotus Koch L., 1879.
Guide to identification of males by palps, spermathecae
and epigynae
Guide to identification of genera by external appearance
and color pattern
Figs 11-20. Diversity of habitus of genera of LIGONIPEINAE: Damoetas sp. (11-12), Damoetas
nitidus (13), Judalana sp (16, 19 ), Ligonipes sp., (17),
Rhombonotus sp. (14-15, 18, 20). 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 - habitus, 11, 14 - leg
I, 18-19 -epigyne, ventral view. 11-20 -from
Australia. All ©photos by R. Whyte.
Gen. Damoetas Peckham & Peckham,1886 (1 species)
Type species Damoetas nitidus .
DIANGNOST. Differs from Myrmarachne by pedicel hidden under
margin of abdomen and by lack of constrictions
on carapace and abdomen, eye field and carapace broadest at eyes III.
Chelicerae short and lobate, tooth with 3-4 cusps on mutual basis.
Resembles MYRMARACHNINES by "pipe" like
spermathecae, it is not certain yet whether coils of copulatory ducts are
membranous, or thick walled. Male bulbus is oval or round, encircled by loose coil of embolus, apically thicker than
in Myrmarachne.
Tibial apophysis gently bent, but not twisted. Differs distinctly
from Synageles Simon, 1876, and hence from "Synagelinae",
by palps and epigyne, as well as cheliceral dentition.
in D. nitidus dark (Fig. 13) with pattern of bars of
white scales on abdomen. There are also undescribed specimens with
somewhat different color pattern and constriction of abdomen,
photographed by R. Whyte (Figs 11-12). Differs from other
"Ligonipedeae" by tibia I not enlarged. Drawings below are integral part of the definition.
COMPOSITION. The genus contains
single described species, and a few undescribed, in Australia.
REFERENCES. Davies Todd V., Zabka M. [1989. P. 200. Plate 9].
Damoetas nitidus : Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queensland Mus., 27 (2): 204, t. 11 + © Photo: Robert Whyte . By courtesy.
Gen. Judalana Rix,
1999 (1 species)
Type species Judalana
DIAGNOSIS. Differs from
MYRMARACHNINES by broad, enlarged femur, patella and tibia of leg I, with
metatarsus and tarsus slender and thin (Fig. 16). Resembles that subfamily
by epigyne and spermathecae (Figs 19).
DESCRIPTION. Body black and yellow, abdomen elongated, with indistinct
abdominal depression (Fig. 16). Legs I with broad, swollen femur, patella
and tibia, slender and much thinner metatarsus and tarsus. Spermathecal pipes long
and thin, with indistinct anterior dilatation, passing under narrow angle
into copulatory duct, possibly with walls harder than in other genera. Windows elongate
narrow. epigyne long and narrow, Male
palp as yet poorly known. Drawings below are integral part of the definition.
COMPOSITION. Single known species from Australia.
REFERENCES. Rix M.G. [1999. Vol. 43. N. 2. P. 827-832. Figs 1A-D].
Judalana lutea :
Rix, M. G. 1999 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 43(2): 827-832. + © Photo: Robert Whyte. By courtesy.
Gen. Ligonipes Karsch,
1878 (3
Type species Ligonipes
Karsch, 1878.
DIAGNOSIS. Differs from Myrmarachne by dense ventral brush of
black setae along broad, enlarged tibia I. Spermathecae pipe-like, resembling Judalana
but bent
posteriorly and running anteriorwads along half length of epigyne, parallel
to main part of pipes, only then passing into coils of presumably membranous
copulatory ducts.
DESCRIPTION. Body coloration dark, black with greenish scales, abdomen
with indistinct constriction (Fig. 17). Epigyne with windows elongate
oval, spermathecae but
longer, their posterior parts run parallel along half of the main
parts, then pass into long and coiled copulatory ducts, presumably
membranous. Drawings below are integral part of the definition.
Male unknown.
COMPOSITION. Ligonipes illustris Karsch, 1878, L. lacertosus (Thorell, 1881), L. semitectus (Simon, 1900), Ligonipes sp. Davies
Todd & Zabka, 1989.
REFERENCES.Davies Todd V., Zabka M. [1989. P. 200. Plate 8].
illustris +b) lacertosus : Proszynski 1984c: 158 +b) 35 + Davies Todd, Zabka 1989. 27 (2): 200-201, plate
semitectus +b) sp [Queensland]: Davies Todd, Zabka 1989.
27 (2): 200-201, plate 8A. 201, t. 8B. + © Photo: Robert Whyte. By courtesy.
Gen. Ligonipeines-cf Whyte, 0
(provisional grouping of species, pending description of various genera)
Type species vacat
Ligonipein-cf sp [248P1080816] + [P11205965]:
Whyte, 0. ©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Ligonipein-cf sp [P1110782]:
Whyte, 0. ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Ligonipein-cf sp [P1160276]:
Whyte, 0. Carnarvon_antmimic. ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Ligonipein-cf sp [P1160236]:
Whyte, 0. Carnarvon. ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Gen. Rhombonotus Koch
L., 1879 (1 species)
Type species Rhombonotus gracilis
DEFINITION. Resembles Ligonipes by flattened, round tibia I (Fig.
14), abdomen constricted.
DESCRIPTION. Body shape shown on Figs 18, 20, body dark,
with abdomen constricted. Tibia I enlarged and almost round, with ventral
brush of stiff and long, broad setae. Metatarsus I and tarsus thin
and slender. Spermathecae pipe-like, posteriorly bent under angle 90°
and at the distance again under angle 90°. Palps with oval
bulbus, encircled by a loose coil of embolu. Drawings below are integral part of the definition.
COMPOSITION. Rhombonotus gracilis Koch L., 1879, Rhombonotus sp. Davies Todd, Zabka, 1989,
REFERENCES. Davies Todd V., Zabka M. [1989. P. 200. Plate 9].
gracilis :
Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queens Mus. 27 (2): 200, t 9 + © Photo:
R. Whyte. By courtesy.
sp [austral] :
Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queens. M. 27 (2): 199, t 7. By courtesy.
sp [Queensland] : © Photo:
M. Stevens. By courtesy.
Characters of LIGONIPEDEAE by Simon 1901-1903, disregarded by Petrunkevitch 1928. |