daoxianensis + sinensis : Peng,
Xie, Xiao 1993: 75-76, ff. 215-219 +:
Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: 511, figs 297J-K
Gen. Habrocestoides Prószynski, 1992 (12 species)
Type species Habrocestoides bengalensis.
bengalensis : Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool.,44, 9: 174-176, figs 38-42
+ Logunov
1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 147.
indicus: Prószynski,1992b.
Ann. zool., 44, 9: 176, figs 44-47
+ Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bul.Brit. Arachn. Soc., 10(2): 59-58, 17-22 ff.
Habrocestoides ?]
maureri : Freudenschuss, in press. Seiter Philippines-Samar.
By courtesy.
micans +b) pulchokiensis : Logunov D.V. 1999. Bull. Brit.
Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 143-144, figs 22, 23, 28-31
+b)144-145, figs 35-39. By courtesy.
nitidus : Logunov
1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 144, figs 1, 3-5, 17, 18, 32-34. .
By courtesy.
darjeelingus Logunov, 1999 . Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 142-143, figs 6-9, 24-27. By courtesy.
tibialis +b) taiwanensis : Zabka 1985. Ann. zool.
39 (11): 430, ff. 442-443
+ Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bull.
Brit. Arachn. Soc. 10(2): 1995:
60, f 23-28 + Reasons for generic transfer -Logunov 1999a. Bull.
Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 147
+b) Bao Y., Peng X.J. 2002. Zool. Stud.
41 (4): 404-405, figs 1-5. By courtesy.
chichila +b) geminus +c) dactyloides: Female apparently Habrocestoides, male mismatched and misclassified - Logunov 2003.
Genus, 14 (4): 581-584, figs 1-6. +b) Song, Zhu, Chen
1999: The Spiders of China: 512, figs 298A-B +c) Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bulletin British Arachnological Society, 10(2): 1995: 57-58, 1-7 .
By courtesy.
b) |
+ |
wulingensis +b) wulingoides :
Peng X., Xie L. 1995a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc, 10(2): 62, f
39-43. +b) 63, f 44-47
+c) 44, 8: 94, f 22-27 + Explanation of reasons for generic transfer -Logunov
1999a. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc., 11 (4): 148.
Habrocestoides sp [unpublished and unnamed]: from Nepal (col. Martens). Drawn by Prószynski.
Gen. Habrocestum Simon,
1876 (38 species)
Type species Habrocestum pullatum
pullatum +b) simoni: Proszynski 1987. Atlas: 35-36 "11.121
Pyrenees" coll. Simon, Mus. Paris.
algericum +b) arabicum +c) bovei: Proszynski
1987. Atlas ...: 29-30.
+ Prószynski, 1989. Fauna of Saudi Arabia. 33-34, ff. 3-4. . +
Lucas 1846: 179, t 9, f 7. By courtesy.
egaeum Metzner,
1999. Andrias 14: 63-64, 182, table 28a-m, f 30 = "Habrocestum cf. graecum" Proszynski
1987. Atlas ...: 31-33. C©Phot J. Lissner - M+F 6768 Greece: Telendos. By
Type specimen - Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 30-31 (male only) + Metzner H. 1999
. Andrias 14: 60-61, 179, table 25a-i, map 27. + M 5737 Greece:
Lefkas. C©Phot J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Habrocestum hongkongiensis +b) ibericum Prószynski,
1992a. Annales zoologici, 44, 8: 96, figs 28-32.
Type specimen Proszynski 1987: fig. 30."13.379 Cartagena".
By courtesy.
Habrocestum latifasciatum : Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003a: 65-66, figs 244-251 + Proszynski 1987.
Atlas ...: 30, 32-34.
+ Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 61-62, 180, table 26a-i, map 28 [ID female
uncertain] + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 34, f. 1-3, 7-9. By courtesy.
+ |
papilionaceum Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 54; Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 59 (female identification uncertain)
+ female - according to Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 181, table 27d-e. By courtesy.
laurae +b) lepidum +c) ornaticeps.
Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 36 + 29-30 +32. "807 ... Maroc" - coll. Simon, Mus. Paris. By courtesy.
+ |
Habrocestum shulovi Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003: 66-67, figs 252-255 68 + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 37, f. 4-6, 10-12. By courtesy.
c) |
orientale +b) Hasarius adansoni +c) Habrocestum kweilinensis:
Zabka 1985. Ann. zool. 39, 11: 228-229,
f 211-216
+ Prószynski, 1992a. Ann.zool., 44, 8: 96-97, figs 33-34 +
Reasoning by Logunov D.V. 1999a.
Bull.Brit.Arachn.Soc.11 (4): 148.
+ |
africanum + H. albimanum: Wesolowska, Haddad 2009, Afr. Invert., 50(1): 38-41, f 62-67 +b).Wesolowska & : Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 199-200, f 68-70. +
Proszynski "H. albimanum Simon, Cape Town" coll. MCZ, Harvad Univ.
albopunctatum :Wesolowska, van Harten, 2002
Fauna of. Arabia 19: 370-372, figs 5-10, phot 1-2.
©Phot Barbara Knoflach, from Socotra, coll. van Harten. By courtesy
auricomum + H. dubium : Haddad,
Wesolowska, 2013 2013: 24(3-4): 473-475, f 31-33.
+ Wesolowska, van Harten, 2002
Fauna of Arabia 19: 373, figs 11-14. By courtesy.
d) |
ferrugineum +b) formosum +c) .gibbosum +d). ignorabile: Wesolowska,
van Harten, 2002 .Fauna of Arabia 19: 374, f 15-17 +b) Wesolowska, 1999a. Arnoldia Zimbabwe, 10(15): 149-151, figs 11-15 +c) Wesolowska, van Harten, 2007 Fauna Arabia, 23: 209-211, 56-59 + 211, 62-64. By courtesy.
flavipes + H. punctiventre H. subpenicillatum:
Keyserling, 1882 : 1403, T. 119, F. 1.
+ 1412, T. 119, F. 6. + Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 38.
Habrocestum inquinatum : Wesolowska, van Harten, 2002. Fauna of Arabia 19: 375-376, f 18-22 = 23: 211-213, f 62-64.
luculentum + H. personatum+ H. virginale: Peckhams,
1903 Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let., 14 (1): 241, tab. 27, figs 3-3a
+b) Wesolowska 2012a: 20(2): 327-328, f 9-14: Ann. zool. 61(3): 571-572, f 62-64
+c) Wesolowska, van Harten, 2007. Fauna of Arabia, 23: 213-214, f 65-67. By courtesy.
Habrocestum namibicum : Wesolowska, 2006 . African Entomology, 14 (2): 231-233, f 26-37 By courtesy.
Habrocestum socotrense +b) speciosum +c) tanzanicum: Wesolowska, van Harten 2002. Fauna of Arabia 19: 376, figs 23-25 +Wesolowska, van Harten, 1994. Yemeni-German Plant Protection Project 28-30, f 59-63 + Wesolowska, Russel-Smith, 2000. Tropical Zool., 13 (1): 31-33, figs 52-58. By courtesy.
Habrocestum superbum : Wesolowska, 1999[2000]. Arnoldia Zimbabwe 151-153, f 16-22 + Wesolowska & Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. .7:78, f 8-10, 94. C By courtesy.
Gen. Hasarina Schenkel,
(1 species)
Type species Hasarina contortospinosa.
> |
contortospinosa : Wesolowska 1981b: 132-133,
f 10-13 +Peng, Xie, Xiao 1993: 44, 83-84, f 254-263. By courtesy.
Gen. Hasarius Simon,
1871 (16 species)
Type species Hasarius adansoni.
adansoni: Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 68-69, figs 256-260. Singapore.©Phot
H.K.Tang. By courtesy.
kulczynskii: Zabka, 1985 Annales zoologici, 39, 11: 227-228, ff. 208-210. By courtesy
Hasarius mahensis : Wanless, 1983a. Ann. Mus. roy. Afr. centr., ser. 8. Tervuren, 241: 54-55, ff. 18a-f. By courtesy
rufociliatus: Simon,1898 Wanless F.R. 1983a. Ann. Mus. roy. Afr. centr., ser. 8. Tervuren, 241: 51-52, ff. 17a-g.
albocircumdatus + H. inhonestus + H. mulciber + H. obscurus + H. pumilio : Koch L., 1881 Die Arachn.
Austral.: 1250,
T. 107, F. 4.
Keyserling, 1881: 1312, pl 111, f 8. MISPLACED.
Keyserling, 1881 Die Arachn.Austral. 1881:
1310 T. 111 F. 7.
+ 1315, T. 112, F. 2. +
1317, pl 112, f 3.
cheliceroides +b) firmis +c) insularis :
Borowiec, Wesolowska, 2002 Genus, 13(3): 405-408, figs 1-7.
Wisniewski, Wesolowska, 2013 Genus, 2013b. 24(3-4): 503-507 +
Wesolowska, van Harten, 2002 Fauna of Arabia 19: 377-378 figs 26-29. By courtesy.
pauciaculeis +b) roeweri : Proszynski
1987. Atlas ...: 45 + Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 60
Wesolowska, Russel-Smith 2000. Tropical Zoology, 13 (1): 35-36, figs 66-68.
By courtesy
> |
Hasarius rusticus : Thorell, 1887 Type Birmania, Modha . Proszynski
1984c: 60. By courtesy
sp [Philippines] + H. sp. "H. adansoni" : Prószynski, 2003 Quick sketch by J. Proszynski +
Barrion, Litsinger 1995. Internat. Rice Research Inst.: 93-94, fig 48a-l. By courtesy
sp [Queensland] Brisbane. + "Hypoblemum" sp [Cedar Creek] - Brisbane : ©Phot
R. Whyte. By courtesy.
tropicus : Jastrzebski, 2010 Bhutan: Phuntsholing, 200-400 m. Genus: 21(2): 321-323,
f 2-3. By courtesy
Gen. Imperceptus Proszynski, 1992 (1
Type species minutus.
Imperceptus minutus :Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool. 44, 9: 181, f 65-66. By courtesy.
Gen. Madhyattus Proszynski, 1992 (1
Type species Madhyattus jabalpurensis..
Madhyattus jabalpurensis : Proszynski J. 1992b. Ann. zool. 44, 9: 184, fig. 76-78, 79. By courtesy.
Gen. Mikrus Wesołowska, 2001 (1 species)
Type species Mikrus ugandensis.
Mikrus ugandensis : Wesolowska W. 2001c. Genus, Wroclaw, 12(4): 585-588, figs 1-7. By courtesy. Gen. Uxuma Simon,
1902 (1 species)
Type species Uxuma impudica.