Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.
Comparison of classifications by Maddison 2015 and Prószyński 2016a Compiled by Jerzy Prószyński
Maddison's alternative
M_39 - Euophryini-2
Subfamily: Salticoida: Clade: Saltafresia: Subclade: Simonida: Tribe: Euophryini
Version July 15th, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph
Type genus
Index.Ecuadattus Efate Emathis Ergane Euophrys Euryattus Featheroides Foliabitus Frewena Furculattus Gorgasella Hypoblemum Ilargus Jotus Lagnus Lakarobius Laufeia Lauharulla Lepidemathis Leptathamas Lophostica Maeota Magyarus Maileus Maratus Margaromma Marma Mexigonus Mopiopia Naphrys Neonella Ohilimia Omoedus Opisthoncana Parabathippus Paraharmochirus Parasaitis Parvattus Pensacola +Pensacolatus+ Pensacolops Petemathis Phasmolia Platypsecas Popcornella Pristobaeus Prostheclina Pseudemathis Pseudeuophrys Pseudocorythalia Pystira
Gen. Ecuadattus Zhang & Maddison,
2012 (4 species)
Type species Ecuadattus typicus.
typicus : Zhang J., Maddison
2012. Zootaxa 3578: 13, f 45–52, 136–141. ©Magnolia
Press.By courtesy.
pichincha : Zhang J., Maddison
2012. Zootaxa 3578: 11-13, f 38–44, 132–135. ©Magnolia
Press. By courtesy.
elongatus +b) napoensis :Zhang J., Maddison
2012. Zootaxa 3578: 9-10, f 31–33 +b) 10-11, f 34–37. ©Magnolia
Gen. Efate Berland,
1938 (3 species)
Type species Efate albobicinctus.
Efate albobicinctus :
Berry J.W., J.A. Beatty, Proszynski J. 1996. J. Arachnology. 24(3): 223-225,
figs 29-35 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 27, 407-409. © Magnolia Press + ©Photo J. Gardzinska 2004. By courtesy.
fimbriatus +b) raptor: Berry J.W., J.A. Beatty, Proszynski
J. 1996. J. Arachnology. 24(3): 225-226, figs 36-39 +b) 227-226, figs 40-46. By courtesy.
Gen. Emathis Simon, 1899 (5 species)
Type species Emathis weyersi.
weyersi : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 374 (Luzon, Mt. Makiling, Baker) +
Zabka 1985. Ann.zool.
39, 11: 214, ff. 106-108 (sp? Vietnam)+ © Photo
C P. Koomen.. By courtesy.
sumatranus +b) coprea : Prószynski, Deeleman-Reinhold 2012:
Arthr. selec. 21(1): 35-36, f 23-33
+ ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 32, f 892-893. © Magnolia Press
+b) Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 37 + Atlas ...: 74. By courtesy.
makilingensis : Proszynski (holotype)
+ Barrion, Litsinger 1995. 49-50, figs 18a-f..
By courtesy.
gombak [MISPLACED] :
Zhang, Maddison 2012. Zootaxa: 3581: 57, f 13–18, 102–103. By courtesy.
+ |
Emathis armillata (syn, Cyrba a.) [females - 2 species!] : Wanless 1984b. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 47 (7): 468- 470, ff. 14A-I.. By courtesy. Gen. Ergane Koch L., 1881 (5 species)
Type species Ergane cognata.
cognata +b) insulana +c) madagascariensis: Davies, Zabka
1989. 27 (2): 214, t. 24 + Koch L. 1881: 1261, pl 108, f 3
+b) 1265, pl 108,
f 5 +c) Peckhams 1885a: 34, plate 1, fig 7. By courtesy.
carinata: Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1996. J. Arachnology. 24(3): 228-228, figs 47-53. By courtesy.
benjarei: Zabka M. 1988b. Ann.
zool., 41 (14): 454, ff. 87-90. By courtesy.
Gen. Euophrys Koch C.L., 1834 (68 species)
Type species Euophrys frontalis.
Euophrys frontalis : Zabka 1997. Fauna Polski 19. Zabka 1997: 46, figs 89-98 + ©Painting by Aart Noordam + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 29, f 463-467 [conspecific?] © Magnolia Press+©Photo B. Knoflach + J. Lissner.. By courtesy.
Euophrys sulphurea : Proszynski Internet + Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 51-52, 168, table 17a-h + Logunov 1997b. Bull. British Arachn. Soc. 10 (9): figs 33-35 +©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
nigritarsis +b) baliola +c) canariensis : ©Photo
J. Lissner +b) Simon, 1937: 1172, 1251, fig. 1340 +c) Wunderlich. 1987: 277-278,
f 681. . . By courtesy.
Euophrys nigripalpis? : ©Photo
A. Henrard +a) male, live +b) preserved in alcohol +c) female, live +d) palps
and epigyne.
terrestris +b) : + Proszynski
Internet +b) Metzner 1999: 53, 172, table 18 l-m + ©Photo Heiko Metzner. By courtesy.
Euophrys rufibarbis : Proszynski, Internet + Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 51, 170, table 16a-k +©Photo B. Knoflach. By courtesy.
catherinae :
Proszynski. 2003a. Ann. zool.:: 48-49, figs 158-162.flavoater By courtesy.
flavoater : Proszynski 1971a:
211-213, figs 13-15
+ Logunov et al. 1993. 30: 108, ff. 5b, 6a, 7a, 8a-d, 9a-c.. By courtesy.
gambosa +b) nearctica +c) uralensis :
Proszynski. 2003a. Ann. zool.: 49-51,figs 163-170, 174-176, 182-183, 188-189, 194-195
+b) Proszynski - Internet +c) Logunov 1997b. Bull. British Arachn.
Soc., 10 (9): figs 36-38 . By courtesy.
pseudogambosa : Proszynski.
2003a. Ann. zool.: 51-52, figs 173, 177-181, 186-189, 192-193. By courtesy.
Euophrys semiglabrata: Heciak, Proszynski 1984a. Ann. zool., 37, 14: 378-379, ff. 1-14 + Barrientos et al., 2014. Rev. Iber. 25: 36, f 15-17. By courtesy.
[Placement uncertain: internal structure of epigyne resembles
Habrocestum + palpal organ Pseudeuophrys, abdominal pattern rather Euophrys] .
herbigrada : Proszynski 1991:
498-502, figs ff. 1335.1-2 + P. Merrett 1995. Nwsl. Br. arachn. Soc. 73: 4-5, f
1 + Locket, Millidge 1951: 223, ff. 111 d. By courtesy.
acripes +b) bryophila : Proszynski Internet +b) Berry, Beatty,
Prószyński, 1996 J. Arachn. figs 63-69 (placement?).
kororensis +b) wanyan : Berry,
Beatty, Prószyński, 1996. J. Arachn. 24(3): figs 59-62 +b) figs 54-58.
By courtesy.
b) |
menemerella +b) minuta : Proszynski
J. 1987: 24 + Proszynski 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: figs 30-32.
By courtesy.
+ |
nearctica +b) monadnock: (a+b) Proszynski 2015, Internet + Paquin
P., Duperre N. 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 194,
figs 2166-2168 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 29, f 860-861. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
sp [Israel]
: Proszynski.
2003a. Ann. zool.: 53-54, figs 184-185, 190-191, 196-197 Zabka 1997: 46, figs
declivis +b) dhaulagirica +c) evae: Zabka in Prószyński
2009b. Arhr. sel. 18(3-4):
f 32-33 +b)
Zabka M. 1980b. Senck. biol., 60 (5/6): 365-366, f 13-14 +c) Zabka M. 1981a. 61 (5/6): 409-410, f 4-6. By courtesy.
everestensis +b) yulungensis: Wanless
1975. 3 (5): 134-135, f. 4-5, 9-11 +b) Zabka 1980b. Senck. biol., 60 (5/6): 363-365,
f. 12.. By courtesy.
omnisupertes :
Wanless F.R. 1975.Bull. Brit. Arachnol. Soc., 3 (5): figs 1-3, 6-8.. By courtesy.
poloi +b) cooki +c) nepalica +d) kawkaban : Zabka 1985. Ann. zool.
39, 11: 219-220, ff. 151-160 +b) 219, ff. 149-150 +c) Zabka 1980b. Senck. biol., 60 (5/6): 363, ff.
10-11 +d) Wesolowska W., van Harten A. 2007. F. Arabia, 23: 6-9, f 12-16. By
kataokai : Ikeda H. 1996a. A. Arachn.
44, 1: 33, f 16-29 + Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009: 583, f 277-281. By courtesy.
uphami +b) talassica :Proszynski
J. 1987a. Atlas ...: 101 + Wesołowska 2012a: 20(2): 326-327, 6–8
+ Peckhams 1903. 14 (1): 214, t. 23, f 1-1a-c +c) Logunov D.V. 1997b. Bull.
British Arachn. Soc., 10 (9): 348-349, figs. 17, 23-26 . By courtesy.
kirghizica +b) turkmenica +c) proszynskii :
Logunov 1997b. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc. 10 (9): figs. 17-22 +b) 349-350,
figs. 17, 27-32.+c) Logunov ,
Cutler, Marusik 1993. Ann. Zool. Fenn., 30: 113, f. 5C, 12A-E,
13A-C +Logunov D.V. 1992c: 76 f. 29. By courtesy.
b)c)d)e) | 01/1870_sima.jpg
alabardata +b) kittenbergeri c) alticola + d) melanoleuca
e) sima :
Caporiacco L., di 1947c : 236, f 69 +b) fig 68 +c) Denis 1955: 147,
f. 2-4 (or 1957: f. 10) +d)
Galiano M.E. 1962b. plate 2, figs 12-13 +e) Chamberlin 1916. 60 (6): 298 T. 25 F. 1. By courtesy.
Euophrys albopalpalis +b) bulbus +c) atrata d) namulinensis +e) nangqianensis : Bao, Peng 2002 Zool. stud. 41 (4): 404-405, f 6-10 +b) 406-407, f 11-14 +c) Song et al., 1999: 509, figs 293A, 325F +d) Hu J, 2001: 382, f. 239.1-3
+e) 383, f. 240.1-3. By courtesy.
sutrix [Misplaced!] : Galiano M.E. 1963c:
23-28, f. 1, 2 + ©Photo GB Edwards 2007. By courtesy.
pulchella +b) purcelli + c) :
Peckhams 1893. 699, figs 7-a +b) 201, T. 22 F. 5 + Wesołowska 2012a: 20(2):
325-326, f 1-5. By courtesy.
bifida : Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith,
2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 11-12, f 7-17.. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
cochlea : Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith,
2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 12-13, f 18-33. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
elizabethae : Wes., Azar.,
Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 13, f 34-39. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
falciger : Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 18, f 47-54. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
gracilis-2 [preoccupied] : Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 18, f 47-54. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
griswoldi [misplaced?] : Wes.,
Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 18-19, f 55-60. ©Magnolia Press.
leipoldti [misplaced?]: Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 18, f 47-54. ©Magnolia
+ Peckham
1903. tab. 22, figs. 6.
limpopo +b) maseruensis (Chalcoscirtus?) :
Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 23, f 71-73 +b) 23, f 74-77. ©Magnolia
Press. By courtesy.
meridionalis [misplaced?] :
Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 24-27, f 78-86. ©Magnolia Press.
miranda [misplaced?] : Wes.,
Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 27-28, f 87-89. ©Magnolia Press.
nana [misplaced?] +b) recta :
Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 28-29, f 90-95 +b) 29, f 96-99. ©Magnolia
Press. By courtesy.
subtilis : Wes., Azar., Rus.-Smith, 2014. Zootaxa 3789 (1): 18, f 47-54. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. Euryattus Thorell,
1881 (12 species)
Type species Euryattus porcellus.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
bleekeri : Proszynski
1984c: 44 [N Guinea: Andai No.1812, coll. Thorell] + Davies Todd, Zabka.
1989. . 27 (2): 228, t. 32 +c) © Photo R. Whyte.
bleekeri = Plotius curtus [conspecif.?] : Proszynski J.
1987: 78, 107 [Type Plotius
c) |
ventralis +b) venustus +c) comparison : Proszynski
1984c: 47 [N Guinea: Andai No.1812, Thorell, Mus. Stockhom]
b) Proszynski 1984c: 47 +c) Prószyński, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2013 ©Arthr
selecta. 22(2): 131-132, f 83-84 -COMPARISON of 3 EPIGYNE. By courtesy.
b) |
porcellus: Proszynski
1984c: 45 [Type: N Guinea: Ins. Yule (Roro) No. 1814] +b) ©Photo B. Patoleta
junxiae +b) kinabalus +c) myiopotami : Prószyński,
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010. Arthropoda selecta, 19(3): 165, f 54-58 +b) 2013. ©Arthr
selecta. 22(2): 128, f 48-55+c) Prószyński 1984c: 44, 46. By courtesy.
koomeni : Prószyński, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2013 ©Arthr selecta. 22(2): 128-131, f 56-69. ©Photo P. Koomen.
pengi : Prószyński, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2013 ©Arthr selecta. 22(2): 131, f 70-82. + ©Photo P. Koomen.. By courtesy.
sp [AUS-128] : © Photo: R. Whyte. By courtesy.
albescens +b) nigriventris +c) leopoldi: Keyserling 1881, p 1299, pl
111, f 1 +b) 1293, pl 110, f 6 +c) Roewer, 1938: 92, f. 70-72.
Gen. Featheroides Peng,
Ying, Kim 1994 (2 species)
Type species Featheroides typica.
b) |
typica +b) yunnanensis : Peng, Ying, Kim 1994: 2-3, f 1-3
+b) 3-4, figs 4-6. By courtesy.
Gen. Foliabitus Zhang J., Maddison, 2012 (2 species)
Type species Foliabitus longzhou.
Foliabitus longzhou : Zhang J, Maddison 2012. Zootaxa: 3581: 3581: 60. f 19-27. By courtesy.
scutigerus : Zabka 1985. Annales zoologici, 39, 11: 235,
ff. 255-258. By courtesy
COMMENT: Placement (from from Laufeia)
by Zhang J, Maddison 2012d: 33 without convincing reasons..
Frewena Richardson, 2013 (1
Type species Frewena maculata .
Frewena maculata :
Richardson 2013. Zootaxa 3716 (3): 466-467, f 10, 18-24.. © 2013 Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. Furculattus Balogh, 1980 (1
Type species Furculattus maxillosus .
Furculattus maxillosus: Szuts
T. 2003c. Fol. ent. hung. 64: 42-47, figs 1-8.
Wanless, Lubin 1986.
J. Nat. Hist. 20: 1211-1220, 6 tt. + Gardzinska, 2004 - PhD Thesis. By courtesy.
Gen. Gorgasella Chickering, 1946 (1
Type species Gorgasella
eximia : Chickering 1946.
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 192 f. 163-167. By courtesy.
Gen. Hypoblemum Peckham,
Peckham, 1886
(4 species)
Type species Hypoblemum villosum.
villosum + ? : Keyserling 1882:
1421, t 120, f 34 + ©Photo: R.Whyte. By courtesy.
albovittatum : Zabka, Pollard 2002a. Rec.Canter. Mus. 16:
64-72, f 1-15 + ©Photo
R. Whyte. By courtesy.
parvulum : ©PhotoR. R. Jackson + ©Photo R. Whyte
+ Bryant,1935. 16: 90 pl X f 6. By courtesy.
sp [Brisb] + sp [metamorph] : ©Photo R. Whyte
[male, female before and after metamorphosis]. By courtesy.
sp :
©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 29, f 497-499. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. Ilargus Simon,
1901 (6 species) Type species Ilargus coccineus.
b) |
coccineus +b) macrocornis :
Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 377-378, t. 20, f 11- 12. + Edwards, Rinaldi
, Ruiz 2005. Biota Neotr. 5(2): 25, f 29-30 +©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 25, f 289-295. © Magnolia Press +b) Zhang J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa
3578: 18-19, f 67-70, 144. ©Magnolia Press.
By courtesy.
foliosus +b) galianoae :
Zhang J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa 3578: 16, f 53–59 +b) 16, f 60-66+ + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015. Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 779. By
pilleolus : Zhang J., Maddison
2012. Zootaxa 3578: 20-21, f 75–83, 142–143 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015:
Zootaxa 3938 (1): 25, f 650, 781. ©Magnolia
Press. By courtesy.
moronatigus : Zhang J., Maddison
2012. Zootaxa 3578: 19-20, f 71–74. © Magnolia
Press.By courtesy.
serratus : Zhang J., Maddison
2012. Zootaxa 3578: 21, f 84–91. ©Magnolia
Press.By courtesy.
Gen. Jotus Koch L., 1881 (? species)
Type species Jotus auripes .
Genera Jotus, Hypoblemum, Lycidas, Maratus,
Saitis and probably some related, require taxonomic revision of
ALL species. Their definitions are unclear and incomplete, due to fragmentary
knowledge of their morphology and biology. The practice of wholesale transfer
of large number of species, following their incidentally designated type
species, creates chaos. These genera are closely related, which is demonstrated
by structure of their palps and spermathecae. Newly described Jotus remus differs strikingly by "paddle" shaped bunch of setae on tarsus and metatarsus III and by abdominal pattern.
Jotus remus : Otto & Hill, 2016a Peckhamia: 133.1: 7, f. 8-34 holotype male, paratype female. Australia. By courtesy.
Species included into Jotus in World Spider Catalog
Jotus auripes L. Koch, 1881
Jotus braccatus L. Koch, 1881
Jotus debilis L. Koch, 1881
Jotus frosti Peckham & Peckham, 1901
Jotus insulanus Rainbow, 1920
Jotus maculivertex Strand, 1911
Jotus minutus L. Koch, 1881
Jotus ravus (Urquhart, 1893)
Jotus remus Otto & Hill, 2016.
Gen. Lagnus Koch
L., 1879
Type species Lagnus longimanus.
longimanus + edwardsi : Koch L., 1879: 1074, t 94, f 4. + Wanless 1988. NZeal.j.zool.15: 160, f 39a-i + Zhang J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa: 3581: 60-62, f 28-33. By courtesy.
monteithorum : Patoleta 2008. ©Genus 19(4): 718-720,
f. 1-8. By courtesy.
Gen. Lakarobius Berry,
Beatty, Prószyński, 1998
Type species Lakarobius alboniger.
Lakarobius alboniger : Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1998. J. Arachn. 25(2): 162-164, figs 36-43. By courtesy.
Gen. Laufeia Simon, 1889
(5 species)
proposal to synonymize Junxattus, Laufeia and Orcevia, is inacceptable because of morphology differences in palps and spermathecae
Type species Laufeia aenea.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
aenea : Bohdanowicz A., Proszynski J. 1987. Ann.zool. 41,
2: 74-76, ff. 84-89.
+ ©Ono, Ikeda, Kono. Salti. Japan, Tokai Univ. Press, 2009: 585, pl 48-9 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1):
30, f 504-508. © Magnolia Press By courtesy.
concava [Placement uncertain]: Zhang J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa: 3581: 62-63,
f 34–42, 104–105. By courtesy.
eximia [MISPLACED!] : Zhang J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa:
3581:64, f 43–52 + ©Ono, Ikeda, Kono. Salti. Japan, Tokai Univ. Press, 2009: 585, pl 48-9. By courtesy.
b) |
sasakii +b) aerihirta: ©Ono,
Ikeda, Kono. Salti. Japan, Tokai Univ. Press, 2009: 585, f 304-307
+b) Bryant
1935. Records of Canterbury Museum: 89, t 12 , f 22. By courtesy. Gen. Lauharulla Keyserling, 1883
Type species Lauharulla pretiosa.
b) |
Lauharulla pretiosa +b) insulana: Keyserling : 1883: 1432 T. 121 F. 3 +b) Simon E. 1901a: 559, figs 675-682(=H).
Gen. Lepidemathis Simon,
Type species Lepidemathis sericea.
++ |
sericea : Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 21 (11385 Ematholepis sericea ES. Manila - coll. Simon,).
+ ©Photo P. Koomen + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 32, f 584-589. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
haemorrhoidalis +b) unicolor :Zabka
1988b. Ann. zool. 41 (14): 459, ff. 101-104 +b) Prószyński
2009b. Arhr. sel. 18(3-4): f 36-39 [drawn by M.Zabka] (placement uncertain) .
By courtesy.
gottliebi (unpublished) : © Freudenschuss & Seiter,
2014. Philipines: Samar. . By courtesy.
politori (unpublished): © Freudenschuss & Seiter,
2014. Philipines: Samar. By courtesy. By courtesy.
astorgasensis :
Proszynski -quick ketches of type specimens + Barrion, Litsinger 1995. 47-49,
figs 17a-k.
Gen. Leptathamas Balogh,
Type species Leptathamas paradoxus.
Leptathamas paradoxus : Szuts T. 2003c. Folia ent. hung. 64: 47-49, figs 9-15, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37 + photos
+ Balogh P. 1980c. Folia Ent. Hung. 41: 29-31, f 1-6 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 27,
f 364-371, 820-821. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy. ATTENTION: - comparable [?] with Athamas.
Gen. Lophostica Simon,
Type species Lophostica mauriciana.
mauriciana : Duhem, Ledoux, Wesolowska 2005. Genus, 16(4):
527-536, f 1-24. By courtesy.
b) |
minor +b) nova : Ledoux, 2007.
Rev. Arachn., 17(2): 22, f 11D, 16A-B +b) 20-22, f 3F, 11B-C, 15A-E . By courtesy.
Gen. Maeota Simon,
1901 (4 species)
Type species Maeota dichrura.
Maeota sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 111 [identification?]. By courtesy.
dichrura : Galiano
1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 387, t. 25, ff. 16-18 + Simon 1901a:
567, figs 680 (=F)
ZhangJ., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa 3578: 24, f 92–95. ©Magnolia
Press + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa
3938 (1): 22, f 204-208. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Maeota dorsalis :
ZhangJ., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa 3578: 24, f 92–95. ©Magnolia
Press. By courtesy.
[?] simoni +b) flava : Zhang
J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa 3578: 25, f 99–101, 145 +b) 25-26, f 96–98. ©Magnolia
Gen. Magyarus Zabka
Type species Magyarus typicus.
Magyarus typicus :Zabka 1985. Ann. zool. 39, 11: 237-238, f 268-271. By courtesy.
Gen. Maileus Peckham,
Peckham, 1907
Type species Maileus fuscus.
fuscus : "Maileus fuscus Peck.Sarawak. Type 4312." -
quick sketch M. Zabka - Proszynski Internet 2003b]
+ ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 29, f 500-503. © Magnolia Press
By courtesy.
Gen. Maratus Karsch, 1878
Type species Maratus amabilis.
Maratus amabilis :Zabka M. 1987b. Annales zoologici, 40, 1: 479, ff. 64-66 + Otto, Hill 2011c. Peckhamia 96.1: 1-3, pl 1-3. By courtesy.
Maratus anomalus : RECLASSIFIED Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ... 159 (Holotype,No. 1771. Mus. Berlin) + Otto, Hill 2012b. + ©Peckhamia
103(1): 23-31, f [plates] 28-38 [seems to have no flaps!].. By courtesy.
+ |
Maratus chrysomelas :
Zabka M. 1987b. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 457-458, ff. 19-22 + Otto, Hill 2012b. ©Peckhamia
32, f [plate] . By courtesy.
Maratus harrisi :
Otto, Hill 2012b. ©Peckhamia
103(1): 4-9, pl 4-10.
By courtesy.
Maratus linnaei :
Otto, Hill 2012b. © Peckhamia 96.1:
10-11, pl 11-12. By courtesy.
Maratus mungaich :
Otto, Hill 2012b. © Peckhamia 96.1:
12-13, pl 13-14. By courtesy.
+ |
Maratus nigromaculatus :
Zabka M. 1987b. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 456-457, ff. 17-18 + Otto, Hill 2012b. ©Peckhamia
103(1): 33, f [plate] 40 [seems to have no flaps!]. . By courtesy.
+ |
Maratus pavonis :
Otto, Hill 2012b. ©Peckhamia
103(1):89.1: 2-15, pl 2. . By courtesy.
Maratus purcellae :
Otto, Hill 2013.NS Wales, Peckhamia 105.1: 1-8, pl 1-6. . By courtesy.
Maratus rainbowi :
Hill, Otto, 2011. Sydney. Peckhamia 89.1: 2-15, pl 3. . By courtesy.
Maratus robinsoni :
Otto, Hill 2012b. ©Peckhamia 103(1): 36-42, f [plates] 43-51. . By courtesy.
Maratus sp C [Tasmania:
Stanley] :
Otto, Hill 2011c. ©Peckhamia
96.1: 24, pl 29. By courtesy.
speciosus : Otto, Hill 2012b. © Peckhamia 103(1):
42-46, f [plates] 52-59. By courtesy.
speculiferus : Zabka M. 1987b. Ann. zool., 40,
1: 465-466, ff: 38-41 + .Otto, Hill 2012b. © Peckhamia 103(1): 47, f [plate]
60. By courtesy.
spicatus : Otto, Hill 2012b. © Peckhamia96.1: 12-13, pl 13-14. By courtesy.
velutinus : Otto, Hill 2012b. ©Peckhamia 103(1):
51-55, f [plates] 67-69. By courtesy.
vespertilio : Otto, Hill 2011c. Peckhamia
96.1: 17-18, pl 21-22.. By courtesy.
volans : J. Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 126 +
Zabka M. 1987b. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 479-481, ff. 67-69 + Simon E.
1901a. 559,
figs 675-682 (C-E) +
©Photo M. Stevens
2011 + Otto, Hill 2011c. Peckhamia 96.1: 12-13, pl
13-14. By courtesy.
Maratus jactatus
: Otto, 2015. S Queensland 2015. ©Photo J. Otto. By courtesy. By courtesy.
Maratus sceletus
: Otto & Hill , 2015. Peckhamia.Otto, 2015. S Queensland 2015. By courtesy.
Maratus proszynski
: Waldock, 2015. Otto, 2015. Rec. W.Austral. Mus. 30: 144-150, f 1-9. ©Photo J. Otto. By courtesy.
Gen. Margaromma Keyserling,
Type species Margaromma funesta.
>>>>>>> |
funesta [Type species] : Davies T..,
Zab. 1989. Mem. Queen.Mus., 27 (2): 230, t. 38 + Keyserling 1882: 1347, t 114,
f 5, 6.By courtesy.
Gen. "Margaromma" [?] Keyserling,
1882 (6
Type species ? ?.
Margaromma [Misplaced] insultans +b) kochi +c) torquata +d) doreyana:
Heciak, Prószynski 1984b:
411, f 2, 5, 10
+b) Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 81
+c) Atlas ...: 81 +d) Atlas ...: 81 . By courtesy.
Margaromma [Misplaced] sexualis +b)
soligena c) nitida [MISPLACED]: Heciak, Proszynski J. 1984b. Ann. zool., 37, 17: 411-416, ff. 1, 4,
7-9 +b) Zabka 1988b. Ann. zool.,
41 (14): 462-463, ff. 110- 113. By courtesy.
By courtesy.
Margaromma semirasa = Omoedus semirasus by Zhang J., Maddison 2015: 26 = Zenodorus semirasus by: Proszynski 2015
Gen. Marma Simon,
1902 (3 species)
Type species Marma baeri
| |
baeri +b) femella :
Galiano 1962c: 36-39, t. 1 ff. 1-5 +b) Ruiz, Brescovit 2005b. Revta bras. Zool. 22: 754, f 3-4.
nigritarsis + b) sp-Brazil :
Galiano: 1962c: 31, 32, 40-44, t. 1, f 6-9; t 2, f 4-5 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015:
Zootaxa 3938 (1): 22, f 216-220. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. Mexigonus Edwards,
Type species Mexigonus minutus.
minutus :F.P.-Cambridge
1901: 202, 208, 212, t. 15, f. 14+Edwards G.B. 2002a. 16(1-3): 70, f 9-12 + ©Phot.
D. Richman. By courtesy.
morosus +b) dentichelis : Peckham E.G. 1888:
71 T. 1 F. 53; T. 5 F. 53
1901: 202, 208, 212, t. 15, f. 14. By courtesy.
arizonensis : Gertsch 1935. Amer. Mus. Novit. 792: 30, f. 38-39 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 24, f 250-256. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
+ |
Mexigonus sp-Ecuador + sp-Mexico: ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 24, f 766-767 + 769. © Magnolia Press.
Gen. Mopiopia Simon,
Type species Mopiopia comatula.
comatula +b) labyrinthea :Galiano
1963b. Physis: 397-398, t. 28, f 3-6 + Edwards, Rinaldi, Ruiz 2005. Biota Neotr. 5(2): 25, f 31-34, 56-57. By courtesy.
tristis : Edwards, Rinaldi,
Ruiz 2005.Biota Neotr. 5(2): 26, f 35-36, 58. By courtesy.
d) |
Tariona = Mopiopia
gounellei +b) bruneti +c) sp +d) cf bruneti : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 454-455, t 39, f 7-10 +b) 452-454,
t 39, f 4-6
+c) ©Photo Gasnier & Azevedo +d) ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 20, f 169-172 [as Mopiopia].
©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
b) |
Tariona = Mopiopia
mutica +b) albibarbis :
Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 454-455, t 39, f 7-10 +b) Edwards, Rinaldi, Ruiz
Biota Neotropica 5(2): 27, f 37-39. By courtesy.
Gen. Naphrys Edwards,
2003 (3 species)
classification of Corticattus-Q and Naphrys in a single clade by Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938(1): 18, because
of alleged molecular similarities, disagree with morphologichal characters.
Type species Naphrys acerba.
b) |
acerba +b) bufoides : Edwards
G.B. 2002a. Insecta Mundi 16 (1-3): 69, f 5-8 +b) Richman 1981: 204, f. 5, 20-23
+ ©Photo G. B. Edwards + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 18. f 732-733 © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
pulex : Proszynski 1987. Atlas
...: 14 + Paquin, Duperre 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 195, figs 2175-2177
+ Peckham E.G. 1909. 16 (1): 525, pl. 42, f. 11, pl. 43, f. 1 + ©Photo D.E.
Hill + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 18. f 138-142, 730-731 © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
xerophila :
Richman 1981: 203, f. 4, 16-19 + ©Photo Edwards + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015:
Zootaxa 3938 (1): 18. f 138-142, 7728-729 © Magnolia Press.
By courtesy.
Gen. Neonella Gertsch,
1936 (12 species)
Type species Neonella vinnula.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
lubrica +b) vinnula +c) sp : Galiano
M.E. 1988b. Revue suisse Zool., 95 (2): 441, f 2-7, 15, 20 +b) 443, f 13, 18 + Ruiz, Brescovit, Freitas
2007 Rev.
brasil. Zool. 24(3): 276, f 17 +b) © and phot by G. B. Edwards 2001+ ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 24, f 257-263 +c) 738-739. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
antillana +b) cabana : Galiano
M.E. 1988b. 95 (2): 444, ff. 1, 8-10 +b) Galiano 1998c. J. Arachnology.
26: 15-16, ff. 4-6, 11, 12. .By courtesy.
colalao+b) mayaguez +c) montana : Galiano
M.E. 1988b. Revue suisse Zool., 95 (2): 443, f 13, 18
+b) Galiano 1998c. J. Arachnology.
26: 15, f 2-3 +c) 447, f 14, 21. By courtesy.
minuta : Galiano
M.E. 1988b. Revue suisse Zool., 95 (2): 439, f 17, 19
+b) Galiano M.E. 1965b. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg., 27 (1-4): 25-28, f 1-8. By courtesy.
nana +b) camillae : Galiano
M.E. 1988b. Revue suisse Zool., 95 (2): 443, f 13, 18443, f 11-12, 16, 22-23
+b) Edwards 2002b. Insecta Mundi 16 (1-3): 157-160, f 1-6..By courtesy.
noronha [Misplaced!] +b) compared with tip of embolus of N. vinnula +c) salafraria
[Misplaced!] :
Ruiz, Brescovit,
Freitas 2007 Rev. brasil. Zool. 24(3): 273-276, f 12-16 +b) 276, f 17 +c) Ruiz, Brescovit 2004. Revta Ibérica Aracnol.
10: 281-283, f 1-5. By courtesy.
Strand, 1911
Type species Ohilimia albomaculata . .
scutellata: Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas...: 94 + Gardzinska 2006. Ann. Zool.56(2):
378, f 26-48 + ©Photo
R. Whyte + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 27, f 392-398. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
albomaculata: Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas ...: 94 + Gardzinska 2006. Ann.
Zool.56(2): 37:7, f 1-25. By courtesy.
cf. scutellata?: AUS-104 Queensland: Daintree NP. ©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy. Attention: Suspected specie difference: body coloration [? cf. Maddison &Zhang 2015], narrow tibial apophysis, occurence in Australia. Gen. Omoedus Thorell, 1881 (4 species)
see reasons for retaining genera Omoedus,
Pystira and Zenodorus.
Comparison of diagnostic characters of Omoedus, Pystira and Zenodorus: Proszynski 2011: Internet
+b) photographs of the same: ©Photo Knowles + Court + Whyte. By courtesy.
Type species Omoedus niger.
niger : Ramoi Il. off N Guinea. TYPE: coll. Thorell, Mus
Genova. Proszynski J. 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 172-173, f 28-33
+ © Photo
D. Knowles (Ceram). By courtesy..
kulczynskii : Proszynski J. 1971c. Ann. zool.
28: 177-179, f 43-44 . By courtesy.
Omoedus piceus : Proszynski J. 1971c. Ann. zool. 28: 173-175, f 34-40 + Simon 1901
644, f. 762-764[=.E, "E2", G] + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 26, f 339 342, 800. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
cordatus [MISPLACED] : Berry J.W., J.A. Beatty, Proszynski J. 1996. Journal of Arachnology. 24(3): 242-243, f 103-105.4. By courtesy.
sp [dav] [MISPLACED] : Davies, Zabka, 1989. Mem. Queensland
Mus., 27 (2): 231, t 34. By courtesy.
Gen. Opisthoncana Strand, 1913
(1 species)
Type species Opisthoncana formidabilis.
Opisthoncana formidabilis :Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas ...: 96. By courtesy.
Paraharmochirus Simon, 1898
Type species Paraharmochirus monstrosus .
monstrosus: Szombathy, 1915 Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. nat. 13: 489, f 13.
tualapaensis: Zhang J., Maddison, 2012 Zootaxa 2012b: 36-39, f 170-182. By courtesy.
Paraharmochirus sp. n. : Indonesia: Ceram. Leg. Schneider. ©Photo Freudenschuss. By courtesy.
Gen. Parasaitis Bryant, 1950
Type species Parasaitis femoralis Bryant, 1950: 197, f. 30-32 Gen. Parvattus Zhang
J., Maddison 2012
Type species Parvattus zhui.
Parvattus zhui : Zhang J., Maddison 2012. Zootaxa: 3581: 70-71, f 75-80 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 653. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. +PensacolatusWunderlich, 2004 Type species
tibialis [fossil]:
Wunderlich, 2004: 3B: 1802-1803, 82-84. By courtesy.
Gen. Pensacolops Bauab, 1983
Type species Pensacolops rubrovittata Bauab, 1983.
Pensacolops rubrovittata:
Bauab, 1983: 2, f. 1-5. By courtesy.
Gen. Petemathis Prószynski & Deeleman-Reinhold,
Type species Petemathis portoricensis.
portoricensis : Petrunkevitch,
1930b: 118,f 97-103.+ Prószynski, Deel.-Rein. Arthr. sel. 2012: 21(1): 54-55,
f 189, 192, 196 +
©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 85-90, 700-701. © Magnolia Press.
By courtesy.
+ |
Petemathis luteopunctata +b) minuta : Prószynski,
Deel.-Rein. Arthr. sel. 2012: 54-55, f 187, 194 +b) 54-55, f 190-191
+ ©Zhang
J., 2012 PhD THESIS. UNIV. BRIT. COLUMBIA + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 698-699. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
tetuani : Petrunkevitch,
1930b: 118,f 97-103.+ Prószynski, Deel.-Rein. Arthr. sel. 2012: 54-55, f 188,
199, 197
+ ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 702-703. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Gen. Phasmolia ZhangJ., Maddison, 2012
Type species Phasmolia elegans.
elegans : Zhang J., Maddison, 2012b:Zootaxa 3491: 39-41, f 183-195.
C 2012 . Magnolia Press. Bycourtesy. Color pattern - compare Lakarobius!
Gen. Platypsecas Ruiz, Brescovit, 2005
Type species Platypsecas razzabonii.
Platypsecas razzabonii : Ruiz, Brescovit 2005b. Revta bras. Zool. 22(3): 756, f 15-16. By courtesy.
Gen. Popcornella Zhang
J., Maddison, 2012
Type species Popcornella spiniformis.
Popcornella spiniformis :Zhang J., Maddison. Zootaxa 3476: 44-45, f 211–223. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
furcata [congeneric?] : Zhang J., Maddison.
Zootaxa 3476: 40-41, f 191–200. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
nigromaculata [congeneric?] :Zhang
J., Maddison. Zootaxa 3476: 44-45, f 211–223. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
yunque [congeneric?] :Zhang
J., Maddison. Zootaxa 3476: 45-46, f 224–233. ©Magnolia Press. By
Gen. Popcornella Zhang
J., Maddison, 2012
Type species Popcornella spiniformis.
Popcornella spiniformis :Zhang J., Maddison. Zootaxa 3476: 44-45, f 211–223. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
furcata [congeneric?] : Zhang J., Maddison.
Zootaxa 3476: 40-41, f 191–200. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
nigromaculata [congeneric?] :Zhang
J., Maddison. Zootaxa 3476: 44-45, f 211–223. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
yunque [congeneric?] :Zhang
J., Maddison. Zootaxa 3476: 45-46, f 224–233. ©Magnolia Press. By
Gen. Pristobaeus Simon,
Type species Pristobaeus jocosus.
jocosus :
. Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 81 (Sulawesi) + Proszynski 2003b: Internet (Sulawesi)
+ ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 27, f 424-430 © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Pristobaus (syn. Palpelius) beccari : Proszynski 1984c: 96-97 (Coll. Thorell) + Davies, Zabka 1989. Mem. Queensland Mus.,
27 (2): 230, t 39+ ©Photo C P. Koomen + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): 27, f 431-437 + 648-651.
© Magnolia Press
.+ Photo Schneider-Freudenschuss. Type species of Palpelius . By courtesy.
Pristobaus (syn. Palpelius) dearmatus +b) discedens : Proszynski 1984c: 98 +b) 1984c:
98 +c) ©Photo M. Freudenschuss [Type -Mus. Wien].
Pristobaus (syn. Palpelius)
namosi : Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1996. J. Arachnology.
24(3): 243-244, f 106-110.
Pristobaus (syn. Palpelius)
sp. [Sempata] +b) trigyrus +c) taveuniensis :
Proszynski 2003b: Internet [Sulawesi, Sempata- coll. Deeleman]
+b) Berry,
Beatty, Prószyński, 1996: 24(3): 245-246, f 111-113 +c) Patoleta
2008b Genus 19(4): 722-725, f 1-5.
Pristobaus (syn. Palpelius)
vanuaensis +b) vitiensis: Patoleta 2008b Genus Vol. 19(4):
726, f. 6-8, 13, 15 +b) 726, f. 9-12, 14. By courtesy.
clarus +b) fuscoannulatus : Palpelius clarus Roewer, 1938: 86,f. 65-66 +b) Strand, 1911d: 187, pl. 4, f. 17, pl. 6, f. 88. By courtesy.
Gen. Prostheclina Keyserling,
Type species Prostheclina pallida.
pallida : Davies Todd V., Zabka M. 1989. Mem. Queensland
Mus., Brisbane, 27 (2): 238, t 44 +b) Richardson, Zabka 2007. Rec. Australian
Mus. 59: 84-86, 2, 4a-i, 5; t 1 + ©Photo M. Stevens in R. Whyte +Otto, Hill
2012b. Peckhamia 103(1): 7-8, f [plate] 7. By courtesy.
[7 species face comparison] +b) amplior +c) basilonesa +d) boreoaitha +e) boreoxantha
+f) bulburin +g) eungella: Richardson, Zabka 2007. Rec.
Australian Mus. 59: 879–96, pl 1-14. By courtesy.
Gen. Pseudemathis Simon,
Type species Pseudemathis trifida.
Pseudemathis trifida : Duhem, Ledoux, Wesolowska 2005. Genus, 16(4): 527-536, f 12-24. By courtesy.
Gen. Pseudeuophrys Dahl,
Type species Pseudeuophrys erratica.
+ |
erratica : Zabka 1997. F.
Pol.. 19: 5-187, f 265-271+ Logunov 1998b. Rev. Arachn. 12(11): 115, f.
1-7, 9, 12,
17-20, 23, 25-26, 33-34 + ©Photo H. Metzner +J. Lissner
+ ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015: Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 469-473. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Pseudeuophrys lanigera : Heciak, Proszynski 1984a. Ann. zool.: 379-389, f 15-24 + ©Photo H. Metzner +J. Lissner. By courtesy.
iwatensis: Proszynski 1979: Ann. zool. 306, f 64-68 + Bohdanowicz,
Proszynski 1987. Ann. zool. 41, 2: 49-53, f 18-26.. By courtesy.
obsoleta +b) pascualis : Proszynski
1979. Ann. zool.34: 307, f 78-83. + Zabka 1997. F. Pol. 19: 5-187, f 272-277
+ ©Photo J. Lissner +b) Proszynski 2003. Ann. zool.: 146, f 198-199.
By courtesy.
vafra : Proszynski
Internet + ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
nebrodensis :
Alicata, Cantarella 2000. Mem. Soc. ent.. ital. 78 (2): 491-492, f
By courtesy.
Pseudocorythalia Caporiacco, 1938
Type species Pseudocorythalia subinermis Caporiacco, 1938b: 276, f. 5
Gen. Pystira Simon,
1901 (1 species)
see reasons for retaining genera Omoedus,
Pystira and Zenodorus.
Comparison of diagnostic characters of Omoedus, Pystira and Zenodorus: Proszynski 2011: Internet
+b) photographs of the same: ©Photo Knowles + Court + Whyte. By courtesy.
Type species Pystira ephippigera.
Pystira ephippigera : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 117 ("20334 ... Java" coll. Simon) + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015:
Zootaxa 3938 (1): f 343-349, 801-802 (as "Omoedus"). © Magnolia Press. By courtesy. |