APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy

MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini Aelurillina Asemoneinae Amycini Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini Ballini Baviini Bredini Chrysillini Cocalodini Dendryphantina Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3 Eupoinae Freyina Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini Hisponinae Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina Lapsiini Leptorchestini Lyssomaninae Marpissina Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini Neonini Onomastinae Plexippina Salticini Sarindini Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini Sitticini Spartaeina Synagelina Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis

Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.

Jerzy Prószyński
Version July 1st, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations, also references, are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph

Type genus Sitticus.
Interactive index of genera Jollas Sitticus Sitticus (distinguendus group) Sitticus (floricola group) Sitticus (leucoproctus group) Sitticus (longipes group) Sitticus(palpalis group) Sitticus (saxicola group) Sitticus (terebratus group) Sittipub
(100 species).


"Sitticus looks like a very distinctive group in the Palearctic because there are no other amycoids there. It's part of a large radiation in the neotropics. The South Americans have already started naming new sitticine genera. As the neotropical diversity demands that we break up the sitticines, it may be important to break up the Palearctic Sitticus to maintain good phylogenetic groups. What if Attulus is found to represent a separate dispersal to the Palearctic from the lineage that gave rise to S. terebratus, and we need to retain it? Could this be like Macaroeris and Dendryphantes? At the moment, I agree with you that Sitticus should remain intact (with Attulus), and as long as they are together the name should be Sitticus. What bothers me about the rules is that if Attulus is suppressed, it is lost forever, even if we eventually split Sitticus. But I won't oppose your proposal. I'd rather that most of the Sitticus retain their generic name than that Attulus is available, if faced with that choice". .................. Wayne ..................................................(a personal communication from Dr. W.P. Madison, 8.XII. 2007)

SITTICINES. DIAGNOSIS. Palaearctic branch of the New World of supergroup AMYCOIDA. It is the only group in Palaearctics having multi cusp [saw-like] tooth on anterolateral edge of chelicerae, while retrolateral [posterior] edge is not developed and devoid of teeth. The central "S" shaped loop of spermophor is very prominent and regular, next follows the margin of bulbus, before narrowing and entering embolus. Embolus originate postero-laterally from bulbus, tapering next and continuing hair thin, parallel to bulbus or encircling it entirely, that character is somewhat different in Sittipub. Copulatory ducts short, but in Sitticus floricola group long, twisted into loop. Spermathecae strongly sclerotized, originally elongate and "C" shaped, in some genera modified. Epigyne is different in Sittipub (see below), resembling some AMYCOIDA VARIA. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of the definition.
NOTE ON RELATIONSHIP. SITTICINES display characteristic features of the supergroup AMYCOIDA: presence of multicusp [saw-like] tooth on sclerotized basis on internal edge of chelicerae, in male palp prominent “S” shaped loop of spermophor translucent in the center of tegulum. In the Palaearctic AMYCOIDA (including a few re-colonist species in North America and a few presumably relict genera in Neotropics) there is only one chelicerae edge preserved (the antero-lateral, or possibly both edges are fused) and the saw-like tooth is single. In difference to that, the majority of Neotropic genera have both edges of chelicerae preserved, the cheliceral dentition is diverse, apart from saw like tooth there are also other teeth developed on either edge. The central "S" shaped loop of spermophor is also diverse. The best characters for separation of genera are spermathecae and ducts, they are developed differently in SITTICINES and remaining AMYCOIDA.
Historical note - Extensive revisions of taxonomy of the genus Sitticus were done by Prószynski (1968d, 1971a, 1973a, 1980b, 1987: 85-100; summaries of geographical distribution and history of ranges were given in 1983a, also in 1976. All that was summarized in the database of Salticidae (see the latest version 2016). Maddison et all (2003, 2007) placed Sitticus within AMYCOIDA and gave interesting evolutionary conclusions. While morphological gap with South American genera of Amycinae is not fully understood, SITTICINES should retain its independent status as a prolific taxon developed separately in Palearctics. Taxonomic division is usually a compromise and could be set differently, as long as there is agreement on relationships. I do not see why there should be no agreement on separate group of genera (subfamilial) status in retaining SITTICINES, honoring separate Old and New World usage.

Guide to identification of genera by palps, spermathecae and ducts

Guide to identification of genera by color pattern

Gen. Jollas Simon, 1901 ( 5 species)

Type species Jollas geniculatus.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Jollas sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 33. By courtesy.
Jollas geniculatus : Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: fig. 58-59 ( "21085 Jollas geniculatus" "obscurus" - Mus. Paris)
+ Galiano 1991b. Physis C. 47 (112): 18, 19, ff. 1, 5, 14-18, 25, 35, 38, 40-41. By courtesy.
Jollas amazonicus: Galiano 1991b. Physis C. 47 (112): 22, ff. 2, 13, 24, 27. By courtesy.
"Jollas" armatus + crassus : Bryant 1943. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 92 (9): 495, T. 7, F. 70, 73 +497, T. 6, F. 58, 60, 67 . MISPLACED = EUOPHRYINAE.
Jollas manantiales : Galiano 1991b. Physis C. 47 (112): 27, ff. 9-11, 19-20, 28, 39, 46-47. By courtesy.
Jollas pompatus : Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 58 ("9269 Jollas - Caracas" - Mus. Paris) + Galiano 1991b. Physis C. 47 (112): 18, 19, ff. 1, 5, 14-18, 25, 35, 38, 40-41. By courtesy.
Jollas paranacito + puntalara: Galiano 1991b. Physis C. 47 (112): 23, ff. 42-43 + 23, ff. 4, 6, 21, 29-34, 36. 48-49. By courtesy.

Gen. Sitticus Simon, 1901 ( 71 species)

Type species Sitticus terebratus.
DIAGNOSIS. Conform to definition of SITTICINES quoted below: "Palaearctic branch of the New World of supergroup AMYCOIDA. It is the only group in Palaearctics having multi cusp [saw-like] tooth on anterolateral edge of chelicerae, while retrolateral [posterior] edge is not developed and devoid of teeth. The central "S" shaped loop of spermophor is very prominent and regular, next follows the margin of bulbus, before narrowing and entering embolus. Embolus originate postero-laterally from bulbus, tapering next and continuing hair thin, parallel to bulbus or encircling it entirely, that character is somewhat different in Sittipub. Copulatory ducts short, but in Sitticus floricola group long, twisted into loop. Spermathecae strongly sclerotized, originally elongate and "C" shaped, in some genera modified. Epigyne is different in Sittipub (see below), resembling some AMYCOIDA VARIA". Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of the definition. For more remarks - see note on SITTICINES above, for description of diversity inside genus - see descriptions below.

Sitticus (terebratus group = nominal group) (5 species)

Representative species (and the type species of the genus) Sitticus terebratus [= syn. Araneus terebratus Clerck, 1757].
DIAGNOSIS. Conform to description of SITTICINES. Differs by cymbiun expanded transversally, with apical part turned laterally. Bulbus round with embolus encircling it, tibia robust, half the length of the cymbium. Copulatory openings close each other, in a small depression in anterior middle part of epigyne, each duct is originally broader, encircles half of epigyne and then, narrowing pass into complicated coils of its further continuous parts. Color pattern represent one of variants common in Sitticus - white median line bisecting body, continuous or broken, or interrupted. Pairs of small spots accompanying mid-line in the posterior half of abdomen are irregular. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of the definition.

Sitticus (terebratus group) terebratus : Proszynski J. 1968d. Ann. zool. 26: 396-399, f 1-2, 4-8 [drawing of copulatory ducts simplified] + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 8 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Sitticus (terebratus group) fasciger :Proszynski J. 1968d. Ann. zool. 26: 399-402, f 3, 9-16. + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 8. By courtesy. COMPARE Maevia expansa - analogy in palp! (but epigyne unknown) .
Sitticus (terebratus group) finschi : Proszynski 1968d. Ann. zool. 26: 402-406, f 17-23 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 8 . By courtesy. COMPARE Maevia expansa - analogy in palp! (but epigyne unknown)!
Sitticus (terebratus group) godlewskii + tannuolana: Proszynski J. 1962a. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 10: 65-68, f 3-4
+ Logunov 1991. Zool. zh., 70 (2): 52, f 4-6. By courtesy.

Sitticus (distinguendus group) (22 species)

Representative species Sitticus distinguendus Simon, 1868 [= Attus distinguendus Simon, 1868].
DIAGNOSIS. Conform to description of SITTICINES. Differs from the terebratus group by larger and broader central loop of spermophor, bulbus elongate oval, often enlarged basally. Embolus parallel to bulbus, originates from broader basis, gradually tapering, indistinctly longer than bulbus. Tibial apophysis short, pointed sharp. Epigyne with small, oval, anterior depression, in some species bisected by thin, indistinct septum. Copulatory openings set vertically, or slightly inclined, followed by broad entrance chamber, almost immediately narrowing into short copulatory ducts, which open to anterior ramus of spermathecae. Spermatheca letter "C" shaped, set transversally, peculiar in having terminal part at the medial-ward end, and armature of the scent duct at the lateral-ward end; the whole posterior part of spermatheca has no any additional structures attached. Development of spermatheca vary from both rami relatively broad and similarly developed, to asymmetrical development of either ramus, in a few species intermediary to the floricola group. Color pattern represent one of variants common in Sitticus - either cryptic sand coloration, or dark with white median line bisecting body, continuous or broken, or pairs of large, circular dots, contrasting white. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of the definition.

Sitticus (distinguendus group) distinguendus : Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 94-95 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) ammophilus : Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 94-95 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) ansobicus (+ S. "pubescens" by Caporiacco) + : Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 88-89 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) avocator: Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 90-92 (diversity) + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) albolineatus : Proszynski J. 1987a. Atlas ...: 85-86. + Proszynski J. 1979. Annales zoologici, 34: 316-317, f 286-289 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26: 161-179 + Logunov, Marusik 2000b. KMK Sci. Press Ltd. 202, map 47. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) damini : Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 93. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) niveosignatus : Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 97 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179 + Zabka 1980a. Senck. biol., 60 (3/4): 241-247, f 1-19. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) vilis + goricus : Proszynski 1987a. Atlas ...: 98-99. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) burjaticus + dubatolovi+ inopinabilis : Logunov, Danilov 1993. Arthr. Sel., 2 (4): 35-36, f 4a-e. + Logunov, Rakov. 1998. Arthr. Sel., 7(2): 139-140, f 73-77 + Logunov 1992a. Arthr. Sel., 1 (1): 57, f. 6c-d + Logunov, 1998d. Zoosyst. Rossica, 7(1): 78, f 1-2. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) karakumensis + kazakhstanicus + zaisanicus: Logunov 1992a. Arthr. Sel., 1 (1): 59, f 7a-d + 62, f. 8a-d + Logunov, Rakov 1998. Arthr. Sel., 7(2): 140, f. 49-50 + Logunov 1998d. Zoosyst. Rossica, 7(1): 80, f 3-4.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) nenilini +b) eskovi : Logunov, Wesolowska 1993. Ent Basiliensia, 16: 9, f 3-4, 9-12 +b) Logunov , Wesolowska 1995. Genus, 6 (2): 164-167, f 1-6, 8. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) talgarensis + sinensis: Logunov, Wesolowska 1993. Ent Basil., 16: 5-9, f 1-2, 5-8 + Peng X., Xie L., Xiao X. 1993. 44: 219-220, f 778-786. By courtesy.
Sitticus (distinguendus group) penicilloides : Wesolowska 1981a. Annales zoologici, 36: 79-80, f 108-109 + Logunov 1993. Genus, 4 (1): 1-15,f 1-39. By courtesy.
Sitticus penicillatus : Proszynski J. 1973a. Ann. zool. 30: 72-79, f 1-16 + © Photo J. Lissner By courtesy.
Sitticus saltator: Proszynski 1987: 89 + Zabka 1997. F. Polski 19: 94-95, f 358-363 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 8 + © Photo J. Lissner + Arachnol. Gesells. By courtesy.
Sitticus clavator + mirandus : Proszynski 1973a. Ann. zool. 30: 72, f 9-10 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturw.
Ver. Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 15 + Logunov 1993a. Genus, 4 (1): 10, f 2, 12, 34-39. By courtesy.

Sitticus (floricola group) (13 species)

Representative species Sitticus floricola [= Euophrys floricola Koch C.L., 1837].
DIAGNOSIS. Conform to description of SITTICINES. Differs by modification of the original "C" shape of spermatheca, which has posterior ramus much bigger and elongated posterior wards, which deeply changes appearance. Copulatory ducts much elongated and form striking loop. External depression in epigyne occupies largest part of the plate. Coloration with prominent pair of white spots, round or irregular, there are some white lines on carapace. Owing to coloration, but also to less hidden behavior, belong to the best noticeable Sitticus species. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of the definition.

Sitticus (floricola group) floricola : Proszynski J. 1980 Annales zoologici, 36: 10-13, f 3-4, 10-14, 20-21+ + Proszynski
1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179. © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Sitticus (floricola group) floricola palustris: Proszynski J. 1980 Annales zoologici, 36: 12-14, f 15-19, 22-43
+ Kaston B. J. 1948. 70: 458-458, t. 89, f 1660-1662. © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy
[Uncertain status with S. floricola: conspecific? subspecific? separate species?].
Sitticus (floricola group) rupicola : Proszynski 1980 Ann. zool., 36: 14-18; f 5-6, 9, 44-57, 58-59 [local variation in epigyne?
different species?] + Logunov, Kronestedt 1997. Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 10 (7): 226, f 29. © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
+ sp?+
Sitticus (floricola group) inexpectus : Logunov, Kronestedt 1997. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc. 10 (7): 226-232, f 1-49 + © Photo J. Lissner + A. Senglet. By courtesy
Sitticus (floricola group) caricis : Proszynski J. 1980 Annales zoologici, 36: 18-20, f 1-2, 7, 60-63. © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
Sitticus (floricola group) caricis : Proszynski J. 1980 Annales zoologici, 36: 18-20, f 1-2, 7, 60-63. By courtesy.
Sitticus (flor. gr.) zimmermanni : Proszynski J. 1980 Ann. zool., 36: 10-13, f 3-4, 10-14, 20-21 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy
Sitticus (floricola group) atricapillus, Proszynski J. 1980 Ann. zool., 36: 10-13, f 3-4, 10-14, 20-21 (synonyms) + Kronestedt, Logunov. 2003. Rev. suisse Zool. 110 (4): 855-837, f 1-22 (comparison). By courtesy[Differs by white ornaments, hair-splitting differences in palps and epigyne - rather variant of S. zimmermanni ?].
Sitticus (floricola group) cutleri : Proszynski J. 1980 Ann. zool., 36: 130, 32, f 94-95, 96-98 + Internet + Proszynski
1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179. By courtesy.
Sitticus(floricola group) dudkoi + monstrabilis : Logunov, 1998d. Zoosyst. Rossica, 7(1): 77-78, f 5-6. + Logunov 1992a. Arthr. Sel., 1 (1): 64, f 9a-e + Logunov, Kronestedt 1997. Bull. Brit. Arachn. Soc. 10 (7): 232, f 50-51 .
Sitticus (floricola group) magnus: Proszynski J. 1980 Ann. zool., 36: 21-23, f. 64-68 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179. By courtesy.
Sitticus(floricola group) pulchellus: Logunov 1992a. Arthr. Sel., 1 (1): 64, f 6a-b + Logunov, 1995a. Zoosyst. Rossica, 7(1): 3, 2: 244, f 22-24 (female sp-?). By courtesy.
Sitticus a) striatus +b)syn. rivalis+c) comment on syn. rivalis : a)Proszynski J. 1980 Ann. zool., , 36: 10-13, f 3-4, 10-14, 20-21
+ b) Logunov 2004a. Bull. British Arachn. Soc., 13 (2): 33-34, f 17-21 +c) comment on separating of S. striatus and rivalis - By courtesy. Comment. After studying Logunov's description and documentation again, I am unable to find convincing characters warranting separation of S. striatus and rivalis. J. Proszyński, 2015. Complaints of Logunov on too transparent part of epigyne mounted in Canada Balsam slide: as in other old slides mounted in the Canada Balsam, this slide require dissolution in Xylol or Toluol, rinsing of epigyne itself, perhaps restaining, and examionation as temporary slide. J.P.

Sitticus (leucoproctus group) (3 species)

Sitticus (leucoproctus group) Simon, 1876.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Sitticus (leucoproctus group) leucoproctus : Galiano M.E. 1989. Rev. Soc. ent. Argentina, 45 (1-4): 259, f 1-2, 8-9, 12-14, 19, 22 + © Photo Simó M. & Rodríguez M.E (Uruguay:Canelones, Marindia: costa arenosa). By courtesy.
Sitticus (leucoproctus group) cellulanus + flabellatus: Galiano M.E. 1989. Rev. Soc. ent. Argentina, 45 (1-4): 262, f. 3-5,
10-11, 16-17, 20, 23-26 = 261, f. 6-7, 15, 18, 21. By courtesy.

Sitticus (longipes group) (4 species)

Representative species Sitticus longipes (Canestrini, 1873) [= Attus longipes Canestrini, 1873].
DIAGNOSIS. Conform to description of SITTICINES. Differs by deep modification of spermathecae and duct, as shown on enclosed drawings, which are integral part of the definition .N. B. Shape of translucent internal structure of epigyne ("two circles") is not sufficient for identification of species, as there are several species with such structures in N America (S. absolutus, S. cursor, S. juniperi and some undescribed species) it is necessary to study cleared and stained epigyne and ducts).
EVOLUTIONARY HYPOTHESIS. Modification of spermathecae and relict distribution suggested in 1960ties closer relationship between Alpine S. longipes N American species (S. absolutus and related), dating perhaps from time of eventual splitting of original N American population. Present day method could check this hypothesis.

Sitticus (longipes group) longipes : Proszynski 1973a. Ann. zool., 30: 89-91, f 50-55 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein
Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 15 + © Photo B. Knoflach. By courtesy.
Sitticus (longipes group) absolutus + sp? : Proszynski 1973a. Ann. zool., 30: 79-86, f 17-19, 22- 44. By courtesy. ATTENTION. REPLACEMENT NAME "dorsatus" (forgotten and dubious) for "absolutus" NOT ACCEPTED!
Sitticus (longipes group) cursor +juniperi : Proszynski 1973a. Ann. zool., 30: 86-89, f 20-21, 45-49 + Gertsch, Riechert 1976. Am. Mus. Novit. 2604: 21, f 37-41. By courtesy.

Sitticus (palpalis group) (2 species)

Sitticus (palpalis group) Simon, 1876.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Sitticus (palpalis group) palpalis : Galiano M.E. 1991. Acta Zool. Lilloana 40, 1: 61, ff. 1-5, 8, 10-16. By courtesy.
+ b)
Sitticus tenebricus +b) vanvolsemorum : Galiano M.E., Baert L. 1990. Bull. Inst. royal Sci. naturel. de Belgique, Entomologie, 60: 60: 126-127, f 1, 8, 19, 20, map 7 + Baert , 2011. © Bull. Soc. roy. Belge Ent. 147: 63-67, f 6. +b) Baert , 2011. © Bull. Soc. roy. Belge Ent. 147: 63-67 f 1-5. By courtesy.
Sitticus (palpalis group) mazorcanus +b) canus : Proszynski 1973a. Ann. zool. 30: 91-93, f 56-57 + Galiano 1991. Acta Zool. Lilloana 40, 1: 61, ff. 1-5, 8, 10-16 +b) 40, 1: 67, f 7, 9. By courtesy.
Sitticus (palpalis group) phaleratus : Galiano M.E., Baert L. 1990. Bull. Inst. royal Sci. naturel. de Belgique, Entomologie, 60: 130-131, f 3, 6-7, 12, 14, 17-18, map 7. By courtesy.
Sitticus uber : Galiano M.E., Baert L. 1990. Bull. Inst. royal Sci. naturel. de Belgique, Entomologie, 60: 127-130, f 2, 4-5, 9-11, 13, 15-16, map 7. By courtesy.

Sitticus (saxicola group) (3 species)

Representative species Sitticus saxicola (Koch C.L., 1848) [= Euophrys saxicola Koch C.L., 1848].
DIAGNOSIS. Conform to description of SITTICINES. Differs by bulbus particularly long relative to cymbium, oval, broadened posteriorly. Depression on epigyne anterior, spermathecae deeply modified, possibly derived from "C" shape, but that is not clearly visible. Drawings are integral part of the definition

Sitticus (saxicola group) saxicola : Proszynski J. 1968d. Ann. zool. 26: 396-399, f 1-2, 4-8 + © Photo J. Lissner By courtesy.
Sitticus (saxicola group) dzieduszyckii : Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 96 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 10. By courtesy.
Sitticus (saxicola group) ranieri: Proszynski J. 1968d. Ann. zool. 26: 396-399, f 1-2, 4-8 + © Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Gen. Sittipub Prószynski, 2016 gen. n. (2 species)

Type species Sittipub pubescens [= syn. Aranea pubescens Fabricius, 1775].
NOMENCLATORICAL NOTE. Name coined from roots of words "SITTI-cus" and "PUB-escens". Grammar gender masculine.
DIAGNOSIS. Cheliceral dentition and general appearance resembling other Sitticus species, but without striking white spots on abdomen. Palpal organ reminiscent of some S American genera (Hypaeus) and Amycoida (Admesturius, Semiopyla), with central loop of spermophor irregular, embolus short and thin, arising from thick basis set anterolaterally. Tibial apophysis in type species broad, of mid length, in another species split in two lobes. Epigyne in a form of shallowly depressed plate, with translucent irregular, single chamber sclerotized structure: heavily sclerotized spermatheca and very short ducts. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of the definition.

Sittipub pubescens :Zabka 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 5-187, f 346-351 + Proszynski 1987: 97 + Kaston 1948. 70: 460, t. 91, f 1692-94 + © Photo J. Lissner.By courtesy.
Sittipub relictarius : Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 99-100 (Sitticus sp. from Naltschik - later paratypes)
+Logunov 1998. Zoosyst. Ros.,7(1): 78, f 7-10 + Proszynski 1983. Verh. naturw. Ver. Hamburg, (NF) 26; 161-179, map 10.

Sitticeae - characters by Simon, 1901.

Other views
see Ruiz G.R.S., Maddison W.P. 2015. Zootaxa 4040(3)

REMARKS. In a paper just published (11 Nov. 2015) Ruiz & Maddison 2015 adapted subfamily Sitticinae, proposed in this database since its beginning - it is too fresh development to comment it, but certainly positive. They propose to include the following genera: Aillutticus Galiano, 1987 Amatorculus Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005 Attulus Simon, 1889 (a synonym of Sitticus distinguendus, overlooked and maintained by Maddison, and World Spider Catalog, since documented in 1987) Capeta Capeta Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005 Gavarilla Ruiz & Brescovit, 2006 Jollas Simon, 1901 (=Oningis Simon, 1901) Nosferattus Ruiz & Brescovit, 2005 Pseudattulus Caporiacco, 1947 Semiopyla Simon, 1901 Sitticus Simon, 1901 (=Attinella Banks, 1905) (=Sitticulus Dahl, 1926) (=Tomis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1901)

a) b)
Loop of spermophor in Amycoida: Ruiz G.R.S., Maddison W.P. 2015. Zootaxa 4040(3): 270, f 49-52. By courtesy. COMMENT. Spermophor in Salticidae is usually twisted into loops in different levels, difference lies in appearance: which part of the spermophor is visible without making cleared preparation.
Main function of older publications is to be quickly forgotten by the successors authors
Sitticus (floricola group) caricis : Proszynski J. 1980 Annales zoologici, 36: 18-20, f 1-2, 7, 60-63.b) Sitticus (flor. gr.) zimmermanni : Proszynski J. 1980 Ann. zool., 36: 10-13, f 3-4, 10-14, 20-21 By courtesy.