APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy

MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini Aelurillina Asemoneinae Amycini Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini Ballini Baviini Bredini Chrysillini Cocalodini Dendryphantina Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3 Eupoinae Freyina Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini Hisponinae Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina Lapsiini Leptorchestini Lyssomaninae Marpissina Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini Neonini Onomastinae Plexippina Salticini Sarindini Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini Sitticini Spartaeina Synagelina Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis

Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.

Jerzy Prószyński
Version July 1st, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph

Interactive index of genera. Type genus Colonus.
Adoxotoma, Aphirape, Balmaceda, Banksetosa, Capidava, Ceriomura Colonus, Cotinusa, Gedea, Kalcerrytus, Marma, Metacyrba, Nilakantha, Paramaevia, Paramarpissa, Parathiodina, Philira, Platycryptus, Proctonemesia, Psecas, Romitia, Sumampattus, Tarkas, Thiodina elegans , Trydarssus, Wedoquella.
(95 species)


REMARKS. Recent discovery that the type species of Thiodina is not related to remaining genera of Thiodininae require change of the group name, for which I propose provisionally COLONINES, with representative species Colonus sylvanus = Thiodina sylvana]. Former subfamily THIODININAE was based on alleged relationship between Thiodina nicoleti Roewer, 1951 (syn. Attus elegans Nicolet, 1849, Thiodina elegans Simon, 1902) and two groups of genera having two different types of palpal organ, and whose internal structures of epigyne are insufficiently known. Thiodina nicoleti is transfered hereby provisionally to the group AMYCINES .
Male of Thiodina nicoleti, type species of the genus Thiodina was recently revised by Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015 (Zootaxa 4012 (1): 181–190), who redefined the species and produced drawings of its palpal organ, which seem to place that species within group HYLLINES, characterized by embolus originating from posterior lateral end of bulbus, entirely different from COLONINES, as proposed in the present work. Female of Thiodina nicoleti remains unknown, so we cannot use its structure of spermathecae and ducts in classification. However, bulbous sensory setae ventrally on tibia I and on faces of chelicerae, being diagnostic for the species, according to Bustamante et al., 2015, were not tested for occurrence in other genera, so are not sufficient character for classification of genera. Bustamante mentions as possible relative genus Hyetussa (AMYCINES), which has beautiful spiral of copulatory ducts in epigyne, its embolus has similar origin but is much longer, twisted around bulbus. With insufficient data on palps and internal structures of epigyne we will have to wait until further studies, promised by these authors.

REMARK. The group of genera, as illustrated below, is at the moment only provisional assemblage of forms with palp structures insufficiently known, illustrated by primitive drawings, with a few exceptions of excellent documentation (e.g. Marma sp. by Zhang & Maddison 2015: fig. 217) but of unclear relation to majority of other data. It seems that palp structures warrant reclassification to other groups of genera. In addition internal structures of epigyne are very insufficiently known. These genera require both extensive morphological research and deep consideration.

DIAGNOSIS. Several genera of COLONINES have tibial apophysis consisting of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. These genera have bulbus divided transversally into anterior half with prominent arch of spermophor, their posterior half of bulbus is convex, the embolus appearing laterally from under posterior part, sometimes is thread-like thin, sometimes accompanied by parallel process, or is robust, split apically. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Colonus sylvanus: Richman, Vetter 2004. J. Arachn., 32: 418-431, f 1-16. + C phot by G. B. Edwards, 2001 +bilateral gynandromorph. © Daniel Goodding. By courtesy.
Thiodina [MISPLACED IN THIS GROUP OF GENERA] nicoleti : Type species as illustrated by Nicolet - quoted by Richardson, 2010. Zootaxa 2418: 42, f 117-118. + Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015. Zootaxa 4012 (1): 181–190, f 1-30. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy

Guide to identification of genera of Thiodininae by male palps

Guide to identification of genera by internal structure of epigyne

Guide to identification of genera by body shape and color pattern

Gen. Adoxotoma Simon, 1909 (9 species)

Type species Adoxotoma nigroolivacea.
Present classification tentative, because of relationship of anterior arch of spermophor, bulbus and embolus - see A. embolica. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definitions.

+ b)
Adoxotoma nigroolivacea +b) justyniae : ©Photo R. Whyte + Zabka 2001. Rec. W. Austral. Mus., 20: 324, figs 1a-d +b): 330-331, figs 5a-i.
b c
Adoxotoma bargo +A. chionopogon + A. hannae: Zabka, 2001 Rec. W. Austral. Mus., 20: 325-326, figs 2a-d + 326-328, figs 3a-j + 326-328,figs 4a-d,
Adoxotoma sexmaculata: Gardzinska & Zabka, 2010. Zootaxa 2526: 41, f 25-32. © 2010 Magnolia Press.
Adoxotoma embolica: Gardzinska & Zabka,2010.Zootaxa 2526: 38, f 10-12. By courtesy .
Adoxotoma nitida: Gardzinska & Zabka,2010.Zootaxa 2526: 41, f 13-24. By courtesy .
Adoxotoma nodosa: Wanless 1988.N Zealand j. zool., 15: 91, ff. 4a-i + ©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy .
Adoxotoma forsteri see Proszynellus forsteri comb. n..

Gen. Aphirape Koch C.L., 1850 (8 species)

Type species Aphirape ancilla .
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Aphirape ancilla:: Galiano 1981d. Comm. Mus. Argent. Cien. Nat., Entom.1 (7): 93, 98, 100, f 32, 36 + Proszynski 1987: 23 (holotype). By courtesy.
Aphirape flexa +b) sp. : Galiano, 1981d. Comm. Mus. Argentino Cien. Nat., Entom.1 (7): 103-104, ff. 1, 26-27 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 20, f. 3A-I [vulva identification ? - cf. A. uncifera] +b) f 3J-K Photo W. Maddison. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Aphirape boliviensis: Galiano, 1981d.Comm. Mus. Argentino Cien. Nat., Entom.1 (7): 106, ff. 9, 19-20 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 20, f. 3A-I. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Aphirape gamas Galiano, 1996 Rev. Soc. Entom. Argentina. 55 (1-4): 157-158, figs 7-12. .
Aphirape uncifera + A. riparia Galiano 1981d. Com. Mus. Argentino Cien. Nat., Entom.1 (7): 109-111, ff. 2- 3, 12-16 + 105-106, ff. 10-11, 25, 35, 37.
Aphirape misionensis + riojana: Galiano 1981d. Com. Mus. Argentino Cien. Nat., Entom.1 (7): 100-102, ff. 21-24, 33-34, 38 + 107, ff. 4-7, 30, 41.

Gen. Balmaceda Peckham, Peckham, 1894 (7 species)

Type species Balmaceda picta.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Balmaceda sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 71. By courtesy.
Balmaceda picta: Type species Peckhams 1894. Occ. Pap. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc., 2 (2): 101, t 10, f 1 + Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 61 f. 42-44 + Edwards G.B. 2005b. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 211-212, f 123-126. By courtesy.
> +
Balmaceda chickeringi + reducta + turneri: Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 58 ff. 36-41 + 64 f. 45-47 + 66 f.48-51.
Balmaceda nigrosecta: Edwards G.B. 2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 211-212, f 123-126. By courtesy

Gen. Banksetosa Chickering, 1946 (2 species)

Type species Banksetosa
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition. .

Banksetosa dubia +b) notata : Chickering 1946; 97: 78, f. 62-66 +b) 81, f. 67-72.

Gen. Capidava Simon, 1902 (3 species)

Type species Capidava auriculata.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Capidava auriculata Galiano M.E. 1963b. Physis, 23(66): 317, ff. t. 13, ff. 1-2. By courtesy.
Drizztius rufithorax (Tf from Capidava): Galiano M.E. 1963b. Physis, 23(66): 319, t. 14, f. 14. Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036(1): 29, f. 8O-Q [cf. rufithorax ONLY!]. Photos by W. Maddison. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Capidava biuncata Galiano M.E. 1963b. Physis, 23(66): 317, ff. t. 13, ff. 1-2 + 317-319, t. 13, ff. 10-12 + 319, t. 14, f. 14. By courtesy.

Gen. Ceriomura Chickering 1946. (2 species)
Tibial apophysis shape in the newly described male Ceriomura damborskyae Rubio & Baigorria, 2016: 266, f. 1c-f
suggesting resemblance to the genus Cotinusa (at present, in 2016, unpublished synonym of Gophoa ???).
Pending further nomenclatorical clarifications!

Type species Ceriomura cruenta.
Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Ceriomura cruenta +b) perita : Peckhams 1894. 2 (2): 103 T. 10 F. 2 +b) 104, T. 10 F. 3. By courtesy.

Gen. Colonus Pickard-Cambridge F., 1901 (6 species)

Representative species Colonus sylvanus [ = Thiodina sylvana].
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition. REMARKS. Genus reinstated from Thiodina by Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015, with insufficient documentation of palps and virtually unknown epigyne. Numerous new combinations resulting from that transfer are not recognizable by existing graphic documentation:: Colonus branicki (Taczanowski, 1871) new comb., C. candidus (Mello-Leitão, 1922) new comb., C. melanogaster (Mello-Leitão, 1917) new comb., C. pseustes (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936) new comb., C. punctulatus (Mello-Leitão, 1917) new comb., C. rishwani (Makhan, 2006) new comb., C. robustus (Mello-Leitão, 1945) new comb., C. vellardi (Soares & Camargo, 1948) new comb.

Colonus[= syn. Thiodina] puerperus Peckhams 1909. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let., 16 (1): 449, t 35, f 8 +©Photo D. Hill. By courtesy.
Colonus[= syn. Thiodina] pallidus + vacculus : Crane J. 1945. Zoologica, 30 (1, 3): 35, f 2. : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 459, t 40, f 1-2.
Colonus[= syn. Thiodina] hesperus (compared with puerperus & sylvanus): Richman, Vetter, 2004 J. Arachn., 32: 418-431, f 1-16. By courtesy.
Colonus[= syn. Thiodina] sylvanus: Peckham G.W., Peckham E.G. 1909. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let., 16 (1): 449, t 35, f 9 + Kraus O. 1955b. Abh. senckenb. naturforsch. Ges. 493: 59, f 169 + ©phot by G. B. Edwards, 2001. By courtesy.
Colonus[= syn. Thiodina] germaini : Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 459, t 40, f 1-2 + Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina, 19 (3-4): 57-59, f a-c + ©Phot C.J. Grismado. By courtesy.

Gen. Cotinusa Simon, 1900 (16 species)

Type species Cotinusa distincta .
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

> + +
Cotinusa distincta: Type species Peckham, 1888: 53, pl 1, f 70; pl 6, f 76 + 1894: 132, pl 13, f 4.
+ Cotinusa sp. ©Phot Gasnier & Azevedo + Machado + T. Shahan + Expanded palp: Ruiz & Maddison, 2015: Zootaxa 4040(3): 255, f. 1-3. © Magnolia press. By courtesy.
Cotinusa deserta + gemmea + horatia: Peckham 1894: 138, pl 14, figs 3 + 135, pl 14, figs. 1 + 136, plate 14, figs 2 . By courtesy.
Cotinusa magna + albescens: Peckhams 1894:2 (2): 133, plate 13, figs 5 + Mello-Leitao, 1945: 280, f 70.
Cotinusa bisetosa + dimidiata + puella + septempunctata + vittata Galiano 1963b: 335-337, pl 16, fig. 21
+ 337, pl 16, figs 12-13 + 337, plate XVI, figs 10-11 + 338-339, plate 16, figs 14-17 + 339, plate 17, figs 1-8
+ Galiano 1963d: 24: 2, t. 2, ff. 4-5 . By courtesy
Cotinusa bryantae + simoni + furcifera + trifasciata: Chickering, 1946: 90, figs. 78-85 + 96, figs 86-88 + Ruiz, Brescovit 2007a. J. Arachn., 34: 646, f 1-3+ Galiano 1963d: 24: 2, t. 2, ff. 4-5 . By courtesy.
Cotinusa leucoprocta: Edwards, Rinaldi, Ruiz 2005. Biota Neotropica 5(2): 21, f 4-7, 47. By courtesy.

Gen. Gedea Simon, 1902 (5 species)

Type species Gedea flavogularis .
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Gedea sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 102. By courtesy.
b) =
Gedea flavogularis +b) Gedea pinguis=[?]sp from Thailand]: Type specimen "20390 Gedia [!] ... Palembang" : Proszynski 1987: 27 +b) Cao, Li & Żabka, 2016. ZooKeys 630: 76-78 , f. 23, 43 =[?]Proszynski - coll.. Deeleman-Reinhold, Courtesy Mus. Leiden. By courtesy.
Gedea tibialis + G. unguiformis Zabka 1985. Annales zoologici, Warszawa, 39, 11: 236-237, ff. 263-267.
Xiao, Yin 1991. Acta zootaxon. sin. 16: 48-49, ff. 1-9. By courtesy.
Gedea daoxianensis + sinensis Peng, Xie, Xiao 1993: 75-76, ff. 215-219 +: Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: 511, figs 297J-K

Gen. Kalcerrytus Galiano, 1999 (15 species)

Type species Kalcerrytus merreti.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Kalcerrytus merreti Type species Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 55-58, figs 1-3, 12, 13, 24, 27, 28, 38, 43, 49-53,
56-59 + ©Phot Gasnier + Edwards, 2015: 41, f. 15D-LZootaxa 4036 (1): 41, f. 15D-L. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus amapari Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 58-61, figs 4, 14, 25, 33, 37, 46.. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus chimore Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 62-65, figs 8, 20, 26, 35, 39, 44. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus kikkri Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 62, figs 9, 17, 21, 32, 41, 48. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus limoncocha Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 65-66, figs 10, 11, 22, 34, 40, 47, 54, 60, 61. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus nauticus Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 66-69, figs 5, 18, 19, 23, 29, 30, 42, 45. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus carvalhoi + leucodon Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 67-69, figs 7, 15, 16 + 69-71, figs 64, 65. By courtesy.
Kalcerrytus excultus Galiano 1999b. Physis C, 57 (132-133): 57-59, t. 20, ff. 5-71, 62-63 + Edwards, 2015. Zootaxa 4036 (1): 41, f 15A-C. Photo W. Maddison, © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
++ +
Kalcerrytus edwardsi + falcatus + mberuguarus + odontophorus + rosamariae + salsicha Ruiz, Brescovit 2004. Rev. Iberica
Arachn., 8: 74, figs 1-5 + 74, figs 6-7 + 76, figs 8-10 + 76, figs 14-18 + 76, figs 11-13 + 77-78, figs 19-23. By courtesy.

Gen. Marma Simon, 1902 (3 species)

Type species Marma baeri
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Marma baeri +b) femella : Galiano 1962c: 36-39, t. 1 ff. 1-5 +b) Ruiz, Brescovit 2005b. Revta bras. Zool. 22: 754, f 3-4.
Marma nigritarsis + b) sp-Brazil : Galiano: 1962c: 31, 32, 40-44, t. 1, f 6-9; t 2, f 4-5 + ©Zhang J., Maddison 2015:
Zootaxa 3938 (1): 22, f 216-220. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Metacyrba Pickard-Cambridge F., 1901 (6 species)

Type species Metacyrba taeniola
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Metacyrba taeniola: Type species Barnes R. D. 1958. Am. Mus. Novit. 1867: 30-33, ff. 47-51.from Oklahoma - phot.E. Richman.
Metacyrba taeniola similis : Edwards G.B. 2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 197-198, f 1-12, 34, 98 .from Oklahoma - phot.E. Richman.
Metacyrba floridana: Edwards G.B. 2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 197-198, f 1-12, 34, 98 .from Oklahoma - phot.E. Richman.
Metacyrba insularis : Edwards G.B.2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 197-198, f 13-24, 100. By courtesy.
Metacyrba pictipes : Edwards G.B.2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 197-198, f 25-33, 101. By courtesy.
Metacyrba punctata : Edwards G.B.2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 199-201, f 35-46, 97. By courtesy.
Metacyrba venusta : Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 97: 49, f 27-30 + Edwards G.B.2005. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 207-208, f 79-96, 102. . By courtesy.

Gen. Nilakantha Peckham, Peckham, 1901

Type species Nilakantha cockerelli
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition. REMARKS. Genus reinstated from Thiodina by Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015, insufficient documentation of palps and epigyne does not permit confirmation whether it differs from Colonus and whether species assigned are really congeneric.

Nilakantha cockerelli +b) crucifera +c) inerma +d) peckhami : Peckhams 1901c. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1901 (2): 7, 8, t 2, f 1 +b) Pickard-Cambridge F., 1901 Biol. Centr.-Amer., Zool., 247, t 21, f 13 +c) Bryant,1940 86: 451-453, f 231, 239 +d) 454, t 18, f 238. By courtesy.

Gen. Paramaevia Pickard-Cambridge F., 1901 (3 species)
REMARK. Opinion of Edwards (1977: 22) that "Paramaevia Barnes. ... should not have been erected and
all species in it should revert back into Maevia, since Maevia (Paramaevia) michelsoni Barnes is intermediate
between the two" is not supported by any diagnostic documentation, of the other hand
palps of Maevia [defined by type species Maevia inclemens (Walckenaer, 1837)] and Paramaevia
are so different that these forms cannot be congeneric

Type species Paramaevia poultoni .
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Paramaevia poultoni + P. michelsoni + hobbsi Type Species Barnes 1955. Am. Mus. Novit. 1746: 7-9, 10, f 10-12 + 16-18.
+9, f. 13-15 ©PhotG. B. Edwards. By courtesy.

Gen. Paramarpissa Pickard-Cambridge F., 1901 (5 species)

Type species Paramarpissa tibialis .
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Paramarpissa sp. : Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 103. By courtesy.
Paramarpissa tibialis: Type species F. P.-Cambridge 1901. Biol. Centr.-Amer., Zool., 252, t 22, f 11 .Logunov,Cutler 1999.
J. N. Hist. 33(8): 1224-1125, f 13-16. By courtesy.
Paramarpissa laeta Logunov, Cutler 1999. J. N. Hist. 33(8): 1229-1230, f 1, 31-34 . By courtesy.
Paramarpissa griswoldi Logunov, Cutler 1999. J. N. Hist. 33(8): 1227, f 24-30 . By courtesy.
Paramarpissa piratica Logunov, Cutler 1999. J. N. Hist. 33(8): 1229-1230, f 11, 12, 35-43 +Peckhams 1909.
Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let., 16 (1): 494, t 39, f 10. By courtesy.
Paramarpissa sarta Logunov, Cutler 1999. J. N. Hist. 33(8): 1233-1234, f 44-50 . By courtesy.

Gen. Parathiodina Bryant, 1943 (1 species)

Type species Parathiodina compta .
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Parathiodina compta: Type species Bryant E. B. 1943. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 92 (9): 502-503, t 4, f 42, 45

Gen. Philira Peckham, Peckham, 1896 (1 species)
[syn. single species "Chira" micans ]

Type species "Chira micans"
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Philira micans: Galiano 1961a. Comen. Mus. Argent. Cien. Zool. 3, 6: 166-169, t. 2, ff. 6-9 + Galiano 1963b Physis, 23 (66): 344, t 18, f 7 +Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036 (1): 58, f. 25A-K. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Platycryptus Hill, 1979 (3 species)

Type species Platycryptus undatus.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Platycryptus undatus:Type species Paquin P., Duperre N. 2003. Fabreries, Suppl. 11: 200, f 2239-2241
+ Barnes R. D. 1958. Am. Mus. Novit. 1867: 36-39, f 55-56, 62, 65, 67, 69. + ©Phot K. Collins, from D. E. Hill. By courtesy.
Platycryptus arizonensis: Barnes 1958. Am. Mus. Novit. 1867: 42-43, f 59-60, 63 + Edwards 2005b. Ins. Mun.,19(4): 209,
f 105-106. By courtesy
Platycryptus californicus: Barnes 1958. Am. Mus. Novit. 1867: 39-42, f 57-58, 61, 64, 68 + Edwards. By courtesy
Platycryptus magnus: Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 44 ff. 23-26 + Edwards G.B. 2005b. Insecta Mundi, 19(4): 210, f 109-114. By courtesy

Gen. Proctonemesia Bauab, Soares, 1978 (1 species)

Type species Proctonemesia
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition. .

Proctonemesia multicaudata: Bauab Vianna,Soares 1978b. Revista bras. Biol., 38 (1): 25, f 1-9. By courtesy.

Gen. Psecas Koch C.L., 1851 (7 species)

Type species Psecas cyaneus[ no palps illustrated, representative species - P. zonatus]
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Psecas cyaneus: + Psecas euoplus: Type species. Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 163 + Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 99 f 89-95. ©Phot G. B. Edwards. By courtesy.
Psecas barbaricus + chapoda + chrysogrammus: Peckhams 1894. Occ. Pap., 2 (2): 96, t 9, f 2 +95, t 9, f 1 + Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 424, t. 32, f 14-18+ Simon E.1901a: 460, f 528, 533(=H). By courtesy.
Psecas viridipurpureus + zonatus Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 424-425, t 32, f 19 +425-427, t. 32, f 1-2. By courtesy.

Gen. Romitia Simon, 1901 (2 species)

Type species Romitia nigra.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Romitia misionensis: Type species Galiano, 1995b. Physis C, 50 (118-119): 129, f 1-10, 31-32, 37-38 : Type species Ruiz et all 2007: Rev. bras. Zool. 24 (2): 377, f 6-9. By courtesy. ATTENTION: Genera Romitia and Uspachus synonymizd by Ruiz, Brescovit & Lise, 2007: 377.
Romitia nigra Ruiz et all 2007: 24(2): 377, f 6-9 + Galiano 1995c. Physis, C 50(118-119): 135, f 17-18, 22, 45-47, 50.
Romitia andina + bahiensis Galiano M. E. 1995c. Physis, C 50 (118-119): 139, f 53-54 + 138, f 35-36. By courtesy.
Romitia colombiana + juquiaensis Galiano 1995c. Physis, C 50 (118-119): 137, f 11, 39, 41-42 +138, f 15-16, 24, 40, 43-44.
Romitia ministerialis Galiano M. E. 1995c. Physis, C 50 (118-119): 134, f 12-14, 33-34 + Chickering 1946. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 97: 205-207, f 172-173 [placement doubtful].
Romitia albipalpis Galiano M. E. 1995c. Physis, C 50 (118-119): 139, f 53-54 + 138, f 35-36. By courtesy.
Romitia patellaris Galiano M. E. 1995c. Physis, C 50 (118-119): 139, f 53-54 + 138, f 35-36. By courtesy.

Gen. Sumampattus Galiano, 1983 (3 species)

Type species Sumampattus pantherinus
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. This genus should, perhaps, be classified in CHRYSILLINES or NOTICIINES! Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Sumampattus pantherinusType species Galiano 1983. Physis C, 41 (101): 152-155, f 5-10, 13-15 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036 (1): 61, f. 27A-N. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Sumampattus quinqueradiatus Galiano 1983. Physis C, 41 (101): 155-157, f 1-4, 11-12, 16-18.. By courtesy.
Sumampattus hudsoni Galiano 1983. Rev. Soc. Entom. Argentina. 55 (1-4): 154-157, f 1-6 + ©photo C.J. Grismado By courtesy.

Gen. Tarkas Edwards, 2015 (1 species)

Type species Tarkas maculatipes
This genus should, perhaps, be classified in CHRYSILLINES or NOTICIINES! Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Tarkas maculatipes : Galiano 2001. J. Arachnology: 34, f. 14-16 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036 (1): 63, f. 28A-E, G-O. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Thiodina Simon, 1900 (3 species) - transfer to AMYCINES

Type species Thiodina nicoleti
Thiodina nicoleti was recently revised by Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015 (Zootaxa 4012 (1): 181–190), who redefined the species and produced drawings of its palpal organ, which seem to place genus within group HYLLINES, characterized by embolus originating from posterior lateral end of bulbus, entirely different from COLONINES, as proposed in the present work. Female of Thiodina nicoleti remains unknown, so we cannot use its structure of spermathecae and ducts in classification. However, bulbous sensory setae ventrally on tibia I and on faces of chelicerae, being diagnostic for the species, according to Bustamante et al., 2015, were not tested for occurrence in other genera, so are not sufficient character for classification of genera. Bustamante mentions as possible relative genus Hyetussa (AMYCINES), which has beautiful spiral of copulatory ducts in epigyne, its embolus has similar origin but is much longer, twisted around bulbus. With insufficient data on palps and internal structures of epigyne we will have to wait until further studies, promised by these authors..

Thiodina nicoleti + neotype : Original by Nicolet - Richardson, 2010. Zootaxa 2418: 42, f 117-118. + Bustamante, Maddison, Ruiz 2015. Zootaxa 4012 (1): 181–190, f 1-30. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Trydarssus Galiano, 1995 (2 species)

Type species Trydarssus nobilitatus.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Trydarssus nobilitatus: Galiano 1995a. Bol. Soc. Biol. Conc., 66: 106-107, Figs 2, 7-10, 13, 14, 18, 19. By courtesy. +
Richardson, 2010. Salticidae of Chile. Zootaxa 2418: 42, f. 119-123. By courtesy.
Trydarssus pantherinus: Galiano 1995a. Bol. Soc. Biol. Conc., 66: 105-106, f 1, 3-6, 11, 12, 15-17 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036 (1): 67, f. 31A-O. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.

Gen. Wedoquella Galiano, 1984 (3 species)

Type species Wedoquella denticulata.
COLONINES (replacement name for Thiodininae, representative species = Thiodina sylvana) are charactrized by arch of spermophor wisible in the anterior half of bulbus, parallel to hairlike embolus, arising laterally from the posterior half of bulbus. Titial apophysis consist usually of two rami, often as long as half of the cymbium, lying flat of the posterior and lateral surface of cymbium respectively. Internal structure of epigyne variable but insufficiently known. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.

Wedoquella denticulataType species. Galiano M.E.1984a. J. Arachnol., 11: 345-347, f 4-6, 10-11, 16-17. By courtesy.
Wedoquella punctata Galiano M.E.1984a. J. Arachnol., 11: 349-351, f 7-9, 14-15, 18-19 + Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036 (1): 71, f. 33N-O. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Wedoquella macrothecata Galiano 1984a. J. Arachnol., 11: 347-349, f 1-3, 12-13, 20-21 + © photo Grismado +Edwards, 2015: Zootaxa 4036 (1): 71, f. 33A-M. © Magnolia Press. By courtesy.