Gen. Aelurillus Simon,
1884 (59
Type species Aelurillus v-insignitus.
DIAGNOSIS. Confront to general characteristics of AELURILLINES which have the whole bulbus covered by opaque sclerotized tegulum and a coil of embolus hidden behind anterior part of tegulum, from where only its tip protrudes. Bulbus usually ends posteriorly by sharp pointed triangle, sometimes with narrow "tail". There is often also a small, conical protuberance ("bump") on tegulum. Tibial apophysis is short and robust, sometimes sclerotized and hook like,
often accompanied dorsally by fleshy protuberance. Female epigyne, usually in a form of sclerotized flat plate, with indistinct, small copulatory openings, but often with sclerotized "wings" or edges, sclerotized chambers of spermathecae in a form of a pair of compact bodies with convoluted internal chambers, or a chain of irregular chambers. Copulatory ducts are sclerotized, or short and indistinct, even invisible.
More detailed features of the genus Aelurillus include short and bent sclerotized tibial apophysis, followed by triangular, fleshy protuberance. Epigyne anteriorly with
sclerotized, transverse, semi arched "wings", spermathecae compact, with internal convoluted ducts.
Color pattern dark gray with white streaks
and spots. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
v-insignitus - form [species] black : Żabka
1997. Salticidae. F. Polski 19: 37-38, 117, f 38-46 + Proszynski, 1971e. Ann.
28: 236, f 8-26 + ©Photo
J. Lissner. By courtesy
Aelurillus v-insignitus - form [species] gray : Zabka 1997. Salticidae. F. Polski 19: 36-37, 115-116, f 25-37 + COMPARISON
OF EMBOLUS in gray and black forms + Proszynski, 1971e. Ann. zool.,
28: 236, f 8-26. By courtesy
kochi: Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.: 30-32, f 17, 23, 29, 35, 61-62,
65-69. By courtesy.
aeruginosus+b) angularis : Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool., 2003, 53 (1): 20-22, f 8, 13-14, 21, 27, 33,
39-42, 46-49, 53-56 +b) 22, f 57-60 + ©Phot by R. R. Jackson. By courtesy.
basseleti : Proszynski
2003a. Ann. zool.: 36, f 94, 95 + Azarkina, Logunov 2006. Bull. Br. arachn.
Soc. 13: 234, f 13-31.
bokerinus: Proszynski 2003a.
Ann. zool.: 22-24, f 20, 26, 32, 38, 43-45, 50-52, 63-64. By courtesy.
catherinae +b) cognatus +c) jerusalemicus:
Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.: 53 (1): 24-25, f 18, 24, 30 +b) 25-27, f 63, 64
+c) 30, f 90.. By courtesy.
+ |
concolor (s. iranus) : Proszynski
1966. Senck. biol., 47: 463-467, f 2-4.7 + Wesolowska 1996. Arthr. Sel.,
5 (1/2): 21-23, f 2a-c, 3 a-c. By courtesy.
conveniens: Proszynski 2003a.
Ann. zool.: 27-28, f 11, 15-16, 22, 28, 34, 70-74. By courtesy.
faragallai : Proszynski
1993. Fauna of Saudi Arabia. 13: 29, f 1-8. + ©photo
Tamas Szuts (types: male and female).
gershomi+b) politiventris : Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.53, 1: 28-30, f 75-78, 84-85 +b) 34-35, f 10, 79-81, 82-83 +c) ©Photo Asaf Uzan. By courtesy.
C) |
hirtipes: A) verification by drawings of not examined holotype with newly identified specimen + reasons for synonymy + terra typica of holotype - Djaned Oasis with newly identified specimen collected somewhere in Tibesti Mountains; B-C) Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.: 8(4): 236, f 16-19[A. sinaicus - paratype from Sinai] + Azarkina, Logunov 2006. Bull.Br. arachnol. Soc. 13: 237, f 33-45. By courtesy.
lutosus : Proszynski 1979. Ann. zool. 34: 303, f 1 (holotype). + Azarkina. 2002b. Arthr. Sel., 11 (1): 97-103, f 50-63.
m-nigrum +b) nabataeus:
Proszynski J. 1979. Ann. zool.: 34: 303, f 2-7 + Azarkina 2002. Bull. Bri. arachn.
12 (6): 259-255, f 71,72-80 +b) Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 53, 1: 32-34, f
9, 719-720. By courtesy.
+ |
plumipes [+syn? cervinus & mayeti ]: Proszynski 1976: f 319-322 (Holotype "Algeria, Bona) + 184, f 313-318
+ 2003a. Ann. zool. : 36, f 91- 93 + Azarkina,
Logunov 2006. Bull. Br. arachn. Soc. 13: 245, f. 99-108 (Holotype of A. mayeti).
+d)+ |
afghanus +b) balearus +c) bosmansi +d) blandus :
Azarkina 2006a. A. zool. bulg., Suppl. 1: 64-65, f 1-5
+b) 65-66, f 6-16
+c) 67-68, f 7-26 +d) Azarkina 2002. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 12 (6): 250-251,
f 1-8 + Metzner 1999.
Andrias 14: 73-74, 193,
197, f 39a-h, 43k. By courtesy.
ater : Azarkina G. N. 2002b.
Arthr. Sel., 11 (1): 89-93, f 1-14, t 1. By courtesy.
cretensis +b) kronestedti : Azarkina, 2002 Bull. British arachn. Soc.: 251, f. 9-18 +b) Azarkina 2004. Bull. British arachn.
Soc.13 (2): 49-51, figs 1-10 + Caleb et al. 2015. Tamil Nadu. Peckhamia 124.1: 2, f 1-5. By courtesy.
improvisus +b) laniger +c) lopadusae :
Azarkina, 2002a Bull. British arachn. Soc.: 12 (6): 253, f 19-30 +b) Logunov,
1999. Arthr. Sel. 8 (4): 265, f 1-6 +c) ©photo Tomasinelli - Azarkina
[see also: Cantarella 1983: 53, f. 1-9, 13-16].
logunovi +b) marusiki :
Azarkina 2004. Bull. Bri. arachn. Soc.13 (2): 51-52, figs 10-24 +b) Azarkina
2002 Bull.
Brit. arachn. Soc12 (6): 255-257, f 44-53. By courtesy.
minimontanus :
Azarkina 2002. Bull. Brit. arachn. Soc., 12 (6): 257, f. 54-62. By courtesy.
minutus :
Azarkina 2002. Bull. Brit. arachn. Soc., 12 (6): 258-259, f 64-70, 71. By courtesy. ATTENTION: this is not a Rafalus, matching of this female with Rafalus stanislawi is mistake, distribution - as interpreted by Azarkina 2006a - improbable. JP.
b) |
muganicus +b) cypriotus :
Azarkina G. N. 2002b. Arthr. Sel., 11 (1): 103, f 64-75, t 1 + Azarkina 2006a.
A. zool. bulgarica, Suppl. 1: 68-70, f 28-37. By courtesy.
+ |
b) |
nenilini +b) helvenacius : Azarkina 2002a. Brit. arachn. Soc., 12 (6): figs 71, 81-85 + 2002b. Arthr. Sel., 11 (1): f. 77-80 +b) Logunov 1993c. Arthr. Sel., 2(2): 47-49,
f 1a-b. By courtesy.
monardi : Azarkina 2002a. Brit. arachn. Soc., 12 (6): figs 71, 81-85 + 2002b. Arthr. Sel., 11 (1):
f. 77-80 +b) Logunov 1993c. Arthr. Sel., 2(2): 47-49,
f 1a-b + Azarkina, Logunov
2006. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 13: 243, f 1-8, 83-97
+ Lucas 1846: 156, t 7, f 2 + ©Photo J. Holstein. By courtesy.
madagascariensis : Azarkina
2009. J. afrotr. Zool.: 5: 174-176, f 14-28, 33-34. By courtesy.
russelsmithi : Azarkina,
2009. J. afrotr. Zool.: 5: 171-174, f 1-13, 30-32,
35. By courtesy.
unitibialis +b) leipoldae : Azarkina 2002a. Bull. Brit. arachn. Soc.,Soc., 12 (6): 261-262, f 86-96 +b) 253, f 31-43.
luctuosus : Azarkina,
Logunov 2006. Bull. Br. arach. Soc. 13: 238, f 9-12, 46-8 +
Lucas 1846: 139, t 5, f 7.
+ |
brutus : Wesolowska 1996. Arthr. Sel., 5 (1/2): 23-24, f 4a-b + Azarkina 2002b. Arthr. Sel., 11 (1): 93-94, f 15-28, t 1. By courtesy.
dubatolovi : Azarkina 2002b. Arthr. Sel. 11(1): 95-97, f 29-49. By courtesy.
subaffinis : Szuts,
Azarkina 2002. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Hung., 94: 209-215, f 1-6 (Lectotype) + ©photo
T. Szuts, 2001.
galinae +b) jocquei +c) guecki +d) andreevae: Wesolowska,van Harten, 2010. Arthr. Fauna UAE. 3: 28, f 1-7, photo 1-2
+b) Wesołowska,Russel-Smith 2011 Ann. zool. 61(3): 557, f 215, 216 +c) Metzner
1999. Andrias 14: 74-75, 194, 197,
f 40a-k, 43i, map 42. By courtesy.
kopetdaghi : Wesolowska W. 1996. Arthropoda Selecta, 5 (1/2): 24-25, f 5a-d, 6a-c. By courtesy.
mirabilis : Wesolowska 2006b.
African Entomology, 14 (2): 225-256, f 1-16. . By courtesy.
b) |
reconditus [MISPLACED] +b) tumidulus: Wesolowska,
van Harten 1994: 2-4, f 3-5 [placement?] +b) Wesolowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008.
J. Afrotr.
Zool. 4: 4-5, f 1-4 . By courtesy.
lucasi : ©Phot J. Holstein©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy. [see also: Wunderlich, 1995b: 420, f.
b) |
numidicus b) steinmetzi :
Lucas 1846: 152, t 6, f 10. +b) Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 76-77, 195, 197,
f 41a-k, 43h
. By courtesy.
schembri +b) steliosi +c) tenebrosus :
Cantarella T. 1982b. Animalia, 9 (1/3): 239-244, f 1-4, 10-18
+b) Butt, Beg 2000 Pakist.
J. Zool. 32 (1): 75, f 1a-d. By courtesy.
Azarkina, G. N. & O. Mirshamsi. 2014. Zoology in the Middle East 60:
82-91. . Article purchase price USD