Gen. Langona Simon,
Type species Langona redii.
DIAGNOSIS. Confront to general characteristics of AELURILLINES which have the whole bulbus covered by opaque sclerotized tegulum and a coil of embolus hidden behind anterior part of tegulum, from where only its tip protrudes. Bulbus usually ends posteriorly by sharp pointed triangle, sometimes with narrow "tail". There is often also a small, conical protuberance ("bump") on tegulum. Tibial apophysis is short and robust, sometimes sclerotized and hook like,
often accompanied dorsally by fleshy protuberance. Female epigyne, usually in a form of sclerotized flat plate, with indistinct, small copulatory openings, but often with sclerotized "wings" or edges, spermathecae in form of a pair of compact bodies with convoluted internal chambers, or a chain of irregular chambers. Copulatory ducts are sclerotized, or short and indistinct, even invisible.
However, the genus Langona departs strikingly from general characters of the group of genera by the following features. In females epigyne is divided into two part parts occupying different levels. The sclerotized part is limited to anterior half of epigyne and has a form of sclerotized rim, surrounding huge, membranous, white "window". It is separated by high, vertical wall, from posterior, lower part. There is a pair of strange, sclerotized internal balloons, having no discernible connections with any other structures, possibly providing skeletal support to the elevated part. The depressed part has thinner, softer tegument, is broad oval shaped and extending towards edge of epigyne. Spermathecae in a form of bent, sausage shaped compact bodies, consisting of a maze of irregular chambers and convoluted ducts. Copulatory openings hidden under lateral rims of the "window", copulatory ducts thin walled, short, barely visible on the background of sclerotized structures. In males tibial apophysis is single, narrow, of moderate length and slightly bent, or inclined. It is accompanied by bunch of stiff, black bristles. Dorsum of cymbium with broad, scattered scales. Body of both sexes dark gray with white abdominal streak and a pair of less striking white streaks along edges of thorax. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
Langona redii : Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 51: 82-84, figs 309-314, 322-324. By courtesy.
Langona oreni : Proszynski 2003a. Ann.zool.: 82, figs 315-317, 319-321 + ©Photo Oren Hasson. By courtesy.
alfensis : Heciak, Proszynski
1983. Ann. zool., 37, 4: 226-227, ff. 3, 6-7, 22-23, 28-29. By courtesy.
Langona albolinea : Caleb et al., 2015. Tamil Nadu. Peckhamia 124(1): 3-4, f 6-15.. By courtesy.
bhutanica : Heciak, Proszynski
1983. Ann. zool., 37, 4: 230-232, ff. 10-11, 19-21, 36 + Proszynski 1978a. Ent.
bas.,Basel, 3, 7: 10-11, ff. 4-6. By courtesy.
bristowei : Heciak, Proszynski
1983. Ann. zool., 37, 4: 211, f. 16, 26+ Berland L., Millot J. 1941. Mem. Mus.
Nat. Hist. Natur. 12, 2: 304 f. 4. +Wesołowska, Russel-Smith. .Ann.
zool. 61(3): 579-580, f 90-92 [conspecific?]. By
goaensis +b) kurracheensis +c) mallezi +d) sp [Sarawak] :
Proszynski 1992b. Ann. zool., 44, 9: 183, fig. 72-75 +b) Heciak, Proszynski
1983. Ann. zool., 37, 4: 228-229, ff. 13-14, 33, 41 +c)
Proszynski 2003a.Ann. zool.,: 84, f. 318 +d) Proszynski (unpublished
Langona sp [Sarawak]) - (specimen sent to G. Azarkina). By courtesy.
pallida +b) pallidula : Proszynski
2003a. Ann.zool.: 82, figs 315-317, 319-321 +b) Wesolowska, van Harten
UAE, 3: 37,
9-11, f 25-30 + Logunov, Zamanpoore 2005. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13(6):
221-222, f 8-14 +b) Logunov,
Rakov 1998. Artropoda Selecta, 7(2):
122, figs 18-24, . By courtesy.
simoni +b) tortuosa : Heciak,
Proszynski 1983. Ann. zool., 37, 4: 227, f. 24, 30-31 +b) Wesolowska 2011 © Genus,
22(2): 330-331, f 56-60.. By courtesy.
tartarica : Proszynski J. 1979.
Ann. zool., 34: 323, ff. 11-14 +b) Heciak, Proszynski 1983. Ann. zool.,
37, 4: 229-230, ff. 8-9, 18, 34-35, 42-43 + Logunov, Rakov 1998. Arthr.
Sel., 7(2): 122, figs 25-36 +.Proszynski 2003a. Ann.zool.: 82, figs 315-317, 319-321 + Wesolowska W., van Harten A. 2007. Fauna of Arabia, 23: 224-225, f
99-102, phot 25 [©Photo B. Knoflach]. By courtesy.
tigrina +b) trifoveolata: Heciak,
Proszynski 1983. Ann. zool., 37, 4: 228, ff. 17, 32, 39 +b) 211, ff. 15, 27,
40 + Logunov, Azarkina 2006. Revue Suisse de zoologie, 113(4): 739-241, f 54-55.
By courtesy.
bethae +b) fusca [both MISPLACED] : Wesolowska & Cumming,
2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. .7: 81-83, f 23-31, 92-93
+b)Wesolowska 2011. © Genus,
22(2): 324-325, f 41-42.
By courtesy.
hirsuta : Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr.
Invertebr. 52(1): 79-82, f 64-65, 76-84.. By courtesy.
improcera +b) lotzi +c) magna : Wesolowska, Russel-Smith, 2000. Trop.
Zool., 13 (1): 60-61, f 148-150 +Haddad,
Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr.
52(1): 82-84, f 66-67, 85-92 +c) Caporiacco 1947d. Annls hist.-nat. Mus. nat.
hung. 40: 238, T. 2 F. 71.. By courtesy.
mediocris +b) pilosa +c) sabulosa :
Wesolowska W. 1999a. Arnoldia Zimbabwe, 10(15): 156-157, figs 30-38
Wesolowska 2011. © Genus,
22(2): 325-327, f 43-48 +c) 327-329, f 49-55, 90-91. By courtesy.
bitumorata +b) pecten : Prochniewicz, Heciak 1994. Ann.zool.: 45: 35-36, f 2a-k. +b) 36, figs 3a-f +Wesolowska, Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. .7: 83-84, f 32-34. By courtesy.
vitiosa +b) avara +c) ukualuthensis +d) senegalensis :
Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent., 14 (2): 239, f 58-62
+b) Peckham, Peckham 1903:
241 T. 28 F. 5 +c) Lawrence, 1927. 34 (17): 61 T. 2 F. 47 +d) Berland L.,
Millot J. 1941. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. 12, 2: 305, f 5. By courtesy.
warchalowskii : Wesolowska
2007b: 18(4): 783-786, f 1-8. By courtesy
Langona zimbabwensis :
Wesolowska & Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. .7: 84, f 35-39, 101. © By
atrata +b) biangula +c) maculata +d) hongkong :
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X.J., Li S.Q., Yang Z.Z. 2004. Raffles Bull. Zool. 52:202, f 1a-e +c) 203, f
2a-e +d) .Song, Zhu, Chen 1999: 532, figs 302I-J. By courtesy.
aperta +b) calcuttaensis: Logunov, Zamanpoore 2005. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 13(6): 220-221, f 1-6. + Denis, 1958.
Videns. Meddrdansk naturh. Foren.: 110, f. 41 +b) Biswas B.
1984. Bull. Zool. Surv. India 6: 123-125, f 11-13. By courtesy.