Gen. Phlegra Simon,
1876 (77 species) Type species Phlegra fasciata.
DIAGNOSIS. Confront to general characteristics of AELURILLINES which have the whole bulbus covered by opaque sclerotized tegulum and a coil of embolus hidden behind anterior part of tegulum, from where only its tip protrudes. Bulbus usually ends posteriorly by sharp pointed triangle, sometimes with narrow "tail". There is often also a small, conical protuberance ("bump") on tegulum. Tibial apophysis is short and robust, sometimes sclerotized and hook like,
often accompanied dorsally by fleshy protuberance. Female epigyne, usually in a form of sclerotized flat plate, with indistinct, small copulatory openings, but often with sclerotized "wings" or edges, sclerotized chambers of spermathecae in a form of a pair of compact bodies with convoluted internal chambers, or a chain of irregular chambers. Copulatory ducts are sclerotized, or short and indistinct, even invisible.
Phlegra departs from the above definition
by shape of epigyne and spermatheca, and also by tibial apophyses. Epigyne is plate-like, with two large, oval, or distorted oval-like depressions. Copulatory openings are hidden under anterior rim of depression, ducts run ahead, often funnel-like, next passing into sclerotized spermathecae, which are bent sausage shaped, with numerous internal chambers. The ducts and spermathecae are comparable in several genera, but length of spermathecae different: in Asianellus (spermathecae short), Phlegra (spermathecae of middle length) and Langona (spermathecae very long), the number of internal chamber being proportional to the length of spermatheca. In males tibial apophysis consist of two rami separated by a narrow gap, in species in which both rami are pointed the dividing gap is narrow, "V" shaped and, incidentally, their embolus is longer and stretches outside tegulum along groove on tip of cymbium. In species in which dorsal ramus is blunt, the gap is broader, "U" shaped, its walls are parallel, tip of embolus is flattened plate-like, shorter and broader. In species with black cymbium the observation of shape of black, sclerotized tibial apophysis may be difficult and require separation of cymbium from tibia. Body color pattern includes either prominent white stripe along abdomen and two stripes along thorax, or is gray with two lines of darker spots along abdomen. The clypeus is striking by having contrasting white setae. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
fasciata : Zabka 1997. Fauna
Polski 19: 5-187, f 259-264 + Azarkina 2003. Rev. Arachn. 14,
(6): 87-90,
f 110, 118, 120-121 + Logunov 1996d. Genus, 7 (3): 544-547,
f 1, 2, 17-26 + ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
bresnieri : Logunov 1996e. Genus, 7 (3): 562-564, f 4-5, 26, 74-80 + ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.
hentzi : Logunov D.V., Kopponen
S. 2002. Bull. British arachn. Soc. 12 (6): 264-267, f 1-8 + Kaston 1948.
Bull. Conn. St. geol. nat. Hist. Surv. 70: 460-461, t 90, f 1669-1674.. By courtesy.
amitaii +b) dimentmani: Proszynski.
2003a. Ann. zool. 53, 1: 125, f 507-509 +b) 125-125, f 524-525. By courtesy.
ferberorum +b) v-epigynalis +c) levyi :
Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool: 53, 1: 128-129, f 534-535 +b) 135, f 530-531 +c) 129-130, f 526-527.
By courtesy.
shulovi +b) palestinensis :
Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool: 53, 1: 133-134, f 528-529 +b) 130-131, f 726-728
+ Logunov 1996. Arthr. Sel., 5 (1/2): 61-62, f 8-14.. By courtesy.
jacksoni +b) rothi : Proszynsk
2003a. Ann. zool: 53, 1 : 129, f 516-518 +b) 132, f 519-521. By courtesy.
+b) |
Phlegra pori
+b) fulvastra:
Proszynski 2003. Ann. zool: 53, 1: 131-132, f 532-533 +b) 128-129,
f 534-535.
By courtesy.
particeps :
Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool: 53, 1: 131, f 510-515 By courtesy.
samchiensis+b) sp. cf.particeps [Bhutan] +c)
thibetana[2 sp?] :
Proszynski J. 1978a. Ent. bas.,Basel, 3, 7: 12-14, f 11-13
+b) : 11-12, f 7-10 +c) 14-15, f 14-18 (third drawing of epigyne - posterolateral
view). By courtesy.
stephaniae : Proszynski 2003a.
Ann. zool: 53, 1: 134-135, f 549-554. By courtesy.
tillyae +b) yaelae :
Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 53, 1: 135, f 543-548 +b) 135, f 536-542
+ Azarkina 2003. Revue Arachn. 14, (6): 103-104, f 110, 119, 122-123. By courtesy.
tetralineata +b) sp ? +c) soudanica: Proszynski
1987. Atlas ...: 77 +b) Azarkina 2003. Rev.Arachn., 14, (6): 103-104,
figs 110, 119, 122-123 [misidentified] +c) Logunov D. V., Azarkina G.N. 2006. Rev.
Suisse zool., 113(4): 739-241, f 54-55.
andreevae +b) bicognata:Azarkina 2003. Rev. Arachn., 14,
(6): 75-78, f 9-10, 15-16, 29-31, 36.+b)78-5-78, f 42-43, 57-60,76-79, 97-100,
102. . By courtesy.
sp. :
Wesolowska, van
Harten 2007,
23: 242-244, f 149-©Photo Phot by B. Knoflach. By courtesy.
dunini +b) etosha :Azarkina
G. N. 2003. Rev. Arachn., 14, (6): 85-87, f 110-113 +b) Logunov, Azarkina 2006.
Rev. Suisse zool., 113(4): 730-731, f 8-15 + Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr.
Invertebr. 52(1): 102-1104, f 136-137, 146-150.
gagnoa +b) touba +c) tristis :
Logunov, Azarkina 2006. Rev. Suisse zool., 113(4): 731-732, f 16-19 +
Russel-Smith 2011:
Ann. zool. 61(3): 590, f 136-139 +b) 591-592, f 140-142 + Logunov,
Azarkina 2006. Rev.
Suisse zool., 113(4): 741-743, f 58-71 +c) .744-745, f 72-74 (75 = P.
By courtesy.
kulczynskii +b) profuga : Azarkina 2003.
Rev. Arachn. 14, (6): 90-95, f 40-41, 47, 54-56, 68-71, 87-91, 101
+b) Logunov
1996d. Genus, 7 (3): 553-556, f 49-56. By courtesy.
logunovi : Azarkina 2003. Revue
Arachn. 14, (6): 95-98, f 17-22. By courtesy.
lugubris +b) langanoensis : Logunov, Azarkina 2006. Rev.
suisse zool. 113(4): 744-745, f 20-29. + Heciak "Revision Phlegra",
PhD thesis +b) Wesolowska & Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 90, f
51-52. By courtesy.
sogdiana: Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.. 53, 1: 135,
f 536-542 +Azarkina 2003.Rev. Arachn. 14, (6): 101-103, f 23-28
+ Andreeva 1976.
Pauki Tadzikistana: 86-87, f 110-115. By courtesy.
arborea +b) certa +c) atra : Wesołowska,
Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert., 50(1): 70, f. 136-141 +b) 71-72, 142-146 +c) Wesołowska,
2008. J. Afrotr. Zool., 4: 39, f 150-151. By courtesy.
imperiosa +b) varia:
Peckhams 1903. 14 (1): 242, t 28, f 7-a. + Heciak "Revision ... Phlegra",
PhD thesis +b) Wesołowska 2012: 20(2): 332-333.129, f
516-518 [comparison imperiosa (syntype - f 30, 32) with P. imperiosa-cf
(f 31, 33)] +b) Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. 2000. Trop. Zool., 13 (1):
87-89, f 239-240. By courtesy.
karoo + parvula : Wesolowska & Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. .7: 88-90, f 46-50 + Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 104-107, f 138-139, 151-159129, f 516-518 +b) Wesolowska., Russel-Smith. 2000. Trop. Zool., 13 (1): 86-87, f 230-231. By courtesy.
procera +b) simplex +c) solitaria :
Wesolowska, Cumming 2008. Ann. zool. 58: 205-207, 122-130 +b) Wesolowska, Russel-Smith
2000. Trop. Zool. 13 (1): 87, f 232-238 +c) Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008.
J. Afrotr.l Zool. 4: 43-44, 164-166.
Phlegra pusilla +b) tenella : Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008. J. Afr. Zool., 4: 41-43, 158-163. +Wesolowska & Cumming, 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. .7: 90-91, f 59-60 +Logunov, Azarkina 2006. Revue
Suisse zool., 113(4): 737-739, f 41-53 +b) Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent.,
14 (2): 250, f 109-112. . By courtesy.
Phlegra bifurcata +b) caboverdensis : Wesolowska 1998. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal, 50 (291): 129-130, f 30-39 +b) Neon [sic!] caboverdensis Schmidt G.E. W., Krause R. H. 1998. Entomol. Z. n 108 (10): 425-426, f 11. . By courtesy.
chrysops +b) crumena : Heciak.
PhD Thesis: Revision of types of Phlegra ["10757 P. chrysops E. S. Aden!"
+b) Prochniewicz M., Heciak S. 1994. Ann. zool., 45: 37, f 4a-e. By courtesy.
levis +b) lineata +c) cf-lineata :
Prochniewicz M., Heciak S. 1994. Ann. zool., 45: 37, f 5a-e. +b) Metzner 1999.
Andrias: 14 70-71, 189, f 35a-l +c) Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.: 137-138,
f 555-561 [studied & drawn by S. Heciak].
b) |
loripes +b) memorialis : (a+b)Heciak. PhD Thesis: Revision of types of Phlegra +129, f 516-518. By courtesy.
msilana n.sp. +b) theseusi : Heciak. PhD Thesis: Revision of types of Phlegra +b) Logunov 2001b. Arthr. Sel., 10 (1): 61-62, f 8-14. By courtesy.
Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 53, 1: 137-138, f 562-563 + .Heciak. PhD Thesis: Revision of types of Phlegra. By courtesy. Abdomen covered by black, light reflecting scutum, like Aelurillus politiventris. Note diagnostic dorsal protuberance at the end of flat part of thorax.
b) |
sp [arboret] +sp [Java] : 2
species from Borneo and Java, drawn by Proszyński and Heciak [sent
for further study to Azarkina].
albostriata +b) carinata +c) mirabilis +d) fulviventris +e) fulvotrilineata:
Lessert. 1936. Rev. suisse
zool., 43(9): 294, f 91 + Wesolowska, Haddad C.R., 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 257-258, f 94–97 +b) Butt A., Beg M. A. 2000.
Pakist. J. Zool. 32 (1): 78, f 4A-B +c) 76, f. 2A-C +d) Lucas 1846: 151,
t 6,
f 1 +e) 155, t 7, f 7. By courtesy.
prasanna : Caleb et al., 2015. Tamil Nadu. Peckhamia 124(1): 11-12, f 47-56. ©Photo J. Caleb. By
b) |
sp [Shazia 1] +b) sp [Shazia 2] : ©Photo
Shazia Quasin 2011. [ Nanda Devi Reserve 2000-4000 m,
Uttarakhand, India]. By
cinereofasciata :
Azarkina 2003. 14, (6): 82-85, figs 64-67 + S. Heciak. Paralectotype + © Photo
A. Tok. By courtesy.
nuda +b) pisarskii +c) proszynskii : Prochniewicz M., Heciak S. 1994. Ann. zool., 45: 37, f 6a-f. + Wesolowska,
Russel-Smith. 2000. Trop. Zool.,
13 (1): 84-85, f 225-229 +b) Zabka 1985.Ann. zool., 39, 11: 431, f 455-457
+c) Żabka, 2012. ©Zootaxa 3176: 62-63, f 1-7. By courtesy.
obscurimagna +b) rogenhoferi :
Azarkina 2003. Revue Arachn. 14, (6): 98-100, f 44-45, 61-63, 72-75, 92-96, 103
+b) Heciak "Revision ... Phlegra", PhD thesis.
By courtesy.
sierrana : Proszynski
- type specimen of Pseudomogrus pennatus + Azarkina 2003. 14, (6): 73-108,
figs 105-110 + Heciak "Revision ... Phlegra", PhD thesis. By courtesy.