Gen. Proszynskiana Logunov,
1996 (6
Type species Proszynskiana starobogatovi.
DIAGNOSIS. Confront to general characteristics of AELURILLINES which have the whole bulbus covered by opaque sclerotized tegulum and a coil of embolus hidden behind anterior part of tegulum, from where only its tip protrudes. Bulbus usually ends posteriorly by sharp pointed triangle, sometimes with narrow "tail". There is often also a small, conical protuberance ("bump") on tegulum. Tibial apophysis is short and robust, sometimes sclerotized and hook like,
often accompanied dorsally by fleshy protuberance. Female epigyne, usually in a form of sclerotized flat plate, with indistinct, small copulatory openings, but often with sclerotized "wings" or edges, sclerotized chambers of spermathecae in a form of a pair of compact bodies with convoluted internal chambers, or a chain of irregular chambers. Copulatory ducts are sclerotized, or short and indistinct, even invisible.
Judging from published drawings palp resembles Aelurillus, but differs by broader embolus. Epigyne resembles externally Aelurillus, with two sclerotized semiarches anteriorly, but its internal structures are different: copulatory ducts are thickwalled and run marginally along the whole length of epigyne, spermathecae small, located posteriorly, their internal structure is not clear. Species seem to differ by facial pattern of dark and light areas, eyes anterior lateral are relatively large and located just above level of anterior median ones (see figs 5-12 in the original descriptions - reproduced below). Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
Proszynskiana starobogatovi : Logunov D. V. 1996e. Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. 10 (5): 175-176, f 1-2, 9-10, 13-14, 39, 47-53.
b) |
aeluriforma +b) sp [Tadjikistan] :
Logunov, Rakov 1998. Arthr. Sel., 7(2): 129-130, f 51-54 +b) 130, f 82-83.
deserticola : Logunov
1996e. Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. 10 (5): 172-173, f 11-12, 15, 23, 27-38. By courtesy.
iranica: Logunov 1996e. Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. 10
(5): 174-175, f 7-8, 39-46.
> |
zonshteini : Logunov
1996e. Bull. Br. Arachnol. Soc. 10 (5): 176, f 5-6, 39, 54-61.