Cyrba algerina (Lucas, 1846)
State of knowledge: Accepted
Type Species

groups of supergroups of genera: pending; supergroups of genera : pending; groups of genera: SPARTAEINES;

Comments: Type species of the genus

Distribution: Africa; Ethiopia; Asia; Azerbaijan; Israel: C Negev, Carmel Ridge, Golan Heights, Jordan Valley, Judean Hills, Lower Galilee, N Negev, S Coastal Plains; Tadjikistan; Europe; Bulgaria; France: Corsica, Southern; Greece: Crete; Italy: Peninsula, Sicily; Macedonia Republic; Romania; Russia: Russian Caucasus; Spain; Ukraine: Left Bank; Oriental; Palearctic.

Important publication(s)
Prószyński J. 2003b Salticidae (Aranae) of the World. Ver. 1995-2006 [yearly instalment for 2003, see current version 2012]. online
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Prószyński, J.

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Prószyński J. 2003a Salticidae (Araneae) of the Levant. Annales zoologici, Warszawa 53 (1): 46-47, illustrations 153-157
Diagnostic illustrations used by permission of the © Editor of the Annales zoologici and the Author(s).
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Prószyński, J.

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Publications using actual name combination:
Simon 1876: 167, illustrations pl. 11, f. 18; Chyzer, Kulczyński 1891: 38, illustrations pl. 1, f. 30; Simon 1901a: 449, illustrations 507-510; Simon 1937: 1146, 1245, illustrations 1779-1780; Andreeva 1969: 90; Andreeva 1975a: 383; Prószyński 1976:, illustrations map 148; Andreeva 1976: 78-79; Wanless 1984a: 452-455, illustrations 2, 4A-B, 5A-I, 6A-E, 16A-F, 17A-D; Wanless 1984b: 186, illustrations 25A-F, 34F, 36A-B; Wunderlich 1987: 269; Deltshev, Paraschi 1990: 4; Prószyński 1992a: 92, illustrations 7; Fuhn, Gherasim 1995: 202, illustrations 94A-E; Wesołowska 1996: 27-29, illustrations 11a-d, 12a-b; Logunov, Rakov 1998: 7(2): 120, illustrations map 7; Metzner 1999: 35, 155, illustrations t. 1a-h, map 1; Alicata, Cantarella 2000: 78(2): 485-498; Weiss, Urak 2000: on line; Logunov, Marusik, Mozaffarian 2001 [2002]: 10(2): 158; Logunov, Guseinov 2001 [2002]: 10(3): 247; Blagoev, Deltshev, Lazarov 2002: on line; Prószyński 2003a: 53 (1): 46-47, illustrations 153-157; Trotta 2005: 83: 171, illustrations 383-384; Komnenov 2006: 1: 301-314; Morano 2007: on line; Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz 2008: 4: 6; Lissner 2011:, illustrations online;

Synonyms and combinations (:)
Salticus algerinus Lucas 1846: 148, illustrations plate 6, fig 6.
Attus leporinus Koch L. 1867b: 874 Unambigous Synonym.
Attus armiger: in Koch L. 1867b: 876.
Attus diversipes Simon 1868: 550.
Attus algerinus: in Simon 1871: 219.
Salticus cephalotes Pickard-Cambridge O. 1872: 321.
Euophrys ocellata: in Roewer 1954: 984 Misapplied Name.

Collections:(Source: Prószyński J. 1971 b /2003b Internet): BASEL . BERLIN ; BRUXELLES ; FRANKFURT a/M ; GENEVE ; GENOVA C. a., Attus a. ; HAMBURG ; HARVARD ; JERUSALEM ; KOBENHAVN ; LONDON ; MILANO ; NEW YORK ; OXFORD ; PARIS ; SAN FRANCISCO ; STOCKHOLM C. a., C. inornata ; WARSZAWA ; WIEN ; (Source: Richman D.B. 2007 Personal information): NOVOSIBIRSK . (Source: Edwards G.B. 2007 - personal:): .

To enlarge click on drawing

Male Cyrba algerina from Greece. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach

Male Cyrba algerina from Greece. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach

Male Cyrba algerina from Greece. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach

Male Cyrba algerina from Greece. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach

Female Cyrba algerina from Greece. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach

Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 53 (1): 46-47, figs 153-157. By courtesy

Cyrba algerina: Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 53 (1): 46-47, figs 153-157. By courtesy

Cyrba algerina: Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 53 (1): 46-47, figs 153-157. By courtesy

From Tadjikistan - Proszynski J. 1978: 18, f. 19 .

Proszynski 1976: map 148

Wesolowska 1996. Arthropoda Saelecta, , 5 (1/2): 27-29, figs 11a-d, 12a-b. By courtesy

From Greece - Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 35, 155, table 1a-h, map 1. By courtesy

Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: map 1. By courtesy

Wanless 1984a: 452-455, ff. 2, 4A-B, 5A-I, 6A-E, 16A-F, 17A-D. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984a: 452-455, ff. 2, 4A-B, 5A-I, 6A-E, 16A-F, 17A-D. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984a: 452-455, ff. 2, 4A-B, 5A-I, 6A-E, 16A-F, 17A-D. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984a: 452-455, ff. 2, 4A-B, 5A-I, 6A-E, 16A-F, 17A-D. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984b. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 47 (7): 186, f. 25A-F, 34F, 36A-B. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984b. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 47 (7): 186, f. 25A-F, 34F, 36A-B. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984b. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 47 (7): 186, f. 25A-F, 34F, 36A-B. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984b. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 47 (7): 186, f. 25A-F, 34F, 36A-B. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Wanless 1984b. Bull. brit. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 47 (7): 186, f. 25A-F, 34F, 36A-B. Courtesy Trustees Nat. Hist, Museum, London.

Simon 1901a: 449, figs 507-510.

Cyrba algerina M 5448 Spain: Barcelona. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Cyrba algerina F 5448 Spain: Barcelona. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Cyrba algerina F 5448 Spain: Barcelona. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.