Evarcha arcuata (Clerck, 1757)
State of knowledge: Accepted

groups of supergroups of genera: pending; supergroups of genera : HYLLOIDA; groups of genera: EVARCHINES;

Distribution: Asia; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Japan; Russia: Siberia: Tuva; Turkey: Aegean, Black Sea E; Europe; Austria; Belgium; Belorussia; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France: all over; Germany; Great Britain; Greece: Crete; Italy; Latvia; Macedonia Republic; Moldova; Netherlands; Poland; Romania; Russia: Russian Caucasus, Ural; Slovakia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine: Crimea, Left Bank; Palearctic.
Comment: Record from Vietnam based on single palpus only, possibly incidentally mixed up

Important publication(s)
Prószyński J. 2003b Salticidae (Aranae) of the World. Ver. 1995-2006 [yearly instalment for 2003, see current version 2012]. http://www.miiz.waw.pl/salticid/main.htm online
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Prószyński, J.

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Publications using actual name combination:
Lessert 1910: 593; Simon 1937: 1238, 1241, 1270, illustrations 2013-2014, 2021; Locket, Millidge 1951: 235, illustrations 114 B, D, F; Kekenbosch 1961b: 5, illustrations 6; Azheganova 1968: 140, illustrations 331-332; Vilbaste 1969: 198, illustrations 107B, 166A-B, 167A-B; Tyschenko 1971: 83, illustrations 136; Miller 1971: 142, illustrations 21, f. 5-7; Braendegaard 1972: 200, illustrations 118, 120-121; Prószyński 1976:, illustrations 130; Prószyński 1979: 308; Flanczewska 1981: 192, illustrations 9-10; Zhou N., Wang H., Zhu C. 1983: 158, illustrations 10a-f; Prószyński 1983a: 2, illustrations map 2; Dunin 1984b: 132, illustrations 11-13; Nenilin 1984c: 135; Żabka 1985: 222, illustrations 170-172 -inf. doubtful, palp mixed up incidentally; Roberts 1985: 128, illustrations 53c; Vilbaste 1987: 31, illustrations map 151; Hu, Wu 1989: 366, illustrations 286.1-2; Izmailova 1989: 154, illustrations 153; Prószyński 1991: 502, illustrations 1342.1, 3; Logunov 1992b: 53; Matsuda 1993: 69, illustrations 166-174; Roberts 1995: 203; Fuhn, Gherasim 1995: 183, illustrations 84A-E; Wesołowska 1996: 29; Żabka 1997: 49, illustrations 99-106; Rakov 1997: 106-107, illustrations 1-4, map 5; Mcheidze 1997: 95, illustrations 104-110; Roberts 1998: 216; Logunov, Marusik, Kopponen 1998: 141-142; Song D., Zhu M., Chen J. 1999: 510, illustrations 293I, 294D, 325K.; Metzner 1999: 146-147, 265, illustrations 111a-m, map 117; Logunov, Kopponen 2000: 74; Weiss, Urak 2000: on line; Logunov, Marusik 2000b [2001]: 80, illustrations map 17; Logunov, Marusik, Mozaffarian 2001 [2002]: 10(2): 158; Logunov, Guseinov 2001 [2002]: 10(3): 247; Kronestedt 2001: on line; Blagoev, Deltshev, Lazarov 2002: on line; Buchar, Ruzicka 2002: 1-351.; Logunov, Chatzaki 2003: 7: 97; Prószyński 2003b: online; Blick et al. 2004: on line; Logunov, Zamanpoore 2005: 13(6): 218; Trotta 2005: 83: 3-178; Komnenov 2006: 1: 301-314; Kopponen 2006: on line; Almquist 2006: 63: 527, illustrations 442a-h; Morano 2007: on line; Scharff, Gudik-Sorensen 2007: on line; Staudt [Koordinator] 2007: on line; Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009: 576, illustrations 175-179; Lissner 2011:, illustrations online; Staudt [Koordinator] 2012:, illustrations online;

Synonyms and combinations (:)
Salticus grossipes: in Unambigous Synonym.
Araneus arcuatus Clerck 1757: 125, illustrations plate 6, fig. 1 Unambigous Synonym.
Aranea marcgravii Scopoli 1763: 401.
Aranea grossipes De Geer 1778: 290, illustrations plate 17, figs 11-12, 14.
Aranea truncorum Schrank 1781: 531 Ambigous Synonym.
Aranea goezenii Schrank 1781: 534.
Aranea frontalis Olivier 1789: 223.
Salticus grossipes: in Latreille 1819: 22.
Attus limbatus Hahn 1826: 12, illustrations plate 12, fig. C.
Dendryphantes grossus Koch C.L. 1837: 32.
Euophrys farinosa Koch C.L. 1837: 34.
Koch C.L. 1846, 223, illustrations 1268/
Attus grossipes Walckenaer 1837: 424.
Euophrys arcuata: in Koch C.L. 1846: 30, illustrations 1298.
Euophrys paludicola Koch C.L. 1846: 36, illustrations 1300.
Marpissa grossa: in Koch C.L. 1846: 57, illustrations 1125.
Maturna arcuata: in Koch C.L. 1850 [1851]: 65.
Attus viridimanus Doleschall 1852: 645.
Attus arcuatus: in Westring 1861: 570.
Simon 1868, 35, illustrations t. 5, f. 9-10/
Maturna grossipes: in Simon 1864: 313..
Euophrys limbata: in Canestrini Pavesi 1868: 819 Unambigous Synonym.
Attus albociliatus Simon 1868: 36.
Attus farinosus: Simon 1868: 59.
Hasarius arcuatus: in Simon 1876: 83, illustrations pl. 9, f. 22.
Becker 1882, 33, illustrations pl. 2, f. 3/
Ergane arcuata: in Simon 1876: 90.
Hasarius farinosus:: in Sorensen 1904: 350.
Evarcha marcgravii: in Dahl 1926: 3: 51, illustrations 158-159.
Tullgren 1944, 62, illustrations T. 6 F. 113-114/

Collections:(Source: Prószyński J. 1971 b /2003b Internet): BASEL (!) . BERLIN E. marcgravii (!), Ergane marcgravii ; BERLIN Evophrys a., Evophrys paludicola ; BRUXELLES ; FIRENZE ; FRANKFURT a/M Ergane a., Hasarius a. ; FRANKFURT a/M E. a., E. marcgravii ; GENEVE ; GENOVA ; HAMBURG ; HARVARD ; HELSINKI ; LONDON ; LUND ; NEW YORK ; OSLO Ergane a., Attus a., E. marcgravii ; OXFORD ; PARIS ; SAN FRANCISCO ; SKT PETERSBURG E. a., E. marcgravii ; STOCKHOLM Ergane a., E. arenata ; UPPSALA E. marcgravi ; WARSZAWA (! + 2007) ; WIEN E. marcgravii ; WROCLAW ; (Source: Richman D.B. 2007 Personal information): NOVOSIBIRSK . PERM ; (Source: Edwards G.B. 2007 - personal:): GAINESVILLE . (Source: Edwards ): NIGDE .

To enlarge click on drawing

Male. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach.

Female. Copyright © and phot by Barbara Knoflach.

From Proszynski 1991: 502, ff. 1342.1

From Proszynski 1991: 502, ff. 1342.1

From Proszynski 1991: 502, ff. 1342.1

Evarcha arcuata: From Zabka 1985: figs 170-172. Palp mixed up [?] in sample from Vietnam.

Evarcha arcuata: From Zabka M. 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 49, f. 99-106. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata: From Zabka M. 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 49, f. 99-106. By courtesy.

From Rakov 1997. Arthropoda Selecta. 6: 106-107, figs 1-4, map 5.

Proszynski J. 1976. 6: map 130.

From Logunov D.V., Marusik Y.M. 2000.p. 80, map. 17

Almquist 2006. Insect Syst. Evol., Suppl., 63: 527 442a-h. By courtesy

In Germany - Nachweiskarten der Spinn. Deutschlands. © Arachnol. Ges. By courtesy

Buchar J., Ruzicka V. Catalogue of spiders of the Czech Republic. 2002: 1-351. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata: © Ono, Ikeda, Kono. Salticidae of Japan. Tokai University Press, 2009: 576, f 175-179. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata M 4237 Denmark Holmegårds Mose. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata M 4237 Denmark Holmegårds Mose. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata M Denmark Holmegårds Mose. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata F 5044 Èeskę Krumlov. ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata F © Arachnol. Gesells. Staudt, 2012. By courtesy.

Evarcha arcuata F © Arachnol. Gesells. Staudt, 2012. By courtesy.