Habrocestum latifasciatum (Simon, 1868)
State of knowledge: Incomplete

groups of supergroups of genera: pending; supergroups of genera : CHRYSILLOIDA; groups of genera: CHRYSILLINES;

Distribution: Asia; Israel; Syria; Turkey: Aegean, Mediterranean Coast; Europe; Greece: Corfu, Crete, Egean Is.; Italy; Mediterranean.
Comment: Libya (?)

Important publication(s)
Prószyński J. 2003b Salticidae (Aranae) of the World. Ver. 1995-2006 [yearly instalment for 2003, see current version 2012]. http://www.miiz.waw.pl/salticid/main.htm (CLICK HERE), illustrations (CLICK HERE)
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Prószyński, J.

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Logunov D.V. 2015 Taxonomic-faunistic notes on the jumping spiders of the Mediterranean (Aranei: Salticidae). Arthropoda Selecta, Moscow 24(1): 34, illustrations 1-3, 7-9
Diagnostic illustrations used by permission of the © Editor of the Arthropoda Selecta .
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Logunov, D.V.

Publications using actual name combination:
Caporiacco 1948b: 71; Prószyński 1987: 30, 32, 34, illustrations 30, 32, 34 spelling "latefasciatum" from Simon's label; Metzner 1999: 61-62, 180, illustrations 26a-i, map 28; Logunov, Chatzaki 2003: 7: 97; Prószyński 2003b: (CLICK HERE), illustrations (CLICK HERE); Trotta 2005: 83: 3-178; Topcu, Seyyar, Demir 2005: 9(4): 131-133;

Synonyms and combinations (:)
Attus latifasciatus Simon 1868: 536.

Collections:(Source: Prószyński J. 1971 b /2003b Internet): FIRENZE . JERUSALEM ; LONDON ; OXFORD ; PARIS ; WARSZAWA ; WIEN ; (Source: Prószyński ): NIGDE .

To enlarge click on drawing

Original drawings by J. Proszynski. Annales zoologici. 2003a: 65-66, figs 244-251.

Original drawings by J. Proszynski. Annales zoologici. 2003a: 65-66, figs 244-251. By courtesy

Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 30, 32-34.

Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 30, 32-34.

Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 61-62, 180, table 26a-i, map 28 [identification of female uncertain]. By courtesy

Habrocestum latifasciatum: Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 34, f. 1-3. By courtesy.

Habrocestum latifasciatum: Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 34, f. 7-9. By courtesy.