Habronattus (amicus-group) signatus (Banks, 1900)
State of knowledge: Incomplete

groups of supergroups of genera: pending; supergroups of genera : HYLLOIDA; groups of genera: HABRONATTINES;

Distribution: America North; Mexico; USA: S West.

Important publication(s)
Griswold Ch.E. 1987 A revision of the jumping spider genus Habronattus F. O. P. Cambridge (Araneae: Salticidae), with phenetic and cladistic analyses. University of California Publications in Entomology, Berkeley, 107: 179-181, illustrations 21, 74, 148, 189, map 14
Diagnostic illustrations used by permission of the © Editor of the University of California Publications in Entomology and the Author(s).

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Walton R.K. 2011 Jumping Spiders Online Videos from North America. Jumping Spiders Online Videos - http://www.rkwalton.com/jumplinks/jump_sdhd.html (CLICK HERE)

Publications using actual name combination:
Griswold 1987: 107: 179-181, illustrations 21, 74, 148, 189, map 14;

Synonyms and combinations (:)
Habrocestum signatum Banks 1900: 101.
Pellenes signatus: in Peckham Peckham 1901a: 197, 198, 202, 208 Unambigous Synonym.
Peckham Peckham 1909, 569, illustrations t 46, f 3; t 47, f 3/
Pellenes angelus Chamberlin 1924a: 691, illustrations 137.

Collections:(Source: Prószyński J. 1971 b /2003b Internet): HARVARD P. angelus TYPE(S) . HARVARD H. s. TYPE(S) ; NEW YORK ; (Source: Richman D.B. 2007 Personal information): Las Cruces . (Source: Edwards G.B. 2007 - personal:): GAINESVILLE .

To enlarge click on drawing

Griswold C.E. 1987. Univ. Calif. Publications, Entomology. 107: 179-181, ff. 21, 74, 148, 189, map 14. By courtesy

Griswold C.E. 1987. Univ. Calif. Publications, Entomology. 107: 179-181, ff. 21, 74, 148, 189, map 14. By courtesy

Griswold C.E. 1987. Univ. Calif. Publications, Entomology. 107: 179-181, ff. 21, 74, 148, 189, map 14. By courtesy

Griswold C.E. 1987. Univ. Calif. Publications, Entomology. 107: 179-181, ff. 21, 74, 148, 189, map 14. By courtesy

Griswold C.E. 1987. Univ. Calif. Publications, Entomology. 107: 179-181, map 14. By courtesy

Peckham G.W., Peckham E.G. 1909. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let., 16 (1):569, t. 47, f. 3.

Peckham G.W., Peckham E.G. 1909. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Arts Let., 16 (1):569, t. 47, f. 3.

Chamberlin 1924a. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 12: 691, f. 137.