Menemerus taeniatus (Koch L., 1867)
State of knowledge: Accepted

Comments: "differs from M. falsificus by presence of white cephalothoracal margin" - Simon 1937

Distribution: Africa; Algeria; Somalia; America South; Argentina; Asia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Israel; Russia: Black Sea Coast; Europe; Bulgaria; France: Corsica, Southern; Greece; Italy: Peninsula, Sicily; Portugal; Romania; Spain; Ukraine: Crimea, Left Bank; Mediterranean.

Important publication(s)
Prószyński J. 2003b Salticidae (Aranae) of the World. Ver. 1995-2006 [yearly instalment for 2003, see current version 2012]. (CLICK HERE), illustrations (CLICK HERE)
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Prószyński, J.

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Publications using actual name combination:
Simon 1901a: 603; Simon 1937: 1210, 1262, illustrations 1934-1936; Prószyński 1976: 184, illustrations 329-332, map 15; Prószyński 1979: 313, illustrations 209-216; Flanczewska 1981: 212, illustrations 97; Galiano 1984c: 6; Hansen 1986: 109, illustrations 7, 25; Fuhn, Gherasim 1995: 57, illustrations 20A-F; Rakov, Logunov 1997b: 271, 277; Metzner 1999: 145-146, 264, illustrations 110a-j, map 116; Wesołowska 1999b: 336-338, illustrations 277-283; Alicata, Cantarella 2000: 78(2): 485-498; Weiss, Urak 2000: on line; Logunov, Guseinov 2001 [2002]: 10(3): 250; Blagoev, Deltshev, Lazarov 2002: on line; Jimenez-Valverde, Lopez-Colon 2003: 175, illustrations 3; Prószyński 2003a: 97, illustrations 388-389; Prószyński 2003b: (CLICK HERE), illustrations (CLICK HERE); Trotta 2005: 83: 3-178; Morano 2007: on line; Jacinto 2011:, illustrations online;

Synonyms and combinations (:)
Attus taeniatus Koch L. 1867b: 875.
Marpissus taeniatus: in Simon 1868: 22.
Marpissus cinereo-taeniatus Simon 1871: 131 Unambigous Synonym (unnecessary replacement name).
Philaeus taeniatus: in Pavesi 1877: 327.
Menemerus parietinus Spassky 1934: 135, illustrations 1-3 Unambigous Synonym.
Deloripa canescens Mello-Leitao 1944: 383, illustrations 78.
Menemerus canescens: in Galiano 1963d: 5, illustrations t 1, f 11-14.

Collections:(Source: Prószyński J. 1971 b /2003b Internet): BUENOS AIRES M. canescens . FRANKFURT a/M ; JERUSALEM ; LONDON ; PARIS M. parietinus, M. t ; RIO de JANEIRO Deloripa c. TYPE(S) ; SKT PETERSBURG M. parietinus(!) ; WARSZAWA M. canescens ; (Source: Richman D.B. 2007 Personal information): NOVOSIBIRSK . (Source: Edwards G.B. 2007 - personal:): GAINESVILLE .

To enlarge click on drawing

Proszynski J. 1976: figs 329-332, map 15.

Proszynski J. 1979. Annales zoologici, 34: 313, figs. 209-216. By courtesy

Proszynski J. 1979. Annales zoologici, 34: 313, figs. 209-216. By courtesy

Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 97, figs 388-389. By courtesy

Wesolowska W. 1999. Genus, Wroclaw, 10(2): 336-338, figs 277-283. By courtesy

Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 145-146, 264, table 100a-j, map 116. By courtesy

Galiano M. E. 1961c. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg., 24, (1-4): 1-8, tab 1, figs 11-14. By courtesy

Proszynski J. 1976: map 15. By courtesy

Menemerus taeniatus. Portugal: Algarve. @ Photo Valter Jacinto. By courtesy