Chalcoscirtus rehoboticus (Strand, 1915)
State of knowledge: Incomplete

groups of supergroups of genera: pending; supergroups of genera : EUOPHRYOIDA; groups of genera: EUOPHRYINES;

Distribution: Asia; Israel.

Important publication(s)
Wesołowska W. 1986 A revision of the genus Heliophanus C.L. Koch, 1833 (Aranei: Salticidae).. Annales zoologici, Warszawa 40, 1: 229, illustrations 856
Diagnostic illustrations used by permission of the © Editor of the Annales zoologici and the Author(s).
Diagnostic illustration used by permision Wesołowska, W.

Latest Taxonomic scrutiny

Publications using actual name combination:
Wesołowska 1986: 40, 1: 229, illustrations 856;

Synonyms and combinations (:)
Heliophanus rehoboticus Strand 1915a: 167.

To enlarge click on drawing

Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 229, ff. 856. By courtesy