Holotype "Yllenus flavociliatus Simon, Mongolia Sept. [=Northern]. Potanin" "13347" - coll. Mus. Paris. Proszynski 1968e. Ann. zool., 26: 479-481, f 168-169. By courtesy
| Y. flavociliatus, sandy steppe east from the Lake Zizik-nor, 18 April 1877, leg Potanin, det J. Proszynski, Zool. Mus.Skt Petersburg. Punda 1975. Ann. zool. 33, 3: 38, f 8. By courtesy.
| The fame female from Zizik-nor, male from Kazakhstan, conspecificity questionable. Logunov, Marusik 2003b. KMK Scientific Press Ltd.,2003b: 97-100, f 80, 338-344, map 26. By courtesy
| Wesolowska 1991: 4, f 13. By courtesy