SALTICIDAE OF THE WORLD - 0-INDEX of Genera - 01-FOREWORD & KEY to groups of genera! - 02-Comparison - HISTORICAL classification of Aelurilleae - 03-AEURILLINES - 04-AMYCINES- 05-AMYCOIDA VARIA - 06-ASTIAINES - BALLINES - 07-BELIPPINES - 08-CHRYSILLINES - 09-COCALODINES - 10-COLONINES[=Thiodinines] - 11-DENDRYPHANTINES - 12-DIOLENINES -
APPENDICES -AP1-Simon's classification - AP2-Petrunkevich synthesis-1928 - AP3-Bonnet's list of subfamilies - AP4-Prószynski's revision of subfamilies 1976 - AP5-Prószynski - summary of results - AP6-Aelurillus black & gray - AP7-Maddison's views on Salticidae phylogeny 2014 - MS1-Omoedus synonymy
MADDISON'S ALTERNATIVE: Tittle_pg Index Introduction Agoriini
Amycoida-incertae sedis Astiini
Bredini Chrysillini
Cocalodini Dendryphantina
Euophryini-1 Euophryini-2 Euophryini-3
Eupoinae Freyina
Gophoini Harmochirina Hasariini
Holcolaetina Huriini Itatina
Lapsiini Leptorchestini
Lyssomaninae Marpissina
Mopsini Myrmarachnini Nannenini
Onomastinae Plexippina
Scopocirini Simaethina Simonellini
Spartaeina Synagelina
Thiodinini Thiratoscirtina Tisanibini
Viciriini Salticidae-incertae sedis
Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World 1995-2015. Part I: Introduction to alternative classification of Salticidae.
Comparison of classifications by Maddison 2015 and Prószyński 2016a Compiled by Jerzy Prószyński
Maddison's alternative
M_37 Chrysillini
Subfamily: Salticoida: Clade: Saltafresia: Tribe: Chrysillini
Version July 15th, 2016.
Sources and permissions of illustrations are displayed in the IInd part of the monograph
Type genus Chrysilla. Index. Afraflacilla
Cosmophasis [type species & bitaeniatus group!]
Cosmophasis [remaining groups]
Plesiopiuka Siler
Pseudicius and genera separated: :Pseudicius Nepalicius
, Okinawicius
, Psenuc
, Pseudicius
, Rudakius
, Spadera, Correction of Pseudicius synonyms. Genera removed from Pseudicius: to other groups of genera: Nandicius
, Orienticius , Pseudicius siticulosus = Metaphidippus siticulosus.
Gen. Afraflacilla Berland & Millot, 1941 (30
Type species Afraflacilla bamakoi Berland, Millot, 1941
tamaricis +b) bamakoi :
Proszynski. 2003a. Ann. zool. 2003: 154, f 614-622 +b) Zabka M. 1993. Invert. Tax. 7: 280, f 3A-C + Berland, Millot J. 1941. 12, 2: 329 f 31.
Afraflacilla altera :
Wesolowska W. 1999a. Arnoldia Zimb. 10(15): 169, f 67-73 + Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Inv.
50(1): 74-75, 152-155. By courtesy .
+ |
arabica : Logunov,
Zamanpoore 2005. Bull. Br. arach. Soc.
13 (6): 227-228, f 34, 38-39 + Wesolowska, van Harten 1994. 86, f 6-10.
By courtesy .
: Proszynski J. 1993. F. Saudi Ar. 13: 50-53,
f 41-46 +Proszynski 2003a: Ann. zool.: 148-149, f 628-629.
bipunctata : Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 54 + Peckhams 1903.
14 (1): t 26, f 3-a. By courtesy .
b) |
braunsi: Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 52 + Peckhams 1903. 14 (1): 211, t 26, f 1-a + Wesołowska, van Harten 2007. F. Arabia: 23: 248-253, f 169-177 +b) Proszynski 1989. F. Saudi Ar. 10: 53-54, f 53-55 (type of A. tripunctata). By courtesy .
datuntata +b) eximia +c) fayda: Logunov D.V., Zamanpoore M. 2005. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 13 (6): 228-229, f 35-36 +b) Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. 2000. Tropical Zoology, 13 (1): 90-93, f 248-250
+c) Wesolowska, van Harten,
2010. UAEmir. 2010: 3: 50, f 61-63 . By courtesy .
flavipes +b) histrionica: Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski 1984.
Ann. zool. 3, 13: 371-372, f 43-45 + Logunov, Rakov 1998. Arthr. Sel.
7(2): 120-122, f 1-4 +b) Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 81. By courtesy .
javanica +b) kraussi +b1) samoaensis [syn.]:
Prószyński, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012. Arthr. select. 21(1): 57, f
165-172 +b) Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1998. J. Arachn. 26(2): 165-167,
f 44-52, 57-58 +b1) Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool.
44, 8: 110-111, f 116-119 [samoaennsis is a synonym?].
By courtesy .
mikhailovi +b) mushrif +c) gracilis +d) refulgens : Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici.
53, 1: 150-151, f 612-613 +b)Wesolowska, van Harten, 2010. UA Emirates, 3: 50, f 64-66 +c) Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 112-113, f 143-144, 172-178 +d) Pseudicius refulgens Wesolowska, Cumming 2008. Ann. zool. 58: 210-212, f 143-152.. By courtesy .
Afraflacilla punctata : Original 2 drawings by Prószyński + Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1998. J. Arach. 26(2):
168-170, f 53, 54, 60-61, . By courtesy .
Afraflacilla philippinensis +b) reiskindi c) sp : Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool. 44, 8: 108-109,
f 104-106, 111 +b) 109-110, f 112-116+c) © Photo R. R. Jackson By courtesy.
risbeci +b) similis : Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 55 +b)Atlas
...: 2. By courtesy .
Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski 1984. Ann. zool. 3, 13: 372,
f 46-48 + Logunov,
Zamanpoore 2005. Bull. Br. arachnol.
Soc. 13 (6): 217-232, f 37. By courtesy .
Afraflacilla grayorum: Zabka M. 1993. Invertebrate Taxonomy, 7: 283-285, t. 7A-D, 8A-C. By courtesy .
b) |
Afraflacilla huntorum +b) yeni : Zabka M. 1993. Invertebrate
Taxonomy, 7: 288-289, f 9A-D +b) 283-285, t. 10A-D. By courtesy .
wadis +b) antineae: Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 53, 1: 154-155,
f 623-627 +b) Denis, 1954a: 319, f. 12-13.By courtesy.
elegans +b) roberti +c) gunbar [misplaced?] Wesolowska, Cumming
2008. Ann. zool. 58: 208-210, 135-143 +b) Wesolowska 2011b. J. Arachnol. 39: 486-488, f 27-31, 35 +c) Zabka M., M. R. Gray, 2002. Records
Australian Mus., 54: 272 figs 3A-C, 5 . By courtesy .
b)  |
Afraflacilla karinae +b) imitator Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 114-115, f 145, 179-181+b) Wesołowska & Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 219-221, f 95, 133–138
.. By courtesy .
Afraflacilla venustula Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. African Invertebrates, 50(1): 76-78, 156-164. By courtesy .
Afraflacilla zuluensis Haddad & Wesołowska, 2013: 24(3-4): 496-499, f 88-93, 95. . By courtesy .
Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 53, 1: 156, f 635-637 +Metzner H. 1999. Andrias
14: 89, 208, f 54a-i + ©Photo J. Lissner. By courtesy .
Gen. Augustaea Szombathy,
1915 (1 species)
Type species Augustaea formicaria.
Diagnostic illustrations below are integral part of the definition.
Augustaea formicaria : Szombathy, K. 1915c. Ann. hist.-nat. Mus. nat. Hung., 13: 478, figs 8. By courtesy.
Gen. Chrysilla Thorell,
1887(4 species)
Type species Chrysilla lauta Thorell, 1887 .
lauta: Type species Proszynski J. 1983c. Acta arach., XXXI, (2): 44, f. 4-6. © Photo H. Tang + Marcus Ng. By courtesy.
Chrysilla deelemani: Prószynski,
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010 (compared with Chrysilla lauta). Arthr. sel.,
19(3): 159-160, f 31-35.
Chrysilla acerosa: Wang L., Zhang Z. 2012. Zootaxa 3243: 65–68 , f 1-19. ©Magnolia Press. By courtesy.
Chrysilla volupe : Zabka 1988b. Sri Lanka Ann. zool., 41 (14): 465-466, f 122-125 + : Caleb Mathai, 2014. ©JEZS: 2(5): 64, 15-23 as Phintella volupe]. By courtesy.
Gen. Cosmophasis Simon,
ATTENTION: Cosmophasis is a popular genus in Eastern Hemisphere tropics, recognizable in
the field by irridescent light reflecting body (due to transparent
scale coverage) and bright color patter. However there are several
groups of species, differing strikingly by shape of palps and spermathecae.
These group deserve separate genus status. The name "Cosmophasis" should be restricted to the C. bitaeniatus group, because of classification of the true C. thalassina - the type species.
Characters for splitting Cosmophasis into different genera
- see below.
bitaeniata group. True Cosmophasis thalassina
type species of the genus Cosmophasis, group of genera Hyllinae
b) |
micarioides group +b) tristriatus group . -
see group of genera "ICIINAE"
rakata group. -
see group of genera "ICIINAE"
Gen.Cosmophasis [bitaeniatus group!] Simon, 1901 (18 species)
Type species Cosmophasis thalassina.
Cosmophasis thalassinus HOLOTYPUS - TRUE [conspecificity of females unertain] "20617 Cosmophasis thalassinus (C.L. Koch) HOLOTYPUS , Bintang, Hinterindien, Boettger". ZMB 1747. Zabka, Ann. zool. 1988b: 444, f 62-63 + Żabka, Waldock 2012.
Ann. zool.: 62(1): 118-120, f 1–4, 61A (HOLOTYPE) + NON-types © Photo
J. Gardzińska [Somerset
(Cape York), 1875,
D’Albertis. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat., Genova].. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis thalassina MISSIDENTIFIED: Prószyński
1984c: 23. "20617 Cosmophasis thalassina C.K. Java: Mt. Tenggu"
Simon's collection.
- see group of genera ICIINAE [?]
Cosmophasis (bitaeniata) bitaeniata: Żabka,
Waldock 2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 122-123 , f 10–14, 61D (male SYNTYPE)
+.©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) banika + harveyi: Żabka,Waldock
2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 126, f 27, 61F (HOLOTYPE)
+ 123, f15–16,61B. By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) hortoni + kairiru: Żabka,Waldock
2012. ©Ann.
zool.: 62(1): 124, f 20–21, 61E (HOLOTYPE)
+ 126, f 28, 61F (HOLOTYPE). By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) kohi + lungga: Żabka,Waldock2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 124-125, f 22, 61E. (HOLOTYPE) + 126-127, f 29, 61F (HOLOTYPE). By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) motmot + tavurvur: Żabka,Waldock2012. ©Ann.
zool.: 62(1): 125-126, f 25–26,
+ 125, f 25–26, 61E. (HOLOTYPE). By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) lami: Berry,
Beatty, Proszynski 1997. J. Arachn. 25(2):123, figs 58-60 +.Żabka,
Waldock 2012. Ann. zool.: 62(1): 123-124, f 17–19, 61B.
+.©Photo R. Whyte. By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) umbratica+
cf-x-2 sp : Proszynski
1984c: 24. "22198. C. umbratica ES. Sumatra " (type?) +
Proszynski 2003b "Brunei [Borneo] Muara Port. J. Reiskind" +
Singapore: male + female [?], © Photo Marcus Ng. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis (bitaeniata) viridifasciata Proszynski 1984c: 25-26. + © Photo J. Gardzińska:
viridifasciata Amboina, O. Beccari. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat., Genova.
By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) squamata +b) estrellaensis:
Proszynski 1984c: 4 [Type specimen: Bougainville]
+Saaristo 2002: 24-24, f 64-69
[Seyschelles Is. - conspecificity dubius] +b) Barrion,
Litsinger 1995: figs 32a-g. By courtesy.
(bitaeniata) modesta + micans: L. Koch, 1880: plate 102, figs 2 + plate 102, figs 1 + ©Photo R. Whyte. By
Gen. Cosmophasis (micarioides
group) (7 species)
Representative species Cosmophasis baehrae .
(micarioides) micarioides: Żabka,
Waldock 2012. Male + female ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 130-131, f 39–48,
62. + ©Photo R. Whyte +
J. Gardzinska. By courtesy.
(micarioides) olorina: Proszynski 1984c: 22 [Telamonia olorina 20435 Kandy - Simon's coll. MNHN-Paris].
(micarioides) laticlavia: Proszynski
1984c: 21 (Padang) + © Photo J. Gardzińska (Sungei Bulu, IX 1878).
By courtesy.
(micarioides) undulata: .
By courtesy.
(micarioides) colemani +b) courti: Żabka,
Waldock 2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 132, f 49, 62D + 132, f 52–53
. + ©Photo R. Whyte. By
(micarioides) darwini +b) trobriand : Żabka,
Waldock 2012. ©Ann.zool.: 62(1): 133, f 54, 62D +b) 133-134, f 55–56,62D. By courtesy.
(micarioides) humphreysi : Żabka,
Waldock 2012. ©Ann.zool.: 132, f 50–51, 62B
. By courtesy.
Gen. Cosmophasis (rakata
group) (1 species)
Reprentative species Cosmophasis rakata . Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
(rakata ) rakata : Żabka,
Waldock 2012. ©Ann.zool.:
62(1): 134-135, f 57–59, 62D. By courtesy.
Gen. Cosmophasis (tristriatus group) (5 species)
Reprentative species "Cosmophasis" tristriatus. Diagnostic drawings below are integral part of definition.
tristriatus Zabka, Waldock 2012.Ann. zool.: 62(1): ©Ann.
zool.: 62(1): 128, f 30–31,
+ Berry, Beatty, Proszynski. 1997. J. Arachnol. 25(2): 124-125, figs 61-65.
By courtesy.
Cosmophasis arborea Berry, Beatty, Prószyński 1997. J. Arachn. 25(2):109-136, f 49-57. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis baehrae Żabka, Waldock 2012. Female PARATYPES ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 128-129, f 32–35, 62A
+ ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte. By courtesy.
Cosmophasis ombria Proszynski 1984c: 25-26. "2737. Cosmophasis viridifasciata Dol. Amboina /Nim. gen./" Coll.Simon," +b) Maevia ombria Thorell, m, typus, Kandari (Celebes), 1874, O. Beccari.Mus. Civ. Storia Nat., Genova. C ©Phot J. Gardzinska.
Cosmophasis obscura : Żabka, Waldock 2012. ©Ann. zool.: 62(1): 120, f 5–6, 61B +b) ©Photo I.R. Macaulay + R. Whyte.
triopina Barrion A.T., Litsinger J.A. 1995: 73, f. 34a-g.
By courtesy.
Gen. Echinussa
Simon, 1901
(3 species)
Type species Echinussa vibrabunda.
vibrabunda + b) imerinensis +c) praedatoria : Type
Proszynski 1987: 20.
Peckham G.W., Peckham E.G. 1885a. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Wisc. 1885: 23-42, pl.
I. 6. By courtesy.
Gen. Epocilla Thorell, 1887(8 species)
Type species Epocilla praetextata.
Epocilla sp.: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 94. By courtesy.
praetextata : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 39 (Java, van Hasselt, "1648") + Jastrzebski P. 2007.
Acta Arachn., 56 (1): 16-19, f 5-13, 16-19. By courtesy.
Epocilla aurantiaca (Simon,
1885)Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 38 (specimens "16293 Coll.
Simon. MNHN-Paris)
blairei Zabka, 1985 Zabka 1985. Ann.zool.,
39, 11: 217, ff. 127-131. + Specime misidentified as E.
by Simon, (specimen "22475 Coll. Simon. MNHN-Paris"). In: Proszynski
1984c: 155 By courtesy
Epocilla calcarata Zabka 1985. Annales zoologici, 39, 11: 217, ff. 132-148. © Photo
H.K. Tang. By courtesy.
Epocilla chimakothiensis Jastrzebski 2007a. Acta Arachnologica, 56 (1): 15-16, f 1-4, 14-15. By courtesy.
picturata +b) kalapani: Proszynski
1984c: 39 (from Swatow, China) +b) Tikader B. K. 1977a: 72: 200, figs 23A-B.
Epocilla xylina Simon,
1906 - "18922. Bas. pl. de l'Himalaya /type/. Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 40.Gen. Festucula Simon, 1901 (9
Type species Festucula vermiformis
Simon, 1901.
b) |
Festucula vermiformis +b) sp. : Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003a: 63, f. 241-243 +b) Festucula sp. - Azarkina & Foord, 2014: African Invertebrates 55(2): 353, f. 1-4 - characters. By courtesy .
festuculaeformis : Wesolowska W. 1992. J. African Zool., 106 (1): 46-52, ff. 2-25 +b) 52, f. 1 + . Azarkina & Foord, 2014. African Invertebrates, 55(2): 359, f. 16, 25, 45-60. By courtesy.
Festucula australis: Azarkina & Foord, 2014: African Invertebrates 55(2): 355, f. 14, 22, 27-44.
By courtesy.
Festucula haddadi Azarkina & Foord, 2014: African Invertebrates 55(2): 362, f. 17, 24, 61-76.
By courtesy.
+ |
lineata: Wesolowska W. 1992. J. African Zool., 106 (1): 46-52, ff. 2-25 +b) 52, f. 12, f. 15 + Azarkina, Foord 2014. African Invertebrates, 55(2): 369, f. 104-112. By courtesy.
lawrencei : Wesolowska 1992. J. African
Zool. 106 (1): 50-52, ff. 26-27 + Haddad, Wesołowska 2011.
© Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 70, f 40 +b) Berland L., Millot J. 1941. 12,
2: 345 f. 48 + Azarkina & Foord, 2014: African Invertebrates, 55(2): 365, f. 15, 77-87. By courtesy.
monticola : Berland L., Millot J. 1941. 12,
2: 345 f. 48.
Festucula leroyae Azarkina & Foord, 2014: African Invertebrates 55(2): 366, f. 8-9, 19, 88-103.
By courtesy.
Festucula robustus Azarkina & Foord, 2014: African Invertebrates 55(2): 371, f. 113-128.
By courtesy. Gen. Hakka Berry & Prószynski,
(3 species)
Type species Hakka himeshimensis Berry & Prószynski
himeshimensis Hawaiian
+ USA specimens - Proszynski in: Berry, Prószynski 2001. J. Arachn. 2001,
vol. 29(2):
201-204, figs 1-7. + Marblehead, Essex Co., MA, USA. ©Photo
R. Kaldari. By courtesy.
marshi + yadongensis [?] Peckhams
1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Aris. Lot., 14 (1): 189, t 20,
f 4-4a.
+ Wesolowska W. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 230, f 862-865.+ Hu, J. L. 2001: 399,
f 247.1-7. By courtesy.Gen. Helicius Prószynski,
(4 species)
Type species Helicius cylindratus.
Helicius cylindratus +b) hilaryi: Proszynski
J. 1973b. [Type specimen in Dahl's permanent
slide]. Ann. zool., 30: 125, figs 72-73
+ Yaginuma, Spiders of Japan,1986: 240,
pl 64-3, f 133.4 +b) Żabka, 1981b. Ent.
Basil. 6: 39-40, figs 73-76.
yaginumai : Proszynski
1976: 186 , figs 373-382+b) ©Ono, Ikeda, Kono. 2009: 568, pl 44-8-9
+ 94-96. By courtesy.
chikunii: Logunov,
Marusik, 1999b. Acta Arachn. 48 (1): 25-27, f 5,10-13 +Ono, Ikeda, Kono 2009:
568, f 91-93.
Two version of THE SAME ORIGINAL PUBLICATION purporting to describe Helicius kimjoopili, differing by diagnostic drawings of two different species, that on plate a) being apparently Plexippoides
regius, that on b) belongs presumably to the genus Nandicius, certainly not Helicius(!): a) one version of the paper Kim 1995. Korean Arachn. 11(2): 1-5, f 1-4 + b) another version "of the same paper + c) mislead by the above, synonymy "Pseudicius" "kimjoopili" (syn. Helicius k.) MISIDENTIFIED and MISMATCHED: Suguro, Yahata: Act. Arachn. 67(2): 87-97, f 2-9. Data received by courtesy of Mr. Suguro.
Gen. Heliophanillus Prószynski,
1989 (5 species)
Type species Heliophanillus fulgens.
fulgens : Type Species [compare
Icius] Proszynski 2003b. Ann. zool. 2003: 71-72, f 261-268
+ ©Photo B. Knoflach. By courtesy.
lucipeta: [comb. Heliophanus?, Pseudicius?, Icius?]:
Wesolowska 1988a. Ann. zool., 41: 395-397, ff. 1, 2-9.
Heliophanillus suedicola
: from Aden - Wesolowska, van Harten 1994.86: 33, fig. 68-74. Wesolowska, van Harten 2002. Faun. Arab. 19: 378, figs 30-32. By courtesy.
+  |
[?] conspiciendus + metallifer: Wesolowska, van Harten. United Arab
Emirates, 2010: 3: 34, f 17-21 + 35, f 22-24. By courtesy.
Gen. Heliophanus Koch
C.L., 1833
(143 species)
Type species Heliophanus cupreus.
Subgen. Heliophanus (Heliophanus) Wesołowska,
1986 (81 species)
(Heliophanus) cupreus:
Zabka M. 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 5-187, figs 148-156 (Type Species). ©Photo A. Senglet.
(H.) aeneus +b) apiatus :
Zabka 1997. F. Polski 19: 5-187, f 132-139.+ ©photo B. Knoflach +b) Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1: 10, 39-40, ff. 447-455, + ©Photo
J. Lissner. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) curvidens : Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici: 72-73, figs 269-272
+b) ©Photo
Antoine Senglet. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) auratus : Wesolowska W. 1986. Annales zoologici, 40, 1: 10, 212, f 629-639 + Zabka M. 1997. Fauna Polski 19: 56, f 140-147
+ ©Photo
Antoine Senglet. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) melinus : :
Wesolowska W. 1986. Annales zoologici, 40, 1: 220, f 741-751. + © Photo A.Senglet + J. Lissner. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) mordax :
Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003a: 53, 1: 79, f 303-308 + © Photo A.Senglet. By courtesy..
(H.) activus +b) agricola :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 224, f. 795-802 + 10, 209-210, ff.
+ Wanless 1984c. Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr. Cent., 241: 70-73, f 23a-g + ©Photo Antoine
Senglet. By courtesy.
(H.) agricoloides :
Wunderlich J. 1987: 277-278, f 695-698. + ©Photo J. Lissner.t. By courtesy.
(H.) auratus + aviculus :Zabka
1997. F. Polski 56, f 140-147 + ©Photo Antoine Senglet +Wesolowska
Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 29, ff.` 279-288. By courtesy.
b) c) |
(H.) baikalensis +b) butemboensis +c) conspicuus :
Proszynski. 1979. Ann. zool., 34: 308, ff. 98-100
+ Wesolowska 1986.
Ann. zool., 40, 1: 1: 10, 45, ff. 536-537 + Marusik, Cutler 1989. A. arachn.
37: 54, figs 4-7 +b) Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8,
24, ff. 199-200 +c) Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 41-42,
ff. 487-491, 901-map.10. By courtesy.
(H.) creticus: Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 40-41, f 467-475. By courtesy.
(H.) dampfi + camtschadalicus + deamatus :
Proszynski J. 1979. Ann. zool. 34: 309, f. 103 + 309, f. 103
+ Zabka 1997. F. Polski 19: 5-187, figs 157-165 + ©Photo Photo J.
Lissner +b) Wesolowska, Marusik 1990: 91, f. 1-5
+ Peckhams 1903. 14 (1): tab. 20, figs 3a-c. By courtesy.
(H.) decoratus: Proszynski
2003a. Annales zoologici. 53 (1): 73-75, figs 273-280. By courtesy
(H.) dubius : Zabka
M. 1997. F. Polski 19: 5-187, figs 166-173.+ ©Photo
J. Lissner. By courtesy.
c)  |
(H.) dunini +b) koktas +c) falcatus: Rakov, Logunov
1996a. Arthr. Sel. 5 (3/4): 80-82, figs 51-54,
59-60, 61 +b) 89, figs 87-96.
+c) Wesolowska 1986. Ann.s zool., 40, 1: 9, 35, f. 367-375. By courtesy
(H.) dux :Wesolowska,
van Harten 1994. Yemeni-Germ. Plant Prot. Proj. 86: 35, fig. 75-83.
By courtesy
(H.) encifer: Proszynski
2003a. Annales zoologici. 53 (1): 77, figs 287-291. By courtesy
(H.) equester : Proszynski
2003a. Annales zoologici.: 77-78, f 292-295 + ©Photo A. Weinstein.
By courtesy.
(H.) flavipes : Zabka 1997. F. Polski 19: 5-187,
figs 174-181 + ©Photo
A. Senglet + J. Lissner. By courtesy.
(H.) cassinicola : Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool.,
40, 1: 8, 28, ff. 261-278, 917 + ©Photo B. Knoflach. By
(H.) forcipifer +b) gladiator :Rakov,
Logunov 1996a. Arthr. Sel. 5 (3/4): 88-89, figs 61, 76-83
+b) Wesolowska 1986. Annales zoologici, 40, 1: 10, 38, ff. 434-437. By
(H.) glaucus +b) hamifer +c) harpago +d) ibericus :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 208, ff. 558,
567-569 +b) 9, 37,
ff. 420-431 +c) 9,33, ff. 341-345 +d) 10, 209, ff. 585-588 By courtesy.
(H.) imerinensis +b) improcerus +c) innominatus :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 37, f 412-419
+b) 9, 35,
ff. 376-383, 921 +c) 9, 38, ff. 432-433. By courtesy.
(H.) kankanensis +b) lawrencei +c) mauricianus +d) maralal[?] :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1:
9, 36, ff. 384-400, + 9, 34, ff. 359-366,
+9, 36, ff. 401-411 +d) Wesolowska 2003. 14(2): 272-273, figs 73-74. By courtesy.
(H.) kochii :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 217, f 702-717 + ©Photo
Senglet + J. Lissner. By courtesy.
(H.) lineiventris : Proszynski
1982.. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. hung., 74: 1982: 283-284, ff. 28, 31, 35
+ ©Photo
J. Lissner. By courtesy.
(H.) montanus +b) ndumoensis :Wesolowska
2006b. Afr. Ent., 14 (2): 233-234, f 38-39 +b) Wesołowska, Haddad
2013: 54 (1): 205-206, f 12, 82–85. By courtesy.
(H.) orchesta :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann.
zool., 40, 1: 9, 30, ff. 295-309 + ©Photo
T. Szuts. By courtesy.
(H.) parvus:
Wesolowska, van Harten 2002. F. Arabia 19: 379, f 33-37 + ©Photo
B. Knoflach. By courtesy
(H.) patagiatus Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 221, ff. 752-759 + ©Photo B. Knoflach. By
(H.) potanini +b) pratti :
Proszynski 1982. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. hung. 74: 284-285, ff. 29,
+ Wesolowska 1981. Ann. zool., 36, 1: 133-134, f 14-17 +b) 1986, 40, 1:
10, 39, ff. 442-446
(H.) ramosus +b) semirasus +c) robustus +d) comorensis :Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 42, ff. 503-506 +b) 9, 34, ff. 354-358 +c) Wesołowska, Russel-Smith 2011. Ann. zool. 61(3): 573-574, f 69-74, 225 +d) Dierkens, 2012: 72-73, f 7-11. By courtesy.
(H.) rufithorax :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 218, ff. 718-725 + ©Photo A.
Senglet. By courtesy.
(H.) simplex :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 210, ff. 601-611 + ©Photo
J. Lissner. By courtesy.
(H.) sororius +b) splendidus +c) tristis +d) wesolowskae :
Wesolowska 2003a. Genus, 14(2): 286-287, f 122-126 + Wesolowska, Haddad C.R., 2014. Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 246-247, f 33 +b) 287-289, figs 127-132
+d) 289-289, figs 133-134. Rakov, Logunov 1996. Arthr. Sel.
5 (3/4): 101, f 61, 140-145. By courtesy
(H.) tribulosus :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 42, ff. 492-502+ ©Photo A.
Senglet + J. Lissner.
(H.) transvaalicus +b) turanicus +c) excentricus :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 33, ff. 346-353
+b) Rakov, Logunov 1996a. Arthr.
Sel. 5 (3/4): 99, figs 21, 30, 55-56, 132-136 +c) Ledoux, 2007.
17(2): 27-28,
f 25 + Dierkens 2012. 71, 4-6. By courtesy.
(H.) ussuricus + verus: Proszynski
1982. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. hung. 74: 285, f 30 + 1979 Ann. zool., 34: 310, + © Ono,
Ikeda, Kono 2009: 572. + Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 224, f. 795-802.
By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) capicola +b) deformis :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 225, ff. 807-813 + Wesołowska, Haddad C.R., 2014. Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 237-238, f 24, 25+b) 11, 226, ff. 819-824.
. By courtesy
(Heliophanus) difficilis +b) africanus +c) feltoni :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool.,40, 1: 11, 226, f 825-827
+b) 11, 224, ff. 803-804 +c) Logunov, 2009. Turkey. Contrib. Nat. History 12:
901-903, 1-5, map 1..
(Heliophanus) acutissimus +b) menemeriformis
+c) chovdensis :
Wesolowska. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 222, f 762-765 +b) 230, f 866-870
Proszynski 1982. Ann. hist. nat. Mus.
hung.: 283, f. 34 + Rakov, Logunov
1996a: Arthr. Sel. 5 (3/4): 70-70, figs
By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) iranus +b) pauper Wesolowska 1986. Ann.
zool., 40, 1: 11, 223, f 776-786 +11, 228-229, f 850-851 .
(Heliophanus) abditus +b) xerxesi :
Wesolowska. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 221, ff. 760-761
+ .Wesolowska, van Harten. UA Emir., 2010: 3: 36-37 +b) Logunov, 2009.
Contrib. Nat. History 12: 905-907, 13-17.
(Heliophanus) gramineus +b) konradthaleri:
Wesołowska & Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 204-205,
f 11, 80,
81 +b) Logunov, 2009. Turkey. Contrib. Nat. History 12: 903-905, 6-12. By
(Heliophanus) infaustus [s. orchestioides] +b) kittenbergeri
+c) vittatus [misplaced]: Wesolowska 2012a.
zool. 20(2):
328-329 + Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 32, ff. 327-340 + Wesolowska,
Cumming 2008. Ann. zool.
f 44-49 +b) Caporiacco. 1947: fig 68 +c) Denis, 1958.
Videns. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren.: 106, f. 35. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) lesserti +b) machaerodus : Wesolowska 2011.
© Genus, 22(2): 315-316, f 20-24, 88 + Wesolowska W. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 31,
ff. 320-326 +b) 11, 219, ff. 726-732. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) malus : Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 223, f 787-788,
+ Proszynski. Ann. zool.. 2003a: 79, figs 300-302. By courtesy.
Heliophanus (Heliophanus) pygmaeus + similior [misplaced] + sp : Wesolowska W. 2004b.15(2): 275-280, f 1-13 +b) Ledoux, 2007. Rev. Arachn. 17(2):
30-31, f 27, 28, 29C +31, f 27c-d, 29e. By courtesy.
(Heliophanus) stylifer +b) tenuitas +c) variabilis :
Wesolowska W. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 10, 43, ff. 507-513
+b)Wesolowska 2011. © Genus, 22(2): 318-319, f 28-31 +c) Ledoux, 2007. Rev.
Arachn. 17(2): 25, f 25 [sic! =26], 30. \\\
Heliophanus mucronatus : Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1:
11, 227, ff. 837-842. By
Subgen. Heliophanus
(Helafricanus) Wesołowska, 1986 (49
(H-afr.) patellaris +b) (H-afr.) saudis :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1: 8, 22, ff. 163-175 +Wesołowska, Haddad C.R., 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 245-246, f 30-31, 49-55 +b) Proszynski 1989. Fauna Saudi Arabia. 10: 37, figs 5-8 + Wesolowska, van Harten 1994: 40-42, f 86-92. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) aethiopicus +b) anymphos +c) bolensis +d) kovacsi :
Wesolowska 2003. Genus, 14(2): 250-253,
figs 1-9 +b) 253-254, f 10-13 +c)
254-256, figs 14-20 +d) 268-270, figs 62-66.. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) brevis + bisulcus :
Wesolowska W. 2003. Genus, 14(2): 256-257, figs 21-24 +b) Haddad, Wesołowska
2013: 24(3-4): 478-479, f 40-43, 52. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) congolensis +b) jacksoni :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8, 19-20, ff. 124-132, + Wesołowska 2011.
39: 482-483, f 1-610, 209-210, ff. 589-600. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) debilis: Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8, 21, ff. 148-162. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) demonstrativus +b) edentulus :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8, 19, ff. 118-123 +b) Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool..
53, 1: 75-77, f 281-286 + Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 98, 217, table 63a-h. By
(H-afr.) fascinatus +b) giltayi :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8, 23, f. 186-198 +b) 9, 24, ff. 201-209.
Heliophanus (Helafricanus) furvus : Wesolowska, Haddad C.R., 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 239-241, f 26, 27, 34–40.
(H-afr.) hastatus +b) heurtaultae :
Wesolowska 2003. Genus, 14(2): 263-265, figs 43-48
+b) Rollard, Wesolowska 2002. Zoosystema, 24 (2): 293, f 8A-F, 9A-D.
(H-afr.) proszynskii :
282-284, figs 108-113 + Wesolowska, Haddad 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 245-246, f 32, 56–61.
(H-afr.) kilimanjaroensis +b) kenyaensis :Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 28, ff. 259-260 + 9, 26, ff. 240-252
. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) leucopes +b) megae +c) nanus +d) pistaciae
Wesolowska 2003a. Genus, 14(2): 270-270, f 67-72
+ 274, f 75-80 + 274-276,
f 81-86 + 280-282, f 101-107 + 282-284, figs 108-113. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) minutissimus +b) xanthopes c) paulus: Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 57 +b) Wesolowska 2003a. Genus, 14(2): 291-293, figs 138-145 +c) Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8, 22, f 180-185. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) rutrosus +b) validus :Wesolowska
2003a. Genus, 14(2): 284-286, f 114-121
+b) Wesolowska 1986.
Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 27, ff. 253-258, 907. By courtesy.
(H-afr.) trepidus :
Proszynski 1987: 57 + Wesolowska W. 1986. Annales zoologici, 40, 1: 8, 20, ff. 133-147, 908-map + Wesolowska W. 2003a. Genus, 14(2): 290-291, figs 135-137.By courtesy.
(H-afr.) undecimmaculatus:
.Wesolowska 1986. Ann.
zool., 40, 1: 8, 18, ff. 105-117 Wesolowska W., A. Russel-Smith, 2000. Tropical Zoology, 13 (1): 38, figs 71-72. By courtesy.
+ |
(H-afr.) activus : Wesolowska W. 1986. Annales zoologici, 40, 1: 11, 224, f. 795-802, 906-map + Saaristo, 2010: 185, f. 27.57-63. By courtesy . By courtesy.
> |
(H-afr.) transversus :
Wesolowska W., Haddad C.R., 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 248-250, f 62–68. By courtesy. By courtesy.
Heliophanus (Helafricanus)
papyri +b) erythropleurus +c) villosus +d) crudeni
: Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1:
11, 221, ff. 760-761 +b) 11, 226, f 828.
+c) 8, 22, ff. 176-179 +d) 9, 26, f 231-239, 912. By
(Helafricanus) aberdarensis +b) imperator: Wesołowska & Haddad 2013. Afr. Invert.: 54 (1): 202-203, f 72–79 +b) Wesolowska 2003a. Genus, 14(2): 263-266, figs 49-54 (female described
in H. gladiator). By courtesy.
(Helafricanus) canariensis +b) alienus : Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 222, ff. 766-774 +b) 11, 225, ff. 805-806. By courtesy.
(Helafricanus) insperatus +b) marshalli
+c) soudanicus : Wesolowska 2003. Genus, 14(2): 268, figs 55-61
+b) Wesolowska 1986.
Ann. zool., 40, 1: 8, 16, ff. 75-78 + Peckham, Peckham 1903. 14 (1): tab.
20, figs 5-5 +c) Berland, Millot 1941.
12, 2: 324 f. 27. By courtesy.
(Helafricanus) modicus +b) nobilis :
Wesolowska W. 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 9, 25, ff. 215-225 +b) Wesolowska W.
2003. Genus, 14(2): 276, figs 87-90. By courtesy.
Subgen. Heliophanus
(Heliocapensis) Wesolowska, 1986
(13 species)
(H-cap) peckhami +b) termitophagus: Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1: 8, 13, ff. 18-38 +b)
Wesolowska, Haddad 2002. Trop. Zool. 15 (1): 197-207, f 1-4 [incl.
environment - termite mound]. By courtesy.
(H-cap) capensis +b) mirabilis +c) charlesi :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1: 8, 12-13, ff. 12-17 b) Wesolowska +Haddad
2013 Trop. Zool. : 24(3-4): 480-481 , f 44-47, 53 +c) Wesolowska 2003. Genus,
14(2): 259-261, f 30-35.
(H-cap) claviger +b) deserticola :
Wesołowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert. 50(1): 41-42, 68-72
+ Wesolowska
1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1:
8, 15, ff. 54-63 +b) 8, 12, ff. 4-9.
By courtesy.
(H-cap) eucharis +b) portentosus +c) redimitus +d) thaleri:
Wesolowska W. 1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1: 8, 15,
ff. 64-69 +b) 8, 14,
ff. 45-49 +c) 8,
12, f. 10-11 8, 12, f. 10-11 +d) 2009c. S.A. Contrib. Nat. Hist.
12: 1409-1411, f 1-5.
(Heliocapensis) canariensis +b) chicangawanus c) bellus :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 222,
ff. 766-774, 902 +b) 225, f 814-818 +c) 14, ff. 39-44, 914.
By courtesy.
(Heliocapensis) maluti : Wesolowska W., Haddad C.R., 2014 . Lesotho. Afr. Invert. 55 (2), 241-242, f 28, 29, 41–47. By courtesy.
Subgen. Heliophanus (UNCERTAIN) Wesolowska, 1986 (5 species)
b) |
(uncertain) berlandi +b) uvirensis :
Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool. 40, 1: 186, 231 f 871-872 +b) 229, f 852-853.
(uncertain) horrifer +b) macentensis +c) ochrichelis: Wesolowska 1986. Ann. zool., 40, 1: 11, 227, ff. 829-830 +b) 11, 223, ff. 776-786+ c) 11, 228, ff. 848-849. By courtesy.
Gen. Helvetia Peckham & Peckham,
1894 (7 species)
Type species Helvetia santarema.
Helvetia santarema +b) cancrimana +c) zebrina : Galiano 1963d. Rev. Soc.Ent. Argent. 24 (1-4): 2-3, t 1, f 1-10 +b) 363, t. 19, f. 14.+c) Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 362, t. 19, f. 15. By courtesy.
b) |
semialba +b) riojanensis :
Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 342, t. 18, f. 8
+ Galiano M.E. 1965c. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg., 27 (1-4): 47-49, ff. 7-8 +c) 47,
pl. 1, f. 1-6 .
insularis +b) albovittata :
Painting by Kuniko Arakawa + Galiano M.E. 1976c. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg.,
35 (1-4):
54, f. 8-12+b)
Galiano 1963b. Physis, 23 (66): 361-362, t. 19, f. 17 . By courtesy.
Gen. Icius Simon,
(26 species)
Type species Icius hamatus .
Icius (s. str.)
hamatus (Koch C.L., 1846) Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski. 1984. Ann. zool., 3, 13: 350, f. 1-5. By courtesy. ©Photo M. Antoine Senglet. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) subinermis Simon, 1937.
1-Proszynski J. 1976: f 396-402, map 98. By courtesy
2-Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993.
Animalia, 20 (1/3): 122-122, ff. 48-58. 3-©Photo M. Antoine Senglet. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) boryi (Lucas, 1846) Algeria. Proszynski 1987: 48-49 (F - not the type) Salticus boryi Lucas 1846: 157, t 7, f 3.
angustatus+ Icius erraticus+ Icius guyoni Lucas
1846: 167, t 8, f 6 + 149, f 5 + 156, t 7,
f 6..
Icius (s. str.) congener Simon, 1871 S France - coll.Simon, in MNHN-Paris. Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 47. .Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 120-122, ff. 37-45 \ 20 (1/3): 120-122, ff. 37-45
Icius(?) alboterminus [Phintella? a. syn. n.]: Caleb, 2014a: 9 (2): 605-608 f 1-12 (Chennai). By courtesy.
+ | +  |
Icius (s. str.) crassipes (Simon, 1868) Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 47.Alicata
P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 123-122, ff. 46, 59-61 + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 45, 52-52 (male = hamatus?). By courtesy.
Icius insolidus Wesołowska, 1999 Genus, 10(2): 299, figs 158-161 +Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent., 14
(2): 234-237, f 43-52
+ Haddad, Wesolowska 2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 75-76, f 45-46, 55-56. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) insolitus Alicata, Cantarella, 1993 Animalia, 20 (1/3): 127, ff. 47, 62-68 + Logunov, 2015. Arthropoda Selecta 24(1): 47, f. 53-62. By courtesy.
Icius (s. str.) simoni Alicata, Cantarella, 1993. Alicata P., Cantarella T. 1993. Animalia, 20 (1/3): 127-130, ff. 69-76. By courtesy.
Icius nigricaudus Wesolowska, Haddad 2009. Maputaland, S. Africa. Afr. Inv., 50(1): 51, 87-92. By courtesy.
fagei +b ) pulchellus :
Wesolowska 2012b. Genus . 23(2): 208-209, f 19-26 +b) Haddad, Wesolowska 2011.
© Afr.
Invertebr. 52(1): 76-78, f 47, 57-62. By courtesy.
+ |
Icius cervinus + Icius dendryphantoides Simon,
1878. Ukraine: Left Bank. Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 69 + 46.
minimus Wesolowska,Tomasiewicz,
2008.J. Afrotrop. Zool., 4: 19-20, f 72-81 [female dorsal pattern - Pellenes?].
By courtesy.
+ |
ocellatus + I. ildefonsus Pavesi,
1883. Type specimen Proszynski J. 1987. Atlas ...: 56. + Chamberlin
R. V. 1924a. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 12: 679, f. 119.
Icius olokomei : Ann. zool. 61(3): 577, f 80-81[-82], 227. By Wesolowska, Russel-Smith. By courtesy.
Icius peculiaris Wesolowska,Tomasiewicz, 2008. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, 4: 19-20, f 82-86. By courtesy.
steeleae Logunov,
2004d. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 13 (3), 86-87, f. 3-6. By courtesy
+ Wesolowska 2011b. Uganda: Lake Victoria. J. Arachnol. 39: 485, f 14-20, 34. By courtesy.
Icius mbitaensis Wesolowska, 2011b. Kenya: Lake Victoria. J. Arachnol. 39: 483-484, f 7-13, 33 . By courtesy
Gen. Kupiuka Ruiz, 2010 (8 species)
Type species Kupiuka
extratheca +b) adisi +c) heteropicta +d) murici :Ruiz,
2010. Zootaxa, 2630: 58-60, f 1-7 +b) 65, f 25–26
+c) 62- 64, f 17–22+d) 60, 8–11 [All © Magnolia Press]. By courtesy.
overalli +b) paulista +c) taruman +d) vochysiae :
Ruiz, 2010. Zootaxa, 2630: 561, 12-14 +b) 64, f 23–24
+c) 61-62, f. 15–16 +d) 66, f 27–28 [All © Magnolia Press]. By
Gen. Marchena Peckham,
Peckham, 1909
(1 species)
Type species Marchena minuta .
> |
Marchena minuta: Maddison 1987. Brit. Arachol. Bull.: 101, ff. 1-5, 9-10 + Peckhams 1909. 16(1):
513, t 40,
f 9-10, t 42, f 4-5. Palp resembling Pseudicius cinctus group,
stridulatory rugosity, but no row of spines
Marchena rugosa:
syn. n. Icius rugosus Suguro & Nagano, 2015: Acta Arachnologica, Tokyo 64(2): 92, f. 1-13. By courtesy. Transfer tentative Prószyński 2016a (online).
Gen. Matagaia Ruiz,
Brescovit & Freitas, 2007
(1 species)
Type species Matagaia chromatopus .
Matagaia chromatopus Ruiz, Brescovit, Freitas 2007 Rev. brasil. Zool. 24: 772, f 1-9. By courtesy.
Gen. Menemerus Simon,
1868 (52 species)
Type species Menemerus semilimbatus.
 > Menemerus semilimbatus.
Proszynski. Annales zoologici. 2003: 95-97, figs 375-385Br/> + ©Phot J. Lissner. By courtesy.
animatus + M. affinis :
Proszynski.Ann. zool. 2003a: 90-91, figs 347-348, 357-359.
Wesolowska, van Harten, 2010 2010: 3: 37, f 31-36. By courtesy.
Menemerus arabicus Prószynski,
1993 .Fauna of Saudi Arabia. 13: 37-39, ff. 16-19, figs 345-346, 351-353+ 97, figs 347-348, 357-359. By courtesy.
Menemerus bifurcus Wesolowska, 1999. Genus, Wroclaw, 10(2): 262-266, figs 22-28, 30-34. By courtesy.
Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831)
Ann. zool., 2003: 97, figs 341-344. + Wesolowska W. 1999.
Genus, 10(2): 267-271,
figs 34-47
+ Jaluiticola hesslei Roewer, 1944a: 9, f. 4 + Queensland: Brisbane. ©Phot R. Whyte . By courtesy.
brevibulbis : Proszynski 1984c: 84 (Lectotype) + Wesolowska 1999. Genus 10(2): 271-274, f 48-57. By courtesy.
carlini +b) M. congoensis +c) cummingorum:
Peckham, Peckham 1903
14 (1): tab. 23, figs 6-c + Wesolowska 1999b. Genus,, 10(2): 274-276, figs 58-61 +b) 276-279, figs 67-71, 72-77 +c) Wesolowska, 2007. Genus, 18(3): 518-520, f 1-7. By courtesy
 > |
congoensis Wesolowska 1999. Genus, 10(2):
276-279, figs 67-71, 72-77. By courtesy.
davidi :.
Proszynski. Ann. zool. 2003a: 90-91, f 345-346, 351-353+ 97, f 347-348,
357-359 + Wesolowska. 1999. Genus, 10(2): 279-281, f 78-89. By courtesy.
> |
desertus + M. dimidius Wesolowska W. 1999. Genus, 10(2):
283, figs 90-96. By courtesy
(Schmidt, 1976) Wesolowska W. 1999. Genus, 10(2): 283-285, figs 97-104. By courtesy.
eburnensis + M. errabundus Berland, Millot, 1941 Wesolowska W. 1999b.
Genus, 10(2): 285-288, f 105-119 +
Logunov, 2010 Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. (2010) 15 (3),
15(3): 86, f 1-6. By courtesy.
fagei: Proszynski.
Ann. zool. 2003a:90-91, figs 345-346, 351-353+ 97, figs 347-348, 357-359. By
falsificus + M. fulvus Simon, 1868 Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici:
97, figs 390-393. By courtesy
(Koch L., 1878) Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987.Annales zoologici, 41, 2: 92-96,
figs 145-159.
formosus + M. legalli + regius + M. guttatus Wes.,
1999 Genus, 10(2): 292-294, f 134-141 + 10(2): 294-296, f 142-147+ 325-328, figs 245-251
+ Berland,
Millot, 1941 Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. 12, 2: 350 f. 57.
illigeri + M. mauritanicus Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici:
94-95, figs 349-350, 354-356.
Proszynski 2003b (drawn prior to 1997),
By courtesy.
lesnei + M. magnificus + M. lesserti + M. meridionalis Wesolowska 2006b. Afr. Ent., 14 (2): 243-244, f 78-82 + Wesolowska 1999b.
Genus, 10(2): 304-305, f 177-181 + 300-302, f 162-170 + 302-304, f
171-176 + 307-309, f 188-191
Menemerus marginatus (Kroneberg,
1875) Proszynski J. 1979. Annales zoologici, 34: 313, f 200-206. + Ann. zool. 2003a:90-91,
figs 345-346, 351-353+ 97, figs 347-348, 357-359. By courtesy.
minshullae + M. mirabilis Wesolowska, 1999 Genus, 10(2): 309-310, figs
192-196. + 306-307, f 182-186.
Wesolowska, 1999 Genus, 10(2): 319, f 197-209.By courtesy .
modestus + namibicus + natalis Wesolowska, 1999
Genus, 10(2): 313-314, f 210-213 + 314-315, f 214-216 + 317, f 217-222.
By courtesy.
nigeriensis + nigli Wesolowska, Russel-Smith, 2011 Ann. zool. 61(3):
580-581, f 93-95 +
Wesolowska, Freudenschuss, 2012 Balochistan. Holotype. Genus: 23(3): 449-453,
f 3-6. By courtesy.
pallescens + paradoxus + patellaris Wesolowska, van Harten, 2007. Fauna
of Arabia, 23: 38, f 103-105.
Wesolowska, van Harten, 1994. Yemeni-German Plant Prot. Proj., 86: 47, figs
99-100 +
Wesolowska, van Harten, 2007 Fauna of Arabia, 23: 226-228, f 106-110. By courtesy.
pilosus + plenus + placidus + pulcher Wesolowska,
1999 Genus, 10(2): 318-320, f 225-231 + 320-321,
f 232-234 +
Wesolowska, 1999.
Genus, 10(2): 322-323, figs 235-238 + .323-325, figs 239-244. By courtesy.
rabaudi + rubicundus + sabulosus Berland, Millot, 1941. Mem. Mus. Nat.
Hist. Natur., 12, 2: 352 f. 55A-C
Wesolowska, 1999 Genus, 10(2): 329, figs 252-255 + 329-330, figs 256-257.
By courtesy.
Menemerus silver + soldanii + tropicus: Wesolowska, 2007
Genus, 10(2): 333, f 268-269 + 334-336, figs 270-276 + 522-524, f 13-21.
By courtesy.
Menemerus taeniatus
Proszynski J. 1979. Ann. zool., 34: 313, figs. 209-216. + 2003a. Ann.
zool.. 97, figs 388-389.
transvaalicus + M. vernei Wesolowska,
1999. Genus, 10(2): 339-341, figs 284-296 + Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.: 98,
f 382-385 Berland, Millot, 1941. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. Paris, 12,
2: 353 f. 55D-G.By courtesy.
utilis + M. zimbabwensis : Wesolowska, 1999 Genus, 10(2): 341-342, figs 297-299
Wesolowska 1999.
10(2): 342-344, figs 300-301 +2007. 18(3): 524-526, f 22-29. By courtesy.
Gen. Mexcala Peckham & Peckham, 1902
(23 species)
Type species Mexcala subinstructus.
rufa +b) elegans : Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 83.Type species + Wesolowska 2009a. Genus, 20: 176-177, f 95-99
+ 158-161, f 2 + Wesolowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Invert. 50(1): 101-104. By courtesy.
agilis + angolensis + fizi: Wesolowska
2009a. Genus, 20: 153-155, f 3-14 + 155-157, f 15-17. +
+ 162-163, f 47-49. By
> |
farsensis + formosa: Logunov
2001b. Arthr. Sel. 10 (1): 61, f 1-3 + Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008.
J. Afr. Zool., 4: 24-26, 95-98. By courtesy.
caerulea + kabon + meridiana + :
Wesolowska 2009a. Genus, 20: 157-158, f 18-29 + 164-166, f 53-61 + 168, f 67-68.
macilenta : Wesolowska
W., A. Russel-Smith. 2000. Trop. Zool., 13 (1): 68-70, f 181-184 + Wesołowska,
Tomasiewicz, 2008. J. Af. Zool. 4: 26, photo 210. By courtesy.
monstrata + namibica :Wesolowska
W., van Harten A. 2007. F. Arabia, 23: 228-229, f 111-117, 18-19
+ Wesołowska 2009a. Genus, 20: 170, f 77-79. By courtesy.
nigrocyanea +ovambo + quadrimaculata + signata +
: Wesołowska 2009a. Genus, 20: 171-173, f 80-83 + 173-174, f 84-87
+ 174-176,
f 88-94 + 177-179, f 100-103. By courtesy.
smaragdina +Mexcala sp :
Wesołowska, Edwards 2012. Ann. zool.: 62(4): 752-753, f 66–69, 127
+ Wesołowska 2009a. Genus, 20: 184-185, f 123-126. By courtesy.
synagelese + torquata + vicina :
Wesolowska 2009a. Genus, 20: 179-181, f 104-113 + 181-182,
f 114-119
+ 182-184, f 120-122.
By courtesy.
Gen. Natta Karsch,
1879 (3 species)
Type species Natta horizontalis.
borreyi: Berland, Millot, 1941 Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., 12, 2: 326 f. 29.
chionogastra : Proszynski 1985a. Ann. zool. 39, 2: 82-83, f 32, 35-38 + 1984c: 88. Wesolowska W. 1993a. Genus, 4 (1):
18-25, figs 1-16. ©Haddad, Wesolowska 2011. © Afr.
Invertebr. 52(1): 90, f 74-75. By courtesy.
horizontalis: Proszynski
1985a. Ann. zool. 39, 2: 82-83, f 32, 35-38 + 1984c: 88. ©Photo B.
Knoflach..Gen. Ogdenia Peckham & Peckham, 1908 (1
Type species Ogdenia
Ogdenia mutilla : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 125. By courtesy.
Gen. Orsima Simon,
1901 (3 species)
Type species Orsima constricta .
Orsima ichneumon: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 90. By courtesy.
+  |
Orsima constricta: Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 70. Zabka M. 1992b. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 9 (1): 11-12, f 7-9.
Berland L., Millot J. 1941. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., 12, 2: 325, f 28a-b. By courtesy
Orsima ichneumon : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 20.("20727 Cosmophasis ichneumon E.S. Padang/W, coll Simon") Zabka M. 1992b. BZabka M. 1992b. Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. 9 (1): 11-12, f 10-17 + Murphy F. and J. 2000. Malaysian Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, 2000: 311-312. By courtesy.
+  |
thaleri + Orsima sp. (alarmed) : Prószynski, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012 Arthr. select. 21(1): 53-54, f 127-129. +
©Photo D. & F. Knowles. By courtesy.
Gen. Paraheliophanus
Clark, Benoit, 1977
Type species Paraheliophanus subinstructus.
subinstructus + jeanae + sanctaehelenae:
Clark, Benoit 1977. Ann. Mus. roy. afr. centr. (Zool.-Ser. 8), 220: 92, f
37a-d. + 93, f 38 + 95, f 39a-d. By courtesy.
Clark, Benoit 1977. Ann. Mus. roy. afr. centr. (Zool.-Ser. 8), 220: 96, f
40a-c. By courtesy.
Gen. Phintella Bösenberg,
Strand, 1906 (49 species)
Type species Phintella bifurcilinea.
bifurcilinea : paralectotype (1-3) + Goto Is. Proszynski J. 1983d + Acta arachnol.: 7, f. 1-11 + Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987: 103-105, ff. 184-192. By courtesy. .
Phintella abnormis: Bohdan., Proszy. 1987. Ann. zool., 41, 2: 100-103, f 172-179.Proszynski
1983d. Acta arachnol. : 6, f. 15-16.
Phintella accentifera: Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 156
aequipes: Prószynski 1984c: 106
+Wesolowska, Haddad 2009. Afr. Inver., 50(1): .69, f 134-135 + Wesolowska, Cumming 2008. Ann. zool. 58: 203-205, 113-121.. By courtesy. .
Phintella arenicolor : Proszynski J. 1971d. Annales zoologici, 28: 207, f 1-6.
Logunov, Wesolowska 1992.
Ann. Zool. Fennici, 29: 135-137, f 26. ©Ono,
Ikeda, Kono. Salticidae of Japan. 2009: 572, pl 45-7. .
+ |
argenteola + P. assamica: Proszynski
1984c: 107 + Prószynski, 1992. Annales zoologici, 44, 9: 196-197, f 132-133.
australis: Wesolowska 2012a : 20(2): 332, f 24-29. Supposed synonym
(by Clark 1974) Almota quini: - Peckham, Peckham 1903.Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Aris. Let., 14 (1): 194, tab. XX, figs 1..
Phintella bifurcata: Prószyński,1992. 1992b. Annales zoologici, 44, 9: 196-197, f 134-140 .
Phintella caledoniensis: Patoleta, 2009. Genus: 20(3): 540-543, f 1-7. By courtesy.
Phintella castriesiana: Proszynski J. 1979. Annales zool., 34:1979: 310-311, f 138-142 - comp. spec. from Rumania
+ Proszynski J. 1979. Annales zoologici, Warszawa, 34:1979: 310-311, f 131-137 specimen from E Russia: Primore.
Metzner H. 1999. Andrias 14: 88, 207, t 53a-j, map 57. Specimen from Greece. Photo J. Holstein. By courtesy.
cavaleriei: Wesolowska, 1981b. Annales zoologici: 134, f. 18-21. By courtesy..
clathrata : Syntypes - Burma, Oates, coll. Thorell, Mus. Stockholm. Proszynski 1984c: 107.
+ |
Phintella conradi + Icius glaucochirus: Prószynski,
Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012. Arthr. select. 21(1): 55-56, f 141-145
Sumatra: Mt. Singalang "Maevia glaucochira Thor. Holotype , Sumatra". Proszynski 1984c: 69.
Phintella coonooriensis: Prószynski, 1992a. Annales zoologici, 44, 8: 100-101, f 46-53. By courtesy .
Phintella debilis : From
Vietnam. Zabka M. 1985. Annales zoologici, 39, 11: 425-426, ff. 408-419, m. 29.
From India Proszynski J. 1992b. Annales zoologici, 44, 9: 198-199, f 141-145.
By courtesy.
dives : Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 108. Specimen #11294 Philippines: Manila, Antipolo, coll. Simon, MNHN . .
guineensis : Wesolowska, Wisniewski, 2013. Holotype + Paratype.
GUINEA, Kéoulenta .
coll. M. Lamotte (NHM London).Genus 24(2): 247-250, f 1-9. By courtesy. .
Phintella hainani : Song D., Gu M., Chen Z., 1988. The Spiders of China: 539, f 307P-Q. By courtesy .
+ |
incerta + indica : Wesolowska, Russel-Smith, 2000. Tropical Zoology, 13 (1): 82, f 217-220 + Wesolowska 1986: 230, f 862-865. By courtesy.
Phintella lajuma: Haddad, Wesolowska, 2013: 24(3-4): 492-494, f 78-79, 94. By courtesy. .
linea : Proszynski 1973b. Annales zoologici, 30: 113, f 42-43.
Proszynski 1983d. Acta arachnol. Osaka: 6, 11, f 12-13.Logunov, Wesolowska.
1992. Ann. Zool. Fennici, 29: 138-139, f 30-31..
> |
longirostris: Proszynski J. 1984c. Atlas ...: 106.( Euophrys linea Karsch - lectotype Syntypes "Telamonia
subsp. longirostris Lessert, MF, Sjostedt"
Mus. Stockholm. Lessert R. 1925a. Rev. suisse zool., 31 (13): 448 figs 26-30..
Phintella lucida : Wesolowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008 Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, 4: 38-39, 147-149. By courtesy..
Phintella lunda : Wesolowska, 2010. Angola: Lunda. Genus 21: 111-114, f 2-9.
macrops : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 109: "17651 Chrysilla macrops ES. Sikkim". Coll, Simon - MNHN Paris..
Phintella melloteei Is it I. difficilis or P. parva ?: Proszynski 1979: 311, f 143-144.
Boesenberg, Strand, E. 1906. Japanische Spinnen. Abh. senck. naturf. Ges., 30: 341, f 379.
Comments: Acc. to Logunov = P. castriesiana = P. abnormis., Proszynski
= Icius difficilis.
monteithi: Żabka,
2012 ©Zootaxa 3176: 62-63, f 8-18. M holotype+paratype, Australia, Queensland.
By courtesy.
+ Photo R. Whyte .
multimaculata : Proszynski
1984c. Atlas ...: 109"17259 Chrysilla multimaculata ES. Kandy! Mutale".
Coll, Simon .
Phintella munita : . Boesenberg W., Strand, E. 1906. Abh. senck. naturf. Ges., 30: 398, fig. 125,126, 374.
Wesolowska, 1981a: 59, f. 34-36. By courtesy.
Phintella nilgirica: Prószynski, 1992a. Annales zoologici, 44, 8: 102-103, f 60-63. By courtesy.
Phintella versicolor [transfer from Chrysilla]: Proszynski J. 1973b. Ann. zool., 30: 107-110, f 25-32. + Maddison 1996. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.: 330, f 17. ©Photo J. Koh, 1989. By courtesy.
Phintella [?] diatreta [described as Viciria d.]: Proszynski J. 1984b. Ann. zool. 37: 18: 432, f 42-43 [India].[+ Caleb and Mathai 2014. JEZS: 2 (5): 63-71Caleb.India : Tamil Nadu, [Chennai]. © Photo J. Caleb. By courtesy.
Phintella anusuae (= syn.Marpissa a.) : Tikader et Biswas 1981. Rec. zool. Surv. India, Occ. Pap., 30: 97, f 18-20.
Phintella jesudasi: Caleb, Mathai, 2014. ©JEZS: 2(5): 63-64, 1-14.
+ © Photo J. Caleb. By courtesy.
Phintella paludosa : Wesolowska, Edwards, 2012. Ann. zool.: 62(4): 756-757, f 80–84, 128. By courtesy.
parva : Wesolowska, 1981)1981a. Annales zoologici: 60, f 45-48 + Logunov, Wesolowska 1992.
Ann. Zool. Fennici, 29: 139-141, f 32-33. By courtesy
Phintella piatensis : Barrion, Litsinger, 1995. Riceland Spiders ... IRRI: .76-77, f 36a-f. By courtesy.
Quick sketch of internal structure of epigyne of the holotype, by J. Proszynski..
Phintella vittata: Zabka M. 1985. Ann.zool. 39, 11: 429-430, f 435-441 + ©Photo J. Koh, 1989. By courtesy..
b) |
aequipeiformis +b) lucai : Zabka, 1985. Ann. zool. 39, 11: 429-430, f 435-441 +b0 430, f 444-446. By courtesy.
Phintella leucaspis: Phintella Bohdanowicz & Prószynski, 1987: 110, 112, f. 214-215. By courtesy.
Phintella minor : Peckham, Peckham 1903. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Aris. Lot., 14 (1): 188, t 19, f 3..
Phintella spp.:[spotted cf vittata] Borneo, Singapore, India .
Phintella sp [Biak]:Freudenschuss, 0 .
Phintella planiceps :Berry, Beatty, Prószynski,1996. J. Arachn. Vol. 24(3): 246-248, f 114-120, map 7. By courtesy.
popovi :Proszynski
1979. Annales zoologici, 34: 311, f 150-153, 310, also: f 130 (as Icius abnormis).
Note femur I dark stripe divided into 2 spots.
Phintella pygmaea : Wesolowska 1981a. Annales zoologici: 49-50, f 11-14. By courtesy. .
Phintella africana : Wesołowska, Tomasiewicz, 2008. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, 4: 37, f 144-146. By courtesy.
Phintella reinhardti: Zabka M. 1988b. Annales zoologici, 41 (14): 465, f 121-122. By courtesy. .
Phintella suavis "#4172 Tel.[amonia] suavis ES. Malacca" Proszynski1984c.
Atlas ... 1984c: 106. .
Phintella suknana Prószynski, 1992b. Annales zoologici, 44, 9: 200, f 146-147. By courtesy.
"Phintella" alboterminus: Caleb, 2014a: 9 (2): 605-608 f 1-12 (Chennai). By courtesy.
Gen. Plesiopiuka Ruiz,
2010 (1 species)
Type species Plesiopiuka simplex.
Plesiopiuka simplex:
Ruiz, 2010. Zootaxa, 2630: 67-68, 29–34. . By courtesy.
Gen. Nepalicius Prószyński, 2016 gen. n. (3
[partial synonym for the
genus Pseudicius (in
Icius nepalicus Andreeva, Heciak & Prószynski, 1984: 372, f. 49-51 (Dm). Icius nepalicus Bohdanowicz & Prószynski, 1987: 71; (Pseudicius nepalicus Prószynski in "NOTICE" distributed with Bohdanowicz & Prószynski, 1987). Pseudicius nepalicus Prószynski, 1992a: 106, f. 67, 69-72 (m).
Type species Nepalicius nepalicus (= syn. Icius nepalicus Andreeva,
Heciak & Prószyński, 1984).
NEPALICIUS nepalicus : Proszynski J. 1992a. Ann. zool., 44, 8: 106-107, f 67, [68?], 69-72. By courtesy.
+b) + |
koreanus :
Proszynski 1987. Ann. zool. 41, 2: 67-71, f 67-73 + Wesolowska 1981a. Ann.
zool.: 60-61, f 52-55 + Peng, Xie, Xiao 1993: 192-194, f 671-679 [MISIDENTIFIED] + Ono,
Ikeda, Kono. Salt. Japan 2009: 570, f 104-106 +b) MISMATCHED GENERA: female Nepalicius koreanus and male Tasa nipponica + male Nepalicius koreanus and female Okinawicius okinawensis: Suguro, Yahata, 2014: 63(2): 87-97, f 25, 27, 28. By courtesy.
seychellensis : Saaristo
2002. 26, f 76-78 + Wanless F.R. 1983. Ann. Mus. roy. Afr. centr., ser. 8. 241:
76-77, f 25a-d.
Gen. Okinawicius Prószyński, 2016 gen. n. (5
[name proposed as partial synonym for the
genus Pseudicius ].
Type species Pseudicius okinawaensis Prószynski,
+ |
+b) |
OKINAWICIUS okinawaensis Proszynski
1992a. Ann. zool., 44, 8: 108, f 98-100 + Ono, Ikeda, Kono 200 : 570,
f 111 +b) MISMATCHED GENERA: male Nepalicius koreanus
and female Okinawicius okinawaensis : Suguro, Yahata, 2014: 63(2): 87-97, f 25, 27, 28. By courtesy.
b) |
sheherezadae +b) sindbadi [conspecific?] : Proszynski J. 1989. F. Saudi Arabia. 10: 49-50, f 46-47 +b) 51-52, f 50-52+ Wesołowska,
van Harten 2007. Fauna of Arabia, 23: 253, f 178-181. By
Okinawicius shirinae +b) delesserti: Proszynski 1989. F. Saudi Ar. 10: 50-51, f 48-49 + c) Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 50 Caporiacco, 1941: 150, f. 65. By courtesy.
Okinawicius[?] vankeeri : Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 2003a: 151-152, f 594, 605-609.[REMARK 1: Enigmatic placement: palp resembling O. deleserti and O. shirinae, epigynal ducts somewhat like Psenuc, habitus? REMARK 2: palp, epigyne and habitus (see above) were drawn by J. Prószyński on specimens from Israel and communicated privately to H. Metzner, who has has published drawing of palp and description of the supposedly the same species from Rhodes as Pseudicius vankeeri, however epigyne was mismatched, later Logunov, 2009: 909, f 28-29 has drawn similar looking (but rather not conspecific) epigyne of a specimen from Turkey]
Proszynski 1992b. Ann. zool.44, 9: 202, f 154. By
: Proszynski J. 1992b. Annales zool. 44, 9: 203, f 155-157 (also in: Proszynski 1984c and 1987 56).
OKINAWICIUS tokaraensis Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987. Ann. zool.: 71-72, f 77-80. By courtesy.
athleta +b) sengwaensis: Wesolowska 2011b. J. Arachnol. 39: 485, f 21-26, 32 +b) Wesolowska & Cumming , 2011: J. Afrotrop. Zool. 7: 93-96, f 70-74. © By courtesy.
Correction of mistaken synonyms
of Japanese Pseudicius
Suguro & Yahata (2014) purported to revise Japanese species of genus Tasa and part of Pseudicius by morphological investigation and molecular analysis using partial sequencing data of m-DNA COI gene. Their opinions relate directly to descriptions of genera presented in this paper.
1. Female of Psudicius koreanus Wesołowska, 1981 cannot by matched with male Tasa nipponica Bohdanowicz, Prószyński, 1987, because absence in the latter of the crucial somatic characters - lateral subocular row of bristles on tubercles, tibia not modified, different body shape and proportions, also palps are incomparable with any of 120 species of "PSEUDICINES".
2. Pseudicius tokaraensis and P. okinawaense differs between themselves distinctly by details of spermathecae and copulatory ducts, which cannot be dismissed as individual variation, evaluation of which require comparison of all ten species of the genus, delimited now as Okinawicius Prószyński, 2016 and distributed from Japan to Africa.
3. Pseudicius kimjoopili (Kim, 1995) was misplaced in the original description, its correct combination is now Plexippoides kimjoopili (Kim, 1995).
4. Pseudicius vulpes (Grube 1861) is transferred now to the genus Orienticius Prószyński, 2016, not related to any "PSEUDICINES".
5. After all these adjustments, the fauna of Japan contains now three species related to Pseudicius:
Nepalicius koreanus (Wesołowska, 1981), Okinawicius okinawaensis (Prószyński, 1992),
O. tokaraensis (Bohdanowicz, Prószyński, 1987).
Documentation of above is shown on drawings below.
+b) |
Figures 136-140. Original illustrations from Suguro & Yahata: "Tasa koreana" = Nepalicius koreanus female and Tasa nipponica - male (136), "Psudicius tokaraensis" = Nepalicius koreanus male and females of both Okinawicius tokaraensis and O. okinawensis (137). Comparison of species documentation by Saguro & Yahata with original documentation: , "Tasa koreana" = Nepalicius koreanus (138), "Pseudicius tokaraensis" = Okinwicius okinawaensis and O. tokaraensis females (139), "Pseudicius kimjoopili" = Helicius kimjoopili (misidentified in the original description, possibly Plexippoides regius) = Plexippoides kimjoopili (Kim, 1995), comb. n. (140). 136-140 (part) - from Suguro and Yahata 2014. © Acta Arachnologica, Tokyo 63(2): 87-97. fig. 9. 138-139 (part) - from Bohdanowicz, Prószyński, 1987. ©Annales Zoologici, 41:
6 and Prószyński 1992, © Annales Zoologici, 44, 8: 108, f 98-100, 7, f. 72-73. 140 (part) - from Helicius kimjoopili Kim, 1995: 2, f. 1-5. By courtesy.
Gen. Psenuc Prószyński, 2016 gen. n. (10
[partial synonym for the
genus Pseudicius].
Type species Psenuc vesporum (Proszynski 1992) |
vesporum: Proszynski 1992a. Annales zoologici, 44, 8:
112-113, f 88-97. By courtesy .
nuclearis : Proszynski J. 1992a. Ann. zool. 44,
8: 107-108, f 85-87 + Berry, Beatty, Proszynski 1998.
J. Arachnol. 26(2): 168-170,
f 55-56, 59, 62-66, By courtesy .
Psenuc vankeeri : Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici. 2003a: 151-152, f 594, 605-609.[REMARK: palp, epigyne and habitus (see above) were drawn by J. Prószyński on specimens from Israel and communicated privately to H. Metzner, who has has published drawing of palp and description of the supposedly the same species from Rhodes as Pseudicius vankeeri, however epigyne was mismatched, later Logunov, 2009: 909, f 28-29 has drawn similar looking (but rather not conspecific) epigyne of a specimen from Turkey].
b) |
PSENUC manilaensis +b)
Proszynski J. 1992a. Ann. zool. 44, 8: 111-112, f 101-103. By courtesy
[AUS-265]: ©Photo R.
Whyte.Australia: NQ Barron Gorge NP 02/03/2012. By courtesy.
b) |
PSENUC courti
+b) originalis :
Zabka M. 1993. Invert. Tax. 7: 282, f 5A-C +b) Zabka 1985. Ann. zool.
39, 11: 231-232, f 233-235.
milledgei : Zabka,
Gray, 2002. Rec. Australian Mus. 54: 272, f 4A-C, 5.. By courtesy
+ |
dependens : Haddad, Wesołowska
2011. © Afr. Invertebr. 52(1): 109-111, f 141-142, 166-170 [syn. Pseudicius
solitarius +b) hongkong : Haddad, Wesołowska 2011. © Afr.
Invertebr. 52(1): 117-118, f 184, 199-201 [syn. Pseudicius s.] +b) Song
D., Zhu M., Chen J. 1999: 532,
f 301F-G. By courtesy.
gyirongensis Hu,
Henan Sci. Techn. Publ. House:
387, f 244.1-3.
By courtesy.
Gen. Pseudicius Simon, 1885 (9
Type species Pseudicius encarpatus [= syn. Aranea encarpata Walckenaer, 1802] .
encarpatus :
Proszynski 1992a. Ann. zool. 44, 8: 102-103, f 104-105 + Andreeva,
Heciak, Proszynski 1984. Ann. zool. 3, 13: 350, f 12-14 + I. Rödel ©Arachnologische
Gesellschaft e.V. +Flanczewska
1981. Ann. zool. 36: 221, f 94-95 + Zabka 1997. F. Polski 19: 5-187,
f 278-289.
By courtesy.
+ |
badius : Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.
53, 1 : 156, f 633-634 +Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 90, 209, f 55a-h . By courtesy
amicus : Proszynski J. 2000. Arthr.
Sel. 8(4): 257-258,
f 99-101. By courtesy .
palaestinensis : Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 152-154, f 598, 601-602, 610-611. By courtesy.
+ |
+ |
courtauldi : Bristowe 1935 (reprinted by Metzner 1999.
Andrias 14: 90-91, 210, f 56a-g) + Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski
1984. Ann. zool. 3, 13: 373, f 57-60 + Wesolowska 1996. Arthr.
Sel. 5 (1/2): 38, f 28a-c + Logunov 1993b.
Sel. 2(1):
51-55, f 4a-j, Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool. 152-154, f 598, 601-602, 610-611.
By courtesy.
picaceus +b) cultrifer :
Flanczewska 1981. Ann. zool. 36: 221, f. 96 + Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski
1984. Ann. zool. 3, 13: 373-374, f 61-62 +b) Metzner 1999. Andrias 14: 91, 210, f 56f-g, map 61 (from di Caporiacco 1948b). By courtesy .
kulczynskii : Andreeva , Heciak, Proszynski 1984.
Ann. zool. 3, 13: 373, f 52-56 + Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.
53, 1: 149-150, f 595-596, 599-600 (left abdomen). By courtesy .
cf. kulczynskii from "Syria": Proszynski 2003a. Ann. zool.
53, 1: 149-150, f 595-596, 599-600 (right abdomen) . . By courtesy .
pseudocourtauldi : Logunov 1998c. Arthr. Sel. 7(4): 303, f 5-8 + Proszynski 2003a. Annales zoologici, 53, 1: 176, f 738-741. By courtesy.
Gen. sp.
: Photo D. Knowles: Indonesia: Bali: Alas Kedaton. By courtesy.
[Comment: classification uncertain, body shape resembling Pseudicius,
tibia I swollen,
color pattern does not resemble any known spider, palps and epigyne not seen,
presence of stridulatory spines under eyes lateral cannot be checked].
Gen. Rudakius Prószyński, 2016 gen. n. (9 species)
[ proposed as partial synonym for the
genus Pseudicius ].
Type species Menemerus cinctus Pickard-Cambridge
O., 1885.
cinctus : Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski 1984. Ann. zool. 3, 13: 351-352, f 20, 23, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 41 + Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 49 [type of P. vittatus]. By courtesy.
afghanicus : Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski 1984. Ann. zool.
3, 13: 352, f. 21, 24, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40 + Proszynski 1987. Atlas ...: 49 [type of P. vittatus]. By courtesy.
spasskyi : Andreeva, Heciak, Proszynski 1984. Ann. zool.
3, 13: 352, f 22, 25-25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 42. By courtesy.
maureri : Proszynski J. 1992a. Annales zoologici, 48, 8:
105-106, f 73-79. By courtesy.
+ |
rudakii +b) admirandus: Proszynski 1992a. Annales zoologici,
44, 8: 110-111, f 80-82
+b) Logunov 2007: Acta arachnologica, 56(1): 21-23, f 1-5 [comparison: P.
rudaki - grey, P. admirandus - white]. By courtesy.
citri +b) ludhianaensis +c) wenshanensis : Sadana 1979
[1980] . Entomologist's month. magaz. 115: 229-230, f 1-5
+b)Tikader 1974b. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 79: 205, f 1-3 +c) He S., Hu J.
1999. A. Arach. Sinica, 8 (3): 32-33, f 1-3 +d) Denis 1958. Videns. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren.: 108, f 40..
By courtesy.
Gen. Spadera Peckham, Peckham, 1894 (1
species) [synonym reinstated]
Spadera unica Peckham & Peckham, 1894: 118, pl. 12, f. 1 (Dm).
Pseudicius unicus Simon, 1901a: 613, 623.
Pseudicius unicus Prószynski, 1987: 51 (m).
Type species Spadera unica Peckham, Peckham, 1894 from Madagascar.
REFERENCES. Proszynski Ann. zool.,1984 - 3, 13: 350, f 12-14; 1992a -
44, 8: 102, f 104-105.By courtesy.
+ |
Spadera unica: Prószynski 1987.
Atlas ...: 51; Peckham, Peckham, 1894 pl. XII, Figs 1a-e. By courtesy .,
Metaphidippus siticulosus (Peckham, Peckham, 1909) comb. n.
(transfer to group of genera
Pseudicius siticulosus Peckham & Peckham, 1909: 495, pl. 39, f. 11 (Df).
Pseudicius siticulosus: Maddison W.P. 1996. Bull. Mus. Com.
Zool. 154 (4): 229, 241, 333, f 43, 119
[COMMENT: Removal from Pseudicius necessary for understanding evolution of that genus, which has never reached Western Hemisphere. Transfer to DENDRYPHANTINES is based on two diagnostic drawings by Dr. W.P. Maddison, publshed in in 1996 (see above), but unfortunately the crucial drawing of internal structures of epigyne was not yet published. Owing to kindness of Dr. Maddison I have seen that drawing in 1986, but I have no permission to display it]..
Gen. Nandicius Prószyński, 2016 gen. n.
(transfer to group of genera
Including species: Pseudicius cambridgei Prószynski, Zochowska, 1981=
Nandicius cambridgei (Prószynski, Zochowska, 1981) comb.
Pseudicius deletus = N. deletus (Pickard-Cambridge O., 1885)
comb. n.,
Pseudicius frigidus = N. frigidus (Pickard-Cambridge
O., 1885) comb. n.,
Pseudicius pseudicioides = N. pseudicioides (Caporiacco, 1935) comb. n.,
Pseudicius pseudicioides = N.
szechuanensis Logunov, 1995) comb. n.
[COMMENT: new photographs by Miss Shazia Quasin demonstrate absence of typical PSEUDICINES characters in one of species of this poorly known spiders, the genitalic structures suggest classification into CHRYSILLINES].
Gen. Orienticius Prószyński, 2016 gen. n. (2
(transfer to group of genera
Including species:
Pseudicius vulpes (Grube, 1861) = Orienticius vulpes (Grube,
1861 comb. n.,
Pseudicius chinensis = Orienticius chinensis (Logunov, 1995)
comb. n.
[COMMENT: Placement in the genus Pseudicius cannot be sustained because of absence of stridulatory row on spines on protuberances below eyes lateral and tibia I not modified, structure of embolus excludes it from the genus Icius.
Gen. Siler Simon,
1889 (10 species)
Type species Siler cupreus.
Siler cupreus: Proszynski
1985a. Ann. zool.70-73, f 1 -11. Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987.41, 2: 125-127,
f 250-251
+ .+ © Ono et
al. 2009: 570, pl 45-1. + Ann. zool.70-73, f
1 -11. Bohdanowicz, Proszynski 1987.41, 2: 125-127, f 250-251
+b) Siler
S. CUPREUS Body coloration shown in Boes, & Str. 1906 resemble
rather several species of transversely striped Phintella, drawings of
palp and epigyne VERY close to S. cupreus !] Boesenberg & Strand
1986: 346, pl. 8, f. 118, pl. 14, f. 368
+Proszynski 1984a. Atlas
... 135 + © Ono
et al. 2009: 570, pl 45-1.
semiglaucus + S. collingwoodi + S. sp.:: Proszynski 1985a. Ann. zool.: 75-76, f 24-26. + Proszynski 1984: Atlas ... 135,
1985a: 73-74, f 16-17 + © Photo Murphy F. and J. By courtesy.
Siler bielawskii: Zabka, 1985 Annales zoologici, 39, 11:446-447, f 567-570. By courtesy
Siler flavocinctus : Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 135;"7474 Cyllob. [ellus] flavocinctus ES. Singapoore!"
+  |
Siler severus +
hanoicus: Proszynski 1984c. Atlas ...: 136 + Zabka 1985: Ann. zool., 39, 11:
447, f 571-572.
Siler lewaense: Prószynski, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2010 Arthropoda selecta, 19(3): 179,130-132. By courtesy.
Siler sp [Hawaii]: Prószyński, 2002 Arthropoda Selecta 10 (3): 225-241, f 81. By courtesy.
weyersi : Proszynski
J. 1985a: 30-31."21277. Cosmophasis weyersi ES. Sumatra /Weyers" .
Gen. Tasa Wesolowska, 1981
(2 species)
Type species Tasa davidi.
Drawings below are integral part of definition.
REMARKS. Suguro and Yahata, 2014: 63(2): 87-97, f 25, 27, 28 match female purporting to be Nepalicius coreanus with male Tasa nipponica as a new combination Tasa coreanica. They argument that this is borne by gene sequencing, but provide no data on taxonomic validity, diversity and stability of the data they rely on. Their matching is not supported by cohabitation of these sexes, nor any other biological or ecological observations, the key characters of these genera are not mentioned in their description. For these reasons their merging of male and female of these species is considered unproven and nomenclatorical proposals rejected.
+c) |
davidi + T. nipponica : Wesolowska
1981b. Ann. zool. 36: 157-159, f 88-92 +b) Bohdanowicz, Proszynski
Ann. zool., 41, 2: 143-144, f 300-303 + Ikeda 1995c. Acta arachn. 44: 163-166,
f 15-20.+ Namkung 2002: 590, f 43.34a-b+c) MISMATCHED GENERA: female Nepalicius koreanus and male Tasa nipponica : Suguro, Yahata, 2014: 63(2): 87-97, f 25, 27, 28. By courtesy.
Gen. Theriella Braul & Lise,
1996 (3 species)
Type species Theriellas galianoae.
Theriella galianoae +b) bertoncelloi : Braul, Lise. 1996. Biociencias 4: 171-177 +b) Braul, Lise 2003. Rev. Iber. Aracnol. 123-126, f 1-13. By courtesy.
Theriella tenuistyla : Galiano M.E. 1970a. Revista Mus. Argentin , Zool. 10(11): 166, f. 1-5, 14-20, 27-29, 32-33. By courtesy.
Gen. Wesolowskana Koçak & Kemal,
2008 (3 species)
Type species Wesolowskana lymphatica.
Wesolowskana lymphatica :
Wesolowska W. 1998. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal, 50 (291): : 127, f. 4-7, 10-11,
14-15, 18-19, 21.
marginella :
Wesolowska W. 1998. Bol. Mus. Mun. Funchal, 50 (291): 126-127, figs 8-9, 12-13,
16-17, 20.
Gen. Yepoella Galiano, 1970 (2 species)
Type species Yepoella crassistyla.
Yepoella sp. [NOT crassistyli!]: Maddison 2015. Journal of Arachnology. 43: 231–292, f. 95. By courtesy.
Yepoella crassistyla Galiano
1970a. Revista Mus. Argentin Cienc. Naturales, Zool. 10(11): 157, f. 6-13, 21-26,
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